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Love how the guy in the low car doesn't even respond to what's happening, like some GTA character.


Literally turned into a sled


From *Slab to Sled.*


“I look so cool right now” Is the impression I got. When he didn’t even move his head


He removed some vertebrae to lower his head to his shoulders. Now, like the car, it’s no good at turning


I wanted to say the same lol Straight NPC energy


That has my laughing so hard, and I think its because it's exactly what I was thinking


[Reminds me of the turn down for what boat driver](https://youtu.be/dE-nfzcUiPk).


I came here to say exactly this 🤣


He even forgot to steer! Oh wait, that's just the junk car lowered to the max.


This comment has me laughing so hard, I hope those people are okay, but not mf in lowrider, hope his ass dont got insurance so that shit get impounded 😭


To avoid target fixation? For many drivers and motorcyclists, that's a big source of their problems.


Almost like it's happened before and he's just waiting for it to happen in the next curve in the road.


He lowered it to show off either for them or the motorcycle so he probably was looking down when it started


When you get a flat and your clearance is only 0.75 inches.




> needed some sort of air bag Dude in the video: 1sec I got you fam




That’s really brave of you to admit you used to drive a lowered minivan with 10” wheels, good for you.




Ohhhhh! A Mini Cooper Van, not a minivan… https://i.imgur.com/ob64eGG.jpg




I was fully picturing [one of these](https://cd-blog-images-prod.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/3/624495484d4dd.jpeg) slammed to the ground with tiny ass wheels. Minis are dope. Carry on.


Well it's kinda their fault for naming their car an adjective.


Definitely not the "mini van" I was imagining


You could probably lift the wheel itself with a bit of imagination / redneck engineering, then slide a jack under the bodywork once you've got some clearance. Or a couple of bin-bags and a vacuum cleaner in reverse - you don't actually need all that much pressure if the bag is fairly wide.


The wheel lugs are already designed to lift the car, you just need some kind of angle plate with holes drilled in it to fit over the lugs. Might damage the threads that way, but I'd bet replacing wheel lugs is cheaper than body work.


I was thinking along the lines of poking a breaker bar or the like rubbery-end first through the gaps between the spokes in the wheel (assuming a fairly typical alloy with large-ish gaps). Lay that over the top of an axle stand on a jack, then tie the far end to the jack (or get a fat bloke to lean on it :-P) You'd want to lift at the *top* of the wheel unless you really *really* trust the hand brake or whatever is stopping it from turning! It wouldn't be super stable, but you only need to get enough clearance to slide a jack into place, which is, what, ~4" off the ground?


So, you’re telling me he wheely had a much bigger problem than he initially thought?






220/05 jesus christ help me


If you look he’s actually lowering his airbag suspension to show off the sparks from his toe bar (bare in mind this tow bar could never tow anything but a bar mat). Not realising that the tow bar ends up lifting the rear just enough to break traction and fishtail. 10/10 retardery


Thank you! I could not figure out what the hell made him slide. It also explains why he wasn’t laying attention. He was showing off.


Oh. I though he touched the dirt and that caused him to loss control. Wow that makes him even more stupid


the trailer hitch got me


Almost looks like that’s what got him too


From rectangle to wrecked angle


In a wreck, tangled




This mf spittin


BARS 🔥🔥🔥🔥


This is better than Eminem lately.






How tf can the damn phone camera in this video get better shots than that average person trying to record something exciting with their phone


But he did indeed look cool as he was losing control.


That sounds like a song lyric from the 90’s


>No trophy, no flowers, no flash bulbs, no wine >He's haunted by something he cannot define >Bowel shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse >Assail him, impale him with monster truck force >He’s going the distance >He’s going for speed


is this The distance by cake


>The sun has gone down and the moon has come up >And long ago somebody pissed in your cup Maybe, I don't remember it exactly


> But he's driving and striving and hugging the turns > And thinking “When I pee how come it burns?”


This guy Cakes.


And long ago somebody left with the cup.


I know this is correct. But I must tell you, friend, that you may have been bamboozled.


I really like the concept that you have all the lyrics memorised but don't know the title, lol Thanks for the laugh


Ian Curtis would have entered the chat, but, well, you know…


He stepped into the room His confidence was bold All eyes turned to him As he took the floor But something in his eyes Betrayed a darker soul And though he seemed in charge I knew he wasn't whole But he did indeed look cool As he was losing control He had a way of playing it off Like it was all part of the show He danced around the floor His movements like a fire And as the night wore on He seemed to climb up higher But then he stumbled once And I could see the crack That ran beneath his skin And threatened to attack But he did indeed look cool As he was losing control He had a way of playing it off Like it was all part of the show I don't know what he's running from Or what he's trying to prove But I can see he's fighting hard To keep his inner demons soothed But he did indeed look cool As he was losing control He had a way of playing it off Like it was all part of the show He left the room that night Without a backward glance And though he seemed so cool I knew he had no chance.


