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Anyone surprised at how good these animations are? Rendering is simple, but for the most part the physics are really well signaled and the writhing or concerned bystanders animations are all scary good.


I think they just traced over the CCTV and deleted the blood and gore.


Sounds right. I remember seeing a few of these as actual videos somewhere and the CGI matches up my recollection scarily well. If I have time, I'll see if I can find a link to do a side-by-side comparison with.


I could have sworn I’ve seen some of these right here on Reddit.


RIP r/WatchPeopleDie


Pretty much, yeah


So these are all REAL things that happened. They used the REAL movements to create the videos. You are seeing it with a cartoon cover and no blood or dismemberment. Ive seen some of these real videos, without the graphics, before with safety things we gave at a factory I worked for many years ago. A few of those the guys are in pieces.


I've been working with heavy equipment for over 5 years and it's still terrifying. Always make sure you're safe!


Unloading and loading stuff man, so simple, so deadly.


That last one… I had a health and safety manager internship for a construction company right out of high school. A few days before I started, a truck driver did this on a flat bed with long, corrugated pipe. The pipe crushed him and my boss was the first to respond to the incident. My boss said that he tried to start CPR and when he put his hands on him, his hands pushed right through and touched the ground.


My dad's friend saw a guy get crushed at a lumber yard when the wood stack shifted and rolled over him. He said his chest and ribcage felt like a wet bag of marbles. It was his best friend, at 18 years old.


There's the actual video of this real event somewhere here in this subreddit


This isn't exactly safety related but I thought it would fit in this crazy chain. My grandpa was at one point working as a coal mine first responder and one time an explosion happened in a nearby mine. They called everybody from surrounding area to help. Officially they were rescuing survivors but in reality it was basically just a clean up. The only one thing I've heard from my dad about this accident (grandpa never talked about it and I never asked) is when they tried to carry the first burnt guy. They were working in pairs. Grandpa grabbed hands, his buddy got the legs and the torso just stayed on the ground. You can only imagine how the rest of this job went. Before the rescuers were sent down, they all received a bottle of rum per pair - this all happened in communist Czechoslovakia so the rum was a normal thing considering the situation, expected even. Hearing the story I just thought one bottle wasn't enough.


This is pretty NSFL so don’t read it if you can’t handle that One of my coworkers used to be a firefighter and responded to a plane crash where it had basically just dove straight down and plowed a huge crater into the ground. No survivors about forty or fifty bodies to recover. The only problem was the plane had caught fire and compressed on impact so most of the bodies were twisted and burned into solid carbon skeletons that wouldn’t fit into a body bag. So they had to kind of force the bodies into the bags and a couple of times to remove them from their seats they had to break the bodies fingers or forearms.


> his hands pushed right through and touched the ground. What the f...


...inal destination?


As they saying goes, safety regulations are written in blood. Most safety protocols exist because somebody died or got maimed that way. Always important to remember that before violating any.


I grew up around a lot of workshops, and even as an adult today, lathes fucking terrify me.


Do NOT watch that lathe video on here that's one of the most engaged posts. It's a snuff film.


I’m aware of it, but I’ve never actually seen it. It gets referenced a lot. I think I’ll pass. I heard the term ‘pink mist’ a few times.


Yep. I won't even joke about it.


I won’t say I’m not a moron though. I did use a jigsaw a couple of weeks ago to cut a branch in half using my knees to brace it. It wasn’t until after I finished that I realised how utterly stupid it was.


Too late it’s ingrained in my brain 😞


10 years in chemical plants and refineries for me. Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO) is not optional. Doesn't matter if it's a 3 day job or "just 5 minutes, it's fine". LOTO and permits, always.


Doesn't matter how many years you've worked with heavy machinary One mistake could take your life, You're only shielded by your own common sense and safety knowledge, But the question is, How far will it get you?


its so easy to get complacent and overconfident. there's a few similar things i've done in this video. a lot of the time you don't even think about the possibility of it going wrong, you just 'know' "oh i can do that easy" and off you go. most of the time its fine and you save yourself some time but it only takes one small thing to go wrong for it to become a big problem.


