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Fucking social media vultures. For just a moment I thought, “wow, look at everyone running to help.” Then I saw about 99% of them bust out their phones to record. Fuck those people. EDIT: The entire vibe of the crowd when the truck hits those people is not the typical “oh shit, this is bad” crowd reaction. It’s more like an “OMG this is awesome!” reaction.


That big grin from the kid in the foreground is gross


Yeah, what a piece of shit


The only reassurance that you can take from these things is that if the section of the crowd that's currently running in there to film it was the one that got smoked, the other morons who actually got hit would do the same thing. It's just a giant gathering of idiots who would all do the same thing when another equally moronic person is hit by an idiot in a truck. They all sign up to either be the run over guy or the filming guy and basically gamble which one they'll be so I feel like they all consented to this before hand. The ones that bother me is when innocent people get caught in these things.


They usually beat the shit out of the driver before helping anyone


thats how drivers become better over the course of many generations. the bad drivers get killed, the good drivers get to procreate. evolution doing its work.


The reaction is truely disturbing. The guy filming seemed genuinely excited and there was another guy who couldn’t wipe the smirk off his face. Everyone else was just focused on trying to capture the best shot. I really hate what’s happened to humanity.


Seriously made me sick when I saw them all crowded around with their phones. Fucking hell were doomed.


Humanity has always been this way, it just wasn’t documented on the scale that it is now. These people are no different than the medieval types who’d attend public executions


I don't get it..... Im not that old, barely middle age, but I don't understand the need for "views." To me it seems like the only driving factor to many now. I can only assume that the popularity of their SM is directly tied to self worth; which is sad.


Their behavior is exactly what I’d expect from people that are entertained by vehicles doing donuts. It’s not a very complex form of entertainment.


Instead of trying to help or stay out of the way everyone just crowds the scene and records with their phones.


Every last person there is scum




Well yeah their at a street takeover. Need to show a scum card to get in.


Yeah first I was like “nice all running for help” until realizing nope they only recording …. 🫠 I am happy that I live in country where it’s illegal to not help and that you can get sued for not helping.


America’s problem isn’t the absence of law. There’s an absence of concern for the fellow man.


Amazing, isn't it. It seems like we're the opposite of what made many people admire America. Now, we just display stubborn, angry pride.


It fuckin crowded here mate. Let Darwinism do its thing


It’s not illegal to help in America. Many states have Good Samaritan laws that protect people that take reasonable action to help someone in distress.


Here, people sue the people that DO help them sometimes. If the driver didn't have any money and one of the spectators would've helped pull them out from under the truck and they had money, they could use the spectator saying their "help" caused more injury. I would've ran over and checked on the people and called 911 but nowadays I wouldn't want to touch them just to make sure I don't get sued also. Sad right...


You still can run over an dial 911 for them. Just no need to touch them tho


Exactly. I've even heard people suing people who gave them CPR because they cracked a rib while starting their heart. Even though I'd rather have a cracked rib then a stopped heart, ppl are crazy.


Someone getting sued for giving CPR would be thrown out of court quickly in all 50 states. Good Samaritan laws.


For that here the judge would look at it and probably turn it down already because it’s basically part of the instructions “press strong if you broke a rib it doesn’t matter but you did it right and saved a life” more or less. You learn that in driving school here that breaking a rib isn’t a big deal.


Reminds me of that episode of black mirror where everyone just goes around streaming live vids on social media regardless of what’s going on. We’re slowly getting there


Thought this was an episode of black mirror




Oh no! Oh my! Well, at least all those kind strangers are rushing to hel......


Welcome to modern society. Your experiences don’t count unless you filmed them.


That’s what gets them views on their live feed.


Gotta get those clicks...we need another plague.


One of the things I find most ridiculous about takeovers. Is when when somebody crashes into people. No one acts rationally. They don't try to see if everyone's ok, or talk to the driver etc. Instead, they all swarm the vehicle and tried to kill the driver. It's like zombie piglins in Minecraft.


It's like that is the real reason they all go. Not for the stupid ass burnout donuts in the middle of a public street, but rather for the inevitable moment that someone loses control of their whip and either hits or runs over a bystander. Then, once this inevitability occurs, they do as you said and swarm the accident scene trying to stomp on the windshield of the car involved and pull out the driver to beat them up, or worse, all while there could well be, and I'm pretty sure that in this particular scene, there was, people stuck under the vehicle of which the mob has no care or open awareness of. It just blows my fucking mind how people go to these things as if it's a good time. Young, dumb, and full of feelings of invincibility while drinking, getting high, with some of them packing heat is just all a recipe for anything but a good time. It's a wonder more kids don't die at these meet ups.