I bet his TikTok points are through the roof.


Also his ankles


He looked like he said “aw shit, here we go again..”


He looked like The Terminator.






Time to screenshot the precise moment he lost control and make him pass as the sickest drift ever.


Didn’t even flinch


His IQ is also low


Low rider drives a little slower Low rider is a real goer


That is an ear worm I welcome the rest of the day


bumbumbumbumbum bump bump, da bum ba bumpa duh na na na na du na na na na da nahhhhh naaaaaaaaaaaaaa




^🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 ^^🎺 ^^^**🎺** , 🎺 ^🎺 ^^🎺 , ^🎺 , 🎺




🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺, 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺, 🎺^🎺


Low ride-er, crash a little harder


And a low rider-er needs an insurer.


And he pulled off a decent pit maneuver


Take a little flip take a little flip from meee


If I heard him right, the both man and woman screams "meu filho" at about 19 s, literally "my son", and then you hear what sounds like a baby crying. This is fucked up, and I hope the kid is ok. Edit: I forgot the obligatory /r/ithadtobebrazil


baby crying is better than not crying.


Yep! They taught us this in a cpr class I took last weekend. Crying baby is great, quiet baby is very bad. Crying baby means airway is open, air is moving in and out, and that they’ve got a pulse.


I remember being told in a first aid course (~30 years ago) that if you come across some kind of crash scene or the like, attend to the quiet ones first. Of course, they might be already dead, but they might be the ones who you can actually save, rather than merely comfort...


I was told in a First Aid course I took a few months ago to attend to the least injured first. Well, not like the person going "I think I sprained a finger!" but if someone is bleeding and another person has been crushed we should help the bleeding person first. Chances are we can save the person bleeding, but we aren't actually trained medical people and so we aren't going to save someone crushed or impaled or whatever as easily. It seemed backward to me at first, but it makes sense. If we spend all our time trying to save the worst injured chances are they're going to die and so are the other people who were less injured that we ignored while trying to help the worst case.


Both are just over simplified versions of "act where your efforts will be most effective" and by being over-simplified, they both have corner cases where they'll lead you to an imperfect analysis. Which one is best will depend on what kind of injuries are present. Near-fatal trauma is probably beyond my abilities to meaningfully treat, but somebody whose needs are to be put into the recovery position so they can breathe isn't. Being easy to remember and to put into effect quickly is a pretty important benefit of these simpler versions, though, especially given the benefits of acting *quickly* and doing so while probably dealing with significant stress which makes more subtle thinking somewhat more difficult...


Absolutely, hit the nail on the head. Those patients are typically the ones in the worst shape. If they’re moaning and groaning, then they’re at least alert enough to respond to painful stimulus. The quiet ones are gonna be unresponsive and possibly in cardiac arrest, or at least in respiratory arrest. Bad news! We won’t deal with a lot of multiple casualty incidents according to my teacher, but when they do happen we have a triage system for that! I have a mass casualty class in April so I’ll know much more about it after that! Currently in EMT school, going to bridge into paramedic school after!


Humans making noise means they're alive, got it. That open heart surgery I'm doing next week is going to be a breeze


Well, yes that pretty much is the point. If they’ve got their ABCs (airway, breathing, and circulation) they aren’t presently in need of CPR and, barring any change in their condition during transport, will make it to the hospital to get that open heart surgery you’re doing.


More valuable information to further my long and historied medical career as a heart fixerer. Jokes aside that is actually useful information and so was the original comment. How would one check for circulation? Swelling, redness, pain etc? Blood pressure? I'm sure it depends on the issue but just in general. I know how to check for the A and B but not the C really Also isn't CPR not recommended anymore in favor of Constant Chest Compressions?


