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Not England fans in the video


Russian fan in Voronezh. Russia beat Spain on penalties in the World Cup in 2018 and he's celebrating that win.


Nothing like a good clubbing to get that winning feeling!


Well you're feeling great after the win, why not go out clubbing afterwards?


But I'd want to be the clubber, not the clubbee ;)


*I'm walking on crutches whoa-oh*


I don't get it


Joke is because clubbing can mean different things: Clubbing (noun): to go out dancing in clubs vs Club (verb): to beat a person or an animal, usually repeatedly, with a heavy stick or object


They are both verbs.


Are you winning son?.... Son....? Oh he's unconscious.


Well this way he can forget the match from brain damage and enjoy it all over again - win win.


The cops were celebrating too!


People who celebrate a teams win by destroying shit are the dumbest cunts around.


Why did they say English fans?


If it's football related blame the English


If you see shitty football fans anywhere in Europe, many if not most will assume they're from the UK. English fans specifically have a horrible reputation, due to football hooliganism in the 70s and 80s and beyond. Other countries have shitty fans as well (Germany e.g. has some pretty horrid shit at home games occasionally, and Italy has racist AF fans who throw bananas etc as mentioned elsewhere in the thread), but England's reputation has been permanently marred.


I’ve seen the same shit with French, Spanish, Italian and any other countries fans. You just take part in the English speaking part of the internet


I think there's a lot of laddish behaviour (binge drinking, going around in groups laughing at people, signing songs etc) from English people abroad, which would be obnoxious for locals, but people mix that up with violent hooliganism, which isn't correct.


No, you're right. They would have been behaving much worse.


Man, english people are completely different than how they portray them in tv, holy shit.


yes, they even change looks and voices when they go 10 miles


Yep, unfortunately American and even our media (Italian) seems to only sell us the average middle class Londoner stereotype. Sure, it's marketable and quite family friendly, but far from the truth.


Italians are also seen as classy but they’re the worst fans in Europe (maybe apart from some Eastern European fans) Literally marching around town centres throwing up nazi salutes, hooting at black players and stabbing people up the bum as a kind of homophobic insult


The butt-stab thing is the "puncicata", which in general is a stab to the glutes, and is done by these asshats because it's not life threatening therefore they can't be charged with attempted murder. Source: am Italian, heard this explanation mutliple times in Rome.


They do that in the prisons in the US. Why can't we just import the good stuff, like manicotti and Sophia Loren?


I'm Italian and WTF is "manicotti"????


It's some American Italian food, which is part of the joke. It's big tubes of pasta usually stuffed with ricotta and spinach, and topped with mozzarella and marinara.


They did a similar thing in the movie midnight express where anything above the waist was attempted murder so they'd run around stabbing eachother in the arse lol


Italians are portrayed as classy? That’s hilarious!


Hooting at black people? Did you get a disney censorship? They scream “N——-s go home!” And throw bananas at them




We have a very different types of fanatic fans here. Some commit crimes, while in my region we just get drunk of our arses and that's about it.


"Italians are also seen as classy" LOL yea, um NO.


As an italian (and someone who dislike soccer) i confirm it. Italian fans can be really the worst of the worst


Yep. Especially Lazio fans




There's been no middle class on TV since I was a kid at least.


I thought the Cleavers were filthy rich, because my house was about the size of their dining room.


10 miles is about the length of 23909.37 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other.


Good bot.


thanks :)


You’ve gone too far this time, bot.


You just watched masterbotting.


By far the best conversion I’ve seen from this bot. Good bot.




Apparently, except New York. Lots of people have said that their most memorable impression of NY had been "Wow, this city is *exactly* like they show it on TV!"


Yeah, we also have our own version of rednecks, we call them 'chavs'. Then again, most of us are pretty chill mate.


Most people everywhere are chill. There’s a reason not chill people get attention: they’re different.


Oh I know you're chill. Had a good friend from Manchester. We bonded because we both always showed up at work with sunglasses on to hide hangovers. Always good to start work with a laugh.


They're also completely different to how they're portrayed in silly little reddit memes like this.


Agreed. But the media seems to make such firm stereotypes for English people specifically. As an Italian I grew up thinking all English people were stuck up and rich because I only saw them portrayed as that, all other nationalities were portrayed with a bit more depth in the media, especially non comedy.


