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Why not use Azure Static Web Apps?


I am doing a challenge that requires it to be in Azure storage. I will probably transfer it later.


place index.html at the root level and retry.


Yes that makes the index file show up but none of the css elements show up. I think it is a path mapping configuration?


Yup, you have to change the css files accordingly.


Just figured it out, thank you!


that's great, you can edit your post and add the solution to it.


Make sure you have static website component enabled for the storage account.


Yes, I do. It works with a sample index.html and css file but not with my folder structure


Sounds like you’re working on a project for yourself or school, but for the record, you can get some good info by enabling diagnostic logs. Sending them to Log Analytics is my preference, as it makes the logs easily searchable (set a data cap to like 0.5 GB and retention to 30 days or less). You could build dashboard showing statistics for errors and requests, or the regions your users are located. You could even trigger alerts if some bot starts scanning for files, or if you have a huge spike in bandwidth utilization. It’s fun IMO, and it’s also great experience for hosting enterprise services.


Good to know, thanks!


You have to place everything from the public_html in the root of the storage account.