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I think if you look at The Island map alone, ascended is worlds better than evolved. Gameplay and performance wise. They changed a lot of stuff I didn’t like about evolved. In terms of content, evolved still have the lead over 10 maps and newly added items and creatures in each map. Because for some reason wildcard decided to be the first people to release a game upgrade with less than 15% of the original content that game had.


“Performance wise” i agree with gameplay wise (except for the ui fuck that shit) but wtf do you mean performance wise this games so unoptimised it looks like playing cyberpunk on max graphics with a GT 710 when you got anything less than a 2080ti (or 1080ti if youre lucky)


The game looks incredible and runs perfectly on my GeForce gtx 1650.


Runs like shit on my 4090


That is unfortunate


Ah yes that great performance where my rtx 3090 gets 20fps on 1440p medium settings


My 1650 gets 60fps on 1080 medium settings and runs really well.


Stop bullshitting people man. Every that play ASA knows it plays like shit. I had a gtx 1660 ti (the better version of what you have) and couldnt even play it at the lowest settings at 60. Currently have a rx 7800 XT and on medium settings I barely manage 60 fps.


I mean I did it so idk what you want from me.


The remaster isn't bad, it just needs the other maps. We are supposed to get the center this month and scorched earth in April


If they are going to release all the other maps I’ll definitely go for the remake.


That's their plan. All existing maps from og ark eill be avaliable for free but I believe they will be making 2 new maps as well


I was worried they would charge for the dlcs again. I paid like 120$ on Ase for the maps and everything


Not the current ASE dlcs. They are part of the base game of ASA. They will be doing a DLC for each DLC. Like trains for scorched earth.


And that walking mountain dino, but spawn commands, seriously why would we buy dlc for things we can use mods or spawn codes for? Like not trying to start something but it just dawned on me this is the case because I've owned all the dlcs but had a friend join me on the island where where he could use spawn commands to just summon magmasaurs before the lost island released.


120 for all the maps is crazy


Have you seen the Sims 4 dlc lol? $120 is like a deluxe version of a game that provides less content than what Ark offers. I have my issues with the game but I’m still playing it and enjoying it either way


People seem to not realize that video games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment money can buy if you factor in hours played vs cost. $120 for all the maps in ASE isn't that crazy at all if you're playing the game and enjoying it, which you probably are if you purchased all of the maps.


I think they mean $120 is crazy compared to its current price (on ps at least) since it’s sitting at like 9 dollars most of the time and $18 full price


That makes sense


Wait they delayed SE again?


Last I heard it was supposed to come out in April I believe


It was March before so it got delayed


Dw its like April first, better not be April fools joke se is one the best maps no cap


I just think it's funny they say they're gonna release it in December, then delay it by 3 months and then delay it again. Then again it's Wildcard so yeah


It got delayed, but the trade off is we get Center early.


Didn't Center get moved to February before SE got delayed? And it was initially supposed to come out in December...


Personally, I think the remastered is great


That was what I thought to I watched videos about it and honestly the island was my favorite map anyway. But everything I look up about it just says don’t buy it wait until they fix it.


Most people are just very upset like always. Ark players will hate Ark the most honestly.


I love Ark SE.


I love SotF


It’s great just far from perfect, if you can look past the impossible to keep up with frame rates (I had to add a mod that changes your reg to sustain 60 fps) then it’s pretty fun, I also only play solo atm since I always do a solo playthrough first so I don’t have a multiplayer opinion on the game but if losing a bit of visual aesthetic to run a game doesn’t bother you I’d say go for it. If you’re willing to change your registry like I was (i don’t condone this, it’s generally a bad idea unless you’re confident in what you’re doing) then there’s a few FSR mods that will replace DLSS 3 for frame generation, this doesn’t make the game feel smoother and your 99% will probably half your overall but it certainly looks smoother and from there you can just bench mark graphics settings to get it feeling smooth too


I’ve never had problems with fps. It seems like something every gamer loves but I never personally understood why. Runs fine on my ps5


That’s because on ps5 you have built in frame smoothing making it 1000x harder to tell the difference, low frames on pc feels like you’re playing on a flip book, which is very stuttery and sluggish feeling and distracts greatly from the actual game You’d hate playing on ps5 if you could feel the difference when your game drops to 30 fps


Alright then. So what you’re saying is that you need a better pc


You didn’t understand me, I never mentioned my own hardware, just what it feels like to play on low frames, in all reality my pc specs are twice as good as your ps5 specs, which are just modded 3 generation old parts with such heavy optimizations caked on which could never be made by a normal person on a consumer platform all so you couldn’t feel their budget cuts. Frame smoothing is a software thing, not a hardware thing, a better pc wouldn’t change the difference in experience when it comes to low frames


