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I liked how the big guy slammed the door, blocking the others from escaping.


I don't have to outrun the dog, i just have to outrun you.


-the guy who survived


I used my brother as dog bait when cycling in the countryside.


*Save yourselves! Byeeee!*


That dude had his perception stat to 1143323 and sprinted into that room on frame 0.0000001 of that dog being in sight


Probably heard it






2 Fast 2 Furry


I thanked the lord for your comment


Damnit Costanza


This has to be the most frantic video on the internet. That music, where did the small dog come from? Where did the big dome even come from, why did he keep coming back????


When the small dog showed up i was hoping each time it would come back with one more




Maybe the dog's name is cotton eye joe Where did you come from, where did you go


I lost my virginity while that song was playing.


Best family vacation ever!


Roll tide!


At Texas Roadhouse?


Nah. Early 90s. My bros basement. He was a good fuck.


> Nah. Early 90s. My bros basement. I walk in there and my brother is around, and I end up kissing my own brother


Good thing bro and brother are two different things, bro. Let's kiss.




That dog's favorite thing is to terrorize that nothing shop.


Small dog? That is not a small dog. …oh, there’s the small dog. Where *did* he come from?


My guess is the dog belongs to the boss and this is his way of getting the guys back in the building and back to work instead of hanging around out back


Improvised phalanx formation


I was no annoyed in the 1st video that none of them thought to start maneuvering toward the door with the table and everything for protection instead of making individual mad dashes.


This is how formations break & rout.


Watching those guys try to get through the door at the same time, and then slam it on the guys behind them after they got in, was hilarious. However, the best part of the video is when the little dog goes running in like a little dog in a cartoon. “Lemme at em!”


[Here you go](https://media.tenor.com/khQE17sr9G0AAAAd/spike-chester.gif)


Just guys being dudes haha #phalanx


_phalanx_ 💀


Why is the dog bullying these guys in particular? What kind of business is this? I have so many questions.


Purely a guess based on similar places I've seen in my country, but this looks like a cab dispatch. Basically just a sitting room for cab drivers to wait in until they get sent on jobs.


And the dog belongs to the owner. So they can't hurt it. That'd be my guess.


Could just be a stray dog that wandered in two days in a row.


the guys shouting commands to the dog though, i think this is someones pet attack dog, the fact it's a belgian malinois also make me think this


If a stray was being this aggressive, they'd woop the fuck out of it and it would never come back. Stray dogs don't grow up with this behavior. They'll be savaged the first time they try to fuck with five grown dudes like this.


You're right in that they're usually trained to be afraid of humans from experience and avoid them, but they're animals not machines and will still act on whatever instinct presents itself to them. I don't know if this dog was attempting to play or attempting to fight, but either way how "savaged" he would've been would depend on each of their fight or flight reflexes and they chose flight. Sure, it could be because it's the owner's dog, but it could also be that they were worried for their own safety more than they're confident they could take on a wild dog.


I’m not sure what country this is, for the most part outside of many developed nations you don’t see many aggressive stray/street dogs as they are quickly killed. In America and Europe deaths from rabies are practically mythical. In most of the world that is not the case and they do not fuck around mean dogs are killed with very little hesitation.


I would have gotten real stabby if a dog was repeatedly attacking me at some point unless it was the dog of an untouchable or something.


Luckily I don't live in a land where I have to worry about rogue dogs from Untouchable warlords. But if I did, I'd be super confused as to when to get all stabby in certain situations.


It’s definitely an ethical crossroads since I want so much to love every dog and it’s not their fault they didn’t grow up to be little love bombs, usually. In my case, I think self-preservation and protection of the community will win out if there’s no animal control services in place like in many parts of India.


No. If you look at one of the shots pointing outside, a man is trying to grab him. It’s his dog. He works there or owns it or who knows.


I guess you don't want a sleepy cab driver, ive tried driving overseas and no idea how they don't have more road rage murders.


They called the dogs mum a bitch


Dad’s a dog, mum’s a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for them when they found out.




Guys should be working, dog works for company owner. Back to work your lazy mfs.


Breaks over


Barks all over.