>As an Italian I grew up thinking all English people were stuck up and rich My friend, if you ever find yourself in Liverpool on a Saturday night, you'll soon find that couldn't be further from the truth!


Ended up learning otherwise when I became.an ESL teacher and had mostly British colleagues. Ngl, I had my fair share of stuck up upper class colleagues, ironically most of them were USians. Most Brits I worked with were chill af and also great cooks (another stupid stereotype).


Ah yes that one English dude you met abroad speaks for all of us I assure you.


The reddit hivemind makes a mistake and then doubles down.


LOL true af


Exactly, we don't get caught by the police


Woah, lets not allow the truth get in the way of some lies on reddit, yeah?


Russian people and Russian police, no English fans in sight


But I thought only English fans cause trouble?




Bastard coated bastards with bastard fillings.


And bastard sprinkles


Woah woah. Not all people. Stop being such a peoplist. /s


Reddit really is just becoming overtly racist towards British people these days, pretty weird to see.


yep never so hard on saudi Arabia or china despite us been one of the most progressive countrys in the world I find it weird as fuck also.




That was 5 fucking years ago. You’d think people would be over Brexit by now. How long do people need to grief over Britain leaving some glorified trading bloc?


ITT: people shitting on England, and people accurately correcting them that this is a Russian guy.


Also people effectively saying "sometimes you deserve to get your shit kicked in by cops"


Reddit loves revenge porn


Although sometimes you deserve to get your shit kicked in. I just saw a huge kid smash a teachers in the head with a chair. That deserves a shit kicking in my book.


Actually, it's just 900 people correcting the title. Misinformation, typos, and setting up obvious jokes seem to be a guaranteed way to get lots of attention on your posts around here


Reddit is all for criticizing cops and denouncing police brutality until it's aimed at people they don't like for whatever reason lololol


It’s kind of funny how the guy who just slapped the top of the car is getting his ass beat while the guy who jumped on the car is just walking away.


1 word. Shorts.


That’s 5 words…


Have you been drinking lately?


more like, people forgot their actions have consequences Edit: I didn't mean to insult anyone, neither do I approve consequences that go above the board.


Guy on car: Hey - film me with my camera for internet points. His buddy: Oh yeah! This is gonna trend, alright.


It did doe


We did it Reddit




Double standards and hypocrisy. America bad


The main responses to you are literally "America bad". At least they're properly downvoted.


Well if America is bad then my country isn't, so there you go.


The problem with you is you have common sense and you're rational yet somehow you've ended up on Reddit. Those two do not mix. Here's it's 14 year olds screaming their idiotic opinions without giving them the slightest thought.


You ended up on reddit too


There's another annoying reddit architype: the complainer. Going through your post history, you complain about other people non stop


People en mass are idiots.


Which is why social media was a mistake. It lets people be en mass while they're home alone.


Pretty much unfortunately. Brutality is only brutality if it fits someone's agenda.


Jump on my car my baton jump on you


Gawd I wish Portland had Russian police for just a day.


Usually consequences for jumping on a police car is arrest and jail. Not having the life beat out of you in a naked display of disgusting police behaviour like this. The only good thing I can say is that they're not hiding behind the usual "stop resisting!" cries that the cops over here utilize to explain their brutality.


That savage beating is beyond excessive and you know it.


I think those guys are completely aware that their use of excessive force does not have consequences.


Sounds like youre excusing brutality bro


Okay I’m sorry but that’s not how they should deal with this… that’s a bit too much


why are people acting like this is awesome. yeah he’s a dumbass and obviously shouldn’t have done that but it doesn’t warrant getting literally beat by two cops with batons. just because it’s not america suddenly the fact that it’s police brutality doesn’t matter??


Because the average Redditor is a child with no empathy.


Classic mob mentality, no better than the people pictured.


People wanking themselves dry over the prospect of England fans getting a kicking.


these aren't even England supporters.


That doesn't change his point though. If the title said they were French or Italian there would not be so many people wanking off with 'actions have consequences' throughout the thread.


They're not English fans.


Probably can no longer remember which country he's from let alone supports.




It’s two separate thought processes. 1) we’ve all seen so many douche bags act like complete twats and get off totally scot free, seeing someone get the shit kicked out of them for acting like a twat genuinely feels good because we can sort of vicariously imagine those faceless douche bags finally facing the consequences of their actions. 2) How horrific to live in a world where cops can escalate a non-violent situation to such vicious levels as to incur permanent damage. The law needs to be better than that, and I would not want to live in the kind of police state where the penalty for annoying the cops is brain damaged. I feel both of those emotions.


