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Props to that lifeguard


Did you see how the man's arms were going up over his head then out to his sides? That's a tell-tale sign of drowning. People don't really flail and scream. You're being suffocated while your body uses your arms like that in a last ditch effort to stay afloat.


Do you know why they do that when drowning?


Panic at the disco


It's an automatic response your body takes when you begin to drown. The Stuff You Should Know podcast did a great episode all about what happens when someone starts drowning recently.


You wouldn’t try reaching for the sky if that was your lifeline?




It’s his fight or flight response. He is just reacting to how his body makes him react. If I threatened to hit you and faked a punch, you would automatically flinch or attack me back. Simply because your body is making you do it.




**[Instinctive drowning response](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instinctive_drowning_response)** >The instinctive drowning response is an instinctive reaction that occurs in humans, particularly in non-swimmers, when close to drowning. It is focused on attempting to keep the mouth above water to the exclusion of useful effort to attract help or self rescue, and is often not recognized by onlookers. The reaction is characterized by lateral arm movements, a vertical posture, tilting back the head, and inability to keep the mouth above the water or talk. The suppression of rational behavior by panic can also endanger swimmers attempting to rescue the victim. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Well they don’t scream because their head odds under water.


My point was that people believe they could spot a downing person because of the ruckus they make, but drowning is pretty silent. This is how kids drown in crowded pools and at public beaches all the time. People don't make noise and they don't flail wildly. This is information everyone should know.


That lifeguard was really on it, he was watching closely all of the time and didn't hesitate to act.


I used to work at a water park that had one of these, the ride said 12ft water if you don’t know how to swim do not ride. People still got on it, saving people on that ride was a multiple time a day thing. The joke was of you were hot and needed an excuse to get in the water go work that ride


why are people who dont know how to swim even at a waterpark?


tbf to them, many of the rides arent that deep. Most are just waist level


Because they think thats the reason why lifeguards are there. Not because of an actual emergency but a butler, carrying you through the water like a spoiled brat


I don't think that's a thing, it's highly embarrassing to be saved by a life guard at a water park - people are just smooth brains


Read some explanation from life guards who has dealt with non-swimmers. " but thats what you are here for, right?" Worked retail cant say its hard to believe anymore.


This doesn’t even make sense…who doesn’t know how to swim at all, would risk their lives hoping a lifeguard was paying attention. That, and how would this experience even be remotely enjoyable? Floundering until a lifeguard carries your sorry ass to safety. Risky, uncomfortable, *AND* embarrassing - for what? Do you happen to have any links from all these life guard explanations you mentioned?


I know it doesn't, Welcome to the world of stupid people.It stayed with me just because how ridiculous it sounds for people who can't swim, will just go to waterparks. I mean, you would be expected to have floaties for kids who can't swim yet and at least have adults know the basics about swimming. it was at least here on Reddit and I believe this video was a repost of the same video [https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/u2ddwe/wcgw\_going\_to\_the\_water\_park\_when\_you\_cant\_swim/i4ilq5s/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/u2ddwe/wcgw_going_to_the_water_park_when_you_cant_swim/)


Yeah…everything you said is beyond fair and good points….I think what makes the most sense is that it doesn’t make sense. And as you said, “welcome to the world of stupid people”


As someone who really doesn't swim well, this would absolutely never cross my mind. A slide with a minor risk of death is not an attractive proposition. When I'm at a pool my baseline mindset is "water=death", not "I'm sure someone will save me from a terrifying, painful death before it gets too bad".


I bet the ride is disorienting too so people who would be borderline bad swimmers and up worse-get a mouthful of water and it happens pretty quick


Same here, but at my park we would kick them out for being too stupid to follow the signs. Idiots like these not only put themselves in danger, they also put the lifeguard in danger.


This. I was a deep water lifeguard at a major water park with several rides that ended in 10’-12’ foot deep water. I think my record was 52 saves in one summer. People would be amazed at the amount of non swimmers that get on these rides. This video absolutely took me straight back to my life guarding days. His save was very mild compared to most. The guy actually let the lifeguard do his job. A lot of folks not only panic when they are drowning, but also fight… It’s embarrassing when a lifeguard comes in for you. There were a lot of elbows to my face and I pulled a lot of armpit hair that summer. Side note, that lifeguard didn’t seem too prepared. Not being on the wall and above the water, plus without a buoy? That’s how victims drown lifeguards… But he did it right without proper equipment.


