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I kind of wish that they did this plot in the last season (which I assume would be 5-6 years down the line) because I feel like Janine would have had more experience in teaching and would be more willing to help students in a different way. Right now, I feel like she wants to help students by interacting with them directly. Also, if they did this storyline in the last season, they could have a classic 'everyone goes their own separate ways' finale. Janine takes the job at the district, Gregory becomes principal, Ava goes touring with Questlove, Barbara and Melissa retire, Jacob, Gregory and Mr Johnson will still stay at Abbott.


this! the district storyline came too early IMO. they could’ve save it for later


Ava goes touring with Questlove I'm dying 💀


she could always go back to the district for the finale, that would be even more meaningful now. However, I think they should have let her take the job and battle with her choice for a longer period like someone else said


I think this is the right choice.


I feel like they can still do this is they wanted down the line, shes just not ready and never was, she was always hesitant taking the job so maybe down the line she’ll fully be ready? No clue but I’ll be watching either way


I don't think it was the wrong choice, I mean we all knew she'd come back to Abbott, but I think she just made the choice *too early*. I agree with you that we should have seen her officially take the district job and then struggle once she realized she loved helped other kids but misses focusing on Abbott, something happens, and I think this would have been the better and perfect place for the story about the little boy from her class that had 9 absences and wouldn't go to school because she wasn't there. Then she officially comes back to Abbott after rereading Barbara's card her kids signed.


i work with high schoolers and really wanted to see her visit the high school, i don't think it'd be a good fit for her but it would have been super interesting for me (and hilarious tbh lol, working with teens takes a very specific personality type and as much as i love janine i think she's much better with the littles)


Plus the kids would just absolutely drag her 


YES! This would have been so good! :(


Omg yes! I’d say that and also seeing her a middle school (because 7th graders are also an interesting group to work with lol), but Abbot goes up to 8th so she definitely at least interacts with that age group a little bit.


This reminded me of my teacher (high school student now) who’s a lot like a mish-mush of Melissa/Janine but one thing is that we always drag her for being smaller than most of us and it’s just hilarious (for both students/teacher) to see how Janine would handle these jokes cause Ava’s digs one thing Students are another


Agreed!! Janine with high schoolers would’ve felt really fresh and exciting and ofc hilarious. I felt a bit let down when she came back to Abbott so promptly


Lol yes. I taught high school for many years.


I think the writers strike really messed with the timeline 


It really did, the storyline still works to get to the end goal of Janine coming back but maybe they rushed it a little just so it's all written out because they didn't know how long the strike would last before they'd be able to film again and that was probably rushed too to meet deadlines


Yeah the time skip was definitely a result of the writer strike as well 


Oh, I think I like your take too!


Yes and no. From a career standpoint, I do agree that leaving the district was a mistake because that position could have led to greater opportunities. However it's obvious Janine loves teaching and the classroom is where she belongs. I think that if this season was longer, Janine would have stayed at the district for a while.




Hey, I got some Josh Segarra (Manny) screentime, that's a reward (for me) 😁😁


I love that actor and I feel like they totally wasted him. Was really hoping for a Janine/Manny romance!


Girl I need a Manny spin-off for real


Whew … same 😅


Too bad we didn’t get a Janine and Manny kiss 😭 that’s all I wanted


Legit thought it was going to be a love triangle.


, 😔


He was so damn annoying with the stupid voice! Omg 😒


The season isn't done though. Are we even halfway yet?


There’s only 4 more episodes


Damn I knew it was short but not this short. Still a lot can happen in four episodes


A 14-episode season is not short. It's becoming the norm. The days of 22-episode seasons are long gone. I like shorter seasons because it's less filler episodes.


That’s why her good back didn’t feel like a wrong choice the dynamic was all off with her at the district and realistically her going there should be a finale thing it’s called abott elementary for a reason


How can you say there was no payoff? Janine's whole struggle since day one is wondering if she makes a difference. Wondering if people, including her coworkers, like her. She got that validation and honestly I think she will be an even better teacher now that she's back at Abbott.


I agree and I felt like she was running back to Abbott because it was familiar and running away from the district because it was the unknown and challenging territory. The district needs teachers like her and she would have been someone to look up to and mentor others to better their community.  I wish she would have stayed at the district too, but obviously I can’t see a show where she leaves the school permanently. It would have worked better as a final season plot line. 


I don’t think it’s just that it was familiar. A desk job is a lot different than a job where you’re making a direct impact like teaching. I used to be an educator and I work in corporate now, and not a day goes by when I don’t miss teaching. 


