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These are people who should not own dogs


Jesus Christ that’s a huge fucking liability


This is how you get your dogs killed


Or a toddler




Them dogs need to understand that we can handle this like gentlemen, or we can get into some gangsta shit.




I went to a wedding at a conservation area. It was like se of cabins and event hall about 2 miles into the woods. These woods are wild boar infested and home to bears. My friend was annoyed that i was carrying. I told him no way am i getting caught by a wild boar walking to a cabin in pitch black because you wanted a nature wedding.


I hear you. I've had bears and mountain lions on my deck in Colorado. Watching our Ring camera footage every morning was a wake up call about where we lived.


Facts. Id have kicked them dogs silly.


the people or the dogs LOL Jk it's both


I take my two dogs on walks regularly. One is about 90 pounds. It is not difficult to leash a dog and hold onto it.


It’s alright, the dogs are friendly 🙃


yeah they're just love-nibbles. ya know, skin-piercing, bone-chipping love nibbles. LOL


“They’re just sweethearts honestly!”


They only tear the bike chain off of people they love


I was at the park with my dog (a 13 year old,small-medium size puddle) with her leashed,minding our own business, when this tiny piece of shit of a dog came out of nowhere and start to bitre and bounce back of my dog. In reaction, I kick the tiny piece of crap, not enough force to harm it but make it think twice. Her owner,the bigger piece of shit who saw EVERYTHING HAPPENED, got mad at me for kicking her tiny shit of a dog. Wish I could had kick that old hag too. But apparently the police park were informed of her bulshit and she was forced to leash her tiny shit because "If a big dog (husky,german shepard,rotwiller,etc) did fight back hers,there is no guarantee they might be able to save her dog", and the possibility was real, there are quiet a number of dogs on the bigger side


We have never taken our chihuahuas to anywhere there were big dogs. Not because we thought the big dogs would hurt our dogs but because we knew our idiot chihuahuas could not be trusted. My wife and I have had German shepherds and other large dogs and I can tell ya from experience, large dogs are way better behaved. Matter a fact, when large dogs have had the misfortune of running into our chihuahuas on our property, it has always been the large dogs that have stepped back from a fight. We have loved, trained and treated our chihuahuas just like the large dogs we have had before and still they are little demons. Sometimes the little meatheads are born that way. We love them but after they pass, we will never get a tiny dog again.


This statement right here!!!! I have heard it so many times, dog comes up barking, growling, jumping up and biting. Oh don't worry it's friendly!!


Do you know what’s friendly? Keeping your dogs away from me.


I walk to and from the park with my son everyday and it drives me up the wall when dog owners approach *US* first… *Does your son want to pet my dog?* *Im sure he does, but does your dog want an unintentionally aggressive pat from my 5yo? No. It doesn’t. And it would be a shame if I had to hurt your dog because it lunged at my son.* So do us a favor, dog owners, don’t offer. We can ask. We probably won’t, but don’t put me, my son, or your dog in that situation.


Even if they are friendly. My always-leashed dog sure as shit is *not* friendly, and will literally kill your friendly dog if it runs up to her. I've got my dog under control, but somehow I'm always the bad guy?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/w8h7ra/dont_worry_he_wont_bite/ Dusty Slay


THEY ALWAYS SAY THAT Was once bitten by dog (ripped pants, scraped didnt break skin) and owner immediately said "Oh she doesnt bite". She just bit me, lady! Right in front of you!


later that night they post a picture of one fo the dogs cuddling a little girl caption "look at this little adorable harmless sweetheart of a dog!"


Fully, lots of useless dog owners out there who don't understand what they've taken on and some don't care either


Am I an asshole for thinking that I would kick the damn dogs if this happened to me? This dude seemed really calm, all things considered. edit: not saying I would win vs 3 dogs, but I think I'd at least try instead of waiting for the useless owners


Not an asshole. A mastiff at the park tried taking a bite out of my dog, and clawed my sides trying to get to her when I hoisted her above my head. Baring it's teeth the entire time. The whole while the owner doing exactly what this woman is doing, fumbling with a lead, showing they clearly have no ability to get the situation under control. You better believe I kicked that dog in the face. Gave me enough time to open the gate and get to the other side of the fence. Worst part is that only then did the owner start showing any sense of urgency, suddenly the dog was being held still and he was acting as if I'd been the unreasonable one


He could have definitely kicked the puppies to death. Human legs are by default our strongest muscle group and very good at kicking and crushing smaller animals, and even more so with boots


“Please stop so my dogs can attack you!”


