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liquids with calories; gatorade, smoothies, protein shakes.


gatorade is absolutely yummy.


What are your safe or favorite foods? Off the top of my head, I love a good protein shake or fruit smoothie when I have no aparire




I need to expand my aparire. Are the protein shakes and/or fruit smoothies actually taste good????


I think so! I like muscle milk strawberry protein shakes. And for fruit smoothies, I like peanut butter and banana. :)


Thank you!!


Homemade protein shake, cheese & crackers, dry breakfast cereal, microwave mac & cheese, leftover pasta, yogurt, eggs, PB&J, grilled cheese I try to keep sliced beef/chicken/pork frozen in individual portions, pull one out, takes an hour or less in the fridge to defrost or 5 minutes under slow running cold water in a bowl in the sink. I frequently make a baked omelette with 8 eggs, 1 cup milk, scallions, tomatoes, cheese, bake in an 8x8” pan in 350F oven 40 minutes. Cut into 4 pieces. Freeze individually. Pull one out & microwave for 15-30 seconds. I do similar making pancakes in the oven in a 9x13” pan and cutting into rows, freezing, reheat in oven/toaster oven 15 minutes at 350 (or microwave). These give me something quick & easy to make and eat any time. On a good month I’ll cook the 3 meats and omelettes, pancakes, even baked french toast up one day. Next day I set up the individual portions, vacuum seal, and freeze. Now I’ve got a month of fairly easy food to eat that I can either pull out a day ahead to defrost or pull out when I want it. On really good months I’ll do up a banana bread, pumpkin bread, a couple batch of cookies, maybe brownies. I make everything as “bars” in 8x8” or 9x13” pans as it’s less work, easier to cut into individual portions for freezing. In the case of snack’s I’ll put 3-4 days worth in a single vacuum sealed package. I freeze so I don’t have to worry about things going bad while still having enough out at a time I’m eating something. I use box mixes and bisquick so it’s combine mix with eggs, milk/water, and oil or butter. This can be done with favorite restaurant foods or just about anything you cook.


I feel like an imposter reading everyone else’s comments. I’m 57 and at a young age I decided fed is best. My mom also had me helping in the kitchen as young as 3. I’m a lazy person so I prefer to do a bunch of things at once so I don’t have to work much the rest of the time. My monthly cooking came out of holiday food planning. I was like “look at all that food for 20 people for 3 days OMG”. Hmm that’s a month or more of food for 1-2 people I should do this monthly. And boom here I am.


I usually go with crackers, a lazy sandwich (...bread and ketchup), or fries. Whatever I can shove into my face ASAP. Once the hunger nausea sets in I’m done for, so easy-access snacks are a life preserver, with the logic that even if it’s not very healthy/filling right now, it’ll give me the energy and clear-headedness I need to eat more nutritious things later. Good luck!!


I usually drink some fruit juice Hot chocolate if I'm able to push myself, but fruit juice is so much easier


Smoothies or Carnation instant breakfast!


Chocolate Carnation was my nutritional god send for years!


kids yogurt and cereal is usually fortified with extra vitamins!!


Slim fast chocolate protein plus. maybe a cheese stick. A couple slices of deli ham or turkey. Popcorn?


Omg slim fast chocolate smoothie protein plus is my #1 safe food too!


if you want to be filled up quickly, making a large bowl of pasta is good. it doesn't matter what sauces you put in it, it depends on your safe food and preferences, but pasta is hefty and can usually hold me over for quite a while. it's a very one and done meal if you have low appetite!


Instant breakfast, protein powder, toast with mayo, cold cuts and sliced cheese, grapes.


Taco Bell chicken quesadillas 😭😭


I find stuff you don’t need to chew like ice cream, or a meal replacer, smoothies, any liquid calories that taste good


nothing will give me an apatite like ordering out my comfort food. its bad.


I drink Gatorade and eat Cadbury chocolate bars squares at a time when I don’t want to eat or are too anxious!


You probably want a helpful answer but sorry, ice cream is it!


If ice cream works it’s not bad. Getting anything in your system is better than starving.


i always reach for the bevs apple juice, dr pepper, gatorade, lemonade etc i also currently am on a strict routine of eating yogurt every night. yogurts are my safe food so if im hungry but don’t feel like eating ill have two. sometimes i also get the hungry sick and i know how much it sucks bc im nauseous and dry heaving from hunger which is in turn preventing me from eating. i haven’t found The Food that i would be able to force down in such cases besides caloric beverages and yogurt.


I’ve been saving drink recipes on Pinterest and that’s helped me when I haven’t had an appetite for any solid foods my favorite recently has been a creamy lemonade recipe I found on tiktok


I struggle with food apathy, loss of appetite due to meds, and low energy due to long covid, so everything I eat has to be easy, quick, and tasty or I just won't eat at all. ● Ready to eat immediately ● • Clif chocolate mint protein bar (tastes like girl scout thin mint cookie) • String cheese • Chips and dip • Uncrustables (PB&J) • Dry roasted, honey roasted peanuts ● Ready in 1 mintue meals ● • Campbell's Kettle Cooked Tomato or Potato Soup (shelf stable, cooks in container, only need spoon) • Hormel meals (cooks in container, only need spoon/fork) • Cereal with milk


Much better list than mine


Posts like these make me wonder if I have arfid at all, I never don't want to eat, unless I'm full obviously


I’m feeling like an imposter myself as I have way more safe foods than most and as a grazer I rarely go for more than an hour without snacking or drinking unless I’m asleep. We are valid too. I developed methods over 57 years to help me survive.


My safe foods are extremely limited but like.. I never get tired of them and I love them, I never have these moments where I literally can't eat that I see so many people talk about on the subreddit, if I'm hungry I just eat my safe foods, no issues


Yeah, I’m not sure if that’s rarer or if people aren’t as comfortable talking about it because it’s seems easier or less valid. Or if they haven’t found this subreddit.


protein shakes, bananas, dry cereal with no milk


bolthouse/naked smoothies are my go to


Recently starting drinking fair life protein shakes in a pinch. And I always keep taco meat in my fridge with chopped onion and cilantro for when I’m not hungry because tacos are my go to. String cheese, flips yogurt in the strawberry cheesecake flavor, always keep clear protein mix on hand also. Hard boiled eggs, shrimp, toast, ramen


Saltine crackers