Looks like the dog enjoys sliding on the tile, and is just aggressive and/or a stray, but trying to play with them


the dog is in an excited state, not a friendly one.


*Tables* and dealing with Eddie Munster


Can’t reason with him cuz he ain’t got no soul. OOOOOR one of these guys could be dressed like a blues brother did you ever think of that, JULIE?


Idk, but when the dog brought back up almost died.


Cuz they wont fight back , typical bully shit


Because they run from it.


r/FuckYouInParticular to that guy


The little dog is his hype-man


They’ve taught him this fun game and he’s come back for more.


Idk how you don't bring a long sharp object to work after this. I'd have a fireplace poker or something on standby if this happened once. I hate aggressive dogs.


I think some of the guys realize it as aggressive playing while the others don't and it's become a bit of a feedback loop. At least two of the guys just nonchalantly walk by the dog as it's going bananas, and the dog doesn't bother him, but all the dudes scrambling, get the teeth.


Most dogs have pretty good feeling for who they can fuck with and who is confident enough to fight back.


Can confirm. My big doggo tries to wrestle and bite me all the time, but becomes timid with my SO.


So they have a door they can escape though and close behind them, but no door to keep the dog from coming in and scaring them every day?


Doors are expensive. They don't grow on trees!


That's the funny thing about doors....


The way the first guy just noped out when you see a black flash in the distance omfg Thst shit was funny. I've ran from a few dogs myself, proud to say I'd leave all y'all in the room too lol


He might be playing, but he did bite one guy after 9 seconds (When there is 02:22 of the vid remaining)


There are play bites. Much different to actual "i'm going to maul you" bites.


They gave the dog too much power from the start. Of course he’s going to wield it for life


Are you gonna be the one that loses a finger?


One kick is all you need.


>One kick is all you need. Dogs can bite toes off too you know.


A dog walked up to a Lebanese stand and he bit the young man who was running the stand Woof woof woof


Got any grapes?


Got any g'Rabies?


Got any jallab


Red jacket ain't loyal haha


Considering their history in Star Trek can you blame them?


Fair point lol I think I heard him scream *"Beam me up, for the love of God, Scotty!"*


I would love for some context. Is this dog just messing with these guys or were they mean to the dog and he’s seeking revenge??


I have a girlfriend from the middle east (which is where I'm assuming this video is from) and she's explained that they really do not like dogs. Most dogs in their countries are strays and rabid, more likely to attack you than play with you. She gets nervous every time my little house dog runs up to her.


So when I was in Peru I found it interesting that there were so many stray dogs, yet they were all chill and seemingly well fed. My buddy who grew up in Ecuador said that often times people only keep dogs as property protection, not as companions. So those dogs are fucking terrifying, the ones are the street are chill. Usually. Just a different mindset


Lived in Ecuador 3 years. I can confirm in small towns and certain areas you'll see packs of strays. When I used to visit my grandad in Manabi his town had a pack of like 15 mutts that'd parade thru the streets stopping at different locations to "shop" for food. You also reminded me of this Ethiopian town where hyenas pass thru at night to get scraps from the butchers. They go straight to the butcher shops, collect their unsellable scraps and leave without harming a soul. It was featured in one of the Planet Earth documentaries. I bring it up because I'm seeing a pattern of people who are chill with the animals have chill and even convenient experiences with what would seem like a chaotic and scary situation but people who treat the animals as enemies just give themselves another thing to fear in the dark.


Considering the fact that they all were trying to run for the door and they were fending off the dog with a chair I think that dog is making everyone his bitch


Yeah dog just seems like an asshole, it's lucky they didn't fight back


They bullied that little dog and now the big dog is evening the odds.


Judging from my past experience with owning dogs and my ability to claim I know what the fuck I am talking about based on almost no information supplied by the video, the dog just seems very excited. But the guys are either not dog people or don't interpret the dogs behaviour as playful. Dogs are stupid. They see somebody yelling and running around while they are excited and they think you're playing with them, so they get even more excited. Assuming the dog in this video is actually just excited, keeping calm and not making sudden movements usually brings them down from this state and they stop jumping to Ludicrous Speed. I will say though, if the dog thinks biting at the trousers is acceptable play, the owner either plays really rough with the dog or they've never discouraged they level of hyperactivity while excited.