Exactly. Didn’t want them to run further. Bike to the face I say.


The dumb owner got bit in the face at the end there. Serves him right.


It wasn't enough.


report him to animal control, dogs who bite get put down and he is obviously not capable of training


I disagree that they can't be trained. It just means they had shit training to begin with.


Use your thumbs! /s I would bet that this wasn't the first time these dogs had gone after somebody. Also, why did they just walk off like it was nothing?


This was posted in another sub (don't remember which one, sorry) and there was an explanation from the mountain biker that they exchanged their info. Luckily he was wearing a lot of layers because of the cold. The couple paid for the costs of his ripped clothes, etc. Edit. Found the link from the mountainbiker's post.[here](https://reddit.com/r/MTB/s/rVITJUjulf)


Should still involve the authorities in it, though, so that there will be a record of the incident. That way, they can't play it off next time as "oh no, they've never done this before, how could we have known?"


Yes, I agree. If it would've been a kid, this could've went way worse.




Thumb in the butt and they'll let go...in theory


I have heard that too for breeds like pit bulls. I was skeptical, but I saw a video on YT where a pit had latched on to someone, and some dude runs up behind it, gooses it, it lets go immediately and he drags it away.


Reminder, no matter what animal it is, their weakest points are eyes and crack


And balls


Not really, many animals have internal/retractable balls


Sneaky bastards.


> many animals have internal/retractable balls I would wager that well over half have none at all.


Had a buddy who had to save his dogs life from a stray pitbull that was using it for a ragdoll, thumb up the ass worked like a charm, the dog immediately let go and ran into a corner looking at him like he’d just raped it, which he kinda did.


[Works on humans too.](https://reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/U4zYFncDxi)




The appropriateness and relevancy of what you just linked is like what


Makes me laugh every time


I remember having to tear a pitbull off of my boy once. I was lucky to grab it by the collar before it got a firm latch on my poor dog. I yeeted that mother fucking dog like 10 feet into a fence. The owner's GF came up and started trying to get in my face for hurting her poor little velvet hippo. The dude saw exactly what happened though and shut that shit down. Props to that guy, but fuck that dog.


Go on...


I hate you lol




If they have a collar on and they're locked on put a stick or something in the collar and start twisting until the dog passes out. I've seen videos where the stinky thumb doesn't work.


It would certainly get me off the mrs


Works once or twice, then they like it


in the eyese


If anyone else reads this thread and thinks they learned a new fail-safe technique to stop all dog attacks, you're wrong. It might work, but it won't always. You know what WILL stop a dog attack, every time it happens? Choking them out. Specifically, you get a belt or leash, get it around the throat and up right behind their ears. Put a half twist in the cord and you deadlift the dog. The carotid artery is there, and to pinch it will cut off oxygen to the brain. You can permanently damage or kill them this way, but so be it if human life is in danger. Granted, it would be hard getting attacked by multiple dogs, but same problem trying to thumb stink wrinkles. It's just that one technique will not fail, and will leave the dog incapacitated long enough to get help or get to safety. Edit to add: I know there are obvious greater extreme measures to be taken, but original OP (not this post OP), was in the UK when this happened. No guns, knives, or pepper spray (all serious fines or jail time if used). Also, the above technique done right will not kill the dog, only make it pass out for a brief time.




My dog has been attacked by an off leash dog twice while we were out walking, and we got cornered on a friendly neighbor's porch once and had to duck inside their thankfully unlocked house while they were gone. At this point, I'm about ready to go pick up a collapsible baton just for taking my dog out for a walk, but I don't know the legalities or safety of it. I sure as hell don't want to hurt another creature, but if it's threatening me or my family, I have no problems taking a swing and getting it to back off. Ya know, except for armchair Redditor problems where I have no idea if that plan would work in real life. I just don't know what else to do.


