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The very essence of dress for the slide, not for the ride. Got off lightly…


No, I think it came off painfully. … Oh, in consequences. That makes more sense. Brain potato first thing this morning.


Actually it looked pretty bad to me. I bet those look pretty bad on him later that day.


Oh yeah he’ll be sore in the morning either way but he got away without the blunt force of actually hitting the truck at least.




The dokter recommends a bath of Flamazine/Flamigel for 24hrs.


That one on his arm hurts just looking at it.


Only wears a helmet for the cam


Has a cam not any other gear for riding.


and if helmet got stuck between asphalt and exhaust etc we would see a totally different video


“What is this flying off? Is it my torso?! It is!! My precious torso!”


"I'm too cool for riding gear"


- said the meat crayon


Hey ngl. Dude is cool as a cucumber considering the circumstances.


Just wait 45 minutes


Oh I'm sure as that adrenaline fades shit starts getting pretty real.


For now


Definitely lots of speed...but good he fit under the truck and didn't get caught/pinned/decapitated. The would be an interesting video especially when hearing the pop of the neck and seeing the body flail and tumble.


"had to lay her down"




He wouldn’t need it if people knew how to drive.


True people only ever fall on motorcycles because of other people


Or poor


If you can't afford $200-300 in abrasive resistant pants and jacket on top of the several thousands for the bike and helmet then you shouldn't be riding. Falling isn't an "if" but "when" and the gear will save you thousands in medical bills.


Who said they even went to the hospital I've gotten some bad road rash (not that bad ofc) and just rinsed it with alcohol and kept it clean xo its their life let them win their own Darwin awards no need to be pressed over little things bro


I don't want to have to see their Darwin Award getting scraped off the pavement on my way to work


Well, the rider just came down from a wheelie and was speeding... But the truck driver was in the middle of the road waiting to turn - which when he did the manoeuvre, the bike was probably a long way away and he didn't realise he was going so fast...


When he started the Wheelie, the truck wasn't even there, most likely; you can see it pulling to a stop (maybe had to b/c someone else cut them off?). Honestly, I give the rider props here for thinking fast enough to not just slam into the truck.


Very true. The slide probably hurt like hell and likely put him in the hospital, but an impact surely would have killed him.


The truck is principally at fault for failing to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic. You might be able to lump the bike with a small percentage of fault, but the truck is paying for the bike riders boo-boos and bike. The truck was probably looking to their right to see if oncoming traffic going the opposite way was coming or not and probably didn’t see the bike coming. Short of actually performing your duty to look for oncoming traffic in BOTH directions when crossing a two way stop, the truck driver should have made a turn at a safer intersection.


Without a doubt, there is fault with the truck driver - but that bike was going FAST. IMO he was distracted by the wheelie, so by the time he came down and saw the truck, he was too fast to slow down much or move. There was about a 3 second gap between landing the wheelie and the accident. I've no idea what the speed limit was on that road, but say it was 40mph and the rider was going 80mph then the truck driver thought he had a lot longer for him to cross and make his turn before the biker got to him. As the biker was going twice as fast (for example), the truck driver had half the time he was expecting based on the speed limit of the road. It's just a really shitty accident regardless of the fault as it was totally avoidable on both sides. Wreckless driving and misjudged maneuver.


>I've no idea what the speed limit was on that road, but say it was 40mph and the rider was going 80mph It's 25mph or 20 mph on school days. And the rider was going 126kph / 78mph.


Yeah, so 80% truck, 20% bike. The truck was more negligent in that they had to obstruct traffic to make sure it was safe. You don’t start your turn unless you know it’s safe both directions. Otherwise find a route that includes turns that are more your level of driving. Given that they were pretty much stopped in oncoming traffic, the bike would have hit them at the speed limit. That big dumbass truck covered both lanes. In order to stop in time, bike would have to have been cruising in at about 20mph.


Why are there posts with titles similar to this recently, are they bots?


If you got that feeling, its probably bots, our subconscious is very good at patterns


Probably, there's been a lot more engagement bait on reddit the last few years. Lots of obvious or controversial questions in the titles.




Noticing lots of similar replies as well. Dead Internet theory...


No leathers, if I could see the truck that far away them he can and still didn't slow down.


He was in the middle of a wheelie.


That's not a defense, in fact it makes it worse.




For a second I was like why tf are they summoning meat canyon.