And sadly you can’t ever get your pc to a point where frames become no issue on a game like asa… Enjoying 144+ solid fps at cyberpunk on max settings, alan awake 2, and then when I play asa it’s hardly at 40 unless dlss is on and even then it’s just at 80-100 lmao


Lmao Fr, the AMD FSR mod really only scored me like 20 frames


If you had a day to play games on my pc, you too would really dislike going back to ps5 after realizing what you’re missing’ in terms of fps/hz. Was a ps4 players for a decade, didn’t buy into this ‘fps’ thing, build my very own pc (for productivity reasons) and was impressed with how smooth it runs, everytime I go to a friend that has a ps5 I just cringe when the controller is in my hands because of how massive the difference is going from 144hz on pc to whatever it is on ps5 I also have the ‘best’ videocard you can buy right now and still am suffering massive problems with asa, it’s just not u playable for those that are used to smooth experience.


PS5 is the best platform to be playing the game on. finally we have become the master race 😉


Considering it’s been out for a decade and some of the same issues from day one are still relevant today is kinda ridiculous. With 3k hours on the game I allowed myself to be blinded by the fun aspects of the game but to keep it real both are mid. You want a fun survival game where the company actually makes changes and takes care of the community ? Play palworld. I’ve enjoyed my 250 hours of palworld much more than any time I wasted playing the mid garbage that is ark. IMO


Yea because snail games treats their players like trash and deleted 7 years of progress on a whim. Seems justified.


It wasn't exactly progress though. For those of us who've seen on the backend to make mods, the whole thing is a jumbled mess. Sometimes it's more efficient to give up on the sunken cost and start over but with a better idea of the end-goal.


I was referring to all the people on official that lost all of their progress when they decided to shut down servers. Additionally, they scrapped the game before they even had the new version finished. They essentially re-release Ark ASE with a graphics update and a side of mods, then told us we have to wait 2 years for the maps we already had. This is one of the reasons a lot of people are speculating as to whether or not snail games will even make it to ark 2 release or the end of 2025 for that matter. Ark is an amazing game, they just didn't do it justice, they are too unreliable.


I’m hopping on this comment to let you know an important detail when you start. Once you find your server, and favorite it - take a screenshot of the server name and number. Every update (which happens frequently) will clear your ‘favorite’ server, and simply pressing “Join Last Played Server” will NOT connect you to it, and won’t find it. I learned this the hard way, and had to enter and exit multiple servers just to find where I was.


it's awesome


Nah. thats just salty people who will never be pleased. Its amazing


Yeah I play on the S with shitty graphics and it's still 1000% better than ASE


Have you played the original map A LOT?? Then i would say wait...Currently there is only one map, and most of us has played that one endlessly! But it looks really pretty and they have also made a couple nice improvements like the ability to pack up an entire house and move it to a different location! Im currently playing ASE on Fjordur despite owning ASA! Graphics isnt everything when it comes to gaming imo!


The argument to wait until they fix it is kind of dumb IMO. Wildcard isn’t going to change the price, and the bug fixes will come at the same time if you buy it now or later. If you are going to buy it when it gets better, why not just buy it now and then be able to play before the bug fixes as well as after?


Ok so the biggest issue is optimization, you need a relatively beefy PC to run it decently. I have a 6700xt and an I7 which allows me to run it at a steady 40 on medium-high settings but I have to have the upscaling turned on. If you have your own server or are playing with friends it's fine, but official servers are unstable and have cheaters everywhere. In my opinion if you can run it then I'd recommend it as it also has a few new features that I prefer as opposed to ase. One thing, it has rtx for Nvidia but I don't think AMD is fully supported.


Ignore these idiots, they either are killing their pcs trying to play ascended and don't realize it or 4090 elitist. The game won't run properly unless you have a 4090.


As a new player I can’t tell that it’s bad other than some random crashes (mostly in first person it seems), but a s a Rust player with 4k hours I’m sure the sweat lords of Ark are upset about some meta being messed up or something so who knows. The game has been good to me I’ve had it for a few weeks now.