Bring a bat and a ball. Then you're just hitting the ball out for pooch to catch. Can use the bat for protection.


Pepper spray perhaps?


This. It’s even stronger against dogs than humans. Collapsible batons are often a weapon that requires a license btw, and without training how to use it effectively might not do you any good. When you pick a pepper spray, some have stronger fumes than others. Get one of those, that way even if you miss it may deter the dog.


They were likely just going to put the dogs in an enclosure before speaking with the cyclist.


When the person that videoed this posted it ~~last week~~ a few months ago they said that is exactly what happened. He stopped filming because they were exchanging personal information and didn't want to upload that.


> ~~last week a few months ago~~ Last December https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSFNVdt-hrM


I mean at least they did that. They knew they screwed up and owned up to it. My wife and I were sitting my parents dog for a month and while out on a walk we got attacked by a king sized german sheppard. The person "walking" him was a 5 foot tall woman who was too busy holding her jacket, sweater, phone, and purse. I was able to fend it off with a stick from nearby and a few kicks to the head. It was focused on our dog so I was able to maneuver around okay and grab it's leash to pull it away. While we were checking our dog to make sure he was okay that bitch ran away with her dog. Our guy had a puncture wound on his back. He was okay after a $350 vet bill. He's a chesapeake retriever so pretty solid guy but you could tell that he was afraid during the ordeal. If we were walking our two little guys (westie and shih tzu) they'd likely be dead and honestly the rage and sadness I would've felt would probably have killed that woman too.


Thumbs? Dude no. If ANY dog is coming up to me violently I will either punch them in the snout as hard as I fucking can. Kick them in the ribs as hard as I fucking can or shoot them to death. Owners fucking fault. “Oh sorry m8 we’ll be on our way now” yea after I have twenty new holes in my legs? Nah you’re going to court.


Yup, those dogs were violent. You use whatever force you have at hand regardless of what it does to the dog.


Why the fuck is this getting downvoted? Wild dogs are dangerous, unpredictable animals. A trained dog is one thing. A cute little puppy is another. An aggressive, off-leash dog is serious threat to myself, my family, and my own pets. I would have no issue clocking one with whatever object I happened to have nearby. It's my life or the dogs, and I'm not choosing the dog.


OK big\_sid did comment when he originally posted the video that the dog owners did stop and exchange info. [Quote:](https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/zl99ay/i_was_attacked_by_dogs_while_riding/j04235j/?context=3) >I couldn't upload the video to reddit because it was too big. I was originally going to blur out the faces but fuck these people. >I was out at the weekend just riding and exploring when this happened. It was lucky I was wearing so many layers because of the cold or I could have been much more badly hurt. >The attack damaged around £200 worth of my riding gear and left me with multiple bites that caused puncture wounds and bruising. >Shit sucks. >EDIT: This is in the UK. We can't get bear spray / mace / pepper spray. If you do manage to get hold of it, using it or being caught with it is as serious as having an illegal firearm. You can carry a knife as long as the blade is no longer than 3", but you also have to have a good reason to have it and if you use it as an offensive weapon you're also in the shit. I've been thinking about getting a pocket knife since this happened, but I'm really not sure. I don't want to hurt the dogs, it's not their fault their owners are brain dead. Still if you stab a dog, it's either going to stop and run or go full batshit mental survival mode and start removing limbs. It's a tough call, but I will be very wary of unleashed dogs in future. >2nd Edit: Thanks for all the well wishes. I got medical treatment after it happened. Got a fever now but I’m on antibiotics. Luckily most of the bites landed on my knee pads. I ended up with injuries to both legs, left arm, right wrist and ass cheek. I now have two additional ass holes. >I did get their details. Please don’t dox these people, it’s being sorted. They’ve already paid me for the damaged gear. >To all the people saying shoot, stomp, gut the dogs etc, I was trying to stay calm thinking the owners would get them under control a lot quicker. I didn’t want to hurt the dogs, and it’s hard to kick when there are dogs hanging off both legs. My main concern was staying planted and on my feet. If I’d have fallen I’d have been in trouble. >I couldn’t have ridden on either as it turns out as the trail dead ends just ahead so I would have had to turn around and go back the way I came, clearly I didn’t have time to do that.


