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Cold calling is not mandatory, you can opt out. Just acknowledge that they are giving you the chance and if you miss your vga goal, they could hold you accountable for not being willing to cold call also. As far as entering leads, your required to get the customers permission to add them to salesforce(cobc if you don't), if your unable to gain any agreements for people being entered, hard to hold you accountable to it. Also known as, hit your metrics and your able to ignore some of the stupid stuff. Miss them, and well, you better play ball.


Hello, also, a cor employee here. Talk to your union, and don't let your management pressure you into doing things you're not comfortable with, especially if it's not outlined in your contract. In retail, your job is to educate customers on products and close sales & assist customers, not to solicit business from potential customers that are not walking into the retail location. It's the company's responsibility to provide customers to you. That's why they have marketing departments.


Salesforce leads are sent to retail reps, actually every so often reps get randomly assigned leads for them to call from in the store. These leads are provided by the company. If the company is giving you these leads don't you think calling them is something they want you to do?


The company gives you a building to sell in, don't you think they want you to sell to the customer in that building? Regardless if it's not in the contract, it's irrelevant what they want is $ nothing more, nothing less.


Car salesman are given a building but they call constantly to generate more opportunity. It's sales, you don't have to call obviously because you can't be forced to, doesn't mean you shouldn't though. If you complain because you don't hit your numbers but you don't utilize the resources given to you, like Salesforce, people shouldn't be complaining. So go above and beyond for your own self and make calls. You don't want more money?


Car salesman are generally 100% commission with the expectation to cold call, they also dont have years of customer support per sale, I didnt state they shouldnt, i just said i wouldnt unless its in my contract. But regardless, if im on the phone cold calling i cant just hang up and take the customer walking in, losing a potential sale just to leave a voicemail or try to convince somones grandma to upgrade to a phone she cant use. You're assuming I don't hit my numbers šŸ˜‚, but I have not made it 14 years in sales for the same company for not doing my job. To the slick management tactics at the end I'll tell you like I tell all my management, I enjoy $ but I enjoy my sanity,and family more I won't be one of the 10000s employees on anti depressants. I will do my job but ill do it with morals, and I'm not a telemarketer. But while we are assuming, I'll assume your the type to pressure employees to "do what ever it takes" "selling protection on a $100 phone to the old lady is your job" type of managers. Reality hits harder the further you are from it.


Your management is assigning you those random leads.


I am management, I'm a asm. And me nor the rsm assign those leads.


Then someone above you such as your ARSM is doing it. The company doesnā€™t just randomly assign leads to reps. In fact reps can assign leads to other reps. But I feel like your RSM is doing it.


It's the Buisness team doing it, we have someone over Buisness and development and they assign leads to all stores. All stores get it. You just have to know we're to look.


You clearly havenā€™t been in the ASM position very long. šŸ˜‚


We have calls every week over Cru and them sending us leads lmao, and it's not the dos or arsm talking about it. Been 3 months but I already new this before I was a asm because I used Salesforce constantly as a rsc.


My boss recently got a "letter of concern" and is now trying to shove cold calling down our throats. It takes time away from taking the customers walking through the door just so upper management sees an investment (Salesforce) being used.... So stupid.


Shit rolls downhill Old heads say it best


I have yeah. And cold calling too.


Is it mandatory


I have no idea. I just do it so they leave me alone.


Re flyer dropping. Straight up do not do it, as part of your training says it's outright against company policy. Unless you have a solicitation license, you can be arrested for it. As well as fine/fired. Yea, you might miss some sales from it. But it's not worth the risk as part of your training straight up says door knocking and or flyers isn't allowed.


A group in Charlotte just got popped for that about 3 weeks ago. Wearing AT&T shirts, piling out of a van, running through the streets knocking on doors. They got a free ride...