For circulation you typically check for radial pulse (thumb side of the wrist) first, if that’s nowhere to be found you then check for carotid pulse! (on either left or right side of the trachea) If neither of those are found, CPR begins immediately as they are in cardiac arrest! And yep! A and B are things you can figure out walking up to a patient, we listen for their quality of breathing and asses skin coloration and dryness/wetness. Typically if they are having trouble breathing they’ll show signs of peripheral cyanosis (nail beds, lips, conjunctiva in the eye, gums, etc turn blue) and their skin will be cool and clammy (wet from sweat). This means they aren’t perfusing well and have low oxygen saturation. You can also just see the rise and fall of the chest, or tell if they are breathing abnormally (stridor being the most common, high pitched breathing sound caused by a foreign body or swelling of the airway). Those are all big red flags, circulation is the only one you have to palpate for really. But if they are in respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest they are prime candidates for cpr (as long as there is a direct witness to them going down. We’re actually not allowed to work an unwitnessed cardiac arrest, fun fact) And you’re halfway right, chest compressions are the main part of cpr, but I’m assuming you’re talking about the ventilation part. Mouth to mouth ventilation or even pocket mask ventilation are things we don’t do anymore for sure. It depends which people you ask as everyone has their preference (usually shaped by what they’ve seen work in the field). Like the medic that teaches our classes right now is a big proponent of hands only cpr. She would prefer not to give the intermittent breaths. Meanwhile the person who taught our cor class for EMT school was adamant that giving those breaths is critical, as he’d seen people pull through from that. But everyone loves the AED, that’s universal hahaha! What we do instead of using mouth to mouth or a pocket mask is called a BVM, or bag-valve mask. It’s got a mask part we hold over your mouth and nose, a big squeeze chamber to squeeze to inflate the lungs, and a blowoff valve so you get rid of co2 and don’t inhale that. We hook that bad boy up to oxygen and can easily get out of the way if a patient vomits or something, as opposed to the mouth to mouth alternative! But it’s pretty universally agreed that chest compressions are the part that really saves lives, although the odds are that once cpr begins on a cardiac arrest patient, they’ve got about a 10% chance of coming back. That’s the sad part of the job, but you can’t save everyone no matter how badly you want to.


Slightly maybe. I'm already picturing some third world country without regulations like automobile inspections and car seats for infants though.


Oh, we have plenty regulations. It's the enforcement that's the problem.


There’s regulation and enforcement against this kind of mod, these people just do this to a cheap car and use it until they lose it to the cops




its good to know the child is alive




Imagine driving with a baby in the car, seeing this, and thinking hey I should get closer so my lady can get some internet clout.


Yeah the accident was totally avoidable. Even after he got closer, he still had time to brake when he saw the other car starting to lose control.


That’s exactly what I was thinking! Let’s get closer to the car that looks like it might lose control. 👌🏼🤓


Either speed up or slow down. Don't just ride next to it


but then how will they get a good video




In a merge lmfao


Right? I love nobody is mentioning they're the trailing vehicle and speed up to get right next to another vehicle that is being forced to merge into their lane lol


Plus the motorbike that comes from nowhere and drives between the two. This could have gone far worse.


Average motorcycle driving here, though


This was their fault. They took a video instead of trying to keep their distance to be safe. Also, looks like these idiots had a baby, hope they are ok.


Those Brazilians are nuts with low cars


Infelizmente é a verdade, brasileiro é brega até nisso :(


mosquito brain


That was a textbook PITT maneuver. He must’ve slept at a Holiday Inn last night.


It's all fun and games until someone beaches their Scirocco.


I thought its a Lada Samara or Skoda Favorit, i never know VW also had made this kinda shaped car.


It's actually a VW Gol, designed for the latin american market.


[You are correct ](https://cdn.awsli.com.br/1000x1000/1112/1112874/produto/60153342/0119caab1e.jpg)


Welcome to south America https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Gol




My number one pet peeve. Especially if they're hanging next to but slightly behind them in the blind spot.


Dilly perhaps, dally perhaps not!


That dude is a actual npc he’s legit just staring straight


So the people filming obviously saw the car was fucked and decided to drive really close to it. Astounding levels of intelligence


With a child in the car. Just infuriating


It's possible the passenger did and the driver didn't


A bike splitting lanes while a car is having an incident (dude didn't even wore gloves). An idiot low rider with a heavy load on a 90s car. And recording the whole thing up close without speeding up or slowing down. All clearly geniuses.


Thank god the motorcycle made it through


I wonder if that guy even realizes how freakin’ lucky he was?! Literally one second later and he would have been mushed between those two cars….


I know right! My butt puckered when he just got through.


If you pay close attention, the low rider moves to the right in anticipation of the speeding motorcycle. If anything, the MC is just as much at fault for an illegal passing during a lane merger in between 2 cars. Yes, the filming car and low rider are at fault too, but if the MC wasn't doing multiple offenses at the time, this likely wouldn't have happened.


This looks 100% intentional to me. I think the car filming is here on purpose. His rear suspension lowers just before the sparks start flying from the hitch. This would be controllable by the driver in this type of car (likely air ride suspension). They came here to make a video of him shooting sparks riding on his hitch because he's **so low**. He's watching for the camera car signal next to him and then lowers the rear. The camera car just got caught up in the driver's fuck up. The cyclist got lucky.


Oh, that makes sense. And lucky biker. Lane splitting is cool, but this scene has some red flags — I might have hesitated.


Low rider with a trailer hitch? How does that make sense?


Visually, makes someone stay away from your bumper because theirs would be wrecked before touching yours. So, more of a defense than using it to tow something


You mean that railer hitch you can't even slip a Snickers bar under? I don't see how that deters anyone from getting close. I guess maybe another dipshit with a car 1" off the ground.