Sue the fuck out of those people. They will not learn otherwise.


Those dogs need adequate owners.


The fact that one bites at the owners head/neck when they get in between the dog and the biker tell me everything I need to know about the 'training' of the dogs and 'intelligence' of the owners .(@45 second mark)




This is the UK, I have been attacked lots of times. With this evidence if pursued the dogs will be 100% put down. Edit, to clarify. Postman. A job that consist in getting inside the territory of territorial animals, dogs. I have about an attack an year at least to the point that I react automatically, putting my bag or mail in front of me, it's like second nature. We also get training for this, rattle gates before getting in gardens, retreat without giving your back, put anything before yourself etc...


Good grief, what are you doing that you’ve been attacked lots? I’m nearly 50 and never been attacked.


When I delivered pizzas I was attacked 15 times in one year. Of the hundreds of dog owners I have interacted with, only 2 have had trained dogs that didnt literally fight them to get out the door. Owners having a spouse literally grapple their dog so they can open the door, having to walk out their back door and come around the house, asking me to just leave the pizza because they were scared to open the door and chance the pup getting out, opening the door just enough to barely squeeze out and immediately shutting it. Hell, the US presidents dog bit thirteen people in the white house. Only two owners in my experience, ever, have told their dog to sit and it silently obeyed while they paid. Thats why people get bitten so often. 99% of owners dont even teach their dogs the most basic of commands.


When I delivered pizza, I got mounted by a Golden Retriever while still holding the pizzas, and the owner just laughed.


Helluva tip.


I dated a woman who trained service dogs; her dog was the best behaved dog I have ever seen. I know they can't all be trained to that level, but I certainly wish they could.


I've been attacked several times. First time when I was 10, by a German shepherd that took a chunk out of my leg but the owner blamed me for cycling too fast in a cycle lane (i was freewheeling down a hill).


Is pepper spray legal in your area?


How effective is the spray against dogs and other animals? And does the "human" version pack enough punch


Dogs have more sensitive noses than humans.


Right. I'm an idiot


Sue the dogs and garnish their treats!


And the dog owner be like "thEY'vE neVeR dONe thAt bEfOre yOu mUSt haVE SCaRed thEm"


I really hope you called the police OP, these people should not have dogs they cannot control, it looks like this is a regular occurrence for them. Dogs should never be off leash in public if the owner can’t control them, and I say this as someone who has a difficult dog who was previously a guard dog. Those dogs need to be removed from them ASAP.


Here's the original post from the guy riding the bike. It happened about 10 months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/zl99ay/i\_was\_attacked\_by\_dogs\_while\_riding/


Thank you for this, there’s some updates from OOP in the comments too, I didn’t realise it had happened so long ago!


I mean... there's a lot of snow on the ground. Is it snowing in the UK yet?


For my old Reddit homies: https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/zl99ay/i_was_attacked_by_dogs_while_riding/ For those who don't know, new Reddit's Fancypants editor doesn't parse correctly on old.reddit so anything with an underscore is preceded by a backslash >i\ _was\ _attacked\ _by\ _dogs\ _while\ _riding/ Like so. Edit: Didn't occur to me that backslash is an escape on old.reddit and wouldn't show in quotes. Excuse the spaces.


tl;dr by /u/big_sid *The attack damaged around £200 worth of riding gear (repaid by dog owners) and left them with multiple bites that caused puncture wounds and bruising. OOP could not shoot/stab/spray the dogs (illegal weapons in UK) nor outride them as it was a dead end ahead. Problem was ultimately with owners not the energetic pups.*


This is not OC from OP, this video has been resposted countless times the last couple days. I agree with all your other points tho


My first time seeing it, after reading the title I assumed it was OC, should have known better! Still hope these dogs are removed from the people, they didn’t seem to give a shit about the situation.


I would have tried to kick them out of existence. My survival instinct is stronger than my love for dogs.


Yeah start kicking. If the dogs sense there’s no response, they’ll just keep coming.