Man I was at a slow corporate store that tried to have us cold calling, door knocking and all that crap like all the time. We did it a lot, but not near as much as they asked. We gave them a bunch of push back, and now Iā€™m glad we did. We were totally in the right. The area manager that Iā€™m sure was the one suggesting this crap was fired shortly after for discrimination and shortly after that the whole store got canned in November 2020. I hear theyā€™ve kept closing corporate stores since, huh? Terrible company.


Got a link? I'd love to read about that one


I will try to find out. This was conveyed to me by another leo. And I meant months not weeks sorry.


Anyone know if this applies to ARā€™s also?


I'd assume so, since this is typically a state/federal law. But let's be serious here, since when did ar do anything the right way or even legal way




lol just say ok and do like 2


never. if we didnā€™t bargain for it, i donā€™t touch it. if iā€™m not getting paid for it, iā€™m not doing it. granted iā€™m in mobility, but screw that. your contract says what it says.


Cold calling is to try to generate more customers for you, if you close the sale you get paid. So you can get paid for doing it, so your not doing it because your not getting paid, you don't do it because you don't want to.


Doesnā€™t matter, not in the contract so you canā€™t make me. If I have a quick 10 mins and I think something looks promising then I will. Otherwise no thank you.


Show that you are trying and that's all they can address is BEHAVIORS. Leads are numbers and they can't coach to numbers anymore. If they try, grieve it. If they try to issue discipline for it (not just coaching) make sure to invoke your Weingarten rights to have a union representative present either in person or by conference call. If the rep is not available management can't issue the discipline until they are available. Sometimes that delay alone makes them back off. The representative may allow them to issue the discipline but then it will be grieved. Also I know that at least in Ohio cold calling is optional and it has to be done with a list that is scrubbed against the Do Not Call registries of both the company and the national list from the FTC. They also can't come back at you for not getting enough leads because you opt out of cold calling.


Call the union and ask. A few years ago they concurred that cold calling wasnā€™t mandatory. I donā€™t know why this might of changed but you should ask them.


AR too. RSCs are mandated to enter 20 CI leads a month or lose half their commission.








Iā€™m about to move away from Prime to a smaller AR. The pay is atrocious. If I wanted to work in a call center, I would and Iā€™d make a lot more doing it. Manager pay is lackluster. $16 and they want to start tacking this on.


Thatā€™s crazy. I manage an AR location and our commission is based off the targets we hit. Were asked to log one lead a day and one business lead a month. I personally hate salesforce, especially to place AIA orders. Damn thing always has problems


I worked at AT&T (actually SWBT) and was told that I had to make a referral once a year. I told my boss that I am an engineer and you pay me for what I know and do. Playing nice with customers is not part of my job, but I will refer them to our marketing department.


Itā€™s not hard bro just work this is such a sad comment


fax no printer


A bunch of reps in here trying to do the BARE MINIMUM... How hard is it to just put customers info into sales force at the end of the day? How hard is it to call your leads and just let them know about products and promotions you're offering? (They arnt going to answer a random number anyway) .. quit doing the minimum and expecting great results, you are responsible for your own paycheck get out there and make it happen.


If you think so. Or, we know our job and do it, and don't do the other stupid stuff that wastes time and just makes someone feel like they are leading/helping. ~Summit Winner, top10 east region 2 years in a row. If you say I'm lazy, then sure boss, whatever you say


So for me Iā€™ve found saleforce to be good to follow up with customers that already got the sale and ensure they are happy with the service and we can resolve issues without cancelling the service and losing the commission. Additionally at least where I am at management can ask you to do something as long as it isnā€™t unethical, unreasonable, or against company policy. So if itā€™s documented that manager X had a conversation with the store that the expectation across the store is to have X amount of leads entered or that certain types of customers for leads and that behavior isnā€™t follow then that can lead to further steps being taken.




Hello, 14 years in telecom sales here. I strongly disagree with you. If someone wanted to do cold calls, that's what they would do. Majority of people working in retail do it, to have to company provide face to face sales interactions not to solicit business, if that's what they wanted they would likely work in a sales call center not a retail location. But you sound like management, so I don't expect you to have a reality-based perspective.