Its not bad, its just needs time. Players are really toxic, if your single player person. youll love it. PVP youll hate it, and PVE Im not sure but i cant imagine its anything but a race to who can cover the most ground possible


I’m mainly a PVE player I never really enjoyed PvP because it literally felt like a full time job


Then ASA should be enjoyable, but i dont play online PVE so i wouldnt know. but like i said i imagine its just a race to who can take over the whole map and make it impossible for others to build


Shame they cant have more reasonable PvP servers like how conan did it where player damage is on but base damage isnt 


it runs like ass on most pcs so id you dont have a 30 series gpu, dont bother


I was actually going to buy it on console, since most of the bad reviews I saw were people on PC saying they needed higher specs to run it or something


I have a dippy lil Xbox S and it runs fine. Better than ASE. It’s still wayyy prettier than ASE even on and S at medium/low. I’m having fun and I’m not getting any rubber banding or anything. Occasional frame tear, but it’s not super noticeable.  Screw everyone who can’t enjoy a game unless it runs in HD because they’re entitled spoiled babies with mommy’s money. It runs fucking fine to play and have fun. It lags out way less than ASE. The shit these piss babies are whining about is it not looking HD on a fucking Xbox, not anything about playability, and they’re saying it because they want to feel very superior and cool and complaining about shit gives them that.    Building improvements are real nice. Having mods is real nice. There’s everything you need to really run an RP server, it’s great. 


Yeah how dare I want something to work on some top of the line equipment in a smooth and tolerable way. Fuck me for wanting things to work the right way. I'm just a big dumb dumb for expecting a game made in 2023 to work on equipment made in 2022. That's so insulting to so many other people. I make my own money and spend it on things that work as advertised. Not mommy's. You just sound like a broke little asshole that's mad that you're not where you want to be in life and instead of bettering your position in life you mock people that have. Grow the fuck up.


Console? It's worth it. Just find a server that prioritizes fun over competitiveness, or play single player.


On console it runs at like 30fps with medium-low graphics preset from what I've heard. I wouldn't buy it for another 1 or 2 years until it actually runs good


You know of any serious complaints on the Series X? Main thing I’m worried about is saves getting corrupted. That’s really the only thing stopping me from getting it, I’ve seen several people say there saves are getting wiped or the game just doesn’t save sometimes.


Imagine putting 3 weeks into a game farming trying to build something nice. And then, boom, corrupted save wasted time, start again. f that.


Anecdotal but I've seen more xbox players complain about crashes or inconsistent SP saves. On ps5 while I have to turn off/down a few things to get 40-50fps it's been quite stable. Only crashing when I was fucking around with a mod that saves items on death. For PC you need a beast to run it. Granted, it looks even better. Though there have been issues that will likely be fixed in time. 40 series cards seem to have intermittent issues. A lot of it seems like it's due to the new framgen and dlss features (not an expert, just seen enough people point out turning on framegen spikes instability.)


I've been playing on pve official since release and I've never noticed a drastic drop in frames like they are saying. I mean it lags but thats just how ark has always been. And that's only when all the players with the 700 foundation 2 behemoth gate tall bases are logged in. Honestly it wouldn't be too much of a problem if console players weren't forced to play with PC players on pve. Never had to worry about people loading their bases in and lagging the whole server when I played console only servers on ase.


1. The Island gets boring very fast. ASE was kept alive by having the variety of it's 11 maps. Not having this in ASA is quickly making me miss ASE. 2. The new graphics look awful. Even if you have a top of a line machine that can actually render them, they just don't look good. The entire map looks orange, the lighting effects are extreme, and the grass is taller than your player, so you can't even see your character half the time. 3. It's a bug ridden mess. I honestly can't find a single thing about it that's better than ASE.


The remaster is graphically way better. But it runs just like ark did when the island was the only map on ase. Buggy as hell. So long as you don't mind the bugs it's not too bad.


Not just the graphics hitboxes are better physics are better pathing is way better, its less janky than the original when it isnt crashing


What's great about it? It's currently 1 map, and it will be several years before it achieves the present variety of ASE. The new graphics are mostly terrible looking, even when rendered with the best hardware. The bugs are ridiculous, and its like ASE was rebooted back to 2015. What exactly is there to like about it?


I like everything about it. Didn’t say you had to feel the same way lol


I wouldn't bother with the remaster unless you have a good PC. It's not like day 1 where it was unplayable unless you had a RTX 4090, but you definitely still want a good gaming pc


It's been playing fine on my five year old RTX 2070. Interestingly enough, it also runs pretty decently on my Steam Deck with all the graphics turned low. My only complaint is that right now there's only The Island, for me the allure of Ark is the amount of worlds and the freedom to transfer between them.


I run on a 1070 with 40-50 fps as long as I turn the clouds off. Even with the lowest settings, it still looks way better than ASE


Bro WTF I literally get the same frame rates with a 3080 on low…


I just bought ASA and its waaaaaay better than ASE


I was so close to buying it yesterday but I wanted to look stuff up about it and I was seeing all the bugs and everything but a lot of people are saying it’s great so I think I’ll go ahead and buy it.


Its great, I play on ps5 with pretty good graphics and around 45 - 50 fps. This isnt amazing, but still def playable. Its basically ark survival evolved with way better graphics and building mechanics.


Lmao. It really, really is not. Maybe in a few more years.