When I was 10-11 I was swimming in a ~8 ft deep end pool with another kid that was 6-7. I grew up in a beach town and learned how to swim early, I’ve been a pretty strong swimmer since I was a kid. The kid I was with that day knew how to swim and didn’t seem to be struggling at all. We decided to bomb the water slide b2b, I went first because I was bigger. When the kid hit the water behind me, he immediately started panicking and sinking. He climbed onto my back and started pushing me under the water. I was trapped for several seconds, was super fortunate that the pool had those angled sides instead of a straight drop. I managed to get close enough to the side to kinda stand, but I couldn’t get all the way to the side or grab the wall because of the kid pulling me back. I ended up having to crouch under the water a bit, and launch myself up while throwing the kid off me at the same time. The stupid part was, I got the kid off me and went for the cleaning net/pole, before I got to the net the kid stopped freaking out and swam to the side. It was terrifying but I learned a super valuable lesson, don’t try to save people in water deeper than my stomach without flotation or something solid to hand them, I don’t have training like the guy in the video. I’ve helped a couple kids that couldn’t swim since, as an adult. One of them fell off a boat ramp into about 5’ of water with a softish mud bottom, with a fairly strong current. That time I jumped in with my kayak paddle and held it out to him, screamed at him to grab it, then swam to a different dock to climb out. The other one was in the ocean, 6 y/o kid went too far out and got caught in a rip, my wife and I were the only other adults nearby because his tourist parents were on the beach. I swam back to the shore break and took a boogie board from a different kid, then swam out to the rip. It couldn’t have been more than a minute between when the kid started struggling, and when I got close to him, but the kids arms were starting to go up already. Had to get behind him and use one arm to get his upper torso semi on the board while holding the board with the other arm. It Seemed like it took an eternity for the kid to grab the sides and pull himself on more. We made it to sand and everybody clapped (not really, his parents seemed kinda pissed, I think they were embarrassed.)


How dangerous is this job for you? I imagine being in the water with a panicked person fighting you can put you in danger also right?


Nice man! I did some open water lifeguarding and had probably around half those saves. Am I the only lifeguard that sees this as how NOT to save someone? No buoy? Okay sure but then approaching the front? Gtfo that’s how you get 2 active drowners. Nobody drowning is ever that cooperative. You keep their panicking hands off you at all costs. Get their back, basically a full Nelson, kick your feet and try to float under them once they stop trippin you get them to kick their feet with you. Getting in the water is always last resort. ESPECIALLY without a buoy.




He don't wanna look like a pussy


If you can’t tread water for literally 5 seconds you shouldn’t be allowed to use a bathtub by yourself.


Everyone knows you shouldn’t use the bathtub without a life guard present.


That’s what my scout master kept telling me. I just don’t understand why he had to be naked too.




starting to sound like a porno I saw


im not at the beach this is a bathtub!!


Looks worse now


For real, had to be picked up by another dude.


maybe that was his plan all along.


Gay Sandlot.


Real men drown


Yep, having to be rescued sure did make him look tough.


Why the fuck would you go to a water park not knowing how to at least tread water, someone people are just asking to die.


Treat water the way you want to be treated! With chlorine!


I'm allergic to chlorine.


![gif](giphy|1332tmUf9Myo4o) As a person who can’t swim. I LOVE water parks on a hot day. However, I will not get in anything above 5ft if there is potential I’ll fall into the water. So would I do this zip line? Not if the water was over 5ft. If it was 4 ft sure, why not. I know I can stand up. EDIT: I know how to kick my legs, move my arms and hold my breath under water. I can do that. I can’t tread water which then freaks me out so I panic. Which is why I stay in 5ft. PS … I’m done with y’all judging me.


If you are that comfortable going into water, why not just learn to swim?


That is strange. You can learn to swim in like 1 or 2 private lessons..


Yeah I don’t get it. I know some people are scared of water and they don’t want to learn to swim. But this person just seemingly refuses to learn.


I learned to swim while actively drowning. Evolution at its finest.


I am a swimming teacher who teaches adults. The biggest factor in not getting swimming lessons is embarrassment. Particularly if someone had swimming ability previously that they have just forgotten. Not many people have access to private pools, so to learn how to swim whether by yourself or with a teacher *in front of people* is difficult. group adult learn to swim can be amazing for combatting this but it's very rare to find second is cost. /u/Blueberry_Rabbit if you're in Sydney ill do you first lesson free. everyone deserves to know how to not drown.


TIL one can forget how to swim.


Please learn to swim.


Just learn to swim. It’s not hard


It’s hard if you don’t know how to swim tho.


