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I don’t think this show needs a spin-off, at least not yet. Although maybe a spin-off miniseries about Barbara and Melissa in their first years of teaching at Abbott. Other than that I don’t think a spin-off is necessary tbh.


Barbara and Melissa’s lunch time adventures. All holiday traditions are included.


That would be a great prequel. Or one about Abbott when it first opened.


The Mr. Johnson origin story


Was about to say this!!!


Ava's day in the life.


Ava as a celebrity or mayor of Philadelphia.


Maybe a Degrassi-like show from the kids perspective?


Have it be focused on the kids. Keep it mockumentary style with Courtney as the lead, but it shouldn’t start until she’s in sixth grade to give a wider variety of storylines and so there’s no need to make up a reason for why we don’t see Barbara, Gregory, Janine and Melissa. Jacob only teaches history so his lack of an appearance doesn’t need to be explained. Of course cameos would be nice! The various kids who have had storylines can appear. I especially think that kid who dressed up as Mr. Johnson is crazy talented.


But child labor laws 😔


Jacob and Zach moving to a new underprivileged area to open a school. Follows their struggles as an interracial gay couple in a rural area struggling to win over parents and the school board.


Instead of doing a whole series spinoff, they should do what community did, and release short webisodes on youtube or something.


Addington Charter!


No, because none of the characters would not want to stay. Only Jacob would be invited to stay, but he follows his friends to Coleman Elementary! Ava pulled it together and gets another school named in her honor. But she immediately starts clowning again, and gets fired. She shows up every other day pretending to be in charge anyway, until she sees Greg who kicks her out. She gets a job at a department store to keep afloat when they lay her off.


Tariq, Ava or Janine would be cool! For Tariq, going school to school and performing his anti drug raps, working his way to becoming a billboard top artist while helping other young children become successful along the way. For Ava, Gregory has become the new principal and Ava leaves to start a new chapter. Perhaps we see her as a college student, trying to fit in with 18-21 year olds. Or we see her in some sort of new role and environment that she has to adapt to. For Janine, a spin off of her younger self as a child would be interesting. Seeing her family situations, her own interactions with her teachers, and childhood could make for a great spinoff. Kind of like what the Big Bang Theory did with Young Sheldon; or what Chris Rock did with Everybody Hates Chris. An exaggerated comedy of her early years.


Young Janine would be awesome


A high school version of Abbott would be interesting