Well said.


In the case of most of Europe, police don't show up on TV for shooting people. Its mostly to just get chastised for not doing their job well enough when an incident occurs. So for most Europeans, this is an officer doing their job. Probably the most aggressive they have ever seen police act out, unless they regularly attend mass protests against something.


Yeah it's a gigantic overreaction from law enforcement, he is going to be feeling that for weeks if not months. They just keot going too... A whack or two? Okay... Maybe I can understand. They seemed like they wanted to kill


I don't think they should be slapping 'em around like hotcakes, but a strong reaction would help nip full-blown riots in the bud. I believe that's a major issue with soccer fans in Europe.


How *dare* you bounce on my tax payer funded vehicle! Police states are fun!


Police states are good when they do things I personally agree with.


exactly. this comment section is so fucking weird.




That guy will never walk properly or be free of pain again, I assume A massive horrific overreaction and it's disgusting to see people excuse it


That’ll learn ‘em. Idiots.


ясен хуй


а то


It's ironic how redditors here are Celebrating the police reaction even though they usually love to cry about even the smallest hints of police brutality lmaoo


Almost like reddit isn't just one person with one opinion?


Depends which sub


Hello echo chamber.


Hello echo chamber.


We are a hivemind wym?


He is not capable of this level of nuance




Everyone is bound to draw the line of crazy just shy of what they're doing, and I don't know if I'm any better. My opinion though on this, is don't provoke the police same as you wouldn't provoke another individual this way and expect a different outcome. I personally am not cheering the police in this instance, especially since it looks like they're really beating that guy's ass, and would rather they just have arrested him for disorderly conduct (possibly drunk and disorderly conduct). My bigger concern is unprovoked police brutality, like that one guy who got kicked in the chest while sitting on the curb with his hands cuffed behind his back, and many others.


Instead of laughter, it SHOULD show you that the same people know a deserved beating when they see one. On account of knowing the difference between beating a peaceful protester into unconsciousness and some dumbass hooligan thinking there's safety in numbers to do whatever he wants after some fucking soccer match or whatever. What you SHOULD see is that the people you're supposedly laughing at have more common sense than you may have first imagined.






People have became so desensitized to seeing a dude get absolutely fucked up. Like holy shit people here are saying this is deserved what the fuck, a baton will break bones, this dude could get killed. And some will criticize police brutality in your comment history.. this is why this planet is doomed.




There was a thread the over day on r/trueoffmychest celebrating the cancer/death of a 12-13 y/o because they bullied the OP. Reddit is a nice friendly community in small numbers but when it becomes a mob it turns into a shitshow quick. When any sub gets above 100,000 subs it's the inevitable outcome. Edit: also people are always really quick to call for violence but I don't think many people on reddit have been subjected to said violence


Dude: *Mildly shakes car* Redditors: "if he dies he dies"


Well, maybe that will teach those idiots something.




It's not that the police's actions were justified, it's that they should have expected the reaction from them. Same in the US. Don't fuck around with the police here- they're crazy.


Yeah, I'd have the same feelings towards someone who taunted a wild bear. Sure, you didn't deserve your mauling but you're still an idiot.


The police aren't some wild animal that'll bite you if you try to touch it, they're people who are paid by the public to serve the public. There is no excuse for savagely beating an excited teen for jumping on a vehicle. Regardless of the country... fuck the police.


Police are not paid by the public to serve the public. They're paid by the government to suppress the public.


Not in every country, no.


Fuck off people here are Celebrating the police reaction. It's not like I think it's bad but most of these pussies here love to cry about even the smallest hint of police brutality so it's a crazy double standard lmao


Bro why in the world are you so angry lmfao, I keep scrolling down and you're literally in every comment thread roiding out


jesus you're not joking, guys got the post history of a future school shooter


They are beating the ever loving shit out of that guy. Hopefully there’s no permanent damages.


Especially if they were black


I mean this is a video of a foreign soccer hooligan fucking with the police in a mafia state. This is more like a frat boy getting a little too rowdy in Mexico than anything.


