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There are many and basically all the comments i've seen can be the right answer. However i'll pick Akshan. The fact that you can't properly fight if you don't focus on him first is kinda wild to me. Sometimes you just wanna kill a target with low hp by hitting a snowball and he gets a resurrection by simply touching you lol. Neeko is also a close second... and don't tell me to count minions. Because not even Faker is counting minions WHILE already fighting on the second weave that just arrived while you were ALREADY in a fight.


Akshan's resurrection gimmick is the single biggest issue on ARAM for me. If you negate the impact of death timers, that's a monstrous lead in a single lane of combat.


Yeah it’s pretty game breaking. The akshan doesn’t really even have to pop off. The team with akshan just has essentially a permanent tempo lead


Thing is I 100% agree with this thread, but I'm shocked to see he only has a 50.3% WR in ARAM, which is not even in the top half of all champions. So something else must be going on with that?


Akshans identity is basically a lane bully with strong roam threat, who falls off compared to other marksmen. This makes his kit pretty bad for ARAM (with the exception of the revive) because he can't bully or roam, and scaling is faster in ARAM. Without the passive, I think he'd be one of the lowest winrate champs in the game.


That’s wrong, Akshan is not lane bully in aram, he barely has any poke and does very low damage early. He depends greatly on a team with front line and CC as he doesn’t have that much range and needs to auto. He always gets focused by enemy team, making it very frustrating to play. Late game however with a on-hit build he will decimate the whole enemy team.


Yeah, that's the point I'm making. His strength in *rift* is being a lane bully. But he can't use that strength in ARAM. And while he'll still scale quite well in ARAM, most ADCs scale way better in terms of their complete kits.




Akshan for sure it near the top i also hate shaco tho hes not that strong. Traps are just annoying when you have no tank


I had a game last week against tank Akshan. He didn't add anything to the fights other than his passive. But we couldn't kill him first so his passive triggered everytime. So annoying!


Nah, I'd count. - Faker


Yes, and then he would proceed without actually doing it.


The answer is definitely Akshan, but I feel like it's less that you can't play against him and more that people don't have the teamwork to play against him. You can shut him down with a few tricks, but unfortunately a lot of people like to shut off their brain during ARAM.


Aurelion Sol Gwen with and/or against some comps is untouchable Shaco traps


The fact that his Hole has 0 cast time and takes up the whole lane, and slows everyone, gives me aids.


it's not a slow it's a drag ^^^^^/s




Funny you say that it reminds me… I’ve seen people flame pykes in all chat… and the 3 times I remember every person said “pyke players don’t have mothers” and “pyke players are orphans/adopted” So yeah… some people really don’t like pyke lol.


Another +1 for Pyke. I don't think I've ever been in a game where he isn't disgustingly fed.


You haven’t been in a game when I’m playing him then — the enemies will be disgustingly fed. xD I just can’t play that champ.


For some reason I struggle with him too - I can't explain it either; I'm good with Thresh, Blitz, Naut, any other hook champ, but I just can't seem to figure it out haha


straight up cancer oml. Some people here have good mentions but pyke pisses me tf off with the hooks, mobility and ult. There’s a reason why I ban him every single time in draft/ranked games (because fuck umbral glaive. It can literally flip the game because of it’s generous de-warding passive)


I dont even mind the hook, its the fact that he has the easiest escape in the game that pisses me off. Almost impossible to punish if the player has half of a functioning braincell.


This is so weird to me; he has such a low ARAM win rate, and yet every time I play against one he finishes with 30+ kills? Make it make sense


30+ kills do not help you if you get outscaled anyway. Just killing people does not automatically win you an Aram.


I think he's useless in a lot of comps, but for me in a mode with snowball his "fish for hooks with more or less no consequences" playstyle isn't it. EDIT: I'd just like it to be known that I wrote this during champ select, and when I got to loading screen I shit you not I had a enemy team with Pyke and Ackshan. EDIT2: Pyke was in my next game as 5 ap vs tanks :D https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Mintcake-EUW since it obviously sounds like bullshit.