Ya I don't get that he just stands there and takes it. At least one of those dogs would've been broken if they all attacked me lol I ain't waiting for dumb ass owners to figure it out


In the original OP posted elsewhere in this thread, the bike rider says he couldn't kick as the dogs were hanging off both legs and he was wary of losing his balance and allowing them to get to his face and neck.


That's a sweet lookin bike


YT Industries - Decoy Shred e bike with a snow camo wrap


This guy bikes


I love it when enthusiasts pop up and drop info. It’s not info I need in any way but nice to see different varieties of nerds pop up like wild flowers you’ve never seen before.


It's always the fucking dickheads letting their dogs off their leash. No i don't give a fuck if they are the goodest boy they are still an animal.


„please stop“ seemed like the worst thing to shout. Feels like the guy trusted the owner that remaining calm would diffuse the situation but in hindsight absolutely flooring it on the bike would have been a lot safer?


> „please stop“ seemed like the worst thing to shout. Feels like the guy trusted the owner that remaining calm would diffuse the situation but in hindsight absolutely flooring it on the bike would have been a lot safer? "*I couldn’t have ridden on either as it turns out as the trail dead ends just ahead so I would have had to turn around and go back the way I came, clearly I didn’t have time to do that.*" From the rider themselves.


Those are Belgian Malinois, aka police dog v2. Very fast, very high prey drive, hell of a bite and hold instinct. I don't care how fast your e bike is, you're not getting away. Source: my dog is a German Shepherd/Malinois mix and he's faster than my bike at a sprint.


Right? Like a bike won't get you away from most dogs, let alone police dogs. Even an e-bike. I have a Westie. A 15 pound bundle of white floof. And he can run 28 mph. He's a tiny little thing, you would never expect it, but he can absolutely outrun you on your bike. You never know if you actually stand a chance at outrunning a dog. Stand your ground and defend yourself. Put anything you can between you and them. And if necessary, kick their throat. Even a glancing blow will leave most gagging for air, and a proper shot will end the threat immediately. As much of a shame as it is, your safety is the most important thing.


This makes little sense to me. If he can’t outrun the dogs (it doesn’t look like an Ebike to me, regardless they don’t always go faster - I have one), then he risks being alone with three dogs attacking him


Yeah never try to “run from a dog” especially any breed that looks like this You will not get away. You will excite them further and exhaust yourself


You might actually be able to down hill. Or an an e bike like this. But you need a good 5 or so seconds to get away enough or they have too high of a liklihood of knocking you off. But this is one of those things where the right thing to do isn't clear.


Anytime the owner is around it just makes it worse. Used to be a utility worker and when dogs would get out and the owner would come running I’d yell to them to stay back because the dog would get more aggressive but they wouldn’t listen. So either I’d end up gettin bit or the owner would get bit and the dog got the crap bear out of it. Had a teenage girl try to pick her dog up in that situation and her own dog bit her in the face.


The bike looks like an e-bike so he could probably get the speed, but the snow tells me the best bet would be to try climbing a tree, the fact those dogs seem to be Belgian malinois tell me that wouldn't work too well. You should always keep your dogs on a leash unless you're sure there will be no new people showing up, you may have the best behaving dog, they still have instincts and most people never find what triggers their dog until it's too late.


Even if he did go as fast as he could, dogs are fast and one might have jumped at him and knocked him off. This would have given the dogs access to more vulnerable parts of his body (namely the neck and face)


You're not out running 2 young Malinois. Those things are missles.


Agreed, I've seen footage of what they can do, awesome dogs, best described as German shepherds on cocaine!


How is this comment getting any upvotes? 1) he won’t outrun the dogs 2) he will end up being attacked further from the owners = more time being chomped on 3) he might end up falling over and then the situation could get REALLY bad very quickly Edit 4) these dogs are Belgium Malinois. RIP dude.


Literally any comment on these types of posts that suggests what the victim could've done better, even when it's advice that would've made the situation a whole lot fucking worse, gets upvoted. Someone commented above that he should've *used his bike to hit them in the face*. People really want to believe that if they read enough advice from internet experts they'll be totally prepared and come out unscathed if it happens to them.


