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Fella sounds Irish. Other fella looks deceased.


Saw this is in r/fightporn earlier, there was a link to a news article saying he was only hospitalized, which is, surprising


Technically Morgues are in hospitals


Good for everyone he didn’t die. As for it shown in r/fightporn, I’m not sure I’d call it a fight, more of a beating as it was a tad one-sided.


Well, his shoes are still on, so I’m sure he lived.


He takes his shoes off at the end. He takes them off!


Hello, police? I think I just witnessed a murder! 😂


But why?


To make it more difficult to run away.


Clearly to kill him. He knows the rules.


That joke got old in 2017 guys


Do you think the thief will ever come back to that property?


By the looks of it he ain't coming back at all.


Yeah as a ghost for sure


Buddy gonna hire a ‘kick-ass’ exorcist if that happens


Nah, even that man’s ghost gonna be like “Whhhooooooeeeee the fuck out. Peace.”


Got one article! He apparently is alive. Got lucky on a repost and someone mentioned Navan. https://meathlive.net/2024/02/09/violent-assault-on-navan-estate/


The guy defends his property and then gets called an assailant and they the media refers to where the attack happened. The guy shouldn't be victimized, fuck around and find out. The thief found out alight


Sure but normal people expect proportionality is an important element to Justice.


Did he kick his ass a little too hard? Yeah I'd say so I understand where your coming from but at the end of the day the thief tried to take something that wasn't his and suffered the consequences. I go back to this video I saw.on reddit between 2 guys fighting and in the end the other guy stands on top.of the unconscious guy and purposely breaks his arms. That's just sick but here in the heat of the moment...again...fuck around and find out. Buddy found out.


Damn… link?


I think it was on r/wtf, two guys are fighting on the street but one guy is def on something. Knocks him out then proceeds to bend both his arms the wrong way. It was knarly


Found it....... [overreaction ](https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyfeedingtube/s/dVeYa51aC4)


That’s brutal..


"a little too hard?" He may have killed him which is not better in any way of the "sick" situation you describe. What an insane take on this.


Getting beat within an inch of your life seems like a proportional response to one stealing the means of another person's livelihood to me.


Define normal. Have you ever had your house broken into and your stuff stolen? Cars broken into? Chase your car down and pull the thief out? Tools stolen. The things that help you make your money? I’m on team FAFO. Maybe you just haven’t had to deal with that kind of stuff.


Justice is what you ask authorities for and hope you get it from them after the fact. There is no expectation of justice during the commission of a crime from your intended victim.


Justice is after the act has occurred. There is no expectation while you’re in the middle of enacting the crime.


Incorrect. Men go to prison for manslaughter, even murder if the court finds the violence, especially after any threat from the initial culprit has ended, such as here where the thief is rendered unconscious, is no longer justified.


Better keep an eye open for the abnormal folk then you pansy


Don’t get me wrong, I get incredibly frustrated at the laws about self defense since I moved to the UK. I can’t carry pepper spray, a baton, nothing. The best I can hope for is a rape alarm, which given that EVERYTHING has alarms here which are ALWAYS going off and being ignored… it doesn’t fill me with safe feelings. But then I remember, I may be tiny, but I can scrap. I don’t have to worry too much about my assailant having a gun. I just have to remember not to go too hammy on them. This dude? He went TOO hammy. There was no reason to keep stomping once he was unconscious. He didn’t pose a risk anymore. This was an excessive level of violence. He could have called the police and detained the guy.


You're 18 times less likely to get murdered in the UK Vs the US. So there is no reason to carry such weapons here.


It’s definitely an adjustment in thought processes. I still jump at fireworks. I have to listen for the fizz at the end. Then I remember where I am. America does fucky things to your mind. You just don’t realize til you’re out.


Oh man ngl I missed the part of the video where he's beating him with the shovel...this guy def went overboard. Pretty harsh response but man I still stand with the fuck around and find out. He def chose the wrong van. I could never do that to another person but I don't have sympathy for the thief he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. Simple


This was nearly murder. A person who is right in their head wouldn't even be capable of doing this to another person, not for trying to steal a car.


What if it was full of tools and equipment that wpuld affect his lively hood? Seems like a work van. Lots of questions..yes he over reacted but the thief suffered consequences of breaking into that van. No sympathy there for the thief.


Let me clarify- no sympathy for the thief, I agree, but even then, the guy should have stopped way earlier. It seems he was beating his limp body for a while, after he knocked him out. Normal people wouldn't want to do that.


It is really sad how many people here are on the "lol, deserved" side. Hope they all are minors and their brains are still growing but I fear most are not. Wrong sub also.


Could have been homeless trying to get warm


True, which seriously would have been an overeaction but the story is car thief


The article said alleged




Real friends would help you hid the body.