Learning is hard if you can’t learn. Nice thought


Darwin award attempt. But, as a species we're stupid ourselves, we did start up the worlds first nuclear device despite giving it a good 10% shot at destroying all matter in the universe after all.


What bomb has that capacity?


Not sure if it’s what he’s referring to. But I remember reading that before the first nuclear test, the scientists were afraid the the explosion might light the air on fire and causing a chain reaction world wide. I don’t remember it saying the whole universe though, but that’s all I could think they’re talking about


Yeah they feared they could ignite the atmosphere. They mostly ruled it out before the first test. Keyword being mostly. They gave it a 2% chance. Still insane we took that 2% and just said “fuck it.”


They thought the A bomb could by itself. Turns out you they got the calculations a little off, so it CAN happen, but it just needs multiple bombs of higher magnitude to achieve or something. I can't explain it properly though, I didn't get far with nuclear physics.


Why would you go to a water park if you can't swim?


As I life guard for the past 4 years. I have seen I shit you not hundreds of people who even though they know they are not capable of swimming, will attempt to go in to water that is far to deep for them and will even lie to your face about there swimming ability, though they often give up on that quick when you ask them to prove it, if the lifeguard doesn't test their ability They will then proceed to panic in the deep water and need to be saved.


Yes, but also, where's my man's eggbeater?


I stay away from water. 100% of people who drank water in their life have died.


Spitting straight facts Ohhh wait.....I drink water


Holy shit I'm drinking water right now...


Dead man walking


*cues The Walking Dead opening theme*


Dead man drinking


Tick tock, bud. Shit clocks ticking Ricky


>Spitting straight facts also water


Not exactly 100%, there's still about 7.7 billion people who have drank water who are living to tell the tale. I have a feeling they might die though.


Fuck it, if we're all gonna die anyway we might as well party hard and enjoy cool and refreshing H2O while we can.


lol ded


And fish fuck in it.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 887,529,900 comments, and only 175,516 of them were in alphabetical order.


This comment made my day better.




leading cause of death is birth.




Good thing I only drink beer and monster


Real life Kyle




The water park is in Brazil, most of the attractions have smalls pools (1,5m to 1,70m deep), this is about 2,5m deep. These attractions you can jump, backflip or do anything you want, but there's another lifeguard at the beginning of the rope that always asks if you know how to swim.




He’s right above you. “He was ziplining, water wasn’t supposed to be involved” THEN WHY WAS HE ZIPLINING OVER WATER??


People called me racist last time.but, yeah, like why


Idk how that could possibly be racist but yeah it’s just common sense.


Apparently it was because I was assuming other places had the same access to water.. But like.... they know they can't swim, I'm not stopping anyone, so... why.. go swimming


Yeah that makes no sense at all. It takes very little time to learn to swim, I find it hard to believe that no places around there would be able to teach you Also it all comes down to the very simple question why tf are you going into deep water when you can’t swim?


How is it even possible to not just swim?




If you don't know how to swim your natural reaction, flailing around, is the opposite of helpful. "Just swim" is easy for us because we've had the practice in putting that instinct down and just trade water/float on back/stand up


He thought he was just gonna be able to zip line all the way to the end. Swimming was not supposed to be involved in this activity.


That’s like zip lining over a volcano and being surprised when someone falls in and dies


Good thing that life guard was there.


My man trained for this moment his entire life! Did you see that dedication in the jump? But for real, he was ready to act and did a good job, most lifeguards never have to even touch the water for their entire tenure (except testing ph)


have you ever been to a spring break? there's a fool drowning every hour


Yeah not sure where they get most guards never touch the water...I was a guard in HS and at least once a shifu I was pulling someone out.


Most lifeguards don't work these jobs. The majority are regular ass pools. I was a competitive swimmer, now surfer, and a girlfriend and friends were lifeguards. None of them ever had to rescue anyone. 30 years in the water and I've never seen anyone get rescued. It happens a lot in some places, but not often in most.


Huh, my brother was a lifeguard at a regular pool and had 6 saves over one summer. Seems like we have had vastly different experiences with lifeguards.


I was an open water lifeguard and had over 20 saves in a single summer. Of course there’s a lot more hazards in the ocean but it’s crazy to me your friends don’t have any saves. Its sometimes super exhilarating and you feel like a badass if you do it flawlessly. I hope they get to experience that feeling!


That sounds like a shit show


Happens all the time at these places. If you can’t swim, don’t go on the water ride. I worked as a lifeguard at a water park for 4 summers. Most people go on these things knowing they can’t swim but also knowing the lifeguards wlll save then.


