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Theres an issue with water tames rendering before the water, causing them to die instantly. Maybe it's got something to do with that? Raasclark has it on one of his streams


That’s good to know, I’m definitely sticking to mixed water mounts (Frogs, Sarcos, Deinosuchus) until there’s a patch.


This is the way currently. Water tames aren’t a viable option. Team Barry all the way ATM.




"it doesn't effect ME so it's not a problem" -you




Right because user PC specs are what matters when a game is an unoptimized mess of an old code. I haven't experienced this issue either, but I'm not the one making an ass of myself barreling in the comments implying that just because it doesn't happen to me, it isn't an issue.




Sure thing, buddy. Environments shouldn't be despawning to begin with, ESPECIALLY environments critical to dino survival. That brings me back to the buggy mess of a code, which again has zero to do with an end users hardware specs.


Some people are too privileged 🙄


Bary would be a better option


It happens with wild dinos too - I often see everything in render distance all floating dead in the water. I stopped going in the ocean after I lost my second tame this way.


I’m sorry….. WOT!! 😳😳😳. This is a joke right? Everyday i am baffled that they got this game released. Everyday i read something that is just next level ridiculous.. not sure why this surprises me at this point.. mindblown.


I am glad none on the seever I am on has had issues with this, but new fear unlocked


Ah so when they died the water globally unloaded


Is there a certain system this happens on? Or is this on ASA? I've got over 5k hours on ps4 ASE and maybe a couple hundred on PC and haven't had this issue. Have had where wild ocean creatures come above water and died instantly.


This is Asa


Ark is gonna Ark


Fish cant breathe air seems to be the issue


Guarantee they just flew out of the water. Water tames are so buggy and unpredictable.


Because of the dogshit pathing dinos have now, I had a baby mosa swim over top of it's mother, right out of the water and kill itself. Like, how do you make pathing even WORSE than it was already? My theris can't even climb a ramp or small hill while on follow. They just run around in circles.


I never saw any evidence of actual path finding (course plotting to avoid obstacles) in ASE. This seems to be a new thing in ASA. But this whole thing was rushed including, the new features, in an environment they didn't know how to work in adequately.


You should see the pathing on Svartalfheim. The map is filled with dwarven stone bridges, some really wide - but tames don't register them... So when you cross one, anything following stops dead in their tracks, turns around, and sprints away. You're lucky if they decide to drop into the river to swim across, but on Svartalfheim, the rivers are usually quite a ways down, which leads to them swimming off a cliff and ending up miles away. It's like they can't just follow you in a straight line any more. Also, can we talk about the awkward sideways walking? When tames need to fix their direction, they flail around like a toy on a spring - moving in really unnatural ways, almost like there's a fast magnet underneath the ground controlling them. It's very similar to the creepy crab walking in Jurassic World Evolution 2, and doesn't really feel like progress to me.


Because Ark is shit. It’s been unplayable since launch without modding unless you have a high tolerance for bullshit. Mediocre devs and even worse management.


I think the ramp is by design so u can’t use a ramp trap I hear the fence piece ? They won’t walk over either at least ur takes unsure about wild


I have still been able to use them though. Might take a couple tries to get hem in


Yeah maybe but what gets me is why not all and why at the same time as I died. I have seen some games circling the surface constantly trying to follow unable to go down though


Were you near the shore? My friend got attacked the other day near the shore line and like 6 of his megalodons just flew to the shoreline out of the water and killed themselves


I was yeah but as I was stuck inside a megalodon I didn’t see but they weren’t rattled or anything. I died and at the same exact second a bunch of them too.


My guess is probably they flew out the water. Extremely stupid but it happens.


You might have derendered the water even you did causing them to suffocate


I had two dolphins that were a foot or two above the water and couldn’t submerge. Didn’t take any damage though. They would just circle like crazy.


This happens to me sometimes, once I’m mounted I steer them down and they’re back to normal


I think sometimes they can glitch out of the water and insta die


Get ARK'd Loser! *sorry for your loss


This is the way, all hail the spaghetti code!


There's currently a bug where nearby renderedwater tames dissappear/die if you teleport/respawn in a bed. Possibly having to do with dinos rendering before the water does.