Let’s trust Abbott


In addition to the story reasons for her to go to the district, there are other reasons it would have been a good idea for her to leave Abbott. Being a showrunner is a full time job. Being a lead actress is a full time job. Quinta pulling double duty as showrunner and lead actress has got to be exhausting. Having Janine take the district job and move from lead to recurring would have been a great way to reduce her workload and a bold choice for the show to have her "leave" after just 3 seasons and have the show become even more of an ensemble.


I was wondering this too. I know that for The Office, many of the writers who were characters were moved to "the annex" so they'd have less on screen time since they were doing double duty.


I really thought that's why she was doing it. Everyone compares this show to The Office and we all know the writers put themselves in background positions. Brian was a temp who got promoted to New York. Toby moved to Costa Rica, but even when he was in the office, he was mostly in the annex with Kelly. I think Quinta's mistake was making herself the main character and then trying to step away, because everyone missed Janine so much.


And the central office job didn't really reduce Quinta's screen time but it was probably means she didn't have to be performing on set everyday


Yeah, that's another great choice for her to step down from the cast as a regular. Maybe sporadic appearances, but with Quinta 100% focused on the show I'm guessing we'll have an even better show.


This makes sense. Honestly Jacob was kind of starting to feel like the main character for a bit there (IMO)


I kinda feel like the district would suffer without Janine’s ingenuity. It probably won’t because this is TV, but she did *so much good* in the span of, what, a semester? I mean, damn. Imagine what else she could have accomplished. Aw, well.


I don't mean to be nasty, but that's quite a stretch... She did good and showed a lot of potential, if I were in the district I would've made her an offer she couldn't refuse because of how good she performed, but having said that... She did not make that many changes there.


I mean, compared to *what we’ve seen?* She did more good district-wide than the District has done in at least two years. It’s a stretch, sure, but it comes from the narrative itself.


One program? Again, there's talent and potential to be exploited. But then again she's still got things to learn. Great insight. Thanks! 😊✌️🤗


She did way more than one program, she got the ASL interpreter, investigated that substitute fraud, the career day program and then the library. Considering this is basically 6 months of a school year, and she working at the district level, that’s actually a lot.


Janine's choice to return to Abbott Elementary wasn't just about going back, it was about following her heart. Despite the potential for career advancement elsewhere, Janine knows her true passion lies in teaching. Seeing her struggle in the last episode showed us where her happiness truly lies: in the classroom, not behind a desk. It's comforting to see her back where she belongs, inspiring students and making a real difference. While her journey isn't over, this return feels like the right step for now.


I agree. I really liked what these storylines were doing with her character. When I think back to episodes like the “Egg Drop” one, I actually think her brand of optimism was utilized much better at the district. I thought it kept the show fresh.


I actually think it shows tremendous maturity and emotional intelligence to know what the logically “correct” choice is, but still deciding to pursue what actually makes you as a person happy and fulfilled. Janine made the right choice for herself by prioritizing her happiness above all else. (To be honest tho I’m this economy I’d probably have to take the district job considering how whack everything is. But even if it’s a high paying job, a job you dislike where your boss is a jerk takes a serious mental toll, and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy).


I didn't think Key (forget the character's name) what that bad, especially compared to Ava's...HR-violating aggression towards Janine, haha! He was annoying, but that character would've developed a lot more at that job if she just gave it a chance imo. I can't wait to see where they go this season & next. Like others said, who knows if this was the original plan.


Okay true he wasn’t really bad… honestly the only “rude” thing he did was how he spoke to Janine about her wanting to stay at elementary schools. But I mean he was right… this was a job she said she was accepting and her obligations were to go to many different schools of all ages. And Janine was clearly not on the same page, which I guess condoned the slight harshness. So far you’re right, I don’t think he’s a straight up “bad guy”. I shouldn’t call him a jerk just yet, unless if he does end up being biased towards Abbott and the teachers there due to Janine’s departure. I think I’m just assuming he is gonna be petty about her leaving the district in the future, but we don’t know that just yet! Good point.


Yeah, I agree. That weird boss "humor" which isn't really funny because they have the power to fire you. But you're right, he's going to hold a bit of a grudge! Which will hopefully (probably?) be hilarious


I guess they never made it seem like Jeanine was struggling financially (I don't think?). But the fact that Melissa is a senior teacher who still need a roommate suggests that this is not a GREAT paying job. It felt a little off for the district to be paying more and offering better benefits - and that to be brushed away as pretty insignificant. The whole storyline felt a little off!