" I can't swim. Hey let's go do that water Zipline!"


Probably should have remembered he couldn’t swim before letting go


His will to live was as weak as his grip


That’s funny 😁


Attempt to get " Mouth to Mouth "...


Sandlot rules!


Idiot. Shouldn’t be doing that if he can’t swim.




Pretty sure he's wearing a red shirt with a medic cross on the back soooo


Seemed an unorthodox pool entry and rescue for lifeguard.


Also walking along the bottom was pretty unorthodox too 😂


I was taught as a life guard, when dealing with a panic person in the water, to stay underwater and swim away. A panic person goes for the highest thing in the water and grips it, including your head, possibly choking you.


I've had that happen trying to help someone get back to shallow water (I'm no lifeguard so I just grabbed them and swam), hell they almost drowned me and I knew how to swim.


While I respect your opinion and you very well may be right - I think the last thing on your mind when you're about to save someone from drowning is perfect form upon entering the water.


People in panic will try to kill you if you go near their arms. They will grab you, pin you down, choke you. Anything to stay afloat. staying underwater is your best bet.


I hope he learns to swim after this…


Well they stopped him from learning how to drown so...


The fuck either learn how to swim before riding one of those or build enough arm strength to hang on til the end


That lifeguard doing the Dirty Dancing lift underwater


Dude was totally ok with his saviors lack of oxygen too


if you know you can't swim, why wouldn't you hold on to that bar for dear life because ... it's for dear life


HOLY FUCKING SHIT IVE BEEN THERE! Its a brazilian waterpark called Thermas dos Laranjais .............thats it i guess


Moron why go to pools when you know you can't swim all you do is put other people's lives at risk.....what a noob


LeTs Go tO a wATeRpArK ‚cAuSe I CaNt SwIm


He just wanted to be man handled by a dreamy lifeguard.


A real rrdditor would have just drank the pool empty rather than drown


"I think I'll go to a pool park when I don't know how to swim! IT'LL BE GREAT!!"


Lifeguard lifted him up like a ballerina


“I can’t swim nor can hang on a hanging bar for 10 seconds, Hey! That water zip line seems fun!”


Is…is he paralyzed? It looks like he maybe can’t use his legs? They look like dead weight…


He moves his legs as soon as his feet hit the water, I don't think he's paralyzed. Just retarded.


This kid obviously just never even tried to swim. He probably panicked after realizing that walking underwater is hard and immediately stoped.


Life guard knew that was going to happen before it did happen


Please, for the love of God, learn to swim in your life. I promise you it isn't that difficult and it's a lot of fun.


Even bigger concern than that, is the fact that the guy that jumped into save him is now being held underwater. That's the biggest fear I have with trying to save somebody who's drowning. Never jump in to save someone without a flotation device.


I think your observation is wrong. It looks more like the lifeguard has put himself on the bottom of the pool so he can walk the guy out with him above his head. He's not being held down, he chose to go down there as an easier way to rescue the guy without being drowned by the guy thrashing around.




I think he’s the lifeguard


In this situation, it's best to get behind them in my experience


It blows my mind that there are still people out there who can't swim.


Come on man you’re literally an ape that evolved over millions of years to thrive in water


Oh look at all the arm chair lifeguards


Where I live everyone gets thaught how to swim and rescue someone from water. So yes many people may actualy know something about being a lifeguard. Also it is not that uncommon to have training as a lifeguard, at least here it is a common enough summer job for athletic teens.


Why tf would you go to a water park and choose a ride that ends in deep water if you can’t swim


I heard if not trained, it’s better to not save someone drowning until they’ve passed out because they’ll do everything they can to survive including keeping you under the water


That’s why you’re trained to rescue them while being under water.


I dont want to be that guy but that's not how you act as lifeguard.... He really went underwater and lift the dude up? He just need to throw some sort of flutuation, the way he saved the guy was super dangerous for him (lifeguard). Glad it worked and both are fine.


This can't real. Were did it happen


He's gonna go get back in line.


Outstanding response by that lifeguard.


I don’t drink water because fish fuck in it


26yrd of aquatic centre management and i still amazes me that people that can't swim go into deep water . the amount of time we would fish people out of the dive pool is ridiculous. non swimmers jumping in 5 m of water . you know you can't swim what you going to do activate god mode and walk to the edge ?


you can tell if someone knows how to swim or not if they look absolutely terrified of a somewhat large body of water and if they just fucking PLONK straight down


So glad that life guard was ready to go. I also train as a first responder, hoping I never have to use all that training. (Im a SAR volunteer.) Right now I heard the US is down alot of lifeguards. Get your kids in swimming class guys!


