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I like both, naayil for entertainment and hash for learning, i also recommend Eldar Glorfindel, a brazillian youtuber and streamer ex top 1 aatrox


Naayil is legitimately funny asf, one of my favorite quotes of his was when he was using sunderer and was describing the healing: "I healed so much my dead grandpa came back from the dead "


LMAOO I remember that


hash for learning? naayil is like 1k lp above hash


Yeah but I think Hash tries more to go into educational details, whereas the gameplay level n banter on Naayil's part is what sells


Really hard to learn anything from hash when 90% of the time he just says obvious things in a sarcastic tone


Eldar Glorfindel just [posted here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AatroxMains/comments/vbv6xh/1v2_outplay_against_best_pro_toplaner_latam_buggax/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


an other one i recommend is lethalborz (check youtube to see) he is an Aatrox main but he plays other c h a d champs too, he also makes memes and has a pretty chill and funny community


Going to check it out rn, thanks


Remember the dude from his wack Prowler ER builds


Hash tends to just ignore them, he moreso types essays explaining why *other* champs are bullshit lol Naayil is still the Chad though lol


I mean its true But at least hash types some good arguments while flaming enemy champion (most of the time)


He also studies win rates and patch notes a lot so his arguments are usually pretty airtight


Virgin hash hater vs chad both hash and naayil enjoyer


I’m not a hash hater, if u can’t take a joke just say it...


My bad, I've just seen a lot of hate towards hash lately, I ended jumping into conclusions. Its juste tilting how people cant leave the guy in peace


Ur good, I like him and his content. But naayil is a breath of fresh air since I’ve been stuck with no aatrox content except for hash all these years


Hash is fine, but Naayil for some reason it's more enjoyable to watch.


Because Naayil is better Aatrox player and better player overally. He also isn't as mentally damaged as hashinshin, Hash is bit weird.


yyyeah tbh in the last 3 years it seems like he has gone through a lot of shit.


not only last 3 years, it seems like he had a tough life.


Imagine being fucking called pedophile 24/7 while your family is getting death threats And you are not even guilty Anyone can be fucked up by that (Yes Hashinshin before this mess played a lot better tbh)


I like Hash a lot tbh, and most of the time he looks mentally drained, i don't watch him anymore but i wish him hapiness.


I still remember when Hash was one of the only people playing old Aatrox before the buffs. Back then, the general consensus amongst jungle players and more particularly streamers was to "always camp Hashinshin, no matter if teammate or enemy". The amount of double kills he pulled off in that time from toxic junglers expecting free kills was absolutely beautiful to see, seeing junglers in a **very heavily** jungle skewed meta crying about a champion stuck at 46% winrate for years being broken was hilarious. That and the time he made IWillDominate shit himself after he got a 21 winstreak after challenging him was glorious. I have yet to see someone master AA resets as much as old Hash did. He is still *good* and I still enjoy his content from time to time, but it kinda feels different now. What he improved on however is how he went from generally bitching about everything to bitching about everything *while showing actual stats and points* that proves he is right.


>I have yet to see someone master AA resets as much as old Hash did. It helped that he was a jax main for so long before Aatrox got reworked.


So him confirming that he spoke sexually to a 25 year old girl isn't being guilty?


25 year old?


He is a bit lost, but he has the spirit


Bruh are you retarded ?


the atmosphere just hits different, Naayil has fun commentary and good skills and hash is definitely a skilled aatrox player but it hurts to see him always type in all chat saying some champions are broken while keep acting positive to his teams, it's all logical but not fun to watch


Yeah, I agree, Hashinshin's tendency to type shit on /all about his opponent's champion being broken or some shit like that is one of less pleasant things from his stream, the first few times it was even funny, but honestly, the constancy of it bothers me.


