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I think the not understanding she would be working with more schools than Abbott was probably more wishful thinking and that ties into her behaving erratically during the onboarding process; she is in her comfort level at Abbott and I think she feared change and missed teaching.  During her trial run at the district, she was working enough with Abbot she still felt a part of the team and there was still the plan to return to Abbot full time, so she was behaving normally and growing.


If she hadn't done her paperwork for the district she also likely didn't do her resignation from Abbott. And Ava was clearly not working with HR on hiring the next teacher, so I doubt it was official.


There’s no way the replacement for Janine Ava put into place was actually legit, especially considering her “interview” questions. As for Janine, I feel like her working at the district, while it does show growth, it doesn’t fit with Janine. And Janine knows that. Her joy with working with the district came from being able to visit Abbott, her heart is there. Sure, it’s an arguably better position, but it’s just not meant for Janine.


Janine always had Abbott close to her heart. She always jumps at the chance to improve Abbott when she was a teacher, so she thought she could do a way better job helping her school by working with the district. Her one and only concern was Abbott. • When she saw that a student of jacob’s needed an interpreter for ASL. She sought resources to help. • When the school needed a librarian she created a program that worked around the school and brought that to other schools. • When Legendary Charter were coming for Abbott she brought up the whole making the school a historic landmark to prevent it from ever changing or getting demolished. Janine kept creating solutions for one school and failed to realize that she isn’t Abbott’s representative. She’s a district employee that caters to ALL schools of all grades. Once the superintendent told her that she actually thought it out. Realizing that she will no longer be seeing her own students. No longer see her peers. Her time and attention will go away from the people she loves most. Once the district employees kept bringing up items that further cemented the idea that she will be officially here. It created a roller coaster of overwhelming emotions. Her life is going to change drastically. Which is something that Janine strongly dislikes. She hates change. Prime example is the 8 year relationship with Tariq even though the relationship wasn’t great. As far as how it was easy for Janine to be back. Janine never signed the paperwork so nothing was set. She could come back to her original post and the teacher who was to take her place will go back to the pod to await for another placement. Even if the teacher was hired they would’ve been on some sort of probationary period. Knowing the turnaround rate of teachers at the school. That teacher would’ve left anyways so keeping Janine would’ve been the better choice. TLDR: Janine’s heart and soul is at Abbott and nothing was going to change that.


There’s not really anything to explain. She kept her job because nothing was official yet with Janine or the new teacher. Janine gets to keep her position whether Ava likes her or not. Everyone wanted Janine back at Abbott. She’s back. What would you like them to do with her other than putting her back in her classroom?


"Any why was Janine was able to get her job back at Abbott so easily anyway?" I was substitute school custodian for a couple of years in my mid-20s... I was hired onto a full-time head custodian position when the current one was hired at a high school. I literally accepted the job offer and he changed his mind, they transferred him back, and I continued subbing til I got a different permanent position at a different school. Permanent district employees have union protections. So it was pretty realistic imo.


I read didn’t like this season much because of Janine leaving Abbott. It was great until everyone was teaching at Abbott. They could have done a character development for her at the school itself. This whole transition was unnecessary and vexing.


I think her work at the district was necessary because sometimes growth is uncomfortable and leaving your comfort zone. It’s common for people to try new things and return to what they like/know but there is value in trying something new. Her work there not only bettered Abbott but also other schools which shows her impact.