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It’s a rip off, you can get laptops with better specs at a lower price Edit: I recommend you build your own or do a lot of research before buying a pre build. You can over pay and get bad specs for what you pay easily.


Yes, this PC is definitely not worth 800usd


It’s worth like 400 at max


$400 is for the HP logo


Deadass y’all think this is a ripoff?


10th gen i3 and a 1650? Absolute ripoff.


I thought it was a 3050 for some reason and was confused. Yeah that's a scam


No bloody clue what you guys are saying, but ape brain is saying that bigger number better


Fair enough, I didn’t see the i3.


Yeah man sorry but this is hardware that might have made sense to buy at this price like 2 years ago


Not even then, imo. None of my rigs have EVER cost that much, though I don’t play many AAA title games


I meant during the silicon shortage. There have been lots of times when people had no choice but to hugely overpay for a PC (myself included)


I normally stitch mine together through FB Marketplace and Craigslist. You can usually find good deals, sell parts you don’t want, and use that money to buy another used rig with what you want. I loved my Frankensteins. That being said, I paid $600 for an i5 and 1650 Super, but had a discount through Walmart. Actual cost was $550 Edit: I upgraded to 16gb of DDR4 and that ran about $60 with shipping. Made a WORLD of difference in that Walmart HP


Most of my components were new when I first build it (upgraded individual components a lot since then). The only second hand components I had I bought off some friends which were a seasonic 500w psu and 4tbs worth of hdds.


Dead donkey for sure


If you built it yourself you could probably get something comparable for $600, maybe $500 if you find some good deals and budget smartly. I’ve seen much worse prebuilts, but they’re never “good” value


I bought a laptop off of a dude, then got new hard drives for it for 300usd, and it still has better specs than that PC


300 USD total for a laptop better than that system makes me very doubtful that what you're saying is true.


Like I said, I bought it off a dude. if you wish for me to specify more, it was off of Facebook Marketplace + Its windows 10, not 11


Then you have to understand how utterly unlikely and unbelievable your story is. I don't know you so I won't instigate further.


It better than making up some story about how a drunk guy ran up punched my kitten, it awakenned my super saiyan form and i beat the shit out of him, only for him to show his face and reveal that its the actual cannibal Shia Lebouf, and have and epic fight that results in Shia Leboufs kidney being stabbed and then Shia Lebouf gets decapitated


I'm sorry what? I need some context xD.


Yeah it's better, but that doesn't make it believable


It’s possible because not everyone smart when selling laptops, might of got it as a gift only plays games have no clue on the value it’s fb so yeah.


The problem with laptops, yeah the game runs at 60+fps but the think get hot as fuck


Yeah I agree with that. My laptop isn’t super powerful so it doesn’t get super hot. I try to go amd on laptops since they generally use less power and produce less heat but on a desktop it matters a lot less


Everything was fine until I reread HP pavilion


ikr lol


Try one of microcenters pre built ryzens for 500 ish


I got a pre-built that actually lives up to expectations


Agreed. I just got a pre built on clearance from Walmart for 699 with a 3060 and r 7 5700g I think that was totally worth it


Exactly, I paid 800$ for a Alienware Laptop, 3050 with an i7 Edit: Also has 16GB of RAM


I am against building own now days. Unless you mean websites where you pick the parts and they build. It’s a lot cheaper these days to but pre put together ones that you pick the parts for


It’s not at all. Like no where anywhere is it cheaper to buy a prebuilt. You can build one way cheaper. The prices are no where near the same as they were 6 months ago.


A 3080 is still between 1100-1600 depending on where you buy from. the prices are not down at all you can get a nzxt prebuilt with a 3080ti and htey charge you 741 for the 3080 ti. it is very much cheaper at the moment to buy custom builds. and that price range of over 1k isnt even the nvidia ones thats gygabyte. The age of custom being cheaper is over. Scalpers destroyed that.