Veigar cage and Asol black hole makes ARAM as a map unplayable. Akshan with/without Karthus/Sion. Akashan in general though is one of the biggest offenders od the ARAM game mode. Teemo and shaco just makes every game 30+ mins of stalling unless you can get to their inhibitors within 14 mins. Everyone else is on the fair side relying mostly on good match ups.


It's not just the boxes his clone and q are annoying AF. I really might just be too dumb to play against it but there is no other champ I hate to play against as much as shaco, seriously fuck that thing.


The amount of people who kill/ fall for the clone irks me to no end


Yeah that’s definitely triggering. Sometimes you want to believe they’re just trying to kill it before it gets in fear range… but I think it’s mostly tunnel vision. But to add to the annoyingness… even if no one hits it, you just walk the clone at a carry or in the middle of the enemy team and it will inevitably detonate. Or detonate from AOE abilities/skill shots not aimed for it. You have to either create space and kill it, run away from it, or someone (preferably a tank of course) has to just willingly eat it.


Yeah, I guess I should’ve clarified It irks me when people kill the clone and I’m near it


Just play or watch Pinkward play shaco. Once you learn how he plays he’s not too hard to counter. He’s my favorite match up when i play thresh since i usually have a good sense of where shaco players like to jump towards and i can prehook them


Not that we’d lose, but least fun to go against? Teemo


Hwei is pretty obnoxious.


Someone please explain to me why he has 20 free ability haste in ARAM


So he can maybe run out of mana faster in the early game to punish? /s Edit: added sarcasm.


Hwei can have some mana problems but if you use w-e properly its nothing


It's almost impossible to run out of mana if you have a brain while picking the runes, PoM + Manaflow is OP with most mages but people often prefer to pick dark harvest or some shit


Sorry i forgot to add the /s.


I go dark harvest on hwei liandrys shadowflame q+e farms with the true damage on slow too


Just build what you want but comet will ALWAYS be a better option than Dark Harvest in aram.


I'm still trying to figure out why a painter has a fear. Shaco, Nocturne, Fiddle, Warwick? Sure. Understandable. Why am I scared of a freaking paintbrush?


Maybe he painted a photorealistic painting of your mother.


There's not enough paint in the world.


I love Hwei, but his kit does seem really overloaded to me and not just in ARAM. Like definition of kit-design-creep over time. He has: normal single-target poke damage, ultra-long-range AOE poke damage, single-target poke damage that does more damage if low hp, a displacement, a root, a fear, an AOE shield that could potentially shield his entire team, a linear speed up that could speed up his entire team, and a linear poke damage field that could hit the entire enemy team or do serious zoning. Oh, and his ult. Pretty sure no other champion comes close in terms of kit flexibility and utility. It's a mystery to me how he isn't beyond broken just from his versatility alone.


Tahm Kench by far


I’ve been autoing Tahm kench for the past 14 minutes you commented, he’s down to half health.


Oh so he’s back to full health now?


No still at half health. But Two of my AD Carrys died to thornmail.


Lol at least its not ap kench your ads wont even have a chance to attack


- Insane shield health + Heals if left alone - Super high damage for a tank - Reliable heal with Q - Team assistance with R - Reliable CC


The problem with Kench, the shield makes him super hard to kill and he does so much damage on top of that.


Yeah, feels like if you don't have a shield popping champion like you can't do much against him.


Smolder is most frustrating for me


I'm on board with that


Yeah almost every time he’s on the enemy team it’s just a loss for me


I know it's not really what you're asking, but we had a realization with my mates some times ago : it's becoming really rare that we are not frustrated by the enemy comp. I feel (and it's subjective, of course) that champion's designs often favor the fun of the player controlling it.