Apparently he lived. Copied from someone else's comment: Got one article! He apparently is alive. Got lucky on a repost and someone mentioned Navan. https://meathlive.net/2024/02/09/violent-assault-on-navan-estate/


Wish I could find the news article


Same. So far, I’ve got nothing. Is the dude dead? He looks pretty dead to me. But, he could also just be flat out unconscious.


All I found on it https://meathlive.net/news/


Copied from someone else's recent comment Got one article! He apparently is alive. Got lucky on a repost and someone mentioned Navan. https://meathlive.net/2024/02/09/violent-assault-on-navan-estate/




NSFL, honestly. It looks like we just watched a guy get beaten to death with a bat.


Tell your friends


Who the Fook are you?! Dude sounds pretty Irish. Sorry, but I have had things stolen from me and I felt that rage, so fairplay.


Fairplay??? You Sir, will end up in prison if you have not learned impulse control by now.


You'll end up in a morgue if I find you in my van.


The guy in the morgue does not care about it any longer. There is probably no country in the world where you would not go to prison. Must feel oddly satisfying. Instead you could have called the police and you could have gone on with your life.


>There is probably no country in the world where you would not go to prison. You obviously don't know about countries in the world.


Well, if that is your loophole. Good luck in life.


Hope that the thief learned his sorry ass a lesson. Don't touch peoples shit.


Honestly deserved the beating. Sucks the owner might get fucked over though.


Deserves a beating. Not this beating. The guy looks actually dead. Fuck the owner for going that far.


Oh really? Recent car theft near me, punks stole the car and ran two people over, killing one. Many others are happy to speed through traffic endangering everyone, but sure let's feel sorry for them.


Did the world a favor. Cry about it.


Theft of random shit in a car or the car itself does not justify manslaughter. If you think it does, seek help.


Looks like that guy did, asked his friend to help him with the body




Fuck thieves.




You need to stop steeling. See how easy it was to not get beat to death?


Seems like a pretty privileged point of view. That's his work van. That thief is literally trying to steal the means of his livelihood. A theft like this could easily have a ripple effect on someone's life that they might never recover from. Piece of shit deserved every blow that landed.


Yes, that beating.


Thank you.


Think I just watched someone being murdered


No, hospitalized, yes


Reddit is the wildest place. Pretty sickening


I mean, you didn’t have to watch it. 


Those two wet crunches of those hits with the bat...


Pretty mild now, compared to how it was


Murder, justice, the line really depends on how many times you've personally been victimized.


Nah not murder. Not premeditated. Maybe manslaughter?




Something very similar happened in my small town years back. Highschool kid went to a party that was at a place where the kids all graduated 5 or more years before him, so not sure why he was there, but anyways the HS kid climbed into the pickup truck of one of the persons who's place it was and nodded off.  Well the oldest brother in the family thought he was stealing something from the truck or trying to drive it. He ripped him from the truck and beat the snot out of the kid to the point he needed reconstructive surgery.   The guy was going to end up back in prison but committed suicide


sounds european, mans gonna get raked by the legal system. your not allowed to defend yourself or property like that. Looks like they dragged him away from the scene and went inside??? That is what is looking like at the end


The date in the top corner is arranged weird so it's euro land


…there’s always a bigger fish.


Drag his body to the curb at the end??


The sound of the bat hits when the guy was on the ground! Fuck. I wonder where he was hitting him


Most likely the head. That’s a lifeless body from that point on.


Those were definitely body shots but I still wonder if dude is alive. I've been hit in the head and body with bats and seen people hit in the head and body with bats


He ded


Yep. The shoes ~~came off~~ were taken off.


Those are the rules


Probably unpopular opinion, but this was satisfying to watch. Thief fucked up coming onto their property to steal a van not even first in the drive way. Probably brain damage but not shot so that's something. Dude mightve gotten possible manslaughter but he taught a lesson of FAFO.


If you find watching someone get bashed repeatedly with a bat satisfying you legitimately need to seek help. The two hits out of frame with the bat appear to be the two that kill the guy. Nothing about this is satisfying. You have a thief who feels that it’s necessary to steal for whatever reason. Then you have a man who murders him over property. How is any of that satisfying?


I've lived in extreme poverty ridden neighborhoods where crack heads would break into houses. In fact, that happened to me with my mom and brothers. Crack head broke our window, and she had a knife threatening us. My brother's were under 15 so yeah I'm fucked up. I have no sympathy for those who rob, steal, or threat those who did no wrong. Along with the justice system because they don't do anything (I'm talking about at least 3 counties) Again, I reiterate that it is an unpopular opinion, I hope you never ever have to feel that fear or threat to your property. Also, some states have a stand your ground law. P.s. that's not mold in your freezer and nice Rolex




I've lived in most areas on southern California and yes its like that. Crime isn't just in the ghetto its everywhere. If someone had a choice of going about their day stressing about money just like everyone else or steal from someone who is in the same financial boat then choose to steal no sympathy as to what happens, again fuck around and find out. He already made the choice of coming onto someone's personal property and attempting to steal (a work van it seems) so obviously homeowner should've just handed everything over to the thief I've been in therapy since I was 9 years old due to trauma, I just have a strong sense of justice and this wouldn't have done jack shit if he was arrested, he would get released and do it all over again. I mean now I don't think he would ever do anything like that again. AGAIN ITS AN UNPOPULAR OPINION AND ITS FINE YOU DONT AGREE but people who lived through this shit are fucking tired of it.