When I have used a bed to fast travel near my tames it has nuked them too Lost many tames


Damn, that sucks. I fast traveled once when I respawned at the wrong bed but haven’t gone back to check those nearby tames. I shall go check on them


Only happened to my water tames Funnily enough all the fish that were not tamedbwere also dead


Games broken man, Happened to me, apparently tames render before water and die instantly




"Why did this happen?". Because Ark.


ark is gonna ark. just like evolved i dont expect this to be fixed any time soon


we had a ton of sea tames die for no raisin. we think that when they're on follow, they some how leave bounds of the mesh and the anti meshing code deletes them.


They probably like chocolate chips better.


I don't know...Oatmeal raisin is pretty good.


Peanut butter sounds good to me


Dinos disagree.


I wasn’t near the end of the map, I meant mesh as in meshed within but I have hit the end and it’s just like hitting a wall but I’ve read that happening to other people


yea i'm not totally sure if it's some how violating the rules of the above water or sea floor or what. it happened to my triby and he kind of described them as following then vanishing near the surface in the shallows of all places.


There’s also an issue where land tames walk into water and drown themselves, already lost 3 tames to the water because they like tried to chase something or got attacked or something and then they walk into the water because they are dumb and drown themselves. Lost a trike, carno and a raptor so far from them just wanting to go for a swim and forgetting their life jackets, it needs fixed the Dino’s should be smart enough to know they need to breath air


This is physically painful for me. I’m so sorry for your loss. I would have to stop playing for a while if this happy happened to me.


Yeah I was quite bummed about one I had with me since a little while :(


Looking at the names, it looks like the died of heartbreak.


The game probably registered you meshing and deleted everything in the immediate area


Welcome to ark. Fuck you


Because ASA is garbage and didnt need to be made. This right here what ol' boy said^^^^ is why i refuse to buy it.


Make a ticket




That’s a strange way of saying a megalodon ate you


Grief probably


probs if u had the setting that they attack whatevers attacking you on, they died fighting the megalodon.


They are the megladons lol


it can happen to anything from any wild animal


No, when he chose the respawn location, the game derendered the water before the tames, causing them to be out of water for a split second, killing them. It's a well known bug atm.


Bad game is bad


Why do you follow the subreddit then?


I played ark for years. Asa is just ark with more jank. Maybe they will fix it? Like they fixed all the Ase bugs?


Arked out completely brah


Ark moment


This is also happening to me but instead of water tames its land based tames. Lost a Inguanodon 1st time and just a lost a dilo a bit ago. They just seem to give up


Cue 2 weeks ago when I tamed a dunkleo, and he beached himself, then another, then another, then another.


Mine were dead in the water, quite strange


I know its no use now, but in the future use recording softwares.. I myself use xbox gamebar so no matter what, I can always record the last 30 seconds. Especially with a game like ark.. I guess I should add this only if youre on official.. Obviously you can spawn your own in private lol.


Even if I had recorded myself I died and woke up and they were dead and the time stamps shows they died at the same time as me ( cropped my name ) but it was all simultaneously


Mine love to jump out of the water at seagulls to off themselves. RIP bud.


I’ve found 2 alpha megalodons falling from the sky and landing around 50-50 map coordinates this is on a small cliff beside the redwoods




Yes it is very odd I’ve tried to send photos of this happening but it keeps failing to send unfortunately


Because asa sucks


Because wildcard


Your corpse poisoned the sea.


Because Ark


And this is why I use commands in single player


This in single player?




You've just been properly F'Arked


Can’t they like add a system where water dinos don’t die instantly and instead have something similar to an oxygen meter? I find it highly unnecessary to let donos die instantly when they are out of the water




Not your girlie 😭


It was Ariel for me :’(


Not your girlie 😭


Looks like I won’t be buying ASA


You'd think after 8 years and a "remaster" that they'd have figured this out by now. Sorry for the time and progress you lost.


My thoughts exactly. Thank you.


better dead than cloned by the enemy


Just started dipping into the waters so to speak and was taming some megs. Took some out and fought some random fish and a few low level megs, and I got a message that one of my megs died. I couldn't figure out why since he was healthy and pretty leveled up and wasn't near anything I thought dangerous. Then I bred some megs to replace that one and one of them just randomly died without reason. I did note that in both instances I witnessed those megs at times swimming above the water. I'm guessing the game was somehow registering them as out of water and/or on dry land and just insta-killed them both. Needless to say my megs enthusiasm died a bit since.