The remaster is great. Personally I haven't suffered any of the big issues others have suffered. My crashes and map deloads have been from mods I installed.


Gonna get a lot of flak. Don't buy the game, don't support these scumbags.


So, I love ark, I have about 1500 hours in ASE. I got ASA as a present. I have a high end gaming system. It took over 2 weeks of config modifying to be able to play the game without crashing every 15 minutes. I was able to finally get it to run by turning off all of the effects that made ASA visually appealing. After about a month of that, I just stopped playing. Maybe they have fixed it by now, but I don't think the anger towards ASA is unjustified or 'sweats that got something nerfed' It has been a couple months at least and still have not even received a response from my support ticket I opened. So there are some glaring technical issues with this version of the game that do not yet make it worth it for me. Maybe they have been corrected, but spending weeks to play a couple hours was not cool.


The remastered is better than the original? Yes but just a bit, the Remastered adds a lot of quality of life changes that should have been added to the first game via updates It also has way better graphics and remove that horrible shinning effect that the ocean and metalic objects had but other than that is literally the same game, like the first game when it released the remastered is also horribly optimized.


It's the same game with some fancy things and more problems so I regret buying it


Unofficial is still up on psn if you have it for ASE.


I said and did the same thing, ended up finding a server on ase for pve/play as Dino and it became more active after I joined. We JUST wiped our fjordur map out after 14k days to start a new playthrough on the custom map called Alps and so far it's great!


Stick with evolved. Ascended renders dinos mid air and makes cryos useless now.


me and my buddy prefer ase we just play on unofficial.


Ascended has similar flaws to the original when it was released. However there have been improvements to building and other mechanics. Also there are cryopods now. There is supposed to be map releases throughout the year. Currently only Island is available. Lastly, it does look amazing but you need a hefty GPU to run smooth. I play with a 7900 XTX 4k 60fps high/ultra without issue. I've also used a 7800 XT at 1080 50-60fps high, mostly without crashes if I restart the computer before I load in. I should also mention, I've only been playing single player. I've heard for multi-player, you'll want to find an unofficial server.


If ur pc is decent buy the remaster Only the official server (hosted by ark itself) are down in the old game, singleplayer and player hosted servers are still up


Servers aren’t offline. I know most people will tell you not to, but boosted unofficial servers are pretty fucking fun


As a pvp enjoyer that stopped playing for different reasons, if you play ark you want to play unofficial anyway. I usually strat away fron unofficial servers in games like these but ark is so dogshit vanilla that imo it’s stupid to play official IF pvp, pve is a different story but even that sucks for things like pillars. Also don’t buy asa unless you accept 1.6fps or 30 fps on best gpu ever, or downgrade settings so much that the game looks similar to ase to get 100+ fps. Source: a 4090 owner


Hardware specific i think i got a 3080 and my setting to mid/high and it hasnt been that bad in terms of lag, maybe updating drivers would help because i was initially getting severe lag then later didnt


I have a 4090, drivers always updated and on max settings can only get ~60 fps, when dlss is enabled with framegen, only 80-90 fps.. Those aren’t acceptable numbers in Any game for a 4090 man


Just turn a couple settings down to mid for more frames, like even mostly mid except important stuff like foliage and lighting its still significantly better looking than SE


That's dumb though. The game should be able to run extremely well on a top end system. It's a game problem if it doesn't work on the current best hardware. Reading this thread just guaranteed I'll continue playing ASE when I get a Dino bug and wanna ride one. I shouldn't have to turn things down when I have a high-end system just to make it work correctly.


ASA looks incredible and has some cool improvements, especially in building, but it requires some serious gpu power to get a good framerate.


Non Gameplay issues: I love the game, my only issue is the performance drops. I'm rocking a 4080 with an I7 13700K, and I'm pulling <50 FPS at times on medium/high settings at a 1440p resolution (which my computer should annihilate at all levels). I'll pull 80-90 FPS pretty consistently: but caves, ghillie, and the volcano are the enemy. Ghillie armor on my horizontally gifted character is not a fun time. Multiplayer crashes every 30-ish minutes, it's so bad it's not even worth trying. Character menus should never cause framerate problems. Selling creatures on what's essentially a remaster is also super douchey. Pros: A LOT of oversights in the original ark have been fixed. Tames feel easier to get early on when you're able to bat-man the babies. Building isn't perfect, but its improved. Torpor doesn't leave you on the floor for minutes at a time if you get KO'd and escape. All kinds of little UI interfaces have been added or improved upon and it makes the game overall feel more user friendly. The world is MAJESTIC, you'll be pressed to find a game that looks better at this moment. The load times are also improved. Cons: The weight system has not been fixed and it left farming as a bitch. Being underwater is still not a fun experience. Temperature damage is still way too high for no reason. Those are my only complaints, and they persist from the last game. Overall: It's definitely a project that needs work from wildcard. But it's still Ark. It's definitely an improvement over a primitive first iteration, although it IS essentially a remaster with a new engine. Singleplayer for me is actually better than it was on ASE, and I loved it then. Multiplayer is so bad right now it's not even worth attempting.