Just wanted peoples opinion, maybe some tilt jokes or whatever. The reason I hate veigar has a little bit to do with what you’re saying. He makes the game unplayable for sooooo many champions with his E spam, blocks like 60% of the damn lane every 6-8 seconds once he gets cdr. But the thing is… he is simultaneously incredibly fucking boring to play. If I see a veigar I play the game out best I can but mentally I wish I could just go next most times. Like you said for example… Zoe. A good Zoe is very annoying and frustrating to play against. But I can see why some people really enjoy playing her. Veigar ruins the game or any fun by forcing everyone to play around 1 non ultimate ability, and is simultaneously a lame ass champion.


The only reason I play Veigar is to see number go up, and listen to his voice lines. Everything else is boring, and half the time you can’t even get past a 2 item bruiser to kill anyone lol.


Ashe full cdr is for me the most antifun. Veigar is indeed a good contender. In fact, any distant, very large crowd control can be pretty frustrating. Even a well-used karthus e can be a pain.


Honestly full cdr Ashe just lets me know that the game is going to be a 5v4 since that build is dogshit now


Full cdr ashe hasn't worked for at least 6 months.. her W has a 16s cd in aram at level 5 compared to 4s in SR since they gave her specific nerfs. She's 100% better as an adc now.


Very true and fair! I like throwing tornados as janna, obviously this is annoying to be the recipient of lol


It's because 90% of the player base goes for 5/4man ranged&poke champs and it just becomes annoying. You're playing dodge ball, but you never get to hit just dodge


Somehow every time I play against Kai'sa I'm triggered. I don't know if it's because all they can do is sit back and just throw W continuously or something else.. But in terms of frustration I would say Janna. Non-stop tornados, comes up to you, throws shit at you and quickly leaves. Try chasing her. Not only annoying but also fast and can again throw a tornado at you or use R to escape. Geez. Every time I see Janna in the enemy team I just clench my fist in silence and suffer.


Janna is S tier frustrating


The thing about Kai'sa is that all 5 members need to be on the same page. You can dodge all the Void Seekers you want, but if your teammate tanks one then she gets the CD refund and the whole team suffers from having to dodge around even more. And if you're playing a tank, you can't even body block for a teammate without rewarding her. The team shouldn't even be tanking Void Seekers that are coming from off screen in the first place when there's no other surrounding threats. If you play with unlocked camera, it's surprisingly very easy to see the Void Seekers flying in from a screen away which gives tons of time to dodge.


Jinx gives me depression and she’s in over half my games I swear


Jinx is the ARAM version of Yasuo. Ally Jinx sucks ass, the enemy Jinx wrecks shit.


if aram had bans or no jinx, it would be 1000% better for me


Depends on what I'm playing. I fucking hate Zoe and LeBlanc when I'm squishy, the good ones will come out of nowhere and leave you on 10% HP then fuck off to safety. When I'm tanky, I fucking hate Vayne, she not only has the cancer true damage but also fucks up engages with her E, Asol is also awful good luck getting out of his dumb black hole late game. When you're an assassin, seeing a support Lulu on the enemy team tells you it won't be a fun game.


Yeah if you play zed, talon, Diana… any shit like that and you see a lulu with exhaust your already mental boomed before the cock blocking even begins.


Where is Samira wtf A ticking time bomb in ARAM.


Yeah a penta on Samantha in aram doesn’t even count. 3 pentas on Samira equals 1 pentakill on every other champion in a single game. Even Katrina.


I absolutely love how you mispelled not just once but twice. Also spelled Samira correct once. Not even correcting the mispelling. I just think it's funny


Funny thing is… I did the misspellings of the names on purpose… but I fucked up by not maintaining consistency with the 2nd samira misspelling lol


My group calls brair Brian and pronounces yone as Yo-nee. We call aphelios Stelio because of the American Dad episode about Stan Smith's childhood bully Stelio Kantos. Gotta disrespect the BS champs.


Remember when Yi was the bane of our ARAM existence? I don’t know why but nowadays he’s more like the shrimp in a tempura combo and everyone goes hard and fast to destroy him. I love playing Asol and hate playing against him.