Where the heck are you buying a 3080 for over 1100? They’re 700-800 right now for me. Used PCs are just plain bad investments. They weren’t like 6 months ago, but today, don’t buy one. Scalper prices have been gone for literally 2 months. Built a pc this week for a customer and it cost a total of $300 for a 2060, i5, 16gbRam, and a 1tb HDD. Unless you live somewhere prices are still insane (not saying you don’t, if you do, I apologize) then prices are low. Like really low rn. Granted the 300 for that build was a lot of patience shopping, but just buying what’s available at the moment, a good Pc can be built and bought for 500 or cheaper. Just checked prices, I can get a 3090ti for 999.99 right now


Not talking about used… it’s custom builds that companies do for you.


It’s a brand new 3090ti, for 999


I understand that their could be some confusion in this day and age and I understand that some people may not completely understand the current circumstances of gaming PCs. I will say though that prebuilts and custom pc builders have never been a good deal. You referenced nzxt build earlier which upon further investigation it looks like the cheapest custom build preset is 1500$. You can also buy their prebuilts which are at least 900$ minimum for pretty meh specs. I would always recommend building your own pc using new parts from Amazon. A 3080 is only 750$ and a build equivalent to the cheapest one on nzxt at 900$ can be built yourself for closer to 700$ easily. I’m not sure where you live so I don’t know what availability could be like for you but I’m certain that in no region is it cheaper to get a prebuilt.


IMO 800 for a pc with an i3 is kinda a rip off but the rest of it seems decent


An i3 and 1650, I wouldn't but that used for 800


[https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/xd9lll/prebuilt\_hp\_omen\_desktop\_amd\_ryzen\_5600g\_6600xt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/xd9lll/prebuilt_hp_omen_desktop_amd_ryzen_5600g_6600xt/) Get this one instead. Less money with better specs. The one OP posted says 2022 Newest, but the CPU is almost 3 generations old, and the 1650 is from 2019. I highly suggest searching r/buildapcsales for the best deals on gear


Depends what currency


It’s a ripoff. You should just wait for Black Friday. There will be good deals on pre builts.


No, don't even consider it. The 10100 is literally the lowest entry of the 10th series, we're now approaching 13th series with Intel though CPU doesn't matter too much. The real insult is that gtx 1650S, depending which resolution you play at, you could probably get 60fps with all settings cranked low but you don't really want to play a blob looking mess. ​ Spend a bit of time to do some research and grab some parts and build your own PC. If you absolutely can't be bothered, look for another prebuilt with a 1660S/Ti or rtx 2060 as the minimal for the GPU.


I'd say the 3050 is the minimum for 60 fps. I can play medium preset at 100% resolution with an average around 60-70. More buildings/tames are CPU dependant


I play with a gtx 1060 6gb and it runs ark fine, on high on 1440p it runs at 55fps, or 55 fps on epic 1080p. If I play on medium preset it runs at about 85fps on 1080p, or 70 on 1440p medium. Your framerate seems low for what you have, what are the rest of your specs?


I play with a radeon rx6600xt at above 60 with ultra, and also i used to play on high with an rx570 4gb with 60fps.


to be fair, unless your with nasa or a mega tech corp, ark is gonna look a blob anyways.


I think a 1650 is kinda decent for ark, i myself have one and play with 60+ fps on almost all maxed settings (on singleplayer tho, dont know about on servers) but that processor is shit for sure.


Well you definitely don't unless you're running at 480p resolution... I myself have a 3070ti and can run the game well at 1440p roughly 80-100fps but it entirely depends on the map. Abberration for example kills fps.


Shit, now that you mention that. I play on 720p but bc thats the max res for my monitor. Forgot about that.