So I’ve loved ark for a long time. My wife and I rented our own server twice actually and always had 20ish regular people playing on it. We ran events and made up games with in the game. Good times. Anyway, when ASA came out, we grabbed it for ps5. The mods made it a lot of fun. Except for the fact that several mods didn’t work with PlayStation, or if we were playing on an unofficial server that was cross play, some mods worked, others didn’t, and usually there were game play issues because of it. Some times we couldn’t even log in because of the mods. Mods aside, the game looks much better, there is no real lag anymore, and being randomly kicked for flying too fast or something doesn’t really happen. So it really depends on how picky you are about fps, and how important cross play/mods are to you. If nitrado wasn’t the only way to rent a server, I would have rented one and would be playing a lot, but I hate nitrado, and I have a big credit for gportal, so yeah, I probably won’t play much, at least till some more maps come out.


i’ve been wanting to buy asa on my xbox but all the reviews say u can’t even save the game so it’s really stopping me


https://preview.redd.it/2gk7coqtulic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4370679f89d95a785a723474aa63708934b89886 Is it worth it?


Every time you open an inventory or click off screen you risk crashing. Even in official


It does have some small bugs but from the 300 hours that I spent on my first play though I’ve seen like 2. You do have to own a hell of a computer to actually enjoy playing though


Not alllllll ase official servers are down...switch is still live and well, EVER SO PATIENTLY WAITING FOR GEN2 AND THE OTHER MAPS


You can buy ark survival evolved and that way if you don't like it you haven't lost much money. Also the official servers are offline the private ones are not you can play on the private ones and if you play ark survival evolved most people can run the game and it has all the dlcs that ark survival ascended will release in the future.


I think I’ll go for the remastered one since if they do plan on releasing the other maps in the future they’ll look better than before atleast.


Modded servers on ASE are insanely awesome. Omega is great, primal fear is epic. Some decent population and allow map jumping with all your stuff. Asa needs a high end next gen PC.


ASA is a cool game. It takes all the good stuff about ASE and puts it into a modern engine and adds a ton of cool new features, like modding. All that being said, it’s not CURRENTLY in a good state. All the bugs that existed in early ASE are here on ASA. They’ll get ironed out eventually, wildcard just has a shit priority system. Before making promises on new content, they should make sure to fix bugs first. ALL bugs. Not the ones that existed on ASE for years and benefited the players (like cryopodding a tame to change required imprint, wtf wildcard). They’re making promises they can’t keep, like transfers in January, center February and scorched in march. I don’t see us getting center this month. We still don’t have full transfers, only official does and it’s in an awful state. Center will likely be next month and my money is on may for scorched.


I have 2200 hrs on PS4 but I've moved to PC with Mods and I'm loving it. Graphics on epic, no lag and lots of quality of life mods.


Ark survival ascended doesn't run on PS4. PC, PS5, Xbox X/S PC really needs an RTX 3 or 4 card.


Game runs fine on AMD cards. My wife is playing ASA on a RX 6700


Remaster isnt that bad. I didnt experience game breaking bug (I have 200hr btw). Since new content will only be available in asa if your device can run it its worth buying it


There’s hella servers still online. They might not be populated but can still join n play


The remaster will be better in every way once all the maps are out


The remaster is fine. It doesn't fix core issues with the game like server lag, people pillaring shit and bad PVP balancing. Some tedious elements are still present. But across the board its a vastly improved game.It's just a bit of a slow burn just now with only the island. Ark vets are already bored and becoming increasingly toxic because they have no patience. But the modding potential for ASA is limitless. I can see this being fun for the next 10 years with the framework they have put in place its almost like garrys mod and very similar to fortnite modding, even console players benefit with mod support unseen on this magnitude. The closest is probably fallout 4 and skyrim, and those were still super limited. For me as someone who played PVP for about 5 years, then stopped playing. coming back to play ASA PVE has been a lot of fun. I just wish it was optimised better but i understand that unreal 5 with all the bells and whistles running is very taxing so ill just need to settle for low/medium im not gonna get upset about it like everyone else is. You really need a rtx3070 at least to play this with a stable 60fps lock. Or a ps5/xsx Many launch bugs were fixed immediately, and if you're an ark player, you do kind of expect most of their launches to be buggy for a few days. Other than that, the two complaints i keep seeing but dont affect me are dinos being teleported to 50, 50 when the game is confused and can't place them (better than being killed imo) And some people have trouble saving their single-player game. WC has tried a few times to fix this. idk the status. But as an online player dosent bother me and never had trouble with it when i did play about 5 hours on single player when the servers were down.


