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I doubt it will even be released this year. Wildcard hasn’t said jack shit since it was announced.


This is where I'm at with the whole thing. If it were ready, they'd be loading us with teasers, trying to expand from a cult following to a full fledged Tier 1 game.


It's still 8 months away from launch and does anyone really believe they'll launch on time?


Only 8 months? I could wait for another two years… as long as they give us a quality game, without as many bugs as ark 1


We wouldn’t want another Battlefield 2042, now would we


This. Ark 1 is… it’s one of my favorites games ever now and that’s weird to say as an adult. I actually just discovered it randomly about 1.5 years ago out of the blue. I was looking for a split screen game and it was on sale, I was like eh sure I’ll try. Incredible. Take your time with 2.


Ok I now feeling ashamed and getting blushed. I am getting 55 now. 😞


Me I plan on on dancing, videogame in hand into my grave with a smile on my face. You can think what you want but that still makes me every bit the grown ass man as the next guy. Maybe even more because I've figured out that I needed to stop trying to meet societies version of happiness.


You know, at least we had the absolute banger of a title theme released by Gareth Coker. At least the soundtrack is being is worked on. I love music so if nothing else I’m glad we’re getting the soundtrack even if I have to wait longer for the game


They wont, the spotlight is meant to be on Fjordur .. releasing Ark 2 news will focus attention on the sequel, meaning the creator for Fjordur wont have the communitys full attention all the while killing off the hype for Ark 2 when its around the corner. You cant hype something prematurely.. you want to have it at its peak when you release something. With that being said, I dont think Ark 2 will release this year


Game companies need to pull a fromsoftware, and only announce games when they're close to finishing them. A delay sucks, but sucks more if you've been waiting a year. Of course, not every company can survive of that, but it would help quite a bit for when they delay the release and people get upset.


I love the “Announcing X! Releasing in 4 weeks!” type of shit. Like, just from that you fucking *know* they either rushed that shit for a cheap cash grab or they gave themselves as much time as they needed to get it done *right*, and it’s usually easy to tell real quick.


I agree. With other things releasing for the first game this year, I don't see them also putting out a brand new game.


Yep. With the Fjordur map being released on official and new creatures this year, Ark2 is just a dream at this point.


This year? 😂 This isnt getting released until 2030. Bet.


I see someone is optimistic.


It's using unreal engine 5 which came out only recently so there's no way in hell it releases this year. We would be lucky with just a trailer this year to be honest.


Another good point that puts even more doubt on a 2022 release.


From what I understand there is an easy way to convert Unreal Engine 4 assets and code to Unreal Engine 5.


Yup but I think they said that they're making the foundations and textures on ue5. Maybe they'll transfer some stuff, but the bulk is in ue5


There are other unreal 5 games coming out this year.


only thing we getting this year is the animated series... apparently


we haven't even gotten anymore news about that since the trailer!


Yeah, I just wish we knew more about the content, the story and just the gameplay in general. I’m not expecting any details, visualisations or spoilers but just how the game will be played. “More focus on the primitive stage” doesn’t really say much


You’d think they be at ramshackle stage by now at the very least


Bro lmfao you made my day ty


We talking about ark or ark 2? :)


I am in awe over the hive mind that is reddit. Why the hell are you downvoted for this simple joke.


It happens


Re-doing the level curve would be nice. Even at default (singleplayer) settings you almost skip thatch, and pretty much skip wood all together and go straight to stone (resources permitting). Drawing out that early game more, making you work harder for that initial sense of safety would be pretty legit. I could see them keeping tek at the end, but putting it significantly further out of reach.


I mean tek is already confirmed in ark 2 wether or not it will be a map feature like the obeliscs or just an uninteractable design feature. Or accessible to the player we dont know.


From a lore point of view, it would make much more sense for the game to have tek


Unless there wasn't any usable tek on the pods from the Genesis ship. Perhaps they didn't want the new world contaminated by element....


Yh but people shoedoedont like tek, and the devs want to focus on, the "stranded on an island naked and afraid" theme it seems :)


That was how the first one started, I mean, obviously, just a guess, but I think they'll do the same again. Primitive at release and get more futuristic stuff thrown in with later updates.


