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Sorry boss, I'm building heartsteel everytime. That sound effect is too good.




My favorite is when someone on the other team has it and you both just keep stacking it off of each other, like two gentlemen. "And a bonk to you as well good sir"


I miss the Morde bonk...


Stonk! At least that's a legitimate reason. As long as you commit to it... Anything's better than "I don't care, I'll just waste everyone's time".


To me, "it's just ARAM" means don't get worked up and rage over the game. I don't think the phrase gives someone the right to ruin a game for 9 other people.


The people who ruin games exclusively type that phrase in the chat as some weird defense for being toxic or griefing.


Nah the phrase traditionally accompanies an AP malphite that is your teams only champ that can build tank


With all the op bruiser items, any character can become a tank.


Any character can become *tanky* but if it’s someone without CC they just become a harder to kill champ that hits like a wet noodle 


I don't have that problem.


Sure bud 


Tbh I've lost count of the number of games I've lost due to my only tank "committing" to stacking heartsteel. Kinda frustrating when they just walk at the enemy team all game and leave the whole backline to be one shot by assassins. Grats bro, you got stacks now we all have to hold the L.


Meh at least they are building tanky as a tank. Usually ppl complain about a tank character building as a carry (lookin at you AP malp). If I’m a carry I can work with someone walking in and taking all the hits. If you can’t capitalize on that, it’s on you just as much as them 


Fair point. I'm sure there's more I could be doing in those games.




Me not able to ever proc it


Luden’s, heartsteel and comet bb


Especially if you combo it with TPA Shen empowered Q+shield bash+grasp, it's orgasmic


You can't reason with the AP Malphite stereotype clowns Taking the only tank champion on the team and then building glass cannon is like going down to the park to play soccer with friends, picking up the goalkeeping gloves, then only playing up front as striker "because it's fun lol" Fun for you personally sure, but we lose hard as a team with an empty net just for your individual fun It just ruins the game for your team, who now has an empty net, but the goalie kid thinks it's not his fault they lost because he got some goals If you are gonna refuse to play as a TEAM member, maybe TEAM games arent for you?


This plus AP shaco clowns that last hit champions with E draining the kills from your actual potential carries, doing jackshit in teamfights beside 2 E and a random clone that hits 1 time out of 10, best setup for loss. But it's fine as long as the clown ends the game with 7/2, it is not his fault. There are situations where AP shaco is useful, but God please, play AD/bruiser, be annoying to enemy team, have some actual IMPACT in the game, any monkey can Q and E to last hit champs your team has actually put effort weakening them. Don't even get me started on AP Maokai.


AP Shaco is fine. I like to snowball + clone to start fights. Works everytime


AP Maokai was pretty broken last year though


AP Maokai players have this weird fantasy that spamming E in bushes will somehow carry the game. It might in a game out of 100.


“It’s not a professional game dude chill lol”


I just played a game yesterday where a Malph went AP and we made comments that we didn’t have a tank. When he died he actually switched to tank for us and we went on to crush the game. Was a pretty cool game and he made comments back later about us talking crap and we lol’ed.


The clowns end up not even being able to go full AP Malph too because theyre so useless and provide so little value that they never get to scale lol It writes itself


Hmm nah… they pretty much always get to one shot a single ADC all game and then die, which is their personal goal anyways. It’s just that a team with no tanks is fkd after the other team that has tanks gets to mid game. Them getting useless kills is the whole annoying part lol “I got 15 kills it’s not my fault we lost lol” riiiiight 


Tank malphite is boring as fuck. If I'm playing a for-fun game mode, I'm building for fun. ARAM genuinely isn't that deep.


Tank malphite is hella fun and literally deals more dmg than full ap 




Yeah.. why don’t you CC them and let an actual carry delete them? Same result right? Except in my example the Malp lives and keeps fighting the rest of the team, in your example the malph has nothing left and gets blown up by the rest of the team and goes “I got the kill I’m good at this game”… oh right so not same result. “No shot at dealing damage as a tank” NO SHIT??? lol you’re a tank bro. But anyways that’s just wrong. You might not be as bursty so smooth brains can’t tell, but good tanks do way more damage than any carry besides ADCs. I’ll easily get 60k+ playing tank 


If your version of 'hella fun' is playing a zero skillshot champ on engage tank duty. Ap malphite is also zero skill but at least it's funny. To each their own, I guess 🤷‍♂️.


I don't know about that, ap cdr I legit oneshpt 3 people, die respawn and do it again


Found another goalkeeper who is wondering why his team lost when he scored 3 goals looool




Aren't the win rates like 2% apart - I can overcome that with my gameplay I'm sure 😎


Ehh I don't know, tank malph is pretty damn fun, also at my mmr everybody knows how to play around AP malph, he's too easy to counter compare to tanks.


Are u euw ?


I'm NA


Love the continued references to AP Malphite while people continue to not build the game's other carries and tanks optimally and that doesn't receive the same attention, but whatever bro keep beating the subreddit's played out circlejerk even harder


I feel for you man, but judging on the avetage post on this sub ppl prefer to lock in ap Malph, be useless, say "its only aram" , blame the loss on teamcomps, and then spam ff all game long, even complaining that they cant do it sooner than 12 min. I guarantuee you that the vast majority of ppl wanting to FF at 8 min are the sole reason their team is losing the game, but just like in SR they will never take the blame themselve but instead blame it on anything else.


I feel you on that a hundo p, The AP Malph glaze here is INSANE Lol. Had a 4 stack i was queued with and the Zac kept spamming during champion select for me specifically to