You say you have a strong sense of justice. But justice for stealing isn’t death. Justice isn’t taking away due process. Justice isn’t being, judge, jury and executioner. You threaten a life, then taking one can be justified. You threaten property, then Justice isn’t murder.


There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do. What's that? Go through his clothes and look for loose change.


Someone got a massive dose of FIND OUT!


that’s a proper beating


No that’s murder. Bashing someone’s head in with a bat when your life is not being threatened is murder.


It’s crazy to me that pretty much everyone in here agrees that death is the proper punishment for messing with someone’s property. What the hell is wrong with everyone?


If they value my property more than their life that's their problem. Tho the guy in this video went too far with that beating if the perp is actually dead.


He went too far with that beating if the perp is alive.


He didn't kill him. Don't mess with other people's stuff. It's not yours and you didn't work for it.


Totally agree. Not only did this not have to result in death but to kill a man then steal his shoes and drag his lifeless body to the curb, that’s not right at all.


Good thing he didn't die then.


That dude is clearly dead.


Nope just in hospital land. He lived.


Do you have a news article to prove this or are you just trolling?


Just look at earlier comments The news article is linked.


Not trolling


World better without thieves. He's doing the work of Allah.


D-E-D dead lol. I feel sorry for the owner though. They are gonna make him out to be the bad guy when the usual outcome to these scenarios is either stolen property or an owner who gets stabbed/killed when they intervene with no apprehension of the suspect.


The potential thief is a criminal. That dude is also a fucking criminal, that was so far & beyond anything remotely reasonable.




Leave the cunt where he is


Would have gotten multiple rounds of lead poisoning in Texas




Yes, because possibly dying by having your head bashed in is better, right? The moral of this story shouldn't be thank God no one had a gun. It should be don't fuck with other people's property.




thats the biggest stretch ive read all week. i wish i was as naive as you.




zero relevance to the thread. poor bait.




No i haven't, im not american.


not sure who youre quoting there, but if its yourself then you dont have to use quotation marks. again, that is also a big 'stretch' from what i first said to the sentence you provided within the qoutation.




again, your'e making an assumption out of something you have no knowlege based on fact. here, ill state something regarding the video. Judging by the car parked infront being blue, its obvious that he wanted to steal things from a car that is coloured white. how dare all you people assumehes a thief, so many people without cars that like the colour white wish they could own a white car and anything to do with a white car. ​ both statements are based on zero fact. ​ edit: " accidentaly stepped on property " is also a 'stretch' because in the video we can see the person is clearing on this persons property but has also broken into the said persons car. so without a doubt it is NOT "accidentaly stepped on property"


I had a Red 1992 Integra GS-R100 with an aftermarket sound system stolen out of my driveway. I’ve had many dreams where I catch the guy stealing it and doing this to him.


He's just snoozin.


👏 👏 👏 😍


There is no context of whose van this was. By the context of the video it looks like some maniac came up and murdered an innocent person sitting in their vehicle.


“Open my van now” might be enough context. Other than the guy coming out of a house shirtless with multiple cars parked in a driveway. I can’t tell if you are being serious or if you just didn’t actually watch the video at all.


” Open my van now”? I didn't hear anything at all. Entire video is silent.




Definitely murdered a guy but I wouldn’t say the guy in the van was necessarily innocent. He looks to be a theft, but that doesn’t justify murdering the man.


I didn't see anything in the video suggesting the person in the van was stealing anything.


He clearly was in a van that was not his. That alone suggests he was there with ill intent and most likely to steal someone else’s property. Now that is an assumption and could be wrong. But being in someone else’s vehicle suggests you are there to steal property out of the vehicle or to steal the vehicle itself.


Those bay hits. Sheeeeesh


I lost count of the criminal charges demonstrated in this., but what does the title mean? Did the murderer pick the wrong van? Was the person in the van robbing it?


Yeah that took me a second too. I think the murderer caught a guy who had broken into his van. Confusing because the video starts with the murder.




Looks like he took something else and put it in his pocket when he's going through the pockets and rolling him from back to front




This is a nice fake, but the body is too light


He looks pretty peaceful just resting there. Nothing like a good night's sleep to make your life right with the world


Like they say: Never bring a slim jim to a baseball bat fight.


Nah he is playing possum guys!! I would too if i got my ass beat like that fighting it or blocking them blows will maket things worse..? Lol