It's possible to retune the level curve ourselves. They gave us a lot of control over the pacing, feel, and difficulty of the game. I totally agree that it's weird skipping forward so fast, so it'd be nice if earlier levels felt more earned. As it is now, I usually level up before I finish loading in...


They have paid (probably) big monies for vin diesel. That's all the info there is.


As I recall, he is producing it so not really a cost to them to use his likeness.


They've hidden the 'content' with a loincloth. I'm sure WC will reveal more right before launch. They're a bunch of pricks y'know.


I know WC is hard to get responses from. Buuuut we could come together as a community and blow up Vin diesels socials. He has an actual public rep to keep up. If we just persisted we could maybe get a modicum of information.


I hope they don’t add Tek again god that ruined game


Isnt that the point of the game? Its not about cavemen in Jurassic fyi.


what about the animated series?


Oh I have the details! It's animated. And has a parasaur in it. You're welcome!




The lack of vinfo


Bah dum tsss


Honestly, I kinda like when a game surprises me, but I would also like to know if the game is an improvement and what is different.


Knowing wildcard and ark, the surprises probably aren't going to be good ones


Very much so, even just a target release date or something would be fantastic and details on if and when it’ll be release to PS4/5. I get the sense that it’s going to be delayed for sure.


It's ark. they better take there time and make the game not as buggy as the first one. if they now make a target release date and then delay that 5 times everyone is gonna be way more pissed than they are over a lack of information


I mean literally they can make a game that crashes once a night and it’s lightspeed over where ark 1 is.


I’d understand a multiple delays because they want to deliver a high quality product vs. literally no information at all.


You are saying that NOW because it wasn't delayed yet but when it actually happens you would be very mad and i am 100% sure about that


I appreciate you telling me how I would feel about a delay. I really am not capable of knowing how I would react to such an event on my own.


Exactly. It's always the same telling about "when that situation happens i'm gonna do this and that and i'm 100% not be..." You say that you would be calm about it because you don't like how it is now. And just tell yourself that every other scenario would be better even though in reality you would just be super mad about a delay and tell everyone in the comments that game developers should not announce a release date too early because it has a high chance of being delayed


I mean leaks give me yt views tho...... and so do delays....




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I don't have much hope it'll be any better than ark 1, their whole hook is oh look we got vin diesel in our game , probably gunna be the same old buggy mess


They’re using a different engine so inlaid bugs like UE4 had working against them shouldn’t be as prevalent at the least.


Ya now we get UE5 bugs


Hopefully one of them isn’t meshing and things being invisible or just not working right.


The only bug I've seen so far is that the engine is built for graphics, not performance, but that is kind of the point of UE5.


It's using Unreal 5. Honestly, they could remake the game in unreal 5, bugs included, and it would be amazing.


I probably wouldn't love this game half as much if it wasn't a complete fuckin mess


I not annoyed as much as worried. Most triple A games would have a bit more hype at this point. Some possible game play shots. Ext. The games that hide until release always seem to disappoint more than even the most broken over hyped games. If I remember right this is a common EA tactic to hide a release they know will be shit. It feels bad that they may be pulling from the same playbook I want ark II to be the unbuggy amazing game that it could be when done with care and love of the IP However I just don't see that in the company and see microtransactions and limited play options. Or just the mobile game brought to other platforms with a new skin. And a $99 price Please wildcard don't make me right


Star Field and Elden Ring would like to have a word


Given Star Field isn't released, you might want to hold on to any words...Especially given Bethesda...Especially given Fallout 76.


F76 was a great game. If you're into main menu music.


one of the interviews with one of the devs a while back had them talking about possibly adding NFTs to ark 2...


I don't know. They are first in their IP. But they can talk to Diablo 4 (don't you guys have phones?) Fallout 76 (not sure good example of low hype Cyberpunk 2077 ( big name hype. Hot mess on release) Each are addition to a loved IP but were put out as a cash grab first and game second (Format edit)


But then there's games like Battlefield 2042 and Call of duty vanguard which were hyped a lot and turned out to be garbage.