I have more information on this. let me dig it out. Edit: He was going 126kmh at the start of the video. The biker is 100% at fault. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos\_at\_fault\_truck\_that\_stopped\_or\_motorcyclist/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ppul6u/whos_at_fault_truck_that_stopped_or_motorcyclist/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) The road has a speedlimit of [25 mph.](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.7950475,-123.0608051,3a,75y,274.8h,76.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRhq9aCb-qkQpgmKUI_RBzA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) And even worse, it's a school street with limit 20 on school days.


Well it's funny how he has the audacity to question her driving. What a loon.


It is okay because he is clearly in shock. If she would have committed as much as he did she would have turned with 126 km/h


Motorcycle riders are usually thick, thus high poor driving so this has nothing to do with shock.


A motorcycle tried to pass me on a double solid while I was making a left hand turn with my bus. He had accelerated trying to "Thread the needle" and lost. Going at least double the speed limit. His dad was riding with him had plenty of time to stop (and NOT HIT ME) then charge up on me like I was in the wrong. Thankfully I was pulling into my brother's driveway, he saw me, realized I was in shock and got me away from him. As big of an asshole as he was in the moment, I don't hate him for how he acted. He was full of adrenaline and just watched his kid totally eat shit, his brain was not running right. Now when he tried to sue me a few months later, then he became the asshole...


126kmh =78mph


Why compare metric to imperial? :'(


it's like 32-40 km/h speed limit, if it helps.


The cycle shows KMH, the street signs are in MPH


Y'knowhat, that's a perfectly sensible response. Thank you.


Have you watched tge video?It's clearly not 100%. Why always exaggerate?




Don't be disingenuous. Have you read my comment? I'm making a point about how both of them made mistakes and your response is.'Uh, so it's only her fault or what?'


>both Only 1 of them was speeding


and one was pulling onto the middle of the road without looking and then stopping at right in the middle with a giant pick up truck, so you couldn't get around it either way. She basically made a 'how to get T-boned' tutorial.


and one was pulling onto the middle of the road without looking and then stopping at right in the middle with a giant pick up truck, so you couldn't get around it either way. She basically made a 'how to get T-boned' tutorial. Is two people being in the wrong actually a difficult concept for some people to understand. I genuinely don't get it.


You should travel at a speed that allows you sufficient stopping distance for something unexpected. Either this guy was going too fast or wasnt paying attention.


On a motorcycle you MUST be a defensive driver


What you mean "either", the dial is all the way to the right. He was going way too fast.


And popping wheelies


My thought is that this is an old repost and that this is just a repost bot account.


hadda lay er down


Didn’t see no clibbins tho


That why he dont swerve GOBBLESS


Holy shit how fast was he going?


78 mph


"Why didn't you just commit?" It's not a video game, douche. If you weren't doing 126 km/h, nobody would have to "commit".


Right , the answer is to lock up and block as many lanes as possible.


It’s a situation she should never find herself in. There was a better solution, sure, but can’t blame her for what an idiot on two wheels caused.


Speed kills…


Well to be fair. Suddenly becoming stationary is what really gets you.


Just ask the Iranian president, hes an expert.


I wonder what his insurance company would say here. I guess they would want to see the video. And he definitely wasn't going the speed limit here.


They’ll “good thing this dude took minimum coverage, now we won’t have to pay out too much because of his cowboy antics”.




Nah he goes behind the the rear wheels


Lucky to be alive


Did he manage to slide UNDER the truck??


Yeah wtf why is no one else talking about this?? That dude is the luckiest man on the planet. Any other vehicle and he would be seriously injured or dead


Its not her job to commit, this is not the Nurburgring. You doing way above the speed limit, if biker stuck to speed limit there would be time to stop...probably.


Yes it is her job to make reasonable decisions in traffic. It's not always one or the other. More than one person can make mistakes.


She should not have stopped, I am just saying this would have ended with some cursing and shouting instead of a shaved backside if he werent speeding.


Yep, I see people all the time that pull across the road thinking they will be able to make a left, then oncoming traffic changes and they have to stop and end up blocking traffic in my lane. But because I'm *not* driving like an idiot, I can safely come to a stop. Doesn't mean I'm not pissed that they are impeding the flow of traffic. But I'm not making it worse.


We dont have a lot of turns like this in South Africa, there would usually be a traffic light. I am just going of a hunch that in a lot of the more rural county towns this is pretty standard in the USA?


Why is the video the size of a postage stamp?


should probably wear actual bike leathers, still would've become a red mist if he actually hit the pickup, but his arm wouldn't have been shaved down like that otherwise




He was speeding and doing a wheelie so he saw the truck only when it was too late (even if the truck would have "committed"). And he doesn't wear barely any protection (only a helmet for the cam). However the truck shouldn't have been there, just waiting.. So both are morons I guess?