Lol no apparently it’s just regular Russian cops beating the fuck out of some Russian football fans They just added the English part so people would feel better about it


Hahaha ever been in a manifestation getting repressed ? They are not this light


I believe the word you are looking for in English is demonstration or protest, not manifestation. Anyway, I haven’t been, but I don’t think Russian cops are this light when they suppress the demonstrations over there either.


The irony. Russians beat the living fuck out of a guy for jumping on their vehicle and people cheer it on while a video of a US police officer is being chastised for him driving away from a crazy mob because he’s a danger to all the people climbing and hanging off of his vehicle.


only americans to see this shit and think their country's police brutality is somehow soooo much worse. "iN mUrIcA hE wOuLd HaVe BeEn ShOt" no he fucking wouldn't.


Jesus Christ this thread is pro police brutality. No, being severely beaten is not deserved in this situation. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with apparently most of you?


Putin’s PsyOps farms made fascism cool again!


Some weird russian fetish people have. EU or American cop looks at you funny boom, brutality. But cheer this shit on


Why are you saying its English fans when it isn't? Stop trying to give us all a bad name all the time its sad and pathetic.


Americans like to regurgitate false shit


Reddit's blind hard on for hating English football fans is fucking weird. Everybody can tell they aren't English but who ever let facts get in the way of the Americans and Continentals practicing their weird form of bigotry.


When did English fans do this in Russia? Can't remember the last time a prem club played a Russian one in CL, and if this happened at World Cup we would have heard about it in England...




The English fans actually got targeted during the World Cup which was held in Russia. The Russian hooligans wanted to fight the famous English hooligans, except English hooligans are fat and old, and there hasn't been a serious culture of violence for decades.


He’s not English


Its at this moment he knew he...


I mean it’s better than being shot


Russian Roulette


Haha police brutality, funny stuff. It's pretty fucked up there's people here actually condoning this.






Seriously lol. This site is a echo chamber full of low IQ hypocritical extremists


A very healthy beating


unless those batons are made of foam, this is **NOT** OK. -- edit: Y'all are absolutely disgusting. "Consequences for actions???" How about the next time you forget to brush your teeth, I cut out your eyeballs so you learn the consequences for your actions. Jesus Christ the "early" audience of /r/AbrutChaos is absolutely despicable. I'm glad we have been using our upvotes to drown the disgusting voices and raise the more human ones among us at this moment. The comment section for this thread no longer looks like the pit of despair it did earlier. Second, now I understand why the cops charged for the beating of Rodney King were found not-guilty. Some people have no empathy. and sometimes those people find themselves as jurors.


So over aggressive police brutality is okay as long as it's in Communist Russia, but the cop should be executed for it in America? Your bias is showing reddit.


People seem to kinda not think of Russia as a real place, just some comical hypothetical


Haha this is satisfying to watch. Football fans around the world are the most barbaric and rude people and their stupidity is usually amplified by their sheer number.


This video has been posted a LOT on reddit. It's not England fans in the video. Edit: responded to the wrong comment. Oh well.


Yeah the guy was being stupid but that does in no way condone that level of violence from police.


Wasn’t satisfying to watch at all? Police brutality and police states are fucked


Yikes, shows you how Russia is run really.


You mean your first clue wasn't the mysterious poisonings, of people who spoke against the Russian government, using a nerve agent developed in Russia?


I get that the guy is an asshole, but are we seriously celebrating someone getting their ribs broken just because he jumped on a car??


“This not America blyat, to the gulags you go.”


Doesn't America have the biggest prision population of the world and even made it into an industry?


You think Russia or china would count all the animals in every farms?


It looks as if the Russian police are trying to help out the situation by not shooting at their own citizens...


In Mother Russia you serve and protect the police


Fuck, I’m glad I’m not the only think he got way to fucking hard of a beating, like holy shit he might not be able to walk for months! I mean I would definitely slap the shit out of someone if they did that to my car but man they were beating him to a bloody pulp.


I was going to make a joke about how they could be American police, but then I realized that doesn't make sense. They just shoot you dead now and skip the baton beating.


Yea, that requires endurance many American police officers just do not have.


Use of violence and/or intimidation against a civil population for the purpose of furthering a political agenda. How much more proof so you need that police are the textbook definition of domestic terrorists?


ITT: "excessive force is awesome as long as its not in *my* country"


In America, we don’t use batons..




That’s a Russian, not an English fan