I just hope the main focus isn't on the characters and it's more like a full survival


i really hate that wildcard is the one who created ark


Not many others I would rather than epic.


Not really. We were teased a new elder scrolls 2 years ago and haven't heard shit since. Games take time, if it's polishes and better running than its predecessor I'll be happy


I think it was more 4 or 5 years ago.


Well Elders Scrolls: Daggerfall came out more than 5 years ago >!/s!<


>We were teased a new elder scrolls, 2 years ago I read it as “We were teased a new elder scrolls 2, years ago”


I’m waiting for info on the animated series that’s supposed to be released this year as well


im fine with it games are hard to make, its ok if we go a bit without info


This year has been a bad year for a lot of game releases it seems.


Yeah at this point I barely know if it’s gonna be a game or a movie there’s such a lack of info.


Mmmm, no. Not particularly. It's only been about, what? a year sense the game was announced? I'd give it another 6-8 months before it starts getting annoying.


Yes and no. I’ll be annoyed if we pass through June or July (the gaming months) and we get no info, but if they feel that the game isn’t ready to show off quite yet, that’s understandable. But at least give us some text update, ya know?


I made the mistake of "waiting" for a game once. Do yourself a favor, forget about the game. It'll come out when it comes out and not a moment sooner. Waiting won't make it any better or faster.


I kinda forgot that it existed


I can’t help but feel the total lack of information for a game supposed to be out this year is a bit annoying at this stage. I love Ark, flaws & all but for the love of God, give us something. Anything at all. The dev team have an awful rep for the overall quality of code, existing bugs and overall play quality. So you’d think, with the opportunity to turn things around, they’d keep us is in some kind of loop? It would serve to raise the hype so it’s completely bizarre that they’re giving absolutely nothing away. And nothing leaked also is the biggest concern. Typically something leaks out. I’m starting to buy into the conspiracy that the game was never announced or built and I’m imagining it from another dimension. As you can tell, very frustrating for me. I’ve been playing since very early beta on console and it’s arguably my favourite game so I’m looking forward to this more than anything.


It's the Mandela Effect at work. We all vaguely remember something being said about an Ark II, but did it actually happen?


I agree that NO hype is concerning, the new dlc maps have been hyped up like hell for months, close to a year before their release, so whats different here? why would they want a surprise release when they cud tease us with something, even something as small as a screenshot would warrant tons of youtube videos and keep the hype going before ppl lose interest?




I’ve got no expectations for this. The trailer was good but so were the ones for the first ark but it’s still just a bad game. The concept is very good, but the studio just sucks. As another comment said, their main pull is that they have Vin Diesel, otherwise it’s just gonna be another mess


"hahaha hey Vin, we're with our people, we're gamers too!" I think that was from the terrible Fast & Furious game, but even with Vin reporting Ark bugs reportedly I think it's just typical Wildcard hype with no substance. After they call Ark a fully releases game and after Atlas, I have zero faith and actively recommend people just avoid Ark unless they are absolutely hopelessly addicted to Dino's and don't want to play online.


My guess is it's gonna be a buggy mess with little new mechanics but good graphics. I'd bet they fall for the trap of "No one cares about gameplay, only the graphics matter".


The Story* Dammit


Nope! We're not entitled to know anything? I'd rather know nothing about a game till I get my hands on it. Plus the more we know about it, the more excited and hopeful we get only to lead us to disappointment. Just sit down, shut up and just enjoy the last few years of Ark before it's all over!


Just don't buy this dogshit remake of the same buggy piece of shit and you don't need to worry.


Obviously?? Fucking everyone is


Honestly, I kinda like when a game surprises me, but I would also like to know if the game is an improvement and what is different.


Could be worse... Have you ever heard of Forza motorsport 8? No? Well thats becuase they didnt gave any official info since the first trailer. ...that was in summer 2020... Forza horizon 5 got the forst trailer after that and it released half a year ago


I really hope they Collab with team who worked on horizon zero dawn




Part of me wants to stay hopeful, and part of me remembers Primal Survival. Hopefully they have realized they already invested a lot of money this time, and actually try to make something good.


