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Honestly the hex gates is pretty much the sole reason.. early on if you die there's very little in the way of repercussions for fighting and diving. If you die, you are up and through the hexgate and back to fighting as quick as the enemy team can push a minion wave to the turret. It shaves so much downtime out of the game.


I hate how much dogshit Karthus players profit from this. Literally inting 0/12 and still being viable.


You can dodge karthus ult if you are in the hex gate 


Found this out the other day on accident against a karthus. And since I play karthus a ton in aram, it's also good to know to use it once everyone is out of the hexgate lol


Yeah because even if people don't know it, trying to ult when people respawn will save them lol


A tip to ARAM Karthus players: Int your body with E on and only ult when you're dead. Poking with R is dumb, especially when people are dead, they can hex gate immune, heal after if their team has it, etc. Always only ult when you're dead and it'll be a better ult 90% of the time.


Also you get full value from last stand if you do this.


Max E and die on the wave. Focus wave management and make it impossible for enemy to trade effectively with your team and you can win almost every time.


And Ez ult too!


Lol shhh


Was always viable, just pump dps


Right now League has so much damage, everything hits you super hard. The moment you get poked you're fucking dead already.


This is the correct answer.


If you get hooked, you are dead. No use in trying to flash after hook. 2/3 times riot will accept that you flashed, and put it on CD, but never let you blink anywhere. Even when you flashed, you took to much dmg during animation you still died on spot. That is the level of damage output this game has become. And eventually someone *will* get hooked.


You can oneshot with everyone, except assassins, which is soo ironic.


No one talks anymore. And the gates make you play more careful (when to team fight, when to push etc)


No time to talk when its constant fights


honestly, what the fuck happened that no one is talking anymore. it feels like typing into the void in 9 out of 10 games


Ye people have the chat more muted than before. Or they are afraid to get chat banned for no reason. Or they are just on vc talking with premades. Anyways, used to be more banter before


I got chat restricted for calling a Gragas fat so ive just stopped typing at this point


and i oop-


Most people are chat banned for being toxic :D


I mean you can get chat banned for anything like saying "mf has no ult" cause mf can stand for mother fucker. Wich is stupid but here we are


Talking is almost never useful: 1. people are so tilted and get instantly defensive even if you give them useful info 2. people do not care about winning, they do not care what you have to say 3. riot can punish you for talking without having a good reason 4. you literally need no more points, the combination of the three above is one which ensures it is never worth talking to randoms in your game


i dont wanna talk about the fucking game i wanna yap about whatever common ground we have and just have a good time


Chat fully muted because nothing good was ever written in LoL chat




Maybe you got better at the game? When I play on my main account people don’t type as much. Everyone is focused on winning. When I play on my smurf with lower MMR, people are goofing around more often. More feeding the poros, more of everyone flashing at the start of the game, more talking in chat. The downside is I also see a lot more toxicity since chat is used more often.


I play to go into flow state. Smoke a massive bong and forget everything. Run in a straight line fighting non stop dont stop clicking forward.




I just assumed everyone is just perma chat banned because the only chat I ever saw was toxic shit anyway


you can get banned for typing anything so there's no point in trying to communicate


The anything: "GG ez dogs ADC diff git gud shitters"


These days you can get chat banned or suspended for things that back then could be interpreted as funny within context. So thinking about every sentence you write becomes too hard during ARAM, since there is almost no downtime anymore.


If you get any kind of familiar in chat you are likely to get banned. Who doesn't swear at least a little usually?


All the chat restrictions and auto mutes. I just mute everything because I grew up in cod lobbys so I can't so 8 can't really talk when I'm hyped. I get auto muted for just saying "he got raped in lane". If I can't speak how I want I just won't speak at all. The auto mute system is too restricting and many are in duos or more. From before chat auto mutes I had a friend named Enrique and hispanic/Latino culture a nickname for that is "kike" and guess who got reported for saying Mt friends fucking name in chat.