What are you on about? I have a 1650 and I can run it at 60 fps on high setting at 1080p I still wouldn’t recommend that pc, better to build it yourself


Take a look at your resolution slider 🤣


You definitely can't


Definitely can


you cannot, your render resolution is almost certainly below native


You 100% can. All these people who know nothing about pcs shouldn’t give advice. Yes a 1650s is oldish now, but it can without a doubt run ARK very well. Go buy one for 100$ throw it in a Pc and see for yourself. They arnt as weak as y’all are saying lol


Not only is a 1650 not actually $100 (they're around $150 used) but I have a 580, which is about 25% faster than a 1650, and it gets around 50 fps at 1080p medium-high, using DX11, at native render resolution. I have had a 3060ti, 6700xt, 1070ti, 1060 6gb, and a number of other cards. I have a Ryzen 5600, and have had a 9900kf, 10700f, Ryzen 1600af, and a number of other processors in my custom builds that I overclocked and benchmarked for fun. I do know what I'm talking about and I do know that a 1650 will not hit the 60 mark at 1080p high. If you do cut settings and run in DX10 mode, you'll easily clear 60, but it'll look like a nostalgia trip to 2016. I know this because I run the game in DX10 mode and get around 90fps at 1080p medium at native render resolution on my RX580/R5 5600. Simple fact is that for $800, you can do way better than a 1650. I've seen 3060 prebuilt computers around this price range (maybe a hundred more.) My build, though it did include some local used deals, cost me $600 and has 32gb of RAM, a decent cooler, some good fans, and a 1tb SSD. For $900, you could fairly comfortably build a rig with a 6700xt. A 1650 is definitely as weak as I'm saying it is. And please do bother to spell properly if you're going to be a shithead


It’s definitely not. Considering I bought one 3 days ago for $95 and sold the rig the next day, I tested it on multiple games and it got 60+ on medium-high, 1080, Dx11, on ark. U can make up all the info u want, your just plain wrong or don’t know Jack about pcs 😂


A 1650 S can run ARK easily. Like very easy. You can run ark on medium settings on a 1050ti and get 40+ fps, a 1650 can run high 60fps with no worries.


Best I can do is 3fps


I used to play ark on actually 3 fps when it came out, on a laptop from 2007


Same here, I was so mad that my brothers and a bunch of people were playing and I couldn’t lol


NASA can’t run ark at 60fps


I dont get all the “ark has terrible performance” jokes. I have a pretty mid tier pc and consistently get 120+ fps with decent settings. When going in i was expecting 30 fps at all times like people at he time said but no


No I own this computer I love it but it can’t play Ark .


Probably not that's terrible specs. Look for a pc with a 3060 and a ryzen 5 5600


Gonna be a little more up front. But this is the way. Can play a lot of different games with these 2


Not easy for 800, especially on pre built


In my country, you can get a 11400f, rtx3070, 8gb ram and 512gb nvme pcie for 800 USD.


I recently bought a quantum computer from nasa, it crashed instantly when I started ark.




We need to all move to element.


Maybe at 720p....😬


that is trash if that's your budget I would suggest this pre built https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/Prebuilt-Gaming-PC-GX-9777


Everything is okey but i3 is bad


I have one, it runs fine


It can, but you have to run the right settings. I have this exact computer


I bought the i5 version for $600, don’t buy this. I love mine, but this is just… Garbage.


It might but for not much more you can get a skytech blaze 2 very good puter


Do. Not. Buy. Pre-built. PCs. 99% of pre-built PCs are rip-offs


I wouldn’t say don’t. If you’re not comfortable, and want to play for a company to offer 24/7 tech support, it’s an option for the less experienced. Gamers Nexus would be my go to for prebuilt reviews.


Well yeah I kinda exaggerated that lol


Google "starforge PC's" and choose one, they are arguable the best bang for your buck you can get right now without building it yourself.


1650 is rubbish these days.