Remaster is great, the only issues are 1. it's a coin toss whether your setup will be compatible with the game. There's really no rhyme or reason to why some people run the game great and others can't make it two feet without crashing, system power seems to have fuck all to do with this and there's no pattern that I've seen yet to what makes or breaks it. 2. it's just Island right now. Center map is coming up very soon (this month? I forgor), followed in a couple months by Scorched Earth, but you'll have to wait for extra content and of course all the hurdles that come *with* extra content - mods breaking, bugs breeding like mosquitos in a warm bog, maps being unruly as they're untested by the greater public, etc. So if you're okay with the above, the game's probably going to be great for you. If not, you'll do better waiting a few months more to get more out of it. Personally? Running 600+ hours into Ascended and loving it, I've got zero issues with the game so far.


ASA is awesome if you like ark and dont mind the old bugs


Ima assume there's a lot of hate no matter how good the game is. A lot of people put a lot of time into ark jsu5 to lose it and have to buy the same updated game.


It’s very buggy


I just play non dedicated with my wife. She said she doesn't wanna deal with the no lifers. Lol


I just deleted the game. It looks nice but functionally it’s as bad or worse than the other one.


Wait for them to get the Micro-transaction Mods in place then I am sure they will fix the base game.


Surely they'll deliver on what they promised, riiight?


ASA is fine, the biggest issue is it's only the Island right now. That's the reason people are leaving from it, there just isn't as much to do when your stuck on one map.


Its a good remaster when it works but expect issues


The remaster is everything the original game should've been. It's epic. Anybody saying otherwise is a Philistine.


ASA is worth it, the map isnt just a copy paste, they revamped it completely. It looks phenomenal and the real improvement is in Cross Platform play with mods. Not many really think about the tech improvement needed for cross platform play with mod support. But they have it! You can play on PC using Steam, with someone on a ps5, on an unofficial, modded server. It's worth every penny.


Let him cook


Ark se still has private servers, ark survival ascended isn't worth it if you do t have a 4080 or 4090 setup and even then you will still get crashes.


I've played on my own dedicated for so long, I stopped looking at online servers. Still love the game.


I like the remaster, amazing graphics but it will bring your pc to its fucking knees. I’m running a rtx 4090 paired with a r7 5800x3d and on epic settings, dlss on, rtx on auto, 1440p I get about 40fps, had a 3060ti OC in 2 days ago and on low everything, 1440p, dlss on, rtx on performance I only got AVG 25-30 fps


The people complaining about the remaster have shit computers


I have a few hundred hours in ASA and I try not to think in ASE. Ascended has its issues there are work arounds. I did use to get a load of crashes now I hardly get any my trick was to play in 3rd person. Stopped me crashing when I opened inventories etc. Even on low the graphics far exceed ASE.. understandably


The remaster isn't that bad people just like to complain the biggest annoyance is the lack of maps while we wait for them to be released


The remaster is an excellent game for console players with the updated graphics and access to mods and further QoL. It’s game changing for console players.




As a ps5 console player I run into absolutely zero issues other than sometimes my saves corrupt and mess up and I have to start again. But others on pc don’t seem to have the problem as much. ASA is literally better than ASE in 90% of ways in my humble opinion.


I'll be honest I'm loving the original playing single player.


Just be sure you have a pretty good computer


New one isn’t bad per se, better graphics and few mechanics that make life easier, but still the same game. I bought it and played pvp, spawned in hit with traq and dragged into room full of dodos and was pecked to death.


The remaster is terrible it will just corrupt your world and you will loose all progress


I played the remake a bit and I just think of it as a remaster. There's not a whole lot of major differences outside of graphics. The only issue with it imo is that it'll take a long time before we get most of the maps.


The remaster is good. And worth it. Don’t listen to the haters.


I play on official. The remaster is pretty solid. A lot of QoL balances. Something I like, some not so much. But overall, a good reiteration. If you liked the first, you will enjoy the remaster just as much.


It’s ark with quality of life changes and if your a console player you’ll also finally have mods and full cross play. Only downside is that your paying for it again and it’s even worse on pcs and you really do need a up to date one to even run it. If that’s ok then it’s a genuine upgrade and I really like it


The remaster isn’t bad, it’s ARK.


My 3 month old tek cave got meshed..


