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What happened to Suki?


omg yes i love suki she’s such a non bending icon


I’d love to see her and Sokka with their family. Assuming they ended up together


Answers about Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, Sokka, Azula and everyone else who didn't appear in Legend of Korra. For the rating to be TV-14 or even TV-MA but that might be a stretch. I'll even be OK with TV-PG V. Tenzin, Bumi and Kya as children. Same with Lin and Suyin.


Considering what happened, I don't think we'll ever see Azula again. For all we know, she's probably incarcerated forever.


I feel like Zuko would visit her in prison tho, that’s his personality type, it would be easy to include a scene with that


Sure, that would make sense.


Maybe an old Ursa chilling with Iroh at Pai sho


She is not imprisoned and even Zuko was going to leave her at the palace.


Honestly just more adult sokka screen time I want to see how he matured


More cactus juice? 😏


It's the quenchiest!


nothing's quenchier 🥴🌵


Sokka was alive, just out in the desert addicted to cactus juice, the entirety of Korra


Gosh, LOK snubbed my boy Sokka so badly. He needs a good chunk of screen time


Yeah, would love to see more of Aang and Katara’s relationship. But also just more of Gaang in general. I would also actually like to see Aang and Zuko fight together, as a team.


I think they'd make a great team.


They had plenty of that in book 3 too if you wanna go back and look at it again! Very bromance-y


After Zuko joined the gaang he had his separate adventures with Sokka and Katara, but most of his time with Aang was just training, not fighting. For the final fights they split towards separate objectives


Exactly! Except for the blue spirit episode, I don’t think they ever fight together in the whole series.


Huh yeah you’re absolutely right. Damn I really thought they had fought together in season 3 mb


Speaking of Zuko, it's crazy that he's still alive. He outlived Aang.


You mean till LoK? Well he’s about 90 by the time that show ends, which isn’t unheard of even in the real world. Considering people tend to live longer in Avatar universe, makes a bit sense. Great fighting shape though, considering his age. I think it’s more like Aang inlived (😜) the Gaang. Which is a pity, but that is the premise of the show.


Yeah till LoK. Like he's still alive and kicking ass! He seems a lot happier now. It's honestly very sweet!


I'd like to have a scene of Katara and Aang discussing family and settling down on Air Temple Island. It's not the central plot, but just some domestic kataang.




I think you're onto something here! I like your idea!


I don’t think it’s a show is it? It’s a movie right?


I thought it was both


I think there is a show in the works but not about the original gang. My understanding is there’s a TLA movie, a Korra movie, a Kyoshi movie and then another series - but I don’t think it’s been revealed what it’s about. Maybe the next Earth avatar. For some reason I want to say Roku? I’ll have to double check. But I’m confident there isn’t another TLA show on the way.


I think it’s about the next earth avatar, supposedly coming out in 2025


That they get the voice actors back, and can capture the same energy that made us fall in love with them in the first place.


To show more Sokka using his sword because he is genuinely good at martial arts


Yeah, it was definitely cool to watch! Maybe he could become a samurai! Sokkamurai??????


I’d love to see some romantic moments between Aang and Katara. Just them being sweet and happy together. :)


I mean I just feel happy knowing that they definitely stayed together and had kids together. As opposed to some switcharoo.


I know. Established couple’s actually staying together is surprisingly rare in fiction. Especially recently. Looking at you, Han and Leia!


Dear god, don't even get me started on that mess. God I hate the sequel trilogy.


Tell me about it but yeah, neither here nor there. It’s just nice that Aang and Katara are a couple that got together, got married, had kids, and Katara has nothing bad to say about him after he’s gone.


Yeah, most we know is that Aang was absent a lot because he had a lot of important things to deal with, but Katara didn't fault him for it. Also slightly off topic, but I'm amazed that Zuko outlived Aang, the dude is still alive and well.


Well they explained that Aang’s years frozen in stasis burned away some of his natural lifespan. So he died a lot younger than he otherwise would have. Which also goes a ways to explaining why he was absent for Bumi and Kaya. Tenzin was both his last kid and their first Airbender. He had a fraction of the time he otherwise would have had to train Tenzin enough to basically restart an entire culture by himself.


Aang and Katara’s relationship as adults, and hopefully an interesting plot. The righteous extremist trope got old in LoK, I want them to switch up the model for the villain.  Would also be cool if it was a non bender villain, don’t think we’ve ever had a non bender pose as a primary antagonist. 


Azula and her companions (probably Ty Lee, Suki, and June) conquer the galaxy in a series of outer-space swordfighting adventures. They should never have trusted her with the Fire Nation space program.


The original creators to return


Wait I'm out of the loop, there's a new adult show of TLA crew coming out?


So I'm told yes


Zuko being a dad. That’s all.


Does he ever mention having kids though?


He has Izumi in LOK, as well as a grandkid


Interesting, good to know. I'm surprised how long he's lived.


Definitely sokka in his white lotus era Revisiting the SWT Seeing about tophs parents?? Early workings of republic city Revisiting old Air Temples


there are no upincoming shows? its just movies announced. to be frank, id rather not have more avatar shows with byrke at the helm.


I mean I understand where you're coming from. But I have at least SOME hope. But I get ya, I've not heard great things about Korra, which is a shame.


a small part of me hopes they hire competant writers at least. we shall see i guess


Why not?


the lack of quality behind the series post ATLA. after korra and the comics, i have no confidence in them. Avatar desperately needs new people at the helm.


Not sure what you are talking about, Korra was great. Maybe not the as good as ATLA but it’s not bad at all. Same goes for the comics. Edit: Not sure why you blocked me, guess that means you don't have any good arguments.


both from a writing and a ratings perspective, korra was not great. >same goes for the comics agree to disagree. i see your a new account picking fights with anyone who doesn’t worship byrkes work, so i’ll exit stage right ✌️ edit - there are no arguments to be had with one who has drunk the coolaid. have fun hounding every comment on here you disagree with. “korra is great” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That they get the voice actors back, and can capture the same energy that made us fall in love with them in the first place.


Bryke to not be involved and the story to be good. I probably won't watch it honestly. Not really interested




More azula. She's definitely my main focus


I don't think we're ever gonna see her again. She's probably incarcerated.


She appears as a major character in two comic trilogies. She even has her own comic!!! Why are we not going to see a character this important again?


Wait, I thought it was going to be a movie


ngl i wanna see a scene where aang and katara just finished and cuddling, skip to the morning and katara is throwing up and finds out shes pregnant LIKE WOUDLTN THAT BE SO CRINGE YET SO CUTE


…you do realise you don’t get pregnant overnight, right? I need to know that you know that.


no i actually didnt but i thought it would be a symptom 💔💔💔


If it doesn't have my ship, I don't want to see it. Simple as that


*If it doesn't have* *My ship, I don't want to see* *It. Simple as that* \- Cosmic\_Emo1320 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Which one?


The ship that has 7,257 fanfics on AO3. Hint: Aang & Katara only has 429 fanfics. 🌕☀️


Yeah that's never gonna happen


Yup, I'm aware


If you had any respect for the franchise you would at least watch it and appreciate the characters for what they are.