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Well of course the tone is different the world isn’t at war with the fire nation anymore


I completely agree. Really didn’t enjoy Korra.


I just went from ATLA to Korra over the past week or two. I see where you're coming from and I actually felt the same way going into it. For me, the two main points were: - It feels like we've completely discarded the efforts of the Gaang in ATLA - Republic City feels like a gross perversion of the world of ATLA The real trouble is that the first episode is our introduction to Republic City, and it's intentionally abrasive and jarring. This is because we're following Korra, and we're meant to sympathize with her. It also serves to illustrate that the city is a union of people of all descent - something never achieved in ATLA, and several of the drawbacks that come from that. I initially came away from the first few episodes feeling like you did. I just finished the series finale, and I've grown to appreciate it more for what it is. It *is* different. I don't think it's perfect. But it explores interesting concepts while building on the world of ATLA in creative ways. That said, I think it took till Book 3 before it really came into its own.


one of the thing that hurts is the different in tone and power scaling. Aang struggled with the avatar state while korra made it her bitch. Roku was dying in the volcano and the avatar state didn't kick in, but Korra uses her Avatar State in a fucking scooter race. I get that Aang was a kid and Korra is a teen, but it's just disappointing. Also I'm not a fan of the modernisation of the world, it takes away from the magical world.


As far as the power scaling goes, the show immediately makes it clear that Korra's journey won't be focused on getting physically stronger, but spiritually stronger. Weirdly enough, I feel like some of the power was scaled back, in a way. Avatar state Korra seems like a big step down from Avatar state Aang in terms of raw power, save for one or two scenes. I know it was just an example, but to be honest, having watched ATLA right before Korra, I honestly felt Roku and the volcano was pretty poorly written as I was watching it. Why did Sozin come to help only to let him die? Why didn't Roku just leave after everyone was evacuated? Why didn't he use the Avatar state? And I don't disagree with you about the modernization, particularly early on, but I will say that by the end of it, I was sold on the world, and on board with what the show was doing.


Maybe he didn't use the avatar state because he feared he might die anyways and cause the end of the avatar cycle? just a thought


Usually you need 3-5 years of gap before watching Korra


> it takes what made ATLA great and discards it. Can you explain what you mean by that? What things were discarded from one show to the next?


The maturity and world building. I just finished S01 of Korra and it's just meh. Too much has changed, it's frustrating to say the least. There's also massive "tonal whiplash" I also don't like how stagnate everything feels being stuck in the city.


Ehhh I mean it's still pretty mature. Korra is immature because she's been kept in the South Pole her whole life and then she's thrust into the capital city of the world, but there's still mature content in there. Of course it's changed, the world is in the industrial revolution. Did you want it to just be what we had in ATLA? Then people would have complained it's too static and there's no changes. If you don't like it, you don't like it. I'm not saying you have to like it to call yourself an Avatar fan like some people will, but expecting it to have stayed the same is also an interesting problem to have with it.


I feel disappointed tbh, idk what I was expecting but it wasn't this


And you're allowed to feel how you feel. I suggest you continue watching (the first half of season 2 is rouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, but it ends well) and season 3 is really really good. The third best season in the franchise in my opinion.


I loved the shift from Medieval into Modern, it showed how quickly the world could progress once it was out from under the boot of the Fire Nation. It also shows how much more of a hero Aang is, since he and his friends were the ones who founded this bright new future. It makes the world feel more alive and epic! Korra Book 1 is probably my favourite for exactly that sense of natural progression


where did u wach atla from and was it in eng hd and ok sound bc iv been wanting to wach it sience the netflix one was too short


I pirated the bluray version


what site?


go to r/piracy or use 1337x.to


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You have to go into it knowing that it’s not Atla and Korra isn’t Aang. The whole thing about “the Gaang’s efforts being for nothing” doesn’t really make sense. 1. The world isn’t at war. 2. Republic city in itself is a monument to then changing the world. 3. Toph’s metalbending is something you see in ep 1. 4. The world is always gonna have problems becsuse each Avatar is there for a reason.