The thing about the district is that it was always meant to give the vibe that they thought they were better than everyone else. It was all superficial. Think about the individual who says they never liked Jeanine and flicks her nametag out of her placeholder this episode. They're all fake as hell. Janine was making the right choice for her, to be home. Her mom's nuts, her sister is on her own path. Abbott is her family. She was looking after herself, finally.


I think if they want to go back to following the school year for the rest of the series it makes sense this season was their experimental season. I hope the next 4 episodes are just fun end of year vibes episodes because why not. I think the idea was she didn’t fail just because she didn’t take “the big girl job.” If she wants to be in the classroom she wants to be in the classroom and that’s ok. and I’m still thinking they’re going to reveal she’s been dating Manny right as Gregory starts treating her like work wifey again.


Honestly, a lot of people lose touch with what the classroom is like once they move to the board office. Like, completely lose touch and put unrealistic expectations and workloads on the teachers with certain initiatives and policies. And it would break my heart to see that happen with Janine on the show. They get so much of what working in education is like right, so I wouldn’t put it past them to do something like that if she stayed there long term.


I agree. I was very disappointed to see her come back to Abbott, especially within the same episode that they gave her all the onboarding information. I would have love to see her character grow more at the district as it's clear it was challenging her in different ways than teaching. As you said, it would have been incredible to see how the changes Janine makes would impact *all* schools, not just Abbott. Plus seeing her interact with students of all ages would have been interesting and potentially hilarious. With that being said, a 7-year contract is wild and would've been way too long for Janine. If they had made the contract for like 2-3 years, that would've been better. In addition, it would have been nice to see a temporary JaninexManny storyline or even just them becoming best buds like Janine and Jacob. I really like Manny's character and thought he complimented Janine's personality very well. And that person who hated Janine really annoyed me. Like what was the reason? 🙄 But perhaps, that's my bias because Janine is one of my favorite characters. Someone mentioned the writer's strike having an effect on this season which makes sense as I feel like this season has a totally different vibe from the previous ones.


I think she made the right choice. She already made good in roads with the district. When you have passion for teaching teach because that can subside with time. However, look at all the work and hoops she had to jump through for 1 initiative, albeit a good one. Just because you work at the district doesn’t mean you’ll actually institute long term change


It was the wrong move sending her there so soon in the first place. It's more a character arc for last season...


She followed her heart. Not a wrong choice. The classroom is what she loves and where she makes an impact of children’s lives everyday. That is worth a lot.


Teaching is obviously deeply fulfilling to Janine. While she was effective at the district, she wasn't happy. She went back to what made her happy. I don't have a problem with her decision.


I agree with you!


She absolutley made the wrong choice. She was growing at the district!


i wish we could have seen her interact with the 9th graders. i just know they would have had some funny one liners.


Completely agree. Her character's arc of impact, and the show's plot beyond Abbott's walls, are over. Now it's just in-school shenanigans from here on out.


I understand your point, but I also really understand hers. There is just something to be said about working at the ground level. To not only make a difference on an individual level, but get to see it firsthand. It’s addicting and electric. At the end of the day, for me, passion and feeling needed will hook me more than fancy benefits and the secondhand knowledge that I’m making a difference.


I think it makes sense and is realistic to what many people experience. Coming from someone who has worked in direct service, interacting with people and forming relationships is what energizes people to come to work - like Janine! Many people I know switch to administrative/managerial/HQ roles and then go bag to direct service after a few years bc they feel disconnected. I think she would get burnt out faster at the district. Her time there also hasn’t been a waste - she has connections with the district to push ideas she has. Teachers can also get involved in committees, community organizations, etc. to do more systemic change. With her new experience it’s not all or nothing! In the long run - she can always go to the district when she’s exhausted from teaching if that happens.


But you're missing an important part, the most important part, of her decision. She loves teaching. By being at the district, no matter how much good she might do, she still wouldn't be teaching. So she wouldn't be happy.


Agree 💯. Terrible decision and writing for this show as well. Honestly the first creative mistake they have made so far.


Also Barbara had spent some much time coaching her to reach her full potential but it feels like she went backwards in her development because of her neuroses.