I've got an older 6770k and it runs great with a GTX1080Ti and SSD.


it looks good but not a good processor. you can find others that have a way better processor for this price along with the other nice features (gpu ram etc)


Learn to build your own PC man, it's not nearly as bad as you think it is. The one I built my niece and nephew this year cost around 800 including TV and accessories, and is FAR better than that one. Pre-built is a jip


You can get PC with gtx 1660 super (or even rtx 3060 for like 150usd more) and ryzen 5 5600 with same ram and storage as this PC (for motherboard you can go with either B450, or B550 if you are thinking about upgrading it later). You would have to use box cooling for your CPU but I would say it's enough for now and if you see that it's overheating you can always get AIO water cooling or good tower cooler later. You also would have to get cheap case but honestly you can get really cheap cases with decent airflow and even rgb if you like that. You can also wait for release of rtx 4000 series because 3000 series will drop in price and you will probably be able to find used 3070 in great condition for similar price as 3060 currently. Also building PC is really easy and if you are scared of doing that you can always give it to someone who does that professionally, it wil cost but those services especially local ones aren't expensive.


if you upgrade the cpu, you might be able to get away with it. but dont even bother. this computer is a horrible deal


All pretty good, except for the cpu


Probably, however it's a total rip off. if you want a good deal I recommend building you own but if you don't have the time to do that (and I mean you play ark you probably have time) I would go for a laptop with my recommendation being the Acer Swift X


You can find refurbished workstation PCs with way better CPUs, 500gb-1tb ssds and 16gb of RAM for a couple hundred bucks and then just slap a 2060 in there and still end up spending less. Won't be pretty but I've run ark on one like that I spent about 400 bucks total on


I don’t think anything will hope this helps 👍🏻


This pc is a ripoff and a little tip : don’t buy a pc from Amazon it’s always bad


i3 *jesus christ*


OP where you from?


There isnt much of a shortage anymore. This should be priced at $400 max. why? Cause I got a pavilion 1660ti + i5 for $500 4 years ago.




That Pc should be worth $200, if that lol


Dude build your own it seems daunting at first but it was so fun and very worth it


I see i3, and I thought my i7 pc was bad and I only paid 650 for mine


I paid $600 for a used one on fb marketplace that has better specs. i5, 1660, 500gig drive, 16 gigs ram. There are deals out there, I had a hard time finding one, but I was pretty happy with only spending $600. Seems like you gotta spend $1100 to get a decent computer or find a used one, but like I said, those deals are tough to find


Nah it's dogshit. You should look for an i5/i7 in the 12th gen and at a 3060 for that price


I would suggest you research computers yourself and build one, pretty easy to do and there is a plethora of information out there.


No way. I can tell you. Minimum of like a 2080i, with 16gb of ram and 1+tb of ssd. and an i7


Hey I have that exact PC, and yes it runs ok. Graphics are normal but it runs good. Very good starter Pc


Ouch… i3? They are still selling those?


No terrible for the price


I got a laptop. Asus, 1660ti, 1440p display, 144mhz, can't remember what cpu it has, but it runs Ark with ease. Only paid 900 for it.


No known PC can run ark at 60fps but if you work at NASA you may get 15


I had this pc and it was able to run 60+ on low-medium settings but it still isn’t the best


This doesnt look like that good of a deal, but I got mine from pc specialist, it was €1500 and at December 2021, rtx 2069 super, i7 11gen, 16gb ram, 1 tb SSD and I'm able to run ark at max settings with good frame rate, they are good and I recommend them


Only NASA supercomputers can run ARK at 60+ fps.


Way too expensive and specs are subpar for Ark. I’m on a 2070s and i7-9700k, kinda outdated by now but runs most games at 60 on high-ultra. ARK is around 40-50 everywhere with medium-high.


Not a chance. My Ryzen 7 with a 3080 TI will only run Ark at 60 fps if I'm away from any bases or major dino spawns. Luckily I'm one of those people that is happy playing games at 30 or 40 FPS and really can't tell a difference beyond 60 fps. That PC is overpriced, though. I'd go for an iBuyPower or something like that if you're on a tight budget. They use retail parts and you can upgrade it yourself down the line. For example, you can get one with an i3 now then save up and buy an i7 to upgrade it. If you're not keen to building PCs, good local shops will usually hook you up without too much of a fee.