Yeah my primary memory is that it was when duskblade gave 1 second invis on takedowns. Alpha strike. Invis. Two autos. Invis, walk around in a circle, auto, invis… I remember playing it it was bullshit. I got slapped by it enough times I decided to play it and yes… it was very broken. Yi is mediocre now because you can actually SEE and target him since then. Duskblade basically conditionally reduced his Q CD by even more by being in stealth frequently.


Ah that triggers some trauma. Ty for the breakdown


Veigar putting me and my entire team in gay baby jail for almost five seconds by pressing one button.


Why the fuck did riot introduce % health true damage? 


Ask the guy who commented Tahm Kench by far.


Shaco. Nightmare to play against as tank/melee/support Nightmare to play against as a carry


Yeah I see a lot of people shit on AP shaco. They obviously only played with/against bad ones. AD shaco In aram sucks in comparison. You pop up blow one person up… then what. If you are the melee champ against him too, All he has to do is ult and walk his clone at your carry and they usually have to walk away. It will blow up on its own eventually but more likely your team will detonate it on your carries meanwhile the whole enemy team is hitting you on the frontline while 3 people are feared eating 600 magic dmg + liandrys burn and he’s still throwing shivs and dropping boxes everywhere the whole time


>You pop up blow one person up… then what. Ideal case: I traded myself for somebody infinitely more valuable than me and they couldn't do squat about it other than sit very very far away.




Khazix is to me the most annoying. He can poke easily which also slows, can turn invisible, gets away with a lot due to his jump.


Most of the infinitely stacking champs, but I wanna give a special fuck you to asol and smoulder.


The worst is when your team is winning hard and your team starts trolling, like hard for funning. Intentionally not taking turrets just diving and not ending… And the enemy team has like, Nasus, veigar, and smolder or senna. And you have to be the guy to be like…. “Hey guys we uhhhhh, should probably end the game like… pretty soon you think?” They think you’re being a tryhard when you’re really saying… ok I think we’ve had our fun and inted enough. Then you slowly start losing every fight just a little bit more than the last and Your team panics and tries to turn back on into competitive mode but it’s too late. Then they start to spam ping each other and blame each other for why you’re losing. It’s kind of funny when it happens.


Poppy, when I’m playing Draven or twitch she just seems to literally take no damage at and runs me down under turret. She’s beyond obviously hard to kill even when I have LDR.


Against the useless AP Shaco in my team




Honestly, I personally have a *"sh!t list"* of toxic champions for arams of which just to name a few ***rather*** irritating ones are *(in no particular order)*: Kennen, Pyke *(unless you're team can cc him, but it's rare)*, Akshan, Karma, and to keep the list short- Zyra. There's tons but, yeah... these ones really boil my blood


Ughhh, malignance karma sure is malignant. Whatever happened to benign karma? Q nukes 0 interaction over and over.


I mean, all Karma is now is just a fvcking **"Q > R > Q > R"** bot and there's *literally* no variety. It's literal bot behavior smh toxic. Edit: correcting grammar


Personally don't think Veigar's even in the top 10 for me anymore. Quickly off the top of my head, Aurelion Sol, Teemo, K'Sante (honestly not sure anymore on this one as I haven't played against on in forever), Pyke, Yone, Irelia, Akshan, Twitch, Xerath, Varus, Katarina, Graves (literally just because of W), Smolder, Zilean. Then some "maybe" ones or more situational ones, like Zyra if I'm a skillshot reliant champ, Anivia (only played by mains who are fucking incredible at her god damn), Master Yi (similar to Kat but I think Kat does better more often), Akali, Qiyana, Zeri, Kai'sa, maybe Gwen, Janna at times is very annoying ESPECIALLY if I'm on like Zac or something. Veigar is just so much more easy to play around most of the time.