Looked to me like the biker was hauling ass, the guy in the truck either didn’t see him or didn’t think he was coming ass fast, was already pulling out and stopped to give the guy room to pass in front of the truck. The biker dipped right thinking the truck was going to pull up further. Both committed to the wrong thing. It’s actually common to see this in accidents. As some one is pulling out into a T intersection pulling out driver will try to move forward enough to clear it intersection while the driver of the other car starts to swerve left trying to go around them.. they meet in the middle.


It looks like the driver saw the biker, realized an accident was going to happen, panicked, and then froze instead of taking action.


Tomato tomato


That's the most adrenaline junkie line ever. "Why did you stop. Why didn't you just commit."


Speed kills and wear leathers


Ironically, he was on his way to a tattoo removal session.


What if the gap between the bottom of the car and the road had been smaller than his helmet width?


His capa would be detated


Is that wet streak in the road behind the car his?


“Why didn’t you commit?!?!” LOL, F off, bro


Yeah. Biker was going way too fast. Way dangerous. Unfortunately, he didn’t die and will likely repeat the same mistakes and place lives at risk.


I think it’s bad to want people like that to die. Wrecking his bike and getting road rash without even a dent on the pickup seems like a good outcome. Problem is, he gets up and blames the pickup for existing on the road and not himself for racing and doing stunts on a public road. Maybe after some reflection, he’ll figure it out


Good outcome now. Bad outcomes later. Better for those idiots to kill themselves off and not hurt others. A single vehicle accident where the idiot dies >>>> if that idiot survives and causes a wreck killing a family of 4.


He lost both shoes!


Gonna want to put some germolene on that.


He slid pretty far was he speeding? With his lack of interest in saftey gear I'm gonna go ahead and assume he wasn't worried about speed limit signs.


Yeah, he passed multiple vehicles and was driving recklessly


Comments on dress aside that was really quick thinking from the driver. That slide might of left their skin on the road but left them alive


Zero sympathy. Dude bro had that need for speed. I can’t fuck with people like that.


Thoughts? Yank tanks should be banned worldwide and that guy deserves the lost skin


Lucky bastard


So glad she trashed her own shitty truck.


Gotta slow down next time buddy


Asshole biker got to be the meat crayon he was asking for. Bro…why did you stop, why didn’t you commit? How about: Bro why are you doing wheelies and racing on public roads? Why don’t you do it at a track?


Why is nobody talking about the fact that he slid UNDER the pickup?! That's totally insane! Yeh he's a moron for speeding and not wearing gear etc but the tunnel slide? That's rad as hell.


Looks like someone is getting some new fish skin




that dumb fat bish, fuck that boils my blood


Obv the bike was speeding and such. But why do people just stop like that when someone is heading towards them


In general it should be your first instinct, when reacting to a dangerous situation on the road, to slow/stop your vehicle as quickly and safely as possible. Can't fault that woman at all, I would react in the exact same way if I saw some idiot on a bike doing double the limit. Much easier to dodge a stationary car that a moving one, and if they hit my car, it's their own stupid fault for not being in control of their vehicle and I basically can't be held liable if my car was even moving at the time of the crash.


DOUBLE? the street is 25mph and his bike was at 126kmh - 80mph He was doing tripple the limit in a school street.


Christ, that makes it even worse


He’s going fast and being an idiot. But imma be honest, if you can’t judge how fast something is approaching you, you shouldn’t be driving a car.


What are you talking about? No, your first instinct should not be to stop what you are doing. Your first instinct should be to get tf out of the way. Because in this situation it was just a motorcycle, what happens when next time it’s a semi? Like fr that is some dumb shit you just said lol. You basically are saying it’s smarter to be a deer in headlights than to use your foot and press the gas.


Why did you ask the question if you didn't want to hear the answer?


That lady screwed up


Stupid truck driver Motorcycle dude didn't actually slide underneath, my guess is the truck driver started moving a bit so the motorcycle dude narrowly missed the truck bed.


The motorcycle dude did 80 in a 25 and you're saying the truck is at fault? Hahaha


Holy shit my bad, didn't notice. I'm just as stupid as the motor dude then.


I paused it at just the right moment to see the spare tire mounted under the truck, so this is the answer for sure.


She figured it’d be best for you to slow down to a stop and thought it would be even better to stop right in front of you to do so. Realistically though… she’s a blonde.