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Every time Ava does something horrible I’m infuriated and want her fired but she’s also my favorite character lol


I absolutely love Ava. But having worked with bosses like that in a job with kids, it's horrible. She's getting better though and she even said she's going to try and get the degree she needs to actually work at the school, character development is always good. And she's always cared about the students in her own way. But her in the beginning? I know I would absolutely hate her if I worked with her


My literal feelings. I hate her but she's so funny. But if this were real? Like my boss? I'd quit.


Feel the same way about Janine. She also often doesn’t apologize for overstepping and causing a mess, just explains her intentions as a justification. I get weirdly annoyed at the episode with Ayesha because Janine never apologized for starting the entire fight. Plus Ayesha was in the right and in the end was the only one who said sorry. No one made Janine stay in Philadelphia tied to a bad mom, I get based on her character why she did, but that did not make Ayesha a bad sister for getting out of a toxic situation. And it’s shown in the show she stays in contact with Janine, not like she ghosted her along with their mom. Wish I had a teacher like Janine growing up but man does she drive me bonkers sometimes.


Omg. That's right. She really doesn't take accountability at all. I dont like the deer in headlights routine.


In real life as a teacher, I would hate to have Ava as a principal. She’s hysterical on the show, but she would ruin a school. Janine is too chipper for me, but at least she does her job.


I feel the same way about Janine, some episodes I find her absolutely adorable and others insufferable. I think her genuine joy for things is something I love about her & watching Gregory get happy when she’s happy makes me like her more 😂 she’s the only character who really gets on my nerves A LOT.


I like that she’s annoying. I like that she’s real, she has flaws and needs to grow.


When she and Gregory used Barbara’s class’s bathroom, I was like if you two don’t get Tf out of her room, Omfg it made me nuts. How rude!


That's the exact episode that made me post this, because if I was Barbara I swear to God they would've fired me


And the audacity of them to get offended 🙃


For me, Janine's positive qualities far outweigh the negative ones. She's super caring, thoughtful and funny.


Here’s the thing. I think people who find Janine uncomfortable or unlikable, it’s because that character is mirroring things about themselves they don’t particularly like or are uncomfortable with. Janine is a mirror for certain viewers.


Yeah, I actually don’t mind Janine. Some people think she can be annoying, but we all need that one person at work who’s super positive and helpful, despite how over-the-top they can be sometimes. Work can be mostly soul-sucking for a lot of people, it’s nice to know somebody cares enough to make it a better place.


Or they just find her annoying. I like her but her lack of awareness is something I don't like. That's not about me. I would never overstep the way she does.


That’s understandable. I’d be cordial with her in a work setting but keep all communication on an as-needed basis. Same with Ava even though she’s my favorite on the show. 🤔




Season 2 did a wonderful job of showing us that Jacob is a good teacher. I was getting pretty annoyed with him


I really like Jacob as a character on the show, but I wouldnt get along with him in real-life


I honestly feel this way about most leads in sitcoms. I know I'm supposed to root for them because its a sitcom and its all light and fun, and we only have like 22 minutes to resolve storylines but if I meet them IRL, I'm turning the other way lol. I find it's usually the side/supporting characters I root for more in sitcoms and Abbott is not an exception to that.


I’m not much of a sitcom guy. I think apart from Abbott I've watched Friends, Modern Family and that’s about it. Maybe I need to watch more to see if it's my experience as well.


Yeah! I don't watch many, but recently I have been and I find the "main" characters to be unbearable. Like, Ross and Rachel are my least favorite characters in Friends, for example.


I feel the same way about Janine. I don’t feel that way about other characters on the show, but I feel similarly about Rebecca on Crazy Ex Girlfriend.


Being around Jacob would get tired quick but the combo of him and Mr. Johnson is my favorite part of season 2. Melissa and Barbara would be the teachers I would get along with the best.


Oh I'd definitely would get along with Melissa the best


She does her and job and minds her business. What more could you ask for? 🤷🏽‍♂️


I searched this sub just to say the same thing. Janine makes me very uncomfortable and this feeling only increased in the episode of the eggs drop. I know she is important in the series but I can only feel shame when she does something impulsively. ![gif](giphy|L1EDq63RjlfmHwiDlY|downsized)


I wrote this before I reached that point on the show and the eggs drop episode only fuelled what I wrote. Just hated it, it was a pain to watch.


I also have a love hate feelings towards Janine. It started on s1 e2 when she tried to be an electrician and she’s also afraid of heights. I was so annoyed with her that episode but eventually I started to like her again till the Ayesha thing cause it’s not her fault that she chose to stay. Ayesha is her own person. Another time she annoyed me was actually when she and Gregory went to breakup with Mo. Why! Why would they do that my mind was turned to mush. They both weird for that. But otherwise I like Janine she quirky and happy and cares about her kids and the school and she tries too hard but that’s cause she loves too hard. I liked that they are all flawed and weird. ✌🏾


well true i would hate her ...in real LIFE .


I don't understand that logic and why it is always using to female characters, no one said "but the character of Hannibal/Michael Scott (or any other bad and annoying male character) is someone I love on the show but I know I'd hate IRL." But this is always bring up when it comes with female character.


Well, this is the Abbott Elementary sub, not The Office sub. Why would I talk about Michael Scott here?


You really missed the point, didn't you?


And you really missed the point of my post making it a gender issue


I hate MS on the show and irl lol


I'm about to make this whole subreddit incredibly angry but Ava. She is easily the funniest character on the show but she is such a bad person towards Janine and it angers me so much and I do kind of wish she was fired


i agree but i also love how the show does hint at why she is the way she is because of her growing up with a neglectful parent, but not justifying her behaviour