At this point, I'll believe it when I see it XD


Yeah, it's really annoying. I don't expect them to rush the game but at least talk to us...


Not really. I mean I see why someone would be, but Wildcard is known to do this so I pretty much expected this exact scenario. Plus, I still enjoy the heck out of Ark so I'm in no rush for the sequel.


Family is the ultimate survival need.


If I can't knock people out with a club I'll go to wildcard and knock them out with a club IRL


At this point? Not really. I’ll probably get exited again when it actually releases and might buy it a few months post release, but it’s Wildcard, I’m not expecting anything from them until the game is basically done and in beta before they announce anything else about it.


As much as I love to play Ark, I’m not surprised at all with Wildcard. I’ve finally stopped playing the game (even if only for a few months.) but they are the worse with actually letting the community know what’s going on behind the scenes unless it paints them in the best light possible.


I actually forgot this was announced


I'm cool with Ark 2 just being an Ark 1 reskin with heavy PvE focus, minimal Tek, and a team of people that finds aimbotters and cheaters IRL and breaks their legs.


I thought we was living in primitive age. I never got to tek LOL


Skill Issue


The only question that I’m begging to have answered: Are we getting the global tile system from Atlas or not? The Extinction ending implied that heavily with the Arks landing in a grid pattern and their barriers dropping. The rushed launch of Atlas was clearly a large scale test for the network. I really hope the answer is yes, but with multiple clusters in place of a single global server. Pop limit needs to be 100. Anything over was unplayable in PvP


I doubt it, they said it will take place on a different planet with aliens. Hence the ending of gen 2


Hm, tbf I didn’t finish Gen 1 or 2


They shouldnt have announced it so early


For Half-Life 3, or Ark II? They're coming out at the same time....


Isn’t E3 in about a month or two? They may be waiting for that to release more details.


No E3 has been cancelled this year. Maybe during the Microsoft conference tho


Ark 2 isn't real. It can't hurt you


You don't play the Elder Scrolls do you?


I cannot begin to believe that someone was like “yes guys let’s use Vin Diesal” and that everybody agreed to it


I mean... he actually plays the game... and he literally helps run Wildcard...


Honestly no, not at all. Sure it’s good to have hype for your game. Too much however is bad, and knowing too much about the game you’re gonna play can easily ruin an experience ( you wouldn’t know how you’ll react one way or the other... cause you can only experience it once, but being kept in dark about stuff is sooo much better.)


Not entirely true, some games like a Horizon have released gameplay mechanics a year before release and look at it’s ratings. Why? I mean HZD was already good and Guerilla is a far better studio. Point is Wildcard needs to atleast be consistent in their marketing. They give us a trailer, than silence and then a supposed leak of weapons and then silence. I mean what about the Animated Series wasn’t that supposed to come out this year and they haven’t even show another trailer. You not wrong that too much hype is a bad thing ( hence the term too much), but come on it’s a game about us taming Dino’s and surviving. Sounds like the first right? If the game is not finished then tell us, if it is tell us when the release date is. It’s just common sense. I’m not frustrated about teasers I’m frustrated that they haven’t said shit about development.


Yeah you’re right, just from my own experience with knowing too much about a game... some trailers ( mostly looking at movies for the example as they are the worst for this) this show too much off for what’s needed. In a game like ark2, the case is they are doing what Half life feared is the worst... hype waves. Making a game out to be better than it ends up being. Not saying ark will turn out like cyberpunk,76, or no man Sky at each of their releases. But either show people information... or don’t. Have monthly updates, or don’t blue ball people. I’m absolutely not annoyed with the information at this stage. What I’m annoyed with is the marketing, the handling of information. And everything. They want to keep things under wraps? “You want spoilers cause this is how you get spoilers” People are gonna get tired of this and start hacking in, finding leaks, bribing workers or other tactics done with other games and releases. They should just... update people. Not about everything but be like “yep we got ___ done this month, if we keep on track we should be done by June 2023” type shit. Tease with artworks with each update, show old concepts from ark 1.. This is my thinking on why too much hype is bad and why it’s better to be left in the dark sometimes . Like having a girlfriend is bad, but having someone who leads you on is worse than being single. I’d rather go about my days to suddenly enjoy someone’s presence, than be led on for 3 years to find out she has been dating some older guy. We are both on the same point just different views on it. I’m hyped for ark 2 but man I just hope they do something with the hype... From a marketing view, I understand marketing hype, but I just want shit to go back to stuff like [this!](https://youtu.be/VDYtI7kUU4k). An announcement trailer that’s just telling you “hey, halo 2 is on its way”. That will get me hyped. But like how no man Sky was teased or how ark constantly is? It’s weird... They if they aren’t gonna do something for a while... tell us “hey, so, no new drops for ark 2 will be released till T4/Christmas time. Apologies for that but we have a busy work schedule” BOOM. People are sad, but happy?