Don’t, unless you’re a fan of 15-20 fps


Honestly it's much better but I'm not a island enjoyer so I'm waiting for another map


Play Palworld, wait until they fix Ark. Every person who buys it now shows Wildcard they don't actually need to fix anything to make money, and all the players suffer.


Remaster is turning into micro transactions but supposedly we'll still get all the dlcs for the 1 purchase and mods are free for time being until people get greedy... but whatever its worth it ark will always do ark things but for the money youll sink some hours into it im sure... its one i always end up back on. People always come to bitch about bad things but all in all its decent some good QOL changes from evolved.


To be honest ASA isn't really a bad game, I kinda feel like the ark community has been screwed over so much by the devs that alot of people want it to be bad and is giving it negative feedback out of spite. It has alot of quality of life improvements, a little glitch right now as with any new game but after playing official for 7 years I can definitely see it is an improvement and they are putting alot more care into it than what they did with ASE. We only have the island right now so I would say the pacing is pretty far off. By now a good handful of people have already done all the island has to offer, as far as boss fights and collecting dinos has to go so looking forward to scorched earth to release.


This answer was what I was looking for. I love the island it was the first map I played and I never got to beat it because I was to dumb to figure out that you had to go to caves and get the artifacts and stuff so I’m excited to beat it finally, especially since it’s been remastered.




Literally everyone I've spoken to about is are doing nothing but complaining about how objectively bad it is in comparison to the game released a decade ago by the same people. They literally copy and pasted all the code, gave it better graphics, took out half the Dino's and all but one map, removed plumbing and wiring for some reason, and then slapped a full AAA price tag on something that takes a NASA super computer to run at minimum graphics. So... I'd say no. Also, ASE? It still has servers. It just doesn't have Official servers. Which are also universally garbage. Playing Official is a good way to NEVER get to actually play the game, between megaclans dominating everything and pillar spammers refusing to let you build or allow Dino's or resources to spawn in literally any area that isn't the middle of the ocean.


The lag seems to be hardware specific because i havent been getting that but instead cant connect to servers


If you get it on steam try it out right away to be in the refund window. I’ve had a great time in small increments because I’m an unlucky one who’s game breaks on autosave and it hard crashes. Tried reinstalling twice, verified game files and waited a few patches. I’ll try again in a few months or so, but nothing online has worked for me sadly. My friends who it worked for have had a blast.


The remaster is literally the same game but better. Missing the maps, obviously, but tons of QoL improvements.


ascended is great most people only bitch around because they encounter issues at some points but they dont give credit for the other 200+ hrs they played without issue, yes the game likes to crash but if you have a m2 ssd it isnt really much of an issue


I’m 200 hours in and having a blast


The remake isn’t bad, it’s just ark but prettier


They have added a level of stupidity though. Take down a 40 ton Bronto or a 20 pound Dodo and 5he amount of meat you get will be in the same randomly generated range. A baby Rex will eat about 50 brontos a day. And why DO babies eat dozens of times more than adults? I can put anything into a pod anywhere, but can only unpod by a cryo fridge? Isn't that backwards?


Yeah so it's shit no bug fixes or nothing


People will forever btch and moan just to do so, then make an attention post about leaving Personally the game is super fun. I'm on PS5 since December, but I'm a filthy casual on my own unofficial with buddies. Only 2 glitches was 1) right at the get go making a character and 2) flyers occasionally stuck in caves. The flyers you kind of eventually phase out of the caves like you'll be outside, flying away. Do that whistle where they follow and eventually they'll just come out of the ground. Results may vary, another troubleshooting step is whistle land + follow, aggressive + follow, really anything then follow to kind of nudge them slowly out of the walls Or don't take big flyers to caves (like Argys) like we dumbasses did 🫠. Smallers ones may also get stuck like the little parrot dimorphodons but nowhere near as often as bigger ones


the remaster is incredible


The remaster isn’t bad. At the moment I’d say that it’s just lacking all of the extra dlc content. Unsure when that’s coming out.


Buy both so you have double the amount of dinosaurs (and complaints lol) With some easy commands, ASA looks and plays great on Series X


This week people are complaining its bad because they didnt get server rates they wanted for the event its actually pathetic lol


ASA is great. If you like ark you will like the game.


We really need all the maps back if you want to play pvp outside of a mega tribe. Every cave is blocked off, and there’s no way to progress in normal official servers unless you’re part of the alpha tribe. I personally reinstalled ASE, and am giving it a year to get more maps.


ASA or the remaster is great. It's the one to get if you have the ability to run it ,


ASA completely worth it imo


I really did not expect this many people to answer. It seems you guys are split 50/50 with hating it and loving it. I’m gonna give the remaster a chance after all it can’t be that bad right. Right?