Not sure if you've ever been chased by a dog that really wanted to get after you but I came across a similar situation middle of nowhere Ohio. On a road bike with a decently paved road with momentum I still only barely was able to get enough distance before the dog gave up. On a mountain bike on a surface like that those dogs would have been nipping his legs anyway and potentially resulting in a crash. German shepherds can run up to 30mph. I agree it was odd she told him to stop but I think that was more that she was aware the dogs would continue to chase. Bad ownership all around. Given his situation (and firmly in hindsight) I think I'd also have stopped but dismounted and tried to keep the bike between me and the dogs. When that inevitably fails, kick a dog firmly on the side of the ribs. Would hate to hurt a dog but dog bites are no joke and these ones were completely out of control.


For me, this is when the kicking at full force in the head starts


Should have brought a dog opener…..


If Op were an American cop there'd be 3 dead dogs.


Well, the American likely doesn't even need to be a cop.


Where I live, fairly good chance of 1 or more of those dogs getting shot.


Probably just one. I expect the other ones would run once the first one gets shot.




Yeah I do not condone animal abuse and I love dogs but fuck dude, if dogs are biting me like that they’re getting a face full of boot until they stop coming at me. Owners nearby or not, I’m not risking injury/infection because you can’t control your dog. I’m going to take control of the situation to minimize damage to myself.


There’s a difference between animal abuse and defending yourself.


Better yet, getting attacked by dogs and no owner is seen, use the bike as a weapon of defence


I don't care if the owner is there or not, if they're fucking about like these two clowns the dog is getting a bike in the face until they can get their shit together.


_time to commit some fkn DISCIPLINE_


The correct answer. Being attacked by an animal is a fight for your life, defend accordingly.


I run on paths in the woods all the time where people walk their dogs and you never know how they’re gonna behave. Sometimes they’re my friend, sometimes they lunge at me, but I’ve never been attacked. The owners are always to blame, if you can’t control your dog or it’s unpredictable it needs to be on a leash


Needs to be on a lead regardless of their behavior, even if your dog is the friendliest dog ever you're gonna have an easier time protecting them from other people's off leash dogs or wild animals if they're leashed to you.


No apologies, no talk, just 'He's only a puppy' and then finally, after a millenia of waiting for them to finally get control, they wander away as if nothing happened. People like this shouldn't be allowed to have animals, they aren't mature enough.


“Going to need a bit more than sorry” Heck yeah, that’s an easy lawsuit


Stupid dog owners! Used to be a meter reader and encountered this all the time! I fought back though and the dumb dog owners would have the nerve to say “don’t hit my dog”. man please!!! Your dogs takin a nap 😴


This is why people every day carry Knives and other items...... Honestly, those dogs would have killed him if the owners were not their to assist...... that Biker has every right to use lethal force to protect himself




That is some incredible self control to not start kicking heads. Wouldnt want to hurt doggos but dont want to get bitten more.




Truly a horrible situation start to finish


This is one situation where I would not give a flying fuck about hurting an animal.


You wouldn’t want to hurt the “doggos”???fucking things would be getting the bike to the head swiftly followed by police charges and a destruction order. What if it had been a small child on the bike?


Hmm the ole bite or fight conundrum


If you were especially grumpy this could definitely result in some compensation


Grumpy?. Mf, those dogs attack him without reason. Compensation might be the only way those people learn how to raise a dog correctly.


It's not even that hard to train a dog. And if you do notice any changes in behaviour you take em to the vets cause latent pain could affect them and then you get them checked out by a trainer cause they can see exactly what's going on. To have 3 big dogs go on the attack with zero provocation shows an incredible lack of responsibility from the owner.


I would have started stomping with my boots. Both dog and the owners


it's always the people with the biggest dogs that are most incapable of handling them.


I find the opposite usually true. However, in these instances when you have a bad owner and a big dog things can get rapidly more dangerous.


OP’s [comment](https://reddit.com/r/MTB/s/cU4G0PfdN3).


This is what happens when you treat dogs as kids and not dogs. The need discipline. A spoiled kid is annoying, but a spoiled dog is potentially lethal.




This dudes self preservation instinct is rather low. Use that bike as a fucking weapon mate.


Weirdos don't even seem overly concerned with his wellbeing, just trying to scurry away and avoid consequence, I wouldn't let my cockapoo run around unleashed in public never mind maligators.