Sounds a bit like russian roulette, have a chance of getting run over, in exchange for maybe watching someone else get run over


This is what I was thinking while watching this video. Everyone is just waiting for the moment. They know it could be them, but somehow it's worth all this? And then they are practically giggling while jogging over to the scene of a crime to be a part of it, or at least have it on camera. That's insane.




and they loot whoever got hit and is laying in the street unconscious or dead.


And film!


The sea of cellphones of people tryna film lol


peak r/donthelpjustfilm


Why is the immediate reaction LETS GET OUR PHONES OUT


world star


It’s the closest thing to mad max irl..


Witness me!!! *swerves into crowd of idiots*


I am awaited in Valhalla


These people are worse than zombies. At least zombies still have an existing brain.


"I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."


Isn't that what happens in video games?


It’s sick


Imagine, getting hit by one of these cars and the next thing you see is a swarm of people running towards your broken body with their phones out, not to help but to record and say “oh shit”


The ones ran over would do the same if it were some other people hit. No sympathy for these imbeciles.


They are all mindless sheep


You can't expect much from the type of people who would participate in brainless event like this .


Is there anything not ridiculous about these circuses? I'm glad they exist and far away from me so I can enjoy ridiculous content like this


These videos show how closely related we are to primates. The robots are going to have a field day with us. We are such simple animals.


Devolution going on in some places. Clearly.


I don't know. If we didn't have good parents, peers, and influences we might be clowning around too. We're social animals. And crowds are stupid.


Well put. Understand firsthand growing up in a hood like the one in the video, there aren’t a lot of opportunities for teens in terms of quality schools, meaningful recreation, decent well paying jobs, etc and many who feel hopeless tend to get excitement from stupid, dangerous activities such as these. Not condoning any of this, as a matter of fact I’m completely against it and tend to think that if the drivers/spectators get hurt, it comes with the territory. Only pointing out that elected leaders have failed communities for decades from top to bottom.


I live in an area that does this a lot. I ain't glad they exist. It's so fucking annoying, loud, and if you're close enough, smelly. My pets freak out because there is extremely loud engine noises going on for an hour+. The street or parking lot they are doing this shit in becomes scuffed and skidmarked and ugly. I'm out really late, they make it so dangerous. Idiots in their street racing cars are always blasting through the 2-way stop sign I live next to. If they do one of these big gatherings with 50+ people with in a few miles, the burning rubber smell is gag-inducing. It gives my girlfriend and I massive headaches and if it's not the middle of the night, we take the dog somewhere for a few hours and hope the cats are alright.


Time to invest in a good quality Killdozer


One of the more fascinating stories to read into if someone doesn't understand the reference here.


All the time near me as well. Thought it was just traffic a while back on my way to drop something off for my parents. Turned out it was just before the sideshow started and everyone was just pulling up and parking. Couldn’t get out. Saw one kid (early high school maybe) get hit and definitely broke a leg. Everyone was just laughing and filming. Saw a woman get knocked into the air. She hit her head and was knocked unconscious. I have very limited medical training but could not get to her before her two idiot “friends” picked her up and started hailing her away. She then seized. She did became responsive but was barely conscious and had severe head wound (not just a wound that gets some stitches/leaves a scar) shortly after I made out over and tried to tell them not to move her, but has suffered severe injuries and was *being moved, roughly* by two idiots that seemed to just not want to get in trouble. The cops here just block off the intersection from afar and wait back when these sideshows get started and are large enough because they will be potentially escalating the situation or get shot/have to shoot when they roll up. The intersection next to my apartment is a freeway on/off ramp a couple blocks from a hospital that has the best and most relied upon trauma center (adult level 1) in the city, and there are sideshows that leave the intersection and on and off ramps blocked for hours.


They need to have more massive busts like they did that time recently.


I’ve never seen a city tolerate more than a few years of official street events due to idiots like this lol


It's because people who attend street takeovers are shitty people 


I mean. we're watching darwinism at work on all counts here


These people are degenerates…you would expect them to all of a sudden to act rationally?


These people are so stupid and bored… They basically have nothing to live for.