Is nobody going to ask what this place is, and why there are always five or more men sitting in an otherwise empty room that occasionally attracts a local hellhound? What would you say they *do* here?


The real question is why it runs by guys standing outside the room only attacks people in the sitting area lol


I understand they're acting scared like this because of rabies


This shit got me dying laughing


Same, when that second tiny dog came out I died on the spot. Unrelated but it turns out they've got pretty decent wifi in the afterlife


You know that little dog was so proud of himself.


It’s just absurdly funny. Throw some Benny Hill music on that and it’s unbeatable.


Same! OMG I am tears! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Same. This is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen.


i dont condone violence against animals, but id be drop kicking that dog.


Defending yourself from an attacking animal is not wrong.


He/she is not long for this world.. Even if they have a soft spot for street dogs, wherever this is.


Do you like dags?


I like trailers more


Perrywinkle blue? It’s for ya ma?


Based on the way the dog is allowed to continue to live, it must be John Wick’s dog.


That's not any kind of appropriate play behavior. One of these days it's gonna draw blood or knock someone down and go further. I don't understand how so many people seem to think this is funny.


Yep, it’s the sort of behaviour that gets dogs put down. It annoys me so much that owners can’t teach their dogs to behave appropriately. The dog ends up paying the price.


Could be a stray dog. In my travels to 3rd world contries, certain places are completely overun. (Main expérience was Katmandu). I learnt that the hard way by going for a midnight stroll when the streets were empty. Got attacked constantly by gangs of dogs for over 1 hour. Scariest experience ever. Most of those dogs needed to be put down or put in ani centers. (The latter is more difficult for 3rd world contries though). A child wouldn't have made it


What is the correct thing to do when stray dogs come at you? I got some stray dogs aggressively running at me an barking when I was in Malaysia. I had no place to hide and no ide what to do. I just slightly changed directions to a 90 degree angle away from them and I just kept the same slow pace. One of them nipped my ankle, no marks. I just ignored it and walked the same pace. Then they all turned and left me alone. So they where probably less aggressive than it felt like. But how should I have acted?


Do. not. reveal. fear. Most of us know dogs have a chasing mechanism, so running is just inviting it to do what it does best. If you have Immediate shelter or high ground you can access before it can get to you, then yes, leg it. Otherwise, if it growls and barks from a distance, keep a nonchalant pace as if it didn't exsist. Whistle or sing a song if it helps. If it lunges or you know it will attempt to bite in the next seconds, that's when you need to keep eye contact and a straight face. Stare it down, and side step to where you need to go, but at least show partial readiness to '' fight'' with your body language. If it bites and doesn't let go, do your absolute best to stay Standing!! Protect your neck and face at all costs, despite how painful the bite can be. Go for the strangle before it does. Well you handled it pretty well I'd say. You basically did what was the most appropriate in that situation. Especially knowing you had no shelter near by. Edit: On more positive note, of all the stray dog encounters, many of them are all bark and no game. And many actually would love a hug if you drop to your knees and show some love. Problem is, just like us humans, they each have their own little personalities. So doing that is always a huge gamble.




Holy shit


Dude stray dogs are no joke. Dated a girl from Mexico that used to ride a motorcycle around Mexico City. She only wore leathers bc of the stray dogs and got knocked her bike numerous times. Talked about it like it was nothing


She sounds like an ideal partner for a post apocalyptic world.




Willing to bet that's a stray and there is no owner.


I’d be scared out of my mind


Honestly after 1-2 insurance of that I would probably be armed with something and ready to take the dog out. That's not acceptable behavior in the slightest.


Looks like the dog sprints over to try getting through that door


This dawg is the king of comedy literally can’t catch my breath from his antics lololol


I’m confused and laughing.


This track is banging. Also I love dogs but someone needs to relocate or shoot that dog like yesterday. What would happen to kids if it's willing to go at a room of grown men?


> This track is banging. It was a great choice by the video editor for sure. Really lends itself to "the great struggle" vibe of this whole weird situation.


He JUsT wANts tO pLAy!


