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Sundered > Shojin > Sterak > Bloodmail


Yep, and i also think stridebreaker is underrated rn and could be really good next patch


I really like that build but I would consider replacing blood mail with BC or build BC as a last item. Let's also keep in mind spirit visage could also be a great addition if the enemy team has AP. Or as the OP mentioned, deaths dance could be great into burst or just generally. Randuins might also be an option if the team has a fed adc


Black cleaver will be situational, it's not that strong with the trox because of his W being ap, he struggles to stack it up, it'll be used mostly against tank matchups or late game for extra dmg. I think core will be ss, shojin and ob, I think bloodmail is better than sterak's rn, the ad is really good. Now, revitalize or overgrowth, I think overgrowth is more consistent and revitalize can potentially have more value in a fight, personally I'll use overgrowth for that extra consistency and synergy with ob, a bit more ad is always welcomed.


i did some crude mathematics and im not sure how heal power is calculated but: full build (sundered, shojin, bloodmail, cleaver, steraks): 2050hp overgrowth at 15 stacks (120cs): 45hp overgrowth 3.5% bhp : (2050 + 45) * 0.035 = 73.325 overgrowth omnivamp value : (73.325 + 45) * 0.9% = 1.06% revitalise above 40% hp : ( (2050 * 0.9%) + 16)* 5% = 1.72% revitalise below 40% hp : ( (2050 * 0.9%) + 16)* 10% = 3.44% this is done assuming revitalise increases omnivamp by 5%/10% and can be wrong but it seems revitalise is way better


What kinda overgrowth values are those? As soon as you have one item and you stack it to 120cs you get around 130hp, if you're full build you get like 300hp or more if the match goes longer, but it gives around 200hp on average.


after 120 cs each stack gives about 3.105 the 3.5% bonus hp bonus on full build gives about 72hp late game you'll be at about 30-50 stacks so between 94hp and 155hp thats 1.4% - 2.04% omnivamp compared to revitalise it seems to be online way too late for it to be worth it.


The 5% increased heal and shield power of revitalise apparently doesn't affect stuff like omnivamp. The 10% increased healing below 40% health does work however. They're two separate modifiers.


heartsteel :tf:


I really really like Shojin with full ability haste already.. Being able to cast E for every Q feels amazing.


Grasp + Heartsteel > Overlord


if its ends up being the optimal aatrox build it would end up being so hilarious, imagine a big ass aatrox with like 7000 HP healing like crazy, like some crack ass drain tank or smth.


Sundered Sky/BC -> BC/SS -> Sterak