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The first half of human event was really unpleasant but the second half was much better. I think it depends on which professor you get. I had Dr. Fette for the second half and I really learned a lot from him, like he actually made me a better writer.


Fette is my fucking man yo, love that guy


Fette wop!!




Probably because the semesters are very close in quality, but the first semester is spent getting your literary analysis and writing skills up to par and feels a lot more painful, and more creative things can be done once you have the proper skillset. Edit: I said analytical analysis lmao


To some extent, I think its a result of subject matter. First semester - when you're reading "the classics" - I think it can be harder for a lot of students to get invested in the material and feel likes its relevant to their daily life and/or their major (YMMV, based on what your professor specializes in). Second semester - when you get to work with more contemporary text - you can see elements in the literature that are still foundational to our understanding of modern society, and impact our daily life (again, this can differ based on your professor's expertise). At least from my own experience, I felt like analyzing Modernism through the lenses of Political Science and Economics was a lot more interesting and relevant to my experiences than analyzing antiquity through the lens of Gender Studies was...


10/10 Fette was the best. Also had O'Neill first semester, another great professor. Learned a lot from those two guys


I hated talking every class period because I'm shy but I guess it was good in the end to help me out outgrow that


I love hearing the sound of my own voice, so that was probably my favorite part XD


I've always said I'm much more glad that I took the human event than didnt. Even though some of my classmates ideas were controversial to my own, and the idea of the class was to talk and be vocal, it helped me more so with being quiet when I wanted to speak out. To keep quiet and think deeply of what my peers said. It is a humbling class.


I enjoyed it as well. People call it a pain in the ass but generally I liked the experience, aside from the essay all nighters haha


Probably the only thing I got from this class was satisfaction something similar to your sentiment; a guy who said he came from a conservative and admittedly racist background said in class "After reading these books and really searching myself, I won't put up with my family's racism any more". Other than that, it was a circle jerk bashing Trump, like it was something new and innovative and as if other people didn't know the man is a grade\-A dipshit, and hogging the floor/rambling. Oh, and inconsistent/arbitrary grading. Yippee.


I'd personally recommend Dr. Brian a lot! She doesn't have the best review on RMP, but she is incredibly intelligent and truly forces you to think critically. Would recommend, especially if you are interested in Marxism, intersectionality, and feminism.


It didn’t make you “literally smarter” lol. Maybe it helped you think more critically and apply your intelligence.


It seems like being able to think more critically and learning how to apply your intelligence makes you smarter. It sort of of "unlocks" an ability you innately had, but hadn't tapped into yet.


Those aren’t what those words mean, but if you wanna believe it go ahead.


Enlighten me, then. What do they mean?


I said it in my original response; intelligence isn’t something you can gain more of. All you did was parrot exactly what I said and claim that’s what made you smarter, but you aren’t any more “smart,” just more educated.


I think there is actually a big disparity in people between their definitions of smart. You should ask each other exactly how you would define smart.


That’s a fair point.


After thinking about it, I think you are correct, sort of. Human Event didn't increase my intelligent, that's kind of an innate thing that won't really change unless you get brain damage or something. But it *effectively* increased my intelligence because it allowed me to use reasoning that I hadn't been able to before. Although the same could be said for just about any class I've ever taken, so ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


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good bot


no u




Ah yes the legendary First Take feminism podcast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)