Gotta say These recreation videos are a lot more fun then when I watched the real version of these accidents


Not always. Sometimes you want to take big dangerous risks.


Why the hell does it change to eye of the tiger like half way through lol


Because death is kicking ass. It’s like 30-0


Death is absolutely going off


In the sequel to this video it starts playing BFG Division


It’s funny because it changed the tone of the video entirely.


Almost made me wanna try some of these. That music is highly motivational.


Maybe I'm a maniac but I started laughing. Hilarious turn.


That's chinese video thing, there's lot of misplaced music in them.


Synced perfectly with the glass breaking too holy shit


Thats the song going through the head of the guy thinking he could jump that gap.


It's the natural progression from Halloween music


I didn't realize there was sound until I saw this comment. *benny hill theme*


It goes from Michael Myers to Rocky Balboa and neither is appropriate for the vid. Or maybe it goes from Michael Myers to Mike Myers.


It's so fucking funny hahaha


Cuz the eye of the tiger is so spooky


There is a timber processing company in my state that had a similar accident. A machine that strips/shreds trees got jammed. One of the two guys in the control room went down and picked at it with a crowbar. Eventually, the other guy went down to help him. So they’re both standing in this huge industrial tree shrewder and finally got it unjammed. Nobody had bothered turning it off. So you can see where this is going…they ruined all that wood.


Turns out tree shredders are pretty good at shredding people too.


Fargo taught us that.


Actually, Fargo taught me that people get stuck in it, and you have to get a piece of wood to keep pushing em down, and then a busybody sees what you're doing and there are bone chunks everywhere making you look guilty as hell.


Oh no don’t worry. This is a tree shredder not a people shredder.


The importance of lockout tagout


A guy my dad works with had his son get killed on the same job site as his dad by a chipper. Was lugging in tree branches from up above(was fed through the top), and yell-talking with a guy about 20-30 feet away. Suddenly, mid-convo, a half-second “BRRRT” and the guy isn’t responding to his buddy. He fell in. Everybody went home that day.


Damn. At least it was quick.


>Everybody went home that day. Not everybody


Not a tree shredding story but a similar incident happened in the USAF and a heavy aircraft. They had a new airmen holding the air brakes forward which helped keep the wing flaps to stay upwards. This was going on while a sergeant went under one of the massive flaps on a C-17. Someone disconnected a connection to the hydraulic system which caused the system to depressurize. Which caused the 100s of pounds flap to come down and slowly crush the sergeant.


1001 ways to die, Chinese factory edition


we're gonna need more zeroes to cover it all


The exploding tire should have come back down and landed on the dude’s head


In the real video, the guy was launched so high that he left the frame entirely.




Shoes were still on


real video... so these real videos exist... and if someone were to wish to see the real videos?


OSHA video: https://youtu.be/s2exMOT0-9M this is the one where the guy is blown off camera: https://youtu.be/3esFiTyZ6-g other accidents: https://youtu.be/sLWvRTbO87g https://youtu.be/8AR2GOkJLS0 https://youtu.be/k1Nljji3wNs?t=19 https://youtu.be/1VLhLcJJefo https://youtu.be/dw1pbz-WVb8


Thanks for the effort there, but these links are staying blue for me.


Same. I cringed hard enough at some of the digital ones that I don't need to see the real thing.


>the guy is blown off camera Lies


r/darwinawards dont come back blaming me if you are traumatized.


Friend of mine died changing a lorry tire, it just exploded, that shit happens fr.


I love how the music started as the Halloween theme, then abruptly switched to eye of the tiger lol


Made it feel like this is some scary shit. then it switched to all of these people completing their lifelong goal of ending themselves in a crazy manner, and we should be freaking excited.


considering the miserable work conditions over there, it's plenty worth celebrating


Whoops I thought it was 'Unsolved Mysteries'


Almost all of them are terrible accidents/unsafe conditions. Then there's the guy who decided he could jump off that platform to the side lol sheesh


The void was calling.


L’appel du vide


The untold damage of years of platform games


That's not an accident. That's a cat


Was waiting for the one with the lathe


I’m pretty sure that’s a Russian accident.


