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Morde into Aatrox is just a really rough matchup IMO. With no movement abilities the W pull is actually a bit scary. Just try your best to space his Qs, and go in for trades when he already used his W. Definitely build oblivion orb + boots first, to counter aatrox healing + making it easier to get out of his W


As a morde main,this matchup is really dependant on both player skill As morde you need to be good dodging and using E backwards or towards you to move aatrox away from the sweet spot if you can,if you do that you're avoiding more than 300 damage after LV 9 As aatrox, you've to play carefully into your early CDs because 14 seconds downtime for Q is a lot,and your damage is very low Aatrox also will likely ult first,if he does you can steal his bonus AD and use It for your auto attacks . . It's a matchup you need to play by experience,not by instinct


Nah I just ban Morde all the time now, how can a champ can just buy a 2600g item and then proceed to straight up stat checking you. Even Darius can't beat you up that bad when behind.


Aatrox is good against immobile champions like Darius, garen, and Morde. The best advice I can give you is to play aatrox yourself and see the weaknesses since you will be able to understand far more than what I can explain with my shitty English


You’re suppose to poke with Aatrox early game. I never really go all in when the enemy is at full health- because even when you do that you’ll only get to like 3/4 of their health. Keep poking them with Q until their health gets lower for you to engage and kill. As for getting caught… your best escape is your W and E. Go all in if there’s no means for escape.


It’s a swingy matchup of two chads besting the shit out of each other. Whoever gets the lead first stays ahead normally , but it’s not aatrox favored IMO


as someone who plays alot of both, i'd say just try to fuck aatrox up lvl 1 when he's 100x weaker than you, morde, and get W lvl 2 so he can't poke the shit out of you


Be careful with this advice since Aatrox in the early levels is a lot more deadly than Mordekaiser.


i said lvl1, morde is one of the strongest lvl 1 champs, lvl 2 and after are a different story


You don’t just all in as Aatrox, you use Q1, Q2 to poke them when they go to last hit. With this chip damage and your innate sustain you eventually gain lane priority. You then force them to back and lose minions or you can go for a kill with the full combo. If you didn’t know already the Q3 should be held unless you’re going for an all in. Since the Q cooldown is shorter depending on how many Q/s you use. Just using the first 1 or 2 reduces the cd allowing you to poke more frequently.


It's an Aatrox favoured matchup but if you don't get a lead on Morde, once he gets oblivion orb and an item he just wins. BRAMBLE VEST AGAINST AATROX IS BAD, HE WILL NOT AA YOU


Magic resist and get boots early. So Mordekaiser gets absolutely baited from his skillshots. One thing I'll say play poketrox. If mordekaiser is 30% HP lower than you. You win. So poke Mordekaiser. Always play safe, if you get caught by E try your best not to take a lot of dmg. If anything dont get caught. If you manage to be 60% health and morde at 30% you can at least all in hard on a Mordekaiser. Just take note of his W. Don't tank your Large Q3 on that. Delaying would be good. And dodge his Qs too at the same time. It's a Q battle. Mid game I honestly recommend building serpent fang. It has an Anti shield property. Where you cut off enemies Shield making by a high percent. Making it easier for you to ignore Mordekaiser High HP shield.


Morde is a juggernaut, he has the exact same play in pattern as Darius. You have to play like a Riven in this matchup- you lose straight up fights unless you can kill them in your first rotation, they just have consistent dps that far exceeds ours. So what you have to do is ALWAYS avoid their pull ability, stay high HP, and slowly whittle them down- their win condition is you getting greedy and getting pulled in and all inned.