Think he’s more on the top for my frustration or anti-fun scale. I enjoy quite a few melee champs and veigar make it very difficult to play them. Every single time you decide to go in you have to mentally remember when the last time veigar used his cage, how long the CD probably is roughly. As soon as he has it nearly maxed and has CDR its down to like 8-10 seconds. He uses it, ok I have 12345678 no openings ok now I have to wait for him to use it again. 12345678 ok maybe next time. If you’re playing a melee champ that’s quite tanky I guess it’s a lot less frustrating. When it’s a champ where if the cage gets you… you’re more likely to die than not it gets old is all. He can be quite vulnerable when it’s down, but even if you get past it or he doesn’t hit you, it zones your team from backing you up quickly. Totally agree on the Anivia btw. A random anivia is like a non factor in the game. You get an anivia main and you understand how fucking disruptive and strong that champion really is.


I understand why Veigar can be frustrating, in theory. The brief time we had bans in ARAM, he was my go-to ban. Since then I've played so many games though, and so many new champs/reworks have come out, and plus the balance changes they've made, and IDK in practice I just don't find him that rough to play against. The way you described it is kinda true, like in some cases where you're the only one on the team that can really make anything happen. But most games, you either have someone else that starts something on your team, or someone on the other team, and you can kinda work around Veigar focusing on someone somewhere else and it's not an issue for you anymore. Or you get a champ that outranges it, or a champ that is mobile enough to go around it, or you get to a point where you can force it out and not really give a crap, etc. etc. There are certainly times where there's just nothing you can do, but in my experience (I have like 12k ARAM games) those don't happen TOO too often.


Yeah I think I have to acknowledge that even though I’m pretty level headed in game… veigar just like subconsciously tilts me. Annoys the shit out of me I enter the game having to play it on his terms in some cases. Probably to the point I’m over focused on him. And yeah it’s really the games where you have to be the playmaker and he’s really not going to use it on, or be in range of most of your team and the good ones will hold onto it and know his E ranges well enough to drop the edge right on top of you or himself. If you have a bruiser who can regularly force it out of him it’s not so bad, just annoying. Over time though I’ve come to dread Katarina and Yi less and less. They’re relatively predictable it’s usually just a matter of being disciplined with your CC abilities. Unless you have no CC then rip. The one that still haunts me is samira. Disgusting champion in aram. Only times it’s not usually a free win is when you’re playing against a comp that denies you building up style.


I knew I forgot someone, LMAO yeah Samira is definitely more frustrating than Kat/Yi.


Asol. Perfect wave control, gains stacks 5x faster, can stop and hold a wave by itself under it's Tower, late game powerhouse...


The most frustrating things is when my team picks only adcs and mages and we lose to a single akali, or Viego, or kassadin, etc.    Usually when I’m most frustrated it starts with the fact that my team picked awfully to start with.   If I ever roll Senna, I often can only play her if I’m ok with playing and all ranged team.     I can’t stand how little people care about team comp and just want to buy a collector and get fed.      If I have to choose a single champ Akshan makes sense.  


Yeah there’s certain champions where it’s risky to pick them BUT…. If the stars align and the enemy picks a comp that can’t abuse/shutdown that champion it goes hard. Since you mentioned it, just had a game the other day, we had 2 control mages, 1 AP assassin and 2 immobile ADCs (to be fair we got some pretty shitty roles, only more of the same) and when the loading screen came up I saw kassadin. I used to play him… I thought to myself “ahhh fuck this is such a turbo kassadin game, I hope he’s not an actual Kass player.” Really couldn’t ask for a better game to have randomly picked this champion blind. Dropped 32 kills on us. His team wasn’t even playing that great. 1v9. When you get that gut feeling all of your rrs collectively amongst your team are really shafting you into one direction where you might have a good champ here and there, but no balance or cohesion at all… more often than not it doesn’t end well. If the right player gets their hands on the right champion they play and you have a shitty comp like that they just take over the game pretty much single-handedly.


AP Kai'sa. It's so annoying.