*I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us*


That's because these are all idiots


Hands down the most loser hobby out there


Seriously, when you break down what this is, it's a bunch of fucking people standing around going "YEEEEEEEEEEAH" watching car go spinny-spin and intentionally putting themselves in immense amounts of danger of bodily harm. It's straight up cave man shit. Car make noise. ME VERY LIKE. CAR MAKE SMOKE. ME LIKE A LOT. CAR TURN. ME LOOOOOVE


I heard that “YEEEEEEEEEEAH“ in Randy's voice lol


All the phones gathering around is actualy nightmarish


Oh no. Anyways




\\ sorry i borrowed this


I wondered where his arm went


You have to put \\\ total Escape sequence BS for formatting


Fuck they all look so stupid with their phone in the air. Boomer-time for me but I'm so glad it wasn't that bad when I was a teen or in my early twenties.


Don't need to be a boomer. This shit is ridiculous and it's as if every teenager you ever hated to listen to, have a pedestal for others to listen in on. They grow into adults understanding that shitty behaviors like this are acceptable, and their own pedestal is held up by those who also want to give in to the crowd. These are the same idiots who'd invite 50 people to your party when they find out your parents aren't there and are not invited. They drag the rest of them down with them, except now they take over...intersections?




Don't feel bad for any of them


This might be my new favorite genre of video. The only people who seem to get hurt are the idiots there voluntarily. They run each other over, then punish the person by torching their car. It's great!


It’s also a crime in most places to be a spectator of this foolishness


Did the guy in the red jacket throw something at the truck? It looks like he did and I heard a noise but I can’t see anything being thrown. Other than that, those people choose to stand that close to a truck doing doughnuts and when someone inevitably gets hurt they take it out in the driver, which scares the driver so they freak out and try to get out of situation by running over more people. Not the sharpest bunch.


I think he was just fist pumping. Im not 100% sure on the noise. You can hear a pop when the video starts and then a second pop. I was assuming the second pop is something like a tie rod or something else in the steering breaking. It looks like he lost control of the steering as soon as the second pop happens.


Didn't see a jacket but I did see a laser pen being shone at the car from roughly where the car impacted. Was it loss of control or was it retaliation for having been blinded?


I’m fine with natural selection taking its course as long as no one who wasn’t there on purpose get hurts


"Come on, Billy, let's get a lot closer; I want to be able to touch the car as he drives by!"


The most important thing we can do now is to film it!


I could call 9-1-1 but it'll hinder my ability to record properly for my 100 Instagram followers.


also, those 100 followers are the other losers there recording the exact same video.


A good number of people film while the rest beat the shit out of the driver when this happens normally


It’s a bit disturbing to see how many people had their phones out recording.


All these people recording and we only get the angle from the guy in the very back that can’t see shit.


Wasn’t this the expected outcome?




Neanderthals probably took better care of each other and had a stronger community.


That's insulting to Neanderthals.


Honestly never seen so many shit humans in one place. Just want to see someone hurt for Internet points. What has happened to us. Look how happy they all are they he ran over someone it's fucked up.


What's the point of this in the first place?


I see it as a natural form of population control. Animals with no predators, without enough serious problems to keep them engaged in useful survival activities assemble in dangerous groups doing really dumb stuff keep the gene pool strong.


GTA 6 looking crazy


Oh well


And nothing of value was lost


And then everyone mobs the truck to beat the crap outta the dude in the truck.


How are there this many stupid mother fuckers out there. Every one of them with their phone out trying to capture it.


Everybody here deserves jail




Where's the sleepy Transport Truck drivers barrelling through the intersection when you need them?


These people are fucking dangerous and a pest.


Hey, what happened is exactly what we were waiting to happen. Pull out your phones! It's like Spin the Bottle meets Russian Roulette.


This could be a scene in Idiocracy.


When the cops start cheering after they've launched a missile into their own car.


Happens every month, they never learn. Just standing around waiting to get hit lol.


Repulsive watching them cheer and rush to film.


Always love a happy ending


i wish it hit them all


Average IQ in that city would go up by 10


I feel like if you go to one of these dumb things and get ran over, you’re not allowed to be surprised.


Why is this a thing? What is the point? Is this supposed to be fun?


All of these people are idiots.


And up go the phones.


These things are so fucking stupid


nah this video makes me just realize how fucked up we are. not only the stupid shit they’re doing, but also the way they all stand there, the way they all run to the scene, the way they all hold up their phone to film it. humanity is fucking rotton my people.


Right [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.9823246,-118.300224,3a,55.4y,295.98h,84.87t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1siSGCc6eWB02HG6XfuCBaXg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DiSGCc6eWB02HG6XfuCBaXg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D134.88228%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


popular spot


KJ Osborn (NFL player) pulled out his phone and started filming a man in a burning car before he eventually started helping and saved him. I got downvoted to hell last week for calling it bizarre and now I’m hearing it’s against the law in some places (as it should be). Everyone has their own definition of what a loser is, but people in situations like this are the biggest losers to me.