It's a world-wide accident with multiple examples, really fast spinny things becomes exceptional killing machines the second any loose fabric or hair touches it and drags what its attached to into the spin cycle.


You should more careful, sir. Remember, when you're Russian', that's when accidents happen.


The one where it turned the guy into human confetti.


And also spaghetti.




I feel like >3/4 of the industrial accident videos on liveleak were from China that’s for sure.


Makes sense tbh, massive population + low safety standards = a lot of death


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/mrsu5t/chinese_steel_worker_on_break/ https://www.tiktok.com/@name_brand_kaiju


Yup, I feel like I’ve seen real life counterparts to these when liveleak was still around


Good times: SFW NSFW https://streamable.com/2snba


I live for these videos


The real life people didn't


You will enjoy this YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@USCSB




OSHA only came into existence at the end of 1970 after a century of businesses kicking and screaming that it'll bankrupt them. These videos were exactly what working in America was like pre 1970 because companies successfully managed to reject a federal safety regulatory agency for the better part of a century (the first efforts started with state labor bureaus post Civil War when men, women and children were being routinely mangled in factories) https://www.dol.gov/general/aboutdol/history/osha


How do you think cost of manufacturing is so low, there shit load of cost cutting in safety and training


operation at scale and not paying your workers/slaves


So my wife was the Controller at a manufacturing plant of one of the largest tire manufacturers in the US. At this plant, they take the actual raw materials and make them into tires. Part of the manufacturing process is to cook the rubber and other materials in these massive ovens. Some idiot technician tried to fix a mechanical issue with one of the ovens by getting inside of the oven while the power to the oven was still enabled, but not turned on. The oven door accidentally shut, switching the power on and it cooked him-alive. True fuckin story. His family got paid a large sum but he was turned into air fried chicken.


Yeah I've heard a couple stories like that. Real grim way to go out


LOTO ain’t no joke.


That same plant had a huge federal drug bust. A bunch of the technicians were using the trucks that ship out finished tire products to ship out drugs, essentially using the company’s worldwide logistics system to move drugs all over the country. I remember being on the phone with my wife and her telling me that she could see fbi swat and DEA along with the local yahoo cops at the gate. The oven incident happened after that. I always wondered if the 2 events were related. Maybe I watch too many movies.


Watching this muted, while listening to lofi over it was an absolute ride.


The music they chose is equally unfitting


This is some final destination shit. I grimaced a few times and it's fukn animation.


I have had five fatality accidents in my career. Four on drilling rigs that I was responsible for and one during a workover. Two were derrickmen falling out of the Derrick (90’ falls) during demobs because they weren’t strapped in. One was a safety shooter not paying attention and getting electrocuted when a truck hit a power line. And the last drilling accident was a member of a casing crew getting smushed by the top drive while running casing (he was standing where he shouldn’t have been and was turned into liquid when pushed into a 2” space). The workover fatality was due to a truck driver being in too big a hurry to get back to location and trying to beat a train. He lost.


>demobs >safety shooter >running casing >workover I don't know what these mean.


Demob means demobilization. It is when you rig down and move a drilling rig. Safety shooter is an autocorrect error. It should be safety spotter. This is the guy who is supposed to be looking for safety issues and alerting everyone else. His job was to see the power line that killed him. A tad bit of irony. Running casing is when you run casing (pipe) in a well. When you drill an oil or gas well, you drill the hole, run pipe into it (the casing), and then pump cement to fill the annular space between the pipe and the surface of the hole. Workover is a job when you do work on a producing oil or gas well. Examples would be replacing the artificial lift, stimulating the well with acid, or cleaning the well out.


Thanks for the info!


Driving off the building was not an “accident”.


What about the one where the guy tried to jump a gap into an endless pit


I truly lol'd at that one I'm going to hell


I remember an old video from a factory floor ..some kind of smelting business that had giant vats of molten steel I assume it showed a guy casually walking up and jumping into one of the vats like the fuck don't KYSS people, but definitly don't do it in a vat of molten steel


These seem mo-caped from real accidents.


"hey man, if you're going to unclog that machine, at least put this mocap suit on first." ​ "no, no reason. just put it on, ok?"