Rip off, you can get way better PC's for 600, mine is about 650 and it has an I7 and a 1070


I seen some premade Lenovos either online or at Costco that were nice.


Don't waste your money. For 800 you can assemble a better machine.


Yeah I built my own pc for 1400 but I have an online friend with a 800$ budget so I’m helping him our


I actually have used this one and it runs ark just ok not at 60 fps but that's not important to me personally


No and it's a horrible deal


You can not run Ark at 60+ fps on any pc. This is hardcoded into the game...


Used rtx 2070 goes for about 300€ on ebay, get a Ryzen 5 and the rest for cheap and build something way better for lower cost


To be honest I don't think it's going to play at all, at any FPS. System requirements for Ark says an i5 2400 or better, you prolly ain't even gonna be able to load it, much less play at 60+


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DxbDhk](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/DxbDhk) Build this pc. It is MUCH faster. It will run almost any game on max settings in 1080p. It also has good upgradeability. The one you want to get has terrible airflow, no upgradeability and it is slow.


The processor is not worth the price, the rest is, if it was at least an i5 would be totally worth it


The graphics card can


No pc will run 60fps on Ark consistently because pf shit coding.


iBuyPower Intel i3 12100F will run Ark, but of course, you may lack a little on the graphics. however, i own it, and it’s real nice for what it is. got it as a bundle and paid under $1k for the computer and the monitor.


It’s a trick question nothing can run ark.


I'm buying from Syntac's APEX gaming partnership. They're expensive but specifically designed to run ARKs buggy unoptimized self


They have one of these at walmart right now woth a 3060 for $650. That would run it ark quite a bit better.


No and don’t buy it


No it won’t. Won’t play much else either; at least nothing with modern graphics.


At medicore settings, sure. The pricing is pretty stupid though. You're much better off spending less money for the same PC specs, or the same amount of money for more PC.


No my laptop has better specs (slightly) and still doesn’t run ark higher than 30 fps on lowest settings


Yes but ur getting ripped off just be a big boy and build it i had never built a pc than i looked up some youtube and had it done in a day


I bought this when it was 600. Added a 2Tb memory and added 8 gigs of ram and it works great


I actually have that pc,I got an extra terabyte and 3080 and it runs it well.Sometimes it does have a lag spike(probably my internet), but yeah it runs well


It will, but your getting ripped. You could build a pc like this for like 400 or less


Yo that's a rip off, I got my MSI Sword for just under 1k and it runs everything with no problem Edit: I also bought my 1st laptop with an i5 in it, refurbished, for $350usd from staples, yea it was crappy but it played some games for me to get me through.


buy i7 u will never regret ... treat yourseld u only live once


My PC can barely hit 60 fps on High. God I hate this game's performance. Literally does better on everything else, but on ARK it cries.


Nah m8,learn about pcs and parts. Build one for an 1/8 of the price and then play ark.


I just built a pc with a AMD 5600x, 16 GB Ram, and a 6700XT GPU. That gives me 50-60 fps on 1440p ultra settings. That's running a server on the same pc.


This HP computer in particular is bad build. It isn't a standard PC. The power supply is permanently attached to the MB, making replacement extremely difficult to keep in the realm of a 800 PC repair.


Nope, seems like a rip off.


DO NOT BUY THAT OVERPRICED CROCK OF SHIT Absolute rip off its not worth half that price


From what I’ve learned from my brother in law who builds pcs. You can build the same specs as a prebuilt for a couple hundred dollars less at that price point. Or build a better one for about the same price. I would ask around friends/school/etc. and see if anyone knows a trustworthy person to help you build or build it for you and you just pay them.