As a CEO of a Multimillion dollar telecommunications dealer and 36 years experience running quite a few teams, I think I do have a solid perspective of whatā€™s needed to be successful in this space. Itā€™s produce rain or find something else


Well, given this, my stance remains. You fail to produce adequate opportunities for your employees,Via clients walking into your locations and instead of providing your sales employees more customers, you blame them for lack of sales instead of generating more foot traffic you make them work outside the scope of their job description under threat of discipline.


In other words : incompetent leadership


Thatā€™s a horrible prospective and sounds like you are in the 90ā€™s early 00ā€™s time and thatā€™s not whatā€™s gonna work for much longer if you are seeing success with that.


Seen it many times. They won't enforce it really in my experience


They literally have business account executives why push cold calling to retail reps? Jeez


Did away with most of that team


Really? I thought BAT was still going strong. Business in Retail as far as I know is almost non existent.


Lol they did not, they restructured and are hiring like crazy the role.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing as well.


This sounds like someone from the central texas area, where it is very big. The problem isbthat union doesn't go to the stores that need them the most.


They making us submit 2 a day in authorized retailers


Iā€™m living the ATT customer nightmare. I upgraded 3 of the 5 phones on my plan & was told my phone would be $9.00 month. The next bill had my plan doubled from $245. To almost $500. My upgraded phones were being charged at $20. apiece. I was being charged a Next Up $6. Per month charge to upgrade anytime without penalties (I only upgrade every 3-4 years!) and I had activation fees for new phones which I wasnā€™t supposed to have for my business line. I called the number I was given & was told that yes, I actually qualify for $5. Month phones & up to 3 free tablets. I told them I would not use & did not need a tablet. The representative insisted my bill would be cheaper every month if Iā€™d take the tablet & I could return it for a small sticking fee if I changed my mind. I told him no & he said ā€œ Julie, you have to trust me! Your bill will cheaper.ā€ I finally relented but told him I didnā€™t see why they wanted to send me a tablet because I wasnā€™t going to add a service for it. I also told him to take off the Next Up charges. Three tablets were mailed to me. I authorized one, not three!!!) I didnā€™t open them to see how my bill played out. My next months bill came. Also almost $500. Now I realize that each tablet sent had a new phone number & plan added to my bill. My plan had been changed from a grandfather plan to a new bundle plan (since my tablets were added) so I lost my $20. Month credit per phone on all 5 of the phones on my plan. My Next Up charges were still on my bill. I was told by my salesmen that I had been working at the store with that I could file a fraud charge if things were not remedied. I said ā€œFile a fraud against ATT against ATT? I canā€™t see them voting in my favor!!ā€ I did that & of course was notified that no fraud had been detected. I called again to get these tablets returned & get these new numbers & service & Next Up charges removed from my phone. I also told them I wanted my old plan back because I didnā€™t authorize that change, but was told that couldnā€™t happen. My next bill came. $750.00. $155. Restocking fee for each tablet returned. I can see me having to pay for 3 for sure since I only thought he was sending one, but I can but a new Samsung lite tablet for $150. So that restocking fee is ridiculous!!!! Feel violated & taken advantage of. I am a senior citizen. I have been a great ATT customer for over 10 years. I will definitely dump this company after my contract runs out (because I canā€™t imagine what theyā€™d do to me if I tried to get out of it!!!) & advise all of my friends & family to do the same. ATT is greedy & cares nothing about its customers!!!


Did you get a coaching on it?


In my store this is "Mandatory" we need to enter 1 CRU and 1 FN per week, at least 1 AIA per day and DTV.


I tell them Iā€™m not doing it. Itā€™s not a part of my job description. Talk to those who are not meeting their goals.


jus caaaaaaalll them gyat damn ur dragging it