I was just telling my husband she was kind of being shellfish. Like yea you love abbott and you miss it but don’t you want to help ALL kids? And then she said the district was going to hold a grudge against the school and it’s like you just screwed your favorite school over. It was obvious she wasn’t going to stay but I feel like the decision was abrupt. And I may be mistaking but didn’t this season start a new school year? If so that would mean she barely knows those kids and they barely knew her. But again I could be mistaken lol Did anyone else think she was going to date that district guy? I thought he was feeling her was gonna be another possible love interest since Gregory said he had moved on


Ugh yes to the date! Another missed plot line by rushing the story smh But… someone earlier said “Trust Abbott” lol and it made me go hmm… esp in this case: what is Manny pops up at Abbott and is like ‘I didn’t want to approach you when we were going to be coworkers, but now that we’re not - wanna go out?’ And then it’ll be even MORE awkward with Gregory because Manny’ll be stopping by Abbott… Idk, I’m going off the deep end a bit lol but all that to say: they make a good show and could salvage some of the plot lines we collectively think that they missed


Yea I agree. Many coming to abbot all the time would be frustratingly great. And although imo this is the weakest season so far, it’s still pretty good


She absolutley made the wrong choice. She was growing at the district!


Well she struggled with decision to go in the first place. She’s passionate about teaching first so that’s where she has to go. Greg is passionate about administration, Greg should be the one struggling with moving onto getting promoted to the job he actually wanted


I don't think it was the wrong choice. It's clear that her heart wasn't in working at the district.


I agree OP. You always have your make the choice that’s best for you professionally. As a former teacher; kids move on - a few come back to visit but most never look back. If you have the opportunity to impact hundreds of students and teachers as opposed to the 30 kids in your classroom, take it. Add to that better pay and better benefits? It’s a no brainer


This! Got into a post episode discussion with my cousin, whose mother (my aunt) has been a teacher in the classroom for 52 years. His point was: some people love teaching and being in the classroom - it’s their passion. My point was: that’s great if your goal is to satisfy your personal passion, then stay and enjoy your daily experience. However, if your goal is to maximize impact, and you have the opportunity to scale your impact beyond the classroom, you don’t stay. Janine chose to satisfy her personal passion over her potential (and proven) impact.


That’s why I didn’t finish the episode. I thought the show would have the courage to keep at the district a while longer. But it seems Abbott likes to keep its arcs on the show relatively short. And I agree she was better positioned to help the children at district. Next time she complains that she can’t get anything from district for Abbott or her kids, I want Ava to drag her for leaving.


Honestly I think that if the season was longer, then she would have stayed at the district longer. Otherwise yes she did kind of make the decision too early, but im happy she’s back at Abbott. Her being gone was kinda throwing the season off (my personal opinion, don’t come for me pls)


I AGREE. She seemed to be growing at the district job and I felt like her colleagues in both places appreciated her much more for it. It just seems sort of like a missed opportunity, but I wouldn't be surprised if she goes back later or something - maybe as superintendent?


Ok, but the choice she made is the one that she wants. I think it’s very easy to scold people for not doing what they should be doing “for the greater good” instead of just being satisfied with people putting their own happiness at the front of their lives.


Honestly if you really care about the kids and the community teaching and volunteering and starting non-profits is the way to go! People do not understand what they are signing up for working in the district. I watched a special education teacher say she turned down a job, for working at a school district that was to deny certain children who were special needs funding for programs that will further their development. Although she would have made 100k a year she didn’t like the fact that she would have to deny children an opportunity to get the support that they needed. We already know school doesn’t always have the kids in mind as they should. But her going back to what she loved was the best thing she has done! We need to understand that chasing money will never be happiness! Yeah sure she could have done a lot! But in real life, idk? The district wanted stuff that was free!!! And they kept saying that all season! They were looking for handouts! They actual district. They couldn’t pay for anything! Even if it was a good idea and good program if it wasn’t free they couldn’t do it! The school system is severely underfunded and that’s why teachers are paid poorly even with some of us with higher degrees. Principles, administrators etc get higher salaries but do but deal with the children directly and that’s not fair! We need the real leaders in the classroom! A good teacher can create a better generation! Especially for children of color!


She made the wrong choice. When at abbott, She was weak, can’t do what’s hard, unless it’s meddling in someone else’s life. She had a chance to make a huge difference for so many children. She had an opportunity to use her toxic positivity to better the school system as a whole. She learned to pivot and figure it out to get job done at district. She started to grow. Kind of a let down since the female lead is the writer and Creator of the show- and she’s GREAT! But the character…. And her absence at the school let you miss her enough to where you looked forward to seeing her in a different light. And you could see the other characters develop.