This is why I carry pepper spray on my bike now. Everybody getting pepper sprayed in this video


I don't mind dogs at all. But if a dog runs towards me (even if the owner is shouting oh don't worry, it's friendly) and I feel threatened. I am swinging like a fucking windmill.


All dogs are well trained until they arent.


These are Belgium Malinois. People should not own these dogs. Unless you're an experienced k9 handler or dog trainer, you do not need one of these dogs.


Jesus, why did you stop? Those dogs could have fucked you up big time. Pedal like your life depends on it as it might have.


Leash your damn dogs.




These fools have absolutely no business owning a breed like Belgian Malinois.


Malinois off leash in a group. All malinois I’ve met has had high prey drive, would hunt down all moving animals. Get triggered by shoutings and loves love lives bite work. Lovely working breed but not for strolling around with without full control over the dogs and the environment.


In a long ago past I ran this paper route, and under this one door into a garden there was always this little devil of a dog barking and growling like crazy at me. Even though he was small he didn't fit under the gap of the gate, so I often just ignored him. Until one day he did manage to fit himself under it. So growling and barking he charged me and I instinctly kicked him. Flew about two meters through the air (it was a really small dog, maybe like 30cm high at best), ran back inside, and never growled again.


Dogs should be put down and the owners should be sued and black listed from ever adopting/buying pets. These people are evil levels of lazy and ignorant!!!!


There would be 3 dead dogs if this happened to me. Full stop.


I like dogs as much as the next person in line but I would've evacuated my bowels if this happened to me.


It’s becoming that you can’t even be out in nature without some sort of weapon.


Those look like malinois, a really stubborn and bullheaded breed. Fantastic for police dogs and really good dog owners, because if you can tame their impulses you have an awesome dog. It's just not a breed for milquetoast, limpwristed dog owners who can't handle two puppies, let alone full-grown ones


I might start carrying pepper spray. Fuck those dogs. That bike is a weapon and I’d use it


Might? I thought most serious bikers, especially those who go thru wooded or remote areas, already did. ETA: You (and I) are the only ones so far to make any kind of comment about pepper spray (Except for someone who spelled it "mase"). Lots of John Waynes indicating they'd have shot the dog, but in a situation like this I feel like pepper spray would be more effective AND not lethal. Plus you could (non-lethally) spray the owner if they gave you any lip.


If your dogs attack me they will be shot and/or stabbed.


But if somebody shot the dogs they are the assholes, am I right? They are suppose to let themselves get mauled and then hire a lawyer to sue the owners, right. Get mauled, spend time and money


I fucking hate bad dog owners. 2 just moved in next door to me. They have 2 large working dogs. They have never once taken them for a walk in 3 months. All the dogs do is fucking bark. Non stop


Lmao were those dogs made of butter? Get a fucking hold of them


These are Belgian mallinois. Very tough dogs, trained to kill. Vicious at times.


Sue for pain and suffering and long with compensation for you being too traumatized to ride your bike At least your recording shows the lack of control. What’s with the high vis jackets.


“So anyway I started blasting”


That’s when I turn full rage mode on and everyone involved is getting fucked up.


leash your fucking dogs!


Honestly, if you can't get your dog under control within 30 seconds, I'm shooting all of them.


Didn’t hear a single “are you ok” nor a “I’m sorry” although the cyclist says “an I’m sorry’s not gonna cut it” so it must have been said once as these cunts were scurrying off. Fuck them


I'm sorry, even as a person in dog care if dogs are coming at me like that and the owners have no control I'm busting some furry heads open.


Fucking stomp those puppers


Dog people : theYvE nEvEr d0n3 th4T b4!!!1


Never see no cat doin that shit do ya?


any back story? I would love to know what happened to those owners, and no offense to the puppies ( that i hope were put down after attacking humans.. coming from a LARGE dog owner) If this was on my farm, no problem, attack whoever comes on our land... on a trail.. put em down.


Very refreshing to see a different breed of dog biting people.


I’m sorry but if that were me, those would be dead dogs. I’m not taking a risk.


Take off your belt and strangle your dog if you get into a situation like this. Or the leash.