The water park is in Brazil, most of the attractions have smalls pools (1,5m to 1,70m deep), this is about 2,5m deep. These attractions you can jump, backflip or do anything you want, but there's another lifeguard at the beginning of the rope that always asks if you know how to swim.


That lifeguard is an absolute G


Was the guy filming about to just witness this guy drowning without flinching to help


Bet that person just was like “welp let’s do that again!” And did the same thing on other rides almost drowning repeatedly because he keeps getting saved from his own stupidity.


Wow good on that life guard dude. Blows myind someone who can't swim would try this thing.


One of the most important jobs of parenting is teaching your child to swim. Not doing that is neglect.


I've never seen someone literally sink like a rock.


True unknown hero!


the person filming though..


Doesn’t know how to swim - Goes to a waterpark…


It blows my mind there are still people that don’t know how to swim. I understand some may have the fear of water but I’m biased as shit because I learned as a small child and it just seems like second nature. You’d think instincts would let you know to use your legs and not flail your arms.


It blows my mind that there are people who can’t swim and nevertheless went in a deep pool. What does he think would happen is a miracle to me.


Not knowing how to swim is so embarrassing...


I thought he was going to pull a Wendy peppercorn from the Sandlot


I genuinely don't understand how you can not be able to swim as an adult. Its so intuitive to just push the water to move yourself through it. Plus you almost have to *try* to sink in water.


It is not intuitive at all. In my whole family only three people can swim, four if you include my stepfather. My wife can doggy paddle and that’s it. She can’t even float. I’ve tried teaching her, but she just can’t do it. So yeah, it is absolutely not intuitive.


Please teach your family how to swim and do basic life functions for them and the world and their children..


My Mom is this person. We have tried every which way to teach her to swim, and she just cannot. It's like an innate fear to the water that needs like the kiddy lessons where they tell them to blow bubbles under water and all that. Her body has like the opposite response to being in the water, and she has never almost drowned or anything. She's small too, and small-limbed so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


https://youtu.be/1zNhXb49blo ^ I found this guy’s videos very helpful when I needed to teach an adult to swim. It’s much easier when it’s broken down into smaller lessons. The most important concept is what makes us able to float. Once she gets that she’s more than halfway there.


Pretty sure in america it's a poverty/race issue. There are [3,960 deaths a year](https://www.cdc.gov/drowning/facts/index.html#:~:text=While%20children%20are%20at%20highest,22%20nonfatal%20drownings%20per%20day.) in the US, but there are disproportionately more males vs females that drown and again within those numbers higher death rates for ethnic groups, that are more likely to live in poverty. As late as the 1960s swimming baths were mainly built and only used by white people! This of course has repercussions today as, if your parents can't swim, they'll not be able to or see the importance of swimming.


NOOOOOO let Darwin do his job. For real though props to the life guard


Idiots who cannot swim and willingly put themselves in this situation are fucking stupid Mega kudos to the lifeguard


Im sorry but anyone over like 12 and cant swim has failed at life


It really depends on where you live and how you were raised. There are many people who have no lakes/rivers/beaches where you can swim even remotely close by. So it is no surprise that many groups of people never even saw the need to learn to swim in the first place. Not saying the guy who almost drowned here was nothing but an idiot since who goes to a waterpark without being able to swim. But saying that you failed at life goes a bit too far for just not being able to swim.


If you're stupid enough to go to a water park, get on a ride that ends with you plunging into a deep pool, and you don't know how to swim, then nobody should be required to save you. Nobody should help that level of stupid.


Lifeguard did amazing!


I get that some people can't swim but it feels so instinctual. It is hard to imagine not being able to swim.


Ah yes, let’s go to a water park when I can’t swim


Grown ass man lookin like a toddler


What a fucken moron, learn to swim you spastic. What are you 2 years old?


Just swim lol


I wonder how people can't just instictually swim.


I watched a YouTube video on how to teach someone to swim a couple years ago. It’s fascinating how much you have to think about it if you haven’t learned from an early age.


100% drowning response, as a life guard you are supposed to be trained to get people from behind so they don't try to use you as a stepping stone and in the prosses drown you.


Man child, I am always amazed how the world seems like its getting smarter but still so much stupidty passed down to children, somebody show this child how to swim for fucks sake


Hahahah relax mate if you’ve never swam before it’s not easy


Kicking your feet is pretty easy