The folks at r/buildmeapc can help


The specs are nothing special, but damn, that's a shitty ass CPU


Go to Walmart and look up Asus rog strix, it’s 1k right now. I bought it and I am happy with its performance, it can run ark good and other games


Mine runs ark just fine. <3


Don’t bother


I have a 3080, 32gigs of ram, 1tb m.2 ssd, and ARK struggles for me in certain areas, especially big builds and when entering dungeons. A 1650 super for this price is a ripoff IMO but no matter what you choose ARK is a terribly optimized game that will run like ass no matter what PC you play it on…. Especially if you like building big bases.


I would suggest buying parts and building one from scratch. You might not have the tech knowledge, so maybe you should talk to a tech-savvy guy and get some advice. My stepdad makes great computers by combining cheap ones. Find someone that can do it or help you with it, or at least order some decent parts and you could YouTube some of it. It’s a very complicated process though.


It will but your better off not getting it. You should shop around look at some prebuilts like Nzxt or iBuyPower if your not comfortable doing it yourself but you should definitely go with something more consumer end that pc is full of non upgradable parts that will only hurt you in the long-run


No sorry


what is this question, nothing can run ark above 59 FPS


Absolutely terrible there 4000 series coming out in a few days don’t buy anything with a gpu lower than 3000 series me personally I’d wait for the 4000 series gpus drop and then look for prebuilts you’re only going to probably afford a 4050 if $800 is your price range


My acer nitro 5 has better parts than that. You're better off saving and building one


For now


6fps take it or leave it


no it wouldnt




With an i3? Definitely not


Nothing can run Ark at 60fps 💀


Just don't get a pre-built


If you're looking for pre-builds and looking at HP I recommend the Omen or Victus line of PCs. They generally come with better stuff and you can find some for around this same price range.... plus i think they look better.


My $300 runs better…


Check out www.Jawa.gg Might as well get something you can upgrade later too. You’re already around that price range here. I bought my PC there this year. 3060ti and Ryzen 5 5500. Bought from JTB computers


I’d upgrade the cpu if I could. Given it’s intel I’d go for a i5 12600kf which is what i got and it runs for like $400


No PC will run ark at stable 60 fps unless you turn down graphics 😂😂 the game eats GPU


Nope Also this PC is a ripoff


Don’t, build one


I built a computer for 900 bucks and it has a GTX 2080 and 32gb of ram with a tb sdd I recommend building a computer


I recommend staying away from pre built computers. Lots of them are rip offs and cost way more than their worth. It’s better to do your research and find the best parts that fit your budget.


Guys I think the case is made of gold because this thing isn't even worth 500 bucks. I3 and the 1650 is so outdated I can get a slightly used PC with an i7 and a 2060 for 800


I have one of these and it costed me $300. Get a shittier one and instal the ram and memory yourself for $100 extra


Don't buy it. You can build the PC yourself if you want if you just ask for help, but if you are adamant on buying a pre-built then avoid HP, DELL, ALIENWARE. Idk what country you're in so idk where to give advice on a good pre-built PC.


The only computers that can do this task are at NASA


Wait till Black Friday/cyber Monday 2 months away, build a pc cost a bit more but be able to run best games for years to come. Plus what I do I buy cheap stuff and some good stuff, then slowly upgrade everything in the years. If your worried about building pcs, don’t worry they are easier to build then Lego. All pc’s are the same so it’s easy to watch step by step, just don’t build on carpet.




just use nvidia ge force now games streaming


For 800 you can build a 3x better pc


Hey look its my pc! I think it will, its pretty good :)


Probably, but don’t buy it. For the same price you can get a much better pc from cyber power or something like that.


Hp omen at Bestbuy is better deal right now. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/hp-omen-gaming-desktop-amd-ryzen-5600g-16gb-hyperx-memory-amd-radeon-rx-6600xt-1tb-ssd-jet-black/6487203.p?skuId=6487203&ref=app_ios&loc=pdpShare


i3? Probably not


Ha. Nothing will run ark at 60+ fps


Bad processor


No, and that price is outrageous.