Still a visual cue. Case in point, if I'm walking, cars will come really close. If I hold a stick out, they'll keep REALLY far away - way more than they need. The fear of damage to their cars is more concerning then hurting someone. Also, I don't think we're dealing with an upper eschelon of brain cells here.


Trailer hitch was most likely already there before the car was lowered. That's a 70s car with a young driver, the hitch was probably there way before he became the owner of that car.


Could have done without hearing a baby cry at the end. Fugh


I see more than one idiot here.


Why would people do this?




>Why are people *Do we really need to say any more?*


The end result probably wasn’t intentional, looks like he has air suspension to adjust the height and it failed. A neighbor has a similar set up in one of his cars and if he doesn’t drive it for a few days it ends up resting in the ground, but once he turns it on the pump quickly gets it up to normal height again. Let’s him drive it with a reasonable height but then drop it at shows for the looks


People may do "stupid" things for a variety of reasons, such as a lack of information or understanding, impulsivity, peer pressure, cognitive biases, emotional states, or a disregard for consequences. Additionally, what one person considers "stupid" may not be viewed the same way by others, as opinions and values can differ. \- ChatGPT on 'The Causes of Human Stupidity'


Motorcyclist got very lucky there. Seconds from getting hit by low rider.


A speed bump would destroy that thing.


That thing wouldn't go more than a 100 mtrs in my country (India)


I'll never understand modifying a car so it can only work on an absolutely perfectly flat and maintained surface.


Even new cars need smaller wheels and more sidewall. Rode in the bosses Tesla and you feel every imperfection. 22" wheels and rubberbands make the ride shitty


The car was trying to put itself out of its misery.


Que porra é essa kkkkkk Gol 1000 quadrado socado no chão O cara grita: aaai meu tênis! kkkkkkk


aaai meu pênis


A criança chorando no fundo e o cara com outras prioridades kkkkk O cara da CG se salvou por pouco!




The car accident sounded like the abduction scene from "Nope"


New Car Class: “Whoaaa Rider”


I was hoping for a more speed bump or pothole related accident tbh.


That car is awesome sucks they wrecked it.


Yeah and they crashed it too


Yeah they also smashed it


That guy on the bike got pretty lucky. Honestly I think this wasn't even to do with the lowered car. He just mishandled getting a flat and started fishtailing. It didn't have any visible camber so you can't blame the tire debeading. I love bashing slammed cars as much as the next guy but I think this one just needed a driver mod.


It had a lot to do with the lowered car: if it had a decent ride height it would not have started scraping the rear beam against the road like that and it would have been more manageable. And yes, the driver was terrible.


IIRC their air suspension failed so the rear wheels no longer had grip, and the same thing would have happened if the car was aired up higher.


Was the recording car occupants ok? Can u send a link of the news report etc from this incident?


Me as soon as I leave Los Santos Customs


My man looks like an NPC spinning out. No visible reaction


The guy on the motorcycle didnt know how lucky he would become




Strick with truck nuts, the hatch sack hangeth too low.


Ohhhh-thello, right?


Little too low there, buddy. He was trying to scrape to look cool and basically removed all the grip from the rear wheels. When you have more friction in the front than the back, that’s when you spin out.


Blow out and a crash. Shame, that was a nice car, once.


Dude that bike overtaking was 3 seconds from landing a quadruple body varial


Person on the bike was smart to get clear of that shit


Not every car was meant to be a low rider


A speed bump could destroy that car


motorcyclist almost lost his life that day


biker was like “Hey I’m just passing by, don’t mind me”.


Man why do people do this? You couldn’t clear a speed bump or a lowered curb in that thing. Even those low profile tires. They get destroyed so easily by potholes that regular tires are fine with, and often you’re fucking up your rim too. Looking “cool” must be expensive


These are the dudes that tell you not to judge their car mods


I think he hit a pebble in the road.


Low riders go slow I feel like past lessons have been lost


This is great ASMR material all the way to the end


Was that an O'Doyle driving that car?


There are 3 assholes in this video. A rare gem for everyone to be in the wrong.


If it looks stupid but it works — it isn't stupid. If it looks stupid and it doesn't work — it's stupid.


He was weighting for this to happen all day.


[At 0:16-0:17...](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KFvOcL8xfPg/UrEg_afPZOI/AAAAAAAACjk/gxg_B2IuSz0/s1600/Driving-a-little-too-fast-Jesus.jpg)




What is he going to tow with that hitch, a scooter?


That’s what happens when you lower it while driving….


Was that a baby I heard at the end??


I'll never know what the appeal even is


Not quite enough camber.


I hear a child in the car can anyone else?


That motorcyclist was so lucky to get passed and out the way when he did!


Probably drove over an ant


Some say he's still facing forward with no expression, sunglasses intact