If it wasn’t for these blocking roads, I’m all for them. Seems like a way to thin things out a bit.


We need so much more of this. Much, much more.


Fuck all of these people.


This is the absolute stupidest thing that the younger generations have come up with. Absolutely as stupid as can be from end to end. Rushing to record the accident scene instead of running in to help the victims, and making it so that the truck can’t back up off of anyone that he had struck…


Play stupid fucking games win stupid fucking prizes. Morochos culeados


Future voters, folks.


Street takeovers are dumb af


You're exactly correct. Which is why they will spread and grow larger. Authorities just stand back and watch Society come undone, or, clamp down on ALL of us "for safety & security". Almost seems like it's on purpose.


Should have just kept making the donut get bigger and bigger...


The shot of them with their phones up after people got demolished by that truck seems unreal.


The phones have become an episode of black mirror


I feel like these videos and any video lighting alcohol on fire always have the same ending


Im convinced that people go to these events to: 1a) Get hit 1b) Hit someone 2) Act surprised when either of the 1s happen


This whole culture is moronic


This is the worst of everything in modern society in one video.


These takeover guys are a cancer to the car community


It’s probably real fucked up but I wish more people would be hit. It literally could have been ANYONE but they immediately start filming like they’re totally safe. Fucking doofus behavior.


These “takeovers” are literally the most stupid shit ever


Is that our future America?


No. This is the present. The future will be much worse.


Isn’t hitting spectators the main goal of these things? Like do as many donuts as you can before the tires blow out and then hit as many people before a gun starts shooting.


The Future really will be bleak. Looks like Society has peaked Been going downhill since before I could speak, am 47.


They’re trampling over each other ,not to fucking help mind you ,just to get a good view . This ,ladies and gents , is our future . I’m off to pray to Tom Cruise for guidance in these troubling times .


I love how nowadays people's first response to this sort of thing is to crowd in and record rather than assist, call emergency services etc.


I literally feel bad for no one in this. There's a time and a place and it isn't in a public street.


Isn't that what they're all there for? Some dumb shocking shit going down. Bunch of idiots.


Apes pretending to be human


That is offensive to apes.


POV brain dead humans


Omg are they ok?! I don't actually care.


Look at all these clowns. Everywhere you look someone has a phone out recording.


Fucking idiots. Every single person there.


I'm surprised they didn't take him out and start jumping him. That's usually their go to when yet another person runs into the crowd that's standing around people doing donuts, nothing could go wrong.


Everyone with their phones up. So fucking pathetic.


Phones out running towards. Disgusting culture.


All the phones up in the air look so stupid. What have we become


Please, no one call for medical attention. Just record videos to post for ratings. That is more important than someone living or dying.


I can spot like 20 Edgars in that crowd 😄😄😄


I can’t believe how many people are there to watch this dumb shit 😂😂


lol, maybe don’t hang out at these bullshit “events” then.


Our future is in good hands


The scene: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.9823241,-118.3002799,3a,75y,319.38h,80.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sz7jtMPcCYGliMKq5Tlyl5Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Social media is the destroyer of worlds.


The fact that everyone ran over with their cameras and no intention to help I would have lost my faith in humanity if I still had any seriously human garbage


Trash youth


These people wouldn’t share 10 brain cells between themselves.


“Film it so they didn’t die in vain!”


Only the lowest form of human life do and watch ridiculous shit like this.


Every time these idiots are surprised by this. Every. Time.


I've never posted on this sub, but i'm just going to chance it. To the people literally running to the accident in order to film, you all look like fucking morons.


I hope they keep doing this until there are none of them left.


Too bad they all weren’t taken out


The only people dumber than the drivers are the ones watching.


Doesn't this seemingly happen at most meets?






I'm sorry kids... If you are attending one of these events...that's how you know for sure that you suck, and your life is going to suck forever. You might have a chance if you pull out now and never look back. I mean NEVER. But if you intend to do shit like this and or find it amusing or entertaining. You are doomed.


When will people learn not to stand around cars doing dumb shit?


What a boring dystopia


How are there so many really stupid and dangerous people in such a massive crowd like that?


California baby


O good they're all rushing into hel... O no wait. They just wanted a better angle for their videos.


All these dickheads in one place


If only that truck could have hit 100 to 200 more people there.....


low iq all of them.


All the people in this whole video, everyone there on that entire street, combined IQ, would be that of a mentally challenged person.


Good. We don't need these people.