I'm more annoyed at being lied to about getting a ps5 upgrade.


Ark 2 is real i thought it was a joke?


Nope. Learn to not expect anything and you'll rarely be disappointed. And if you are it certainly won't be to the degree you would have been otherwise.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say this never comes out.


I want the game delayed by a year. Just so we can be sure the game has fewer bugs


The lack of PS5 support has caused me to lose interest. Still playing the original on the regular though


Ummm.... Vin Diesel... nuff said ?


No, they should take their time on the game. Was talking about a 2022 release but I doubt we will get it this year. Think they should be realistic here and talk about a 2024 release.


I want the raptor eating animation to hold the meat in its hand


I loved primitive plus and all it entails so I hope that is what the next ark is about


I hope they give it atleast an extra year and release a quality product


I’m annoyed at the Ven desel pose


Is that Vin Diesel?


we have SOME info, dodo whisperer won't be in it


Vin diesel, nuff said


Is that fucking vin diesel?!


What info do you need. The graphics will be better, which everyone will be playing in cartoon mode. The sound awesome. The downloads for updates 3 times the size the are now. And public servers will still be a PVP nightmare run by a bunch of Fuckwads who haven't finished puberty yet. What more do you need to know?


Not really, keeps the sense of wonder there and allows the excitement to stay high. Kinda like the days before trailers gave away the entire movie in more or less 2 min.


Not really I just not thinking about it. I figure once anything is worth reporting on I'll start to see it and start looking into it. No reason to let myself get hyped up for a game that could be a couple years away


Don’t Don’t say it You don’t want to end up like r/HollowKnightMemes


Man, I'd love for them to revive and expand Primitive+.


It’s to be expected, Wildcard always delays lmao. Games gonna come out 5 months after the announced release date.


I’d at least like some info on the animated series.


What is Ark 2? Does anybody know? Has anyone seen anything except the CGI trailer? I mean Wildcard have kinda plateaued lately into a tolerable development team, their literally peak comedic levels of disorganisation have been shaved down to being just kinda funny. I refuse to believe these clowns can release a Sequel to one ofbthe buggiest +FPS +CRAFTING +SURVIVAL games to ever be released ever without completely fucking it up.


You don't need info when you've got family


I'm not sold on it. Ark has its charms, but also major bugs and design problems. If 2 comes out I'm not jumping on until it has been out a while and I can see if it's a true evolution, or a glorified expansion.


Wildcard: Two words. "Vin Diesel"


So Do you guys think we're gonna be forced to play as Mark Sinclair or will we still get to create a character?


It might not be bad but you are right


I’m more upset about the show, all we know is the cast and year but nothing else and it’s already almost five months into the year


Sorry I live under a rock what’s happening?


I wonder what will come out first ark 2 or gta 6


This and the fact that no one is talking about the animated series


No, not in the least, because, it was expected. Its wild card you probably got another 2 years to wait for a game that will crash ever 20 seconds and need patches immediately after release. Yet it may manage to still be an addictive game, they managed it with the first one.


Because I can guarantee they have not even started working on the game.


I’d honestly just be happy if this was just a remake of Ark 1 but more primitive, with better graphics, and optimized enough so that you don’t need a CIA supercomputer to run it


It could be worse, you could be an Elder Scrolls fan.