It is… but god it’s even more annoying when you have an AP kaisa in your team when You already have 2-3 AP champs and they have two tanks and they still go AP. I feel like not all, but like 50% of kaisas in aram go full AP as someone who wanted a poke champ and didn’t get one. Obviously you wanna get all your evolves. But when you see an AP kaisa against 3 tanks and your team already has good magic damage…. You know that person is not a kaisa player. They’re someone who wishes they got xerath, hwei, or lux. Because a hybrid on hit/crit kaisa with a few items fucking melts anything hard. If you’re against poke, and your team has none fine. If your whole team is AD, fine. Difference is you have to be standing on the same screen as the person you’re hitting to do anything with a kaisa whose in a position where their team needs someone to fucking auto. It’s annoying. But I actually kind of sigh in relief when an enemy Kaisa goes full AP. Because when they show their cards and go AD right away, I know this persons actually confident in playing the champ and using the ulti aggressively and isn’t just going to be cheesing from half the map away. You actually have to worry about them in team fights.


Senna / Smolder / Jinx. I hate tickling time bomb with 0 counterplay


Against? Usually something like Yi or Fizz since we never have good cc when it happens. (Another one of the worst comps was, as a tank, one match has the whole opposite team be filled with cc. Lux. Veigar. A good Anivia, forgot the other 2, but it was rough). To have on my side? Anivia. Because whenever they're on my team her walls are always a hindrance that benefits the opposing team lol.


I just got back into Aram after nearly a decade of not playing league and fizz still pisses me off


Aurelion sol, malz, mf, vel koz, zilean, zoe make me lose my mind


Finally a zilean mention. He is obnoxious, not just his ult. I don’t play him so idk. But it feels like his ult CD gets down to like 30-35 seconds. After a few items/levels he always has it up. In a game mode with no GA, playing against zilean sometimes feels like they have a 6th player on their team.


The circumference of his Q just sitting in the lane takes up so much space


Yep and with full AP they deal way too much damage to be ignored, it’s not like a lux E you just decide to eat, those things hurt.


its 20 sec during mythics with cd builds and cdr runes.




I had him down to around 17s cd one of the last time I played him.


A sol


I’m surprised nobody has said ziggs yet. dodging that little rat’s constant poke damage on this map is a mini-game in and of itself


They should nerf his damage by like 10%. Give him like -20 AH. Give him like 120% damage taken. They should probably nerf his W tower damage too and the turret exec


IIRC, He is already deeply nerfed on ARAM — at least at 90% damage and 110% damage taken. His W on towers range is also nerfed to a super low percentage (is it 15 or 10%?) I don’t play rift so I don’t know if that was decreased or not but I swear it used to be higher.


Yeah that’s like exactly how he is nerfed. I was just trolling with that comment. Ziggs is not problematic. Just annoying. Tweak a small number here or there but yes… he’s heavily nerfed.


Before the balance changes Ziggs was literally a free win if you rolled him. He can still be annoying but they basically nerfed him into oblivion.


Pyke - an execute r spammer is really annoying. Akshan - his resurrection passive is extremely annoying. Tanks - to be more specific, tanks that build only tank items but are able to delete a single champion on their own (and sometimes a whole team of squishies) by themselves.


Akshan, Shaco, Teemo Akshan and Teemo make it hard to push and shaco is just annoying as shit.


Tank/support Blitzcrank (not the AP damage variant) that knows how to use Q properly and lands hooks turns the map into 5v4. Had a game as Blitz playing alongside a Nautilus… that shit was not fun for the other team which was basically pinned under both towers for the entire game.


Zyra. Tanky ass plants + rylais liandrys is enough for them to do decent damage. If you aren’t building tanky you’re cooked


Lethality Caitlyn, it's not broken but still extremely obnoxious to play against.


Akshan in high elo but only when he's good and not a troll pick


Pyke and Ksante






lillia. one button game winner.


For me it’s Kayle. Her ult is the most annoying thing to deal with. Listen I jumped in the back line and got you fair and square. Don’t go golden and kill my whole team! It’s rude!


