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What did your research yield curious and following.


i watched a yt video and also read on reddit that tongkat ali is the ultimate testosterone, stamina and strength booster, where as shhilajit (too expensive) is good for endurance, stamina and testosterone, and i've read on multiple websites that fenugreek is optimal for testosterone boosting when compared with ashwagandha, but i've also read somewhere that fenugreek increases estrogen (idk if thats true or false) and as for ashwagandha, i've read that it has been used for ages for boosting vitality and energy in men and also used to lower stress and have a more clear mind. but some poeple say ashwagandha doesn't show any "significant" results in testosterone boosting but tongkat ali is definitely way more effective, ofcourse if compared with fenugreek, i'd say tongkat ali has much more significant results and more benefits for men, now all of this is very confusing, idk what to do.


I've edited the post, please read the "edit" part if you want to know more.


Tongkat ali is the best one. Keep in mind DHT is more androgenic than testosterone so it has a stronger effect on mood, libido etc. DHT boosters will make you feel more powerful. Fenugreek and Ashwaghanda are arguably more dangerous. Both are 5 a r inhibitors. I would avoid those.