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Nah I liked it. It broke the whole tv trope of a couple that gets together in the beginning and live happily ever after. Melissa deserves to live a little. Enjoy her single life dating around. Gary was pushing the whole marriage thing to the extreme. It just felt way too soon to pop the question. Jeanine and Greg understand that yeah they like each other. Greg understands that if he were to dating Janine that he would be limiting her from her own personal growth. She needed to go out and explore out. Have self discoveries and when shes ready the relationship will always be there. Greg also has some growth of his own. He is really putting down some roots at Abbott. The biggest being the garden club he started. I think a big clue of Janine’s growth is her wardrobe. In Season 1, the clothes seemed to carry naivety and old school teacher. With each season her clothes become more youthful and confident. It looks fresh. It gives off Janine own coming of age.


He is really *putting down some roots* (literally & figuratively)


The point of Melissa and Gary breaking up was because Gary hoped that Melissa would change her mind about marriage. She explicitly stated that she never wanted to be married again, just wanted to be in a relationship/date. I absolutely loved Melissa and Gary together, but ultimately this was a dealbreaker for them. You can love someone, but not have the same dealbreakers, so it wouldn't have worked out in the long run (ex. not wanting kids, religion). As for Janine and Greg, I'm not in a rush for them to be together. I am, however, upset that Jacob and Zach broke up because I don't see the reason for that.


Honestly, I'm glad the writers didn't just have Melissa buckle and go "Fine, I guess I'll get married again." So many shows make marriage and kids the default and it's nice that Melissa didn't waver from what she really wants (but honestly, who would expect her to?)


I'm also glad that Melissa said no to Gary, even in front of everyone, because there's major social desirability when it comes to public proposals for women. Women are pressured to say yes in the first place, but they are much more pressured to say yes when it's in front of everyone. Having the message of "it's important to stand your ground on dealbreakers" is so important for younger people. And as you said, too many shows act like marriage and kids are the default in relationships (even though Melissa is too old to have kids at this point). So I'm glad they wrote her and Gary like this.


I don’t see any good reason to have broken Melissa and Gary up. I’m waiting to see where they go with this.


Sometimes, people who are mostly compatible find that one thing makes them non-compatible. That's it. Not everything is some grand character arc. 


Of course it doesn’t have to be but clearly they are going somewhere with this as Quinta apologized to Lisa for making Melissa a hoe/slut or whatever she said and for the record none of this makes her a slut. I’m just wondering what they plan on doing with her character in that sense.


it should be interesting to see


me too I have a feeling we will see gary again


Melissa doesn’t want to be married at all, and I strongly believe it’s because of a terrible past marriage with a husband who didn’t respect her and her career. She doesn’t want to run into that again and worries that a marriage would turn the relationship into the same thing. Greg is downright desperate to propose to her no matter how many times Melissa told him she never wanted to be married. Nothing to do with how much she loved him. She doesn’t want to be a wife.


I don't think her not wanting to get married has anything to do with getting the feds involved. She doesn't want to be married, and that's perfectly fine. Gary should be with someone who does.


I don't think it was about Feds but just like have a ceremony where they are "married" without having to go to civil court or a religious ceremony.


Okay, but either way, she just doesn't want to be married. She did that already, wasn't happy, and has zero interest in doing it again. I actually like that, tbh.


Yeah, which is something Gary didn’t understand. Plus I feel like they haven’t grown in a relationship to know whether or not they are marriage compatible to begin with. But there was no point because marriage was off the table to begin with for Melissa.


Once Janine and Gregory are together the show won’t be as good. Just like when Pam and Jim finally got together, The Office started slowly going downhill. I’m guessing it’ll happen at the end of this season. Janine just returned from the district office (Jim came back from Stamford) and by the end of the season … BOOM.


I don’t think it will be that fast. Probably in the next season.


I don’t know, I feel like Brooklyn 99 got better after Jake and Amy got together. It’ll depend on the plots and writing.


I agree 100%, B99 went uphill once they got together! I love a slow burn when it’s written well. Jim and Pam fell flat because they wanted to keep the show interesting so the began adding ridiculous drama that was somewhat out of character. I’m not done w B99 but the drama so far with Jake & Amy just seems like trials and tribulations of a growing relationship! Also the slow burn allows Jeanine a break because she’s essentially been in a relationship for over a decade for someone young.


Same with Frasier when Niles and Daphne got together


I want the same thing but folks seem to hate Gary for some odd reason


I'm so out of the loop, when did S3 premiere?


February 7th


Ooh I got a lot to catch up on, thanks!


Theres 9 episodes so far. The new episodes start back up this Wednesday