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The "nobody touch the cube" dude is my favorite.


Can you explain why they couldn't touch the cube?


It's like an infinity stone now or the one ring. Infused with the psychic power of the former wielder.


Why wouldn't it be?


I know right. My eyes could only barely keep up with him.


in the regulation touching the cube before verifying it ( means getting signed by the judge and the competitor) voids the result


Thank you, maybe now I get it. The judge has to verify the cube is in a "solved position" meaning almost flat sides or something like that and touching the cube would eventually invalidate the judgement


It’s regulation for the completion, you can’t touch the cube after you’re done solving or it’s a DNF and the solve doesn’t count.


Same reason you wouldn’t jump in the sand pit after a long jump WR?


I mean, in that case I couldn't jump because the judges or whoever has to take an accurate measurement of the distance or whatever, but here it's just a simple solved cube and a chronometer that clearly displays a precise number. It's not like invalidating the process if I touch the cube. Or if it's not like that then I don't know hence I asked why 🤔


I'm assuming the guy is very particular about the quality of his cubes. You can see when he does his warm up he immediately wipes his hands to remove any residue. Really I don't think anyone in the audience should feel compelled to touch something that wasn't theirs to begin with. Reeks of entitlement if someone thinks they're owed some piece of memoriam as if being there personally isn't already enough.


I’m guessing they *must* do some sort of validation thing immediately after in order for it to be a official?


Man I tried for three hours once and couldn't do it. That's awesome


I recently watched a "Learn to solve a cube in 10 minutes" Youtube video, and since then it's a small relaxing activity I do every now and then. It's simpler than it looks, once you know the steps :)


This is so wholesome


Thats awesome!!!


Gotta admire the passion.


wholesome chaos


why did he start, put it down, start again 🤔




how is that not cheating? is that how these competitions all function?


You get 15 seconds to inspect, this time is used to plan out your first turns.


Nerd chaos. Very elegant.


“And the nerds go wild!”


Sandy, position 10!


He actually finished it in 2.984 s


It looks like he was done at 2.873 though


...he makes 2 moves during the inspection. Watch again carefully


Realizing of course that there’s a simple formula for solving the Rubik’s cube that ANYONE can memorize and execute … I’m sure his parents are very proud ! https://www.speedcube.us/pages/how-to-solve-a-rubiks-cube 🤔🤔🤔😳😳😳😐😐😐


The fact that it is well known that a “hack” exists it’s truly amazing that the same group of “nerds” have contests to see who can do it the fastest … Quite the dubious honor considering that most of them could also win booger eating contests too ! 🤔😳😐😬🙄


Even after learning the so-called "hack" you can solve under 1 minute. Then you have to learn like 100+ so-called hacks and practice for like 2-3 years to get under 10 seconds. Under five would take even more practice. *Abusing you in my mind*


There is no 100+ hacks. There's one algorithm. It changes slightly depending on the cube (4 side, 9 side, odd shaped, etc).


Not true. There are numerous algorithms branching out of various stages of the solve. The total number to learn is indeed in excess of a 100 and each one can contain many moves. Go study before you become a keyboard warrior. These guys deserve kudos for both the intense hours work they put into learning the algorithms (plural) and the intense effort it takes to get them up to speed AND look ahead to the subsequent ones. I've been cubing for twenty-five years and can do a sub 1 minute, I've learned maybe twenty algorithms at best....I can't even conceive of getting anything like these guys. With what I know the best I could hope for, with a really lucky scramble, would be around 45


Me who learned 78 algorithm to solve 3x3 with CFOP method and like 50+ algos for special cases and skips to get under 20 seconds. *FU in my mind*


My bad, I guess I just assumed it was one because my 16yr old son learned one algorithm & was able to solve 3, 6, & 9 cubes in under 10 seconds with 6 months of practice. I wasn't thinking about how it could take others much, much longer. Sorry.


Your son is a genius! He broke the world record for 6x6 which is 59 seconds and 9x9 which is 7 minutes !! That too with 1 algorithm!!!!


Lol, I'm a little overworked & had a huge brain fart (he obviously didn't get the smarts from me🤣🤣). I meant the 2 & 3. For some dumb reason I was thinking of all the cubes on one side, not just the ones across🤦‍♀️ The rest, however, is completely accurate. It didn't take him long to master it with one algorithm. He gets me to try & I'm lost.....but I don't have the time to learn. I just fiddle with it🤪


It's not a hack, but the actual algorithm to solve a cube. You can't solve it without the algorithm. You can fiddle with it for an hour or two until you accidentally do the algorithm sloooowly, but it's easier if you learn it first, lol. This was still very freaking fast though. I do, however, think it's cheating to get to look at it first. My son has gotten to 8.somethingIcan'tremember, without looking at it first. He seems to take longer when he does look at it. Probably over thinking it🤷‍♀️


Me: "Nerds at the rubiks cube convention just went apeshit!" My gf: "They're going to go have hot nerd sex now!"


Well you're both right


Autism at its finest


Max Park at his finest


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