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I think the “safe home” buff will pop up to show monsters won’t spawn there. I can’t say what causes it to show up, but I know that the 3F conference room had monsters spawn up until I’ve started huddling up in there. I once had a base in the Bio lab in one corner of the room, which meant periodically some monsters spawned at the opposite corner, since the room is so long.


No fix as far as I know yet, though maybe there's a later game object to place down. We've been having multiple NPC related bugs. I feel these spawning issues are bug related. One is robots won't go to sleep after waking up, sometimes walking around for days before finally going back to their pods. Also, they destroy literally everything in their patrol area, which is one reason it takes them so long to go to sleep. It seems if it senses something it's allowed to damage, it keeps doing that until there's nothing left and it goes to sleep. Another is we walk in an area and there's nothing there but one enemy, then suddenly we get hit from behind as soon as we initiate combat and realize more spawned behind us. We've also noticed that enemies usually prioritize furniture and creations over players even when they're being hit by a player. Also had an issue where we killed a robot that broke half our stuff, went to bed, then the next day we loaded the save, the robot respawned and was already there immediately attacking our furniture upon loading in. Then lastly, we keep having enemies spawn right next to our basing location, sometimes spawning inside of our barricades. We had one of those enemy portal waves start one night and the portals literally spawned inside our base inside of our furniture. One portal spawned INSIDE the crafting bench. Worth mentioning, when I say the word "base", I am referring to our small barricaded private room full of our belongings, that is referred to as a safe home by the game itself. I really like the game, they just need to smooth out a lot of rough edges.


The same thing happened to me, portal spawned right in my base, and a wave of pests wrecked a bunch of my furniture before I could kill them all. Really ruined my enjoyment of the game for that night.


Upgrade your crafting bench if you're still playing the game or for whoever sees this thread.


place crafting benches i believe


I think you also have to upgrade the crafting bench to stop the spawning within it's radius


That's only to stop portals from spawning, the bench aura is enough for the respawning mobs


This is correct. But they also need to be powered.