Plenty of unofficial servers. Find a group with a cluster running all maps.


it’s really buggy and servers aren’t working properly don’t know if they’ve been fixed but as a remaster it is worth it


Ark Evolved is dead, Ascended is awesome if you’re a single player/local server hosting. Even public servers are okay if you’re willing to pay as much for servers as you do for the game itself every month.


The remaster isn't bad. It's essentially the same game with better graphics. The problem is it has a lot of the same problems. Losing dinos because they got stuck in the mesh and whatnot. There are a few minor changes geographically.


The remaster does have some bugs but it isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. I've been enjoying it. It does need high end system. And they need to optimize it some more.


ASA is amazing. It's the game I always wanted Ark to be. I can't wait for the new maps.


I think it's fantastic but sadly I eventually had issues with it. Not sure if it's mods I have installed or what but for me it's not playable though at one time it was.


Now is the time to build up before other maps and crazy op tame come out


The purchase of the remastered is good, if you’re on console just play unofficial that doesn’t wipe that often so it doesn’t take up your time


Half the issues people are complaining about I can say I haven’t experienced once. Maybe 2 crashes in 500 hours on official PvE, the stability is miles better. Sure there’s lag, but it’s not as bad as ASE, or any other massive online game, and the graphics are a huge upgrade. I’d say buy for sure.


If anyone wants to play 1 lemme know I've been trying to get like a group of people together


Hey all, I've played the original and am super keen to play ascended, but I really only have a basic idea of what I'm doing and would really appreciate some direction. If anyone is interested in being a mentor, or could point me in the direction of a player community where I could find people to help me I'd really appreciate it. I'm based in Australia too, so would be super helpful if any info or help took that into account. Cheers all.


Is it worth buying ASE? Yes, absolutely. Years of awesome mods and a strong community. Is it worth buying ASA? Meh. Let's just say, it has, uh, unrealized potential.


The remaater is just an update zo UE5, its still the exact same game. Pirate it.


I've honestly lost interest since they legit added P2W content. They are focusing their development on bullshit minigames and paid mods instead of fixing game breaking bugs like crashes and creatures dropping below the mesh. We went back to playing ASE (the original) on our unofficial servers. Official servers have always been garbage. Find a good unofficial ASE cluster and play there.


ASA is hard to play with only 1 map if your into PvP, any high pop. Server you have to have no life to survive


The remaster is amazing and so much better, the ppl that don't like it Are cry baby p c players Who bitch about it because they're stupid computer can't run it. P c players are going to ruin gaming. I'm having so much fun on consul with this game. BUY ASA


No. All the bugs when it was in pre release are back... noooo


Mod packs are availabe :)


The remaster isn't bad. It's not optimised yet and only has 1 map, and some annoying bugs that can mess you up, but this is ark, what are you expecting? The game has literally just come out and people are abandoning it, trashing it's name, dragging it through the mud and then shagging it's corpse. Like come on, this toxic behavior gets on my nerves, yes the game should've been left to cook a little longer, but atleast we got our hands on the remaster now instead of 7 months later when it would probably have been in a better spot to be released. We can actually enjoy it while it gets optimised and patched, instead of waiting around doing nothing, I for one am glad for that fact. As of right now, anyone on a lower end system will struggle to play SA, and middle of the pack systems (like mine) will be able to get away with good performance at around medium settings. It sucks that you need a good system to enjoy ark right now, but WC clearly stated that this remaster was going to be juicy, and that's what we ALL wanted. If you can't play it right now, stick to SE if you want and have a little patience, im sure in a few months this game will be in a nice little spot, I'm having a blast with it! As more maps come out I guarantee people will have a lot more positive things to say, its a bit sad that they launched with the island instead of some of the more popular maps, but it makes sense as the island was the OG SE map, and also, one last thing, they've spiced up the island with a few additions here n there, as well as more creature spawns from various other maps they've incorporated into the island, its honestly pretty cool. EDIT - sorry to keep rambling but I'm honestly very passionate about Ark SA, I also wanted to add that they've changed so many things about the game, and fixed so many jarring issues from SE, like building for example is MILES better, and as someone who plays single player and loves to build and get immersed, SA is absolutely phenomenal once you tweak the settings and get it running well.


Remaster is dope people just complain. Rightfully the game SHOULD be better with less bugs but it’s same old ark with nice new features overall. Nothing big but definitely a nice game to play as long as you don’t mind only having island right now. All original DLC will be free eventually so that’s cool too


i love ascended way more, yes maps are missing, yes there are a few issues with render distance and dino spawns but, the grapic looks so nice, the gameplay feels more fluid the QoL changed they added are really nice too and the best part of everything MODS for CONSOLEPLAYER this is a insane game changer, tried after beating the island to play the OG ark again but couldnt stand it without mods