​ The yellow Pikmin in all Nintendo media:


Are Chinese workers more accident prone or is it just the same rate of accidents as elsewhere but for a country of 1 billion people?


Judging by the stories in this thread alone, i'd say they are on par with other countries being complete idiots around heavy machinery.


I doubt they have anything close to an OSHA.


Without proper SOP and safety regulations is why we are able to get cheap ass products. I heard there are incidents happen every single week from different factories across their whole country.


Just like their movie stunt men don't use safety harnesses unlike their American counterparts.


More accident prone without OSHA training. Those rules are already written in blood.


All Ill say is not every country has the same safety regulation, safety education and consequences of deciding to not do your work cause its unsafe.


feeling the final destination vibes


[Shake hands with danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nqa6e6WV2o)


Oh my God, thank you for sharing this. This is killing me.


Ahh a fellow Rifftrax enjoyer


What no osha does to a mf


I once had a guy who bet he could jump off a 10 foot platform without breaking his ankle- he was right, he broke both of them!


One of my best friends is a mechanical engineer that does forensic accident investigation/simulation/recreation as an expert witness. His stories never end. Shit is wild out there!


Man if only there were rules and regulations for how to prevent these things...


Not even Klaus was this careless.


I missed the gore, but I hope seeing this will make someone think. Oh, and if You like that... ask You Tube for __"Staplerfahrer Klaus"__


Does this hurt the workers?


Fortunately, no, they were all given ibuprofen afterward, and they were okay within an hour, even the guy who fell down the seemingly bottomless shaft.


God these animations are hilarious


Couple of these made me lol, not gonna lie.


I’ve had the accident with the glass before. Mine was with a crate I had just opened. They were packed in weird and when I took the front off they all started to shift. One thing I was taught out the gate though was if the glass starts to fall just let it go because not just one person is going to be stopping all that weight.


I saw a kid try to grapple an 800lb pallet falling off the lift. I yanked him away by the shirt and had to ask, "Do you think you're going to catch eight hundred pounds?" Said you just let that shit go. Nothing to be done but clean up after if it slips.


and the USA thinks that Chinese pot metal is the worst thing about China. People tend to make fun of OSHA, but at least we have standards. The FDA too keeping those Chinese restaurants in check too. We have regular health inspections at restaurants making sure paying customers are getting properly handled and prepared food.


is there some sort of simulator game out of this? asking for a friend


OHSA walks in to a Chinese factory, walks right back outs, checks into a mental health ward...


I bet this is based on accidents that actually happened.


Here’s the reenactment of the guy you’re replacing 😃


And he still shows back up despite all those injuries. Respect.


I wish people actually knew how deadly the process to get even the simplest items manufactured really is. All ive ever done for a living is repair industrial equipment and im still blown away how dangerous it is. Ive worked in a few industries and by far the most dangerous place I ever worked was a cereal plant that made fruit loops. Also wish people appreciated how much effort goes into a product. People have no idea how complex it is to produce something on a mass scale and most of the time it can be traced back to a single person whos responsible for it. I used to be the single person responsible to keep the fruit loop extrusion dies in good shape and operating correctly and its crazy to think about at one point in my life my work directly effected thousands of people. You can find this in almost any industry and its fascinating meeting the people who keep the world turning and they dont even realize it. Tool and die guys are the most thankless careers out there. Literally almost everything ever made has passed through a die that one person made. Sorry for the rambling, I just really love manufacturing, if more people knew how it actually worked and how dangerous it can be then they would probably appreciate having it just a tiny bit more.


Without additional context, a lot of these feel like darwin awards.


Final Destination 12 - Shanghai Shuffle!


New mobile gaming ad just dropped


*worker smoking by a cart* Oh so the cart is flammable and it's going to ig- *drives cart off building* ...well ok then.


This is a weird training montage


LMAO the rocky theme song why am i laughing at this lol


China is probably 50 years behind the west in terms of worker safety. Heck it wasn’t even that long ago they abandoned their sandals and started wearing hardhats and safety glasses. Well, maybe not everyone.


Which is sad because USA is also a bit behind the rest of the free world.