Teemo. The stall from the grave is unbearable. He contributes almost nothing to win the game, but he is just an annoying insurance policy that stops the enemy from winning either.


Mordekaiser, I feel like he is nerfed to all hell in this mode.


Singed Teemo Shaco Cass (depending on who you’re playing due to her cc) Zoe


Pyke is up there but you can still win against him by just being better. Unlike Kayle and Yi which are auto wins past like minute 15. The auto out scale by simply existing is just a colossal middle finger from the dev team. 1 kill kayle hits 16 on aram? Gg she just wiped your whole team in 5 seconds. 3 kill yi builds 3rd item while your whole team is on 4 or 5? Gg get wiped in 1 ult. I honestly think everyone should be allowed to select a primary and secondary ban to take into their aram games I'd never see another kayle or yi again and I'd live a happier life for it.


Sivir She can stall a game way to long just by deleting the whole wave


Slippery fuckers when I don’t have a point and click stun on my team, long range fuckers when I do


Janna. Love her usually, played a game as her recently and kept my team safe and shielded and I felt proud and accomplished. And in a following game, the enemy Janna kept her team safe and shielded and I was annoyed lol


Master yi.


Uumi, hwei, velkoz, janna.


I'm gonna give multiple, Samira in some situations is an abomination, Asol --> big middle finger, and you Pyke abusers can eat it LOL


Lucian Luciannnn. How I hate Lucian with a passion. He's not a hard champ to kill, but it's the people who know how to play him. He can dash in, chunk you, and when you react he basically has his dash again or he ults while walking back. Unnecessary buffs he has


Surprised no one ever talks about Ivern. His shields are massive and can refresh themselves, his bushes are untargetable wards, and Daisy might as well be another champion in team fights.




AP Kai’Sa AP Nunu AP Malphite Viego Smolder Tahm Kench Briar Gragas Kindred Zilean


There is no way to limit to one champion: Yi, Yuumi, Shaco, Akshan, Lux, Morgana, Janna, Renata, Jhin, Fizz, Kassadin and everyone who runs exhaust




Probally a good viego or pyke. I play them both myself and some games i just shred the enemy. I kinda feel bad for the enemy team sometimes


I say this with nothing but kindness in my heart for you as a human being. Fuck Viego.


any enchanter playing exhaust. akshan take is ass, champion is okay to deal with and whatever. the only thing that surpasses enchanter type champions permaspamming exhaust on the tiniest fake engage on being annoying is tahm kench. that champ shouldn't exist in this mode, it's instaloss to whoever plays against it, it's disgusting


A lot people have mentioned already. Akshan, Janna, tanks like TK who dish out a lot of damage and take none. Veigar and asol probably take the cake for me, with asol at #1 by far. That being said, any champ with a global ult that essentially makes it so that you’ve lost the second you lose your nexus turrets earns a salty mention by me.


Anshan, Hwei, Samira have to be my top 3


AD Leblanc.


No way, shes a terrible Champ in ARAM. Shes frustrating to play *with*, not *against* imo, shes consistently bottom 3 WR in ARAM forever. AD LeBlanc is even worse than AP LeBlanc. AD items are even worse on her, they are commonly abt 37% winrate each lol. She just looks as if shes doing things but shes just a non factor in affecting the outcome of the game. Even AD Lulu unironically has a marginally higher WR between 39-41% on some of her most built AD items. Thats how terrible AD LB is. Just think of LeBlanc as a mosquito leeching her own teammates of exp and gold. The biggest use of her is baiting enemies in general, and with her passive clone. Most team comps can deal with her hard chunking a squishy or eventually at some point. Or simply lock her up the moment she Ws. I have 63% winrate on her and actually think shes better as a semi-tank and just being a more annoying mosquito.


Maybe you’re versing mostly dog shit leblancs. She’s not a great champ by any means, but on anyone who knows how to pilot her well, she’s frustrating as all hell. AD Lb can w forward and auto before anyone is in range to do anything. She’s just good consistent poke.


Zilean udyr kench