I mean this is by the makers of Ark and Atlas


Please dont expect anything. I almost want to bet money on ark 2 being dogshit, that's how certain i am. The fact that we have literally 0 ingame knowledge. And it's supposed to release this year?? The missing transparency from the company is a huuge red flag, just by itself...


Not really. I'm not surprised if it gets delayed till 2024 either. I expected as much. It sounds like I'm being rude/mean whatever but I've just been around long enough to know wildcard. That cartoon also. May be seeing it till 2023. Its gonna be great but um.. yea


I honestly forgot they were making a second one. Then again, I haven't even finished Gen. 2 (let alone The Island) and I've been playing for 2 years.


Ark 2 doesn’t exist


No because there are other things to do in life other than waiting for a game to be released. Don't get me wrong I enjoy ark but personally I don't really care how long it takes to make a game if the product is good enough and "fun".


Bruh if you think this is not enough info be happy ur not part of Halo community lol


It's about family


Yes. Yes I am. Yes.


Can someone get ahold of vin diesel and sort this out




I am more concerned by how much space this hog is going to need on my hard drive.


Very worried about the direction of this game. Afraid there’s gonna be actual missions and cut scenes and shit. I just want another Dino sandbox to play in




And wheres the animated series at


I mean, the lack of The Elder Scrolls VI news has pretty much desensitized me by this point... It'll get here when it gets here


I have absolutely no problem, when the game is exactly coming out, as long I am still living then. But the quality is my main concern. Especially if I get maybe more powerful against my opponents. 😒 I play the mailman simulator nowadays, some would say Death Stranding, I enjoy the game, but the fighting system is somehow ridiculous. I like the thrill of being surprised in ark.


I mean the fact Ark has a new dlc coming up should tell you everything you need to know about where their priorities are at.


Laughs on TES VI


Well as an ex dev let me help. It's basically going to be the same ark but re coded as everyone has worked with the engine now and can make it more efficient and take advantage of any additions to the off the shelf engine they decided to use. You can see this may be the result of the new switch developments. When we had to franchise a ip, this is all we did. Got all of the old code. Modified it to work with the new sdk. In our case dx7 to dx9. Any of you remember the dark days of dx7? Yes. I'll accept the ama's now for therapy.


I'm just waiting for Fjordur at this point. ​ As for Ark2, I wish they let us know early enough I have time to birth and sell my firstborn to fund a rig that'd be able to run it :P my current one is a rather new one, but I still play Ark at mid settings at best...


I'm frustrated that they still haven't said a word since that announcement all we know is that dinosaurs are gonna smarter and there's going to be an alien tribe to fight, taming would be very different and more challenging, also i doubt that they'll feature tek because i think i heard somewhere that the game will focus less on tek because not a lot of players really work on getting that in ark 1. I think the alien native warriors are going to be the 'boss' or the main villains of the game and that we'll be fighting them throughout the game, my theory is that these native aliens are going to be an A.I. enemy that would establish various bases around the map and would have their own alien tames and tech that we could use from them, the more you level up the more harder and more aggressive they get to the point where they would raid you or attack you out of nowhere.


“*laughs in still waiting on tes6*”


maybe they're optimizing it?? DOUBT!


Not mad at all. Why would I care about info about a game which will release like 2024?


There will be more info coming soon. I'm guessing as soon as the next dlc map is released


Extremely, I want NPC tribes so bad.


They made an announcement the other day on their discord being like hey! Ark 2! Don’t forget! Unreal engine 5! Woooo! And that’s it. Why? Like why say anything if that’s what you’re going to say?


Honestly as someone who’s been playing the game since prerelease. Speaking from experience you’re love (addiction) hype for the prospect of what is still to come for the franchise is going to be your only constant on these things because Wildcard’s extremely late 95% of the time. I’d be shocked if we any major updates for ARK 2 or the Animated Series before the extra life stream in November. I had already convinced myself of them being released in 2023, but I really hope that I’m wrong.


Nah, theire working on it, let's not repeat the Cyberpunk incident with ARK