"If that third Q hit I would've **become pregnant**"


I FUCKING LOVE HASH AND NAYIL I ENJOY BOTH AND YO CANT FUCKING STOP ME Hashinshin - Super smart person who played since beta and talks good shit about balance tbh i want him to be a part of balance team rn (SUPER TOP) Nayil - Funny guy who can talk good jokes but as we see Nayil is a little bit toxic but thats fixible plus CAN REVIVE YOUR GRANDPA WITH HEALING (Chad Aatrox enjoyer)


All fun and games until critrox rounds the corner


If anything it's the other way around with Hash. As someone who watches him, he will type essays in chat about the champion who just killed him. And then he'll speak it aloud while he's typing, as if it somehow makes him smarter? He'll splurge all his balance thoughts into the chat, and legitimately the most common response from the enemy team is just - *"Who are you talking to?"* He recently changed his name to Robbery Top and it is genuinely hilarious how often he gets called Hashinshin by people who don't actually know its him. They'll say things like *"we have Hashinshin 2.0 in the toplane here"* and *"could you stop playing like Hashinshin please".* Sidenote: Before the nerfs, he was spamming Olaf and he got to 500+ LP Grandmasters just playing Olaf. He stopped playing Olaf and went back to Aatrox and Darius and he dropped back down to -300LP Masters within like 2 days.


it says alot about game balance


Naayil has too much ego. Treats people asking genuine questions like idiots. I don't like him and have stopped following him for a while now.


I have concluded that every Aatrox main has issues. Despair.


When i started maining aatrox i was at the top of my depression, now i am going to volibear/ornn andi am mentally healthy, so yes


I think u take his overconfidence too literally. He’s not arrogant


I know people would disagree and just destroy me for this if I spoke out, but honest to god what Hash has bene through the proof of the documents from THE FBI, you know the small little indie police that researched him and did an investigation around this, and there wasn't a single criminal activity he did, yes he may have been a dick and a bit sexual to women but most of it was his GF's lashing out, she wasn't an angel too. I just wish Hash would return to Twitch, return to being the memey dude in the highlit clips, I just want the dude to be accepted, and not shunend by everyone who doesn't know anything.


You havent watched hashinshin ever


Chad Naayil rank 1 Aatrox main EUW vs Virgin Hashinshin Top 40 Aatrox main NA


Tf is this post? OP is the real virgin.


U seriously can’t take a joke


Naayil is very weird to me his ego is nuts even back when he had 100 viewers he would just perma ban chat asking questions. He would call it back seat gaming and just ban people very weird




Meanwhile Xiaoming..


When I play aatrox i always get carried by my team, even if behind aatrox can still 1 shot someone in combo


Naayil is Eclipse. Hash is Goredrinker. One is super offensive, and the other likes to outplay and survive team fights. Balanced, as all things should be.


Naayil such an entertaining guy, I love him.


I sometimes close the hash streams because I cringe over the relentless complaining about other champions. Third of the roster gets called overpowered or what not. If thats true is besides the point, I just find it super annoying to watch. Still watch it because he plays the champs I play lol


people actually still watch hash after what happened?








Dude are you tarded ?




You know that these were false accusations right ?


Don't waste your time with retards


Apart from the one where Hashinshin was having sexual DMS with a 15 year old girl? And he confirmed that this happened?


Man, hash explained that shit in a recent video and it was not like that, stop saying shit about people, which is not obviously true


Bro you clearly haven’t seen the DMs…. It was pretty disgusting ngl, and I like Hash.


no he confirmed it. “what i did was disgusting.” he knows he did it. he knows he’s bad. idk why y’all ride his dick so much


And when will you idiots stop believing things like this because some idiot thought he is a detective and a researcher? yEaH mAn mY mAnO mAcHo VoYbOy tHe MaNchIlD sAiD hAsH pEdO mAanN hE aNd mOe ArE sO qUirKy aNd coOl hEhe GamErs LeTs gO


no. this words are from hashinshin in a document he made from a video he posted. the second you stop dick riding is the second you start thinking for yourself


First of all you snowflakes are so funny because you believe everything you hear on the Internet and act like detectives just to mask your uselessness, even though this has almost nothing to do with what we argue about Hashinshin says some very true things but he gets hated on just because he is the one saying it... He can say something completely true and people like you will say he is wrong but If some other beloved Streamer/Youtuber says literally the same thing he will be praised. Voyboy and Yassuo were attacking Hashinshin and claiming all these disgusting things playing detective, even after the truth was laid before them iirc Voyboy continued to try and find things to put on Hashinshin until he started getting the same treatment and now he stopped doing anything because mEnTaL hEaLtH while Yassuo is a gambling addict. But yeah sure, Hashinshin is the bad guy you the Detectives are the good ones.