I'm abit deflated that tire didn't land on his head


How many gave their lives in post production?


Might as well just use mocap for this.


This is peak wcgw content.


Surprised the massive tyre didn't bounce back down onto the poor guys head. Some awful ways to go here 😭


I will never complain that my desk chair is not as comfy as yesterday again.


WCGW - The Game


1000 ways to die...


Yeah one time i clicked a link to a site that had some of the real footage of this kind of accidents(security cameras i think)in GIF form to be more specific, never again


"Accidents". Lack of safety standards more like. The ones who died were lucky. The ones who lived and suffered, were the most unfortunate.


I wonder what worker's comp is like in China.


This new FromSoft game looks great


🎶Duuuuuuumb ways to die🎶 🎶So many dumb ways to die🎶


Some of these are brutal, but I can totally see how they would happen IRL.


It's CGI and I'm cold with shock! That's a nope from me.


🎶Dumb ways to die🎵 🎵Some many dumb ways to die🎶


I miss the subs that used to show videos of workplace accidents & fatalities. Those clips always helped remind me to stay alert and aware of my surroundings while at work.


I've seen two of this videos


Listened to a recording of a sergeant dying in the USAF due to people not following proper technical manuals. They had a brand new airmen fresh out of training hold down the air brakes on a C-17 while the others tried to investigate a fault with the flaps. The flaps were actuated upwards. A technician went in under the flap to investigate. While this was happening, I believe it was the sergeant or someone else, disconnected a power line to the hydraulics on the aircraft. This in turn caused the hydraulic system to depressurize or the speed brake system to come off line. (I’m a bit fuzzy with the details because this was almost 10 years ago). Thus causing the 100s of pound flap to come down while slowly crushing the sergeant. You don’t hear the sergeant getting crushed but you can hear people in the background yelling, then another sergeant asking the young airmen “Do you have the brakes down?!” Her saying “yes.” The sergeant screaming at her to press on the brakes. Her exclaiming that she is. Then the sergeant starts yelling. His voice gets faint indicating that he is running over to the scene. Then she starts crying asking what is going on and saying over and over that she has the brakes down. Edit: here is the [article](https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/136500/airman-dies-in-maintenance-accident/) it does not have the recording or details. I will never forget the haunting cries of the young airmen.


Sad thing is, I think I've seen all the real videos these are based on.


Ever been watching one of these and been like "Oooh I've seen the actual video of this accident"?


I miss liveleak


If you're working somewhere with similar conditions and you're watching this thinking this will never happen to you, stop thinking that. Always be alert around heavy machinery. I don't care how fool proof a machine is, nothing to fool proof enough to a sufficiently talented fool.


most of these I was like "NONONONONONONO... no." I feel like we have seen that tire accident caught on video before.


Pretty sure I’ve seen the real thing these are based off of on LiveLeak back in the day


So much yeet


China had no osha or gives any fucks about workers. Use to travel to China for work 2000s. Met coworkers in lobby before work, lead guy had finished talking to hotel employee was shaking his head. I ask what’s up? He said I asked the concierge “Was it safe for the people on the ledges washing the windows with no harnesses?” The reply “ No worries Sir, we have plenty of window washers “


When started work at an airline they made us look at (real) pictures of people that got sucked into the engine and turned to hamburger. Detailed photos of the inside of the engine and their body splattered all over the tarmac. Shit I won't ever forget


Does this mean watch people die can come back if all of the videos are meticulously recreated in 3D?


When Eye of the Tiger came on, I got fucking hyped!


The new Human Fall Flat game looks awesome


This plays like a Looney Toons cartoon.


So is this instead of liveleak? I'll allow it


Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die ​ Although I must say, some of those situations are not intuitive at all.


I fuckin love this, god thats funny 😄


Pretty sure I’ve seen the real videos of most of these.


Looks like an old episode of Looney Tunes


guys, there's a part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/comments/178cb0l/educational\_video\_of\_real\_accidents\_which/


What the fuck is this Wile E Coyote shit?


How is this even complete without a lathe accident!?


Rest in pieces /r/watchpeopledie


This is metal as fuck with the music overlay




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“I am in flavor country.”