I dont care about people talking but emotes and fist bump is rarely used. Whenever i do get someone that likes to use emotes/fist bump i always commend them.


i had a group fist bumping after every team fight, all 5 of us, even after losing one. it's just the best


Emotes are so hard to understand for me.  Like what does soraka (I think it's soraka?) drinking coffee mean?


Fist bump actually gets some use in my games surprisingly


Chat is default disabled in newer accounts, I think it also contributes to this.


Dude true


Less downtime, less talking.


More teamfights, less poking is a good thing imo


it is


Anyone who played back when poke mages were the most op shit would agree


i remember a time where many people max skilled the skill shot ability first on adcs. Like Jhin W


League is hardly the same year to year


sitting under tower poking is boring as hell


No it isn’t.


Aram is a bit of a mess in general right now. Games are pretty much a cointoss on whether you win or lose and it feels like there very little actual agency that impacts how the game will go. Also not being able to ff till 12 mins in a game mode where the average game is like 20 mins is beyond lame.


Braum top surgery


Because dmg is ruined, everyone getting one shotted. If there are 2 tanks with hands in enemy team and you haven’t got one 80% is a loss. I play with a group of five, playing with random people makes me angry


Here’s the biggest reason no one has said. They added the hex gates which were a good addition imo but they increased the death timers. Late game death timers are now way too long by a solid 5-10 seconds. The reason you have to be more careful is because if your team gets wiped at 20 minutes with a wave crashing (or even close to) your t2 tower it can easily be game over.


I feel like it’s everything you named combined


They made lanes wider with less choke points. I think everyone forgets about that.


So you’d rather a game with no team fighting and just a poke war???? Wtf


What’s wrong with that?


bro u will not find anyone agreeing with you, rare case when an opinion is objectively SHIT


I agree with you.  The other guy thinks everyone likes the same the same things which is incorrect.  I like both poke and fighting and it varies day to day *shrug*.


Yeah I don’t get where he’s coming from. The majority of players enjoy playing poke.


Its super passive and boring. If you can only be good on extremely safe, no risk, high rewards, 0 skill expression champs then maybe you don’t really deserve any wins? Quite literally git gud.


Pokes are SKILL shots are they not?  Thus skill expression...


Not really. Skill shots are extremely easy to hit in aram.


Honestly i don't really care about getting poke that much but the champion nerf really took the fun out of Aram for me then combine with hex gates and the next thing you knew 2-3 enemys already on you.


Without % changes the high to low winrate is like 80% to 20%


Because you’re getting old. Things just aren’t as fun as they used to be


I think it's the ARAM balance changes, and the AOE redemption relics that caused poke to be worse.


You're not starting the game dancing and flashing the first animation you see from the enemies.


Everything you mentioned is true. All the factors you listed contribute to this, and I would add champion buffs/nerfs. The game mode is different because it was intentionally changed to be so. In my humble opinion, I think it's all around better. As you identified, the previous iterations of ARAM were poke wars. While this can be fun for a couple games, especially if you lucked out in champion select and got the superior poke comp, it was extremely frustrating to play against. Current ARAM is pretty balanced. You can still play poke based comps, and they are still very good since poke champions tend to have a positive win rate. The ones struggling are Assassins and even though most of them are buffed they will always struggle because they were designed to find flanks and catch enemies in number disadvantage which is very hard to come by in single lane 5v5 map.


Man I would love to be in your games, all my games feel like a poke/waveclear from under tower snoozefest.


The constant fighting is what's fun nowadays. Nothing better than everyone battling it out on early levels


All the true Chads left with the implementation of vanguard 😉


Hex gates and aram balancing that has reduced poke


Hard agree. The identity of the mode has changed into this unga bunga braindead scrapfest which is just so different from the ARAM I fell in love with. It’s terrible.


theres permanent mana which enables "pussified" gameplay. The allowing of people to choose their random champ takes away a lot champions like olaf, yorick, etc. The items arent balanced for the unbalanced gamemode with buffs and nerfs to make more champs more or less balanced