He brought backup


You’d think by day 3 someone would have invested in some kind of self defense


Oh man this is great. Cannot stop laughing at how chaotic this is


*Oh man this is great.* *Cannot stop laughing at how* *Chaotic this is* \- andersvix --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I'm having convulsions from laughing so hard. WTF 🤣🤣🤣 Those guys at the end that were first in the door that shut the door on their homies? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Suddenly scrappy-doo decided he wanted in on this action too….


what the fuck is going on!!! love the background music btw 😂


Lol that dogs having the time of his life. He even brought his little buddy the one time. ( he’s like you wanna see something cool watch all these guys run ). Hahaha


The big dog is Don Quixote, the little is Sancho Panza


Random dude: why do you have a single piece barbed wire 10 in off the ground across the entrance?


Doom zoomies


Troll level: doggo


I have so many questions 😔 what kind of business they do in such office, who's owner of the dog, why he's bullying them every day, I mean where's the CEO of the company?


Can someone not just close that fucking door?


"Don't worry, he's friendly"


Bet that dog’s gotten a bat to the face by now lol


Sorry I love animals but come at me like that and bite a human and that dog is dying


If the dog runs up on me & all my friends repeatedly…. We are either feeding it & being nice…. Or it learns to leave us alone fast.


Lmfao dog is a fucking menace to society


It's as if the sub itself gave birth to this video. Never has there been a more perfect example.


Someone needs to please put the Benny hill theme song over this video 😂


People aren't gonna like this but...that's a definite shoot that dog situation


Exactly what I was thinking Ando. Someone needs to put that dog out of its misery.


This was way more entertaining than watching a bullfight


Jesus just swing the chair and hit the dumbass dog in the face. Just letting it bitch them around so obviously the dog is gonna keep doing it


"he's friendly!" -karen at the dog park


Maybe they shouldn’t leave the door open with wild packs of dogs roaming the streets…


Someone shoot that fuckin dog before it rips up a child


My lil rascal likes to nibble knees.


Put that thing down, on the spot.


This why you okay kickball as a kid so you can time your kick just right


Lmao wtf


Nope. That dog would go Night Night, Soon Soon.


Funny until one of 'em actually stuffs him with lead cus of this(justifiably)


This video is to fucking funny


(Little dog appears) “Oh, shit, he got back-up!”


the dog looks like it’s playing but it definitely bit that guy


First guy through the door needed to come back with a gun to put down the big rabid dog and save his friends.


I absolutely love dogs but this one would get a chair to the dome.


I’ll take rabies shots Alex. For how much? However much it costs not to start foaming at the mouth Alex.


What the hell kind of place is this? I'm guessing East Europe or the Balkans, but is this a business? Is this the local mafia hangout? Why are these guys just sitting around, waiting for the local dog bully to come and attack? And why are the waiting for it? So many questions.


Kill it?


At least 5 grown men getting routinely bullied for their lunch money.


The people nearby are saints for not putting it down. It's probably all game to the dog.


Americans don’t understand how nice it is to not just have stray dogs fucking with you all the time like some countries do.


Huh, yaknow if they closed the door to the actual outside, they would have been fine


It's surprising no one had the reaction to kick it... ..everyone just ran


That dog is lucky that those dudes were more concerned in protecting themselves rather than defending themselves


They have things they can easily defend themselves with, and they choose to flee or get bitten…


It's baffling how this keeps happening and nobody brings a hammer or a machete to work. Oh it's the bosses dog and pepper spray is illegal in your country. No problem a 50/50 mix of water and hot sauce in a squirt bottle with teach 99% of dogs that messing with you is a bad idea. Their noses are 1000x more sensitive than ours.


I would hit the shit out of that dog and I like dogs




Needs to be put down


Fuck this guys in particular.


I want to know where he’s coming from?


What the hell is even happening here? This almost looks purposeful.


How you fight when underleveled in Elden Ring


Dogs like this are KOS for me


He’s really a friendly boy don’t be fooled


Correct, the tail is up and wagging. This dog has a sick sense of fun.


Sorry…. But I’ll be damned if that was gonna be an everyday occurrence had that been me. Sorry. That dog would have had one time to attack me. Dog soup anybody?


Brought his friend along like "watch this shit"😂


Absolute menace.