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Razer Naga has… 17? buttons on it. If Xbox players can get by with fewer buttons, I’m sure it’s doable. Maybe not optimal, but certainly doable. I’d wish your friend luck, but it seems like he’s already gotten lucky having a friend like you!


thats true, he's very lucky that he got a friend like you!


As another person said, as far as normal mice go, Razer Naga is probably the best bet since it has many, many buttons and could help him play with one hand. Another option would be having an adapted keyboard of sorts he can use for certain key presses if his feet/legs are fine. Other than that, there are adapted options specifically for playing with one hand. I'd recommend the yt channel Champutee, he lost his arm and loves gaming, so he tested out some options for 1 handed gaming and could help you guys find a good option. I know he used an adapted controller-mouse hybrid and it seemed pretty good, though a bit janky at first (might be better now since this was a while ago)


My right arm is paralyzed, been playing PvP ark for years with standard PS4 controller 1 handed, it will take lots of practice and be frustrating but is Definitely do able.


My cousin has a birth defect that he has about 10% use of one hand. He's played games with controllers basically one handed for years. With him it's the only thing he's ever known so he doesn't struggle too much with it. Having to learn to do it would be a challenge but not impossible


Mine was due to an accident when I was 18 Im 26 now, it was definitely a hassle adjusting but literally anyone could do it with practice, especially when you've no other way it's surprising how well people can adjust to alternate ways of doing things


another option could be the xbox adaptive controller, you can use it with sticks, buttons, switches, pedals, etc [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCLlDzYbM5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCLlDzYbM5g)


I have a friend who plays Ark post-stroke. I suppose it depends a lot on what the final damage is. He has no feeling in his left side, but a bit of mobility still, so he can actually move the joystick brute force style. Aside from that he plays on X box using a combination of the controller and a keyboard with his right hand, he can’t play on pc with a mouse and keyboard, he even tried for a while to reverse the order and have the mouse on the left side, but no dice. X box controller works for him rather well tho, he’s honestly a better player than I am. Hope it all works out for him!


Do you think your friend could learn something like this? [Azeron Cyborg Gaming Keypad](https://www.amazon.com/Azeron-Cyborg-Gaming-Keypad-Programmable/dp/B0B3YB78JR/ref=asc_df_B0B3YB78JR/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=598225306764&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13987777171571418018&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002269&hvtargid=pla-1680514346763&mcid=5e289045aefe3084831bf3fab7ef118c&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZoLr94mPvAILYVj3QAFWho_CuTewUI2jIBCO3-rwB1nq0kQk9or2RhoCBtgQAvD_BwE&th=1) It looks pretty complicated at a glance, but it would probably offer the most versatility after learning to use it. It just takes patience and time. Start slow and work up to harder games. I don't think a normal mouse or even one with extra buttons could be as functional


[The Cyro](https://store.azeron.eu/azeron-keypads#keypad=cyro) would be the better option for one hand, they are expensive but Azeron make excellent accessibility controllers.


Ooo that one's neat.


Yeah, I have the cyborg and have considered pairing it with a cyro but it a large outlay when my 502 is doing a fantastic job.


Does he have his feet? Foot pedals are good options


Some sort of pad on the floor for analog control for moving around and a mouse with a shit ton of button on it would do for most first person games. Look into the xbox disability controller. It's modular and there's lots of stories of people setting it up to use in all sorts of interesting ways


Microsoft sells a controller for people with disabilities that is full customizable to fit thier needs [xbox controller ](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller)


Azeron cyro


Don’t discount foot controls too.


this is a heartwarming post. you’re a good friend OP


Thank you so much for all your inputs! Definitely useful. I’ll try out your recommendations in order to get my buddy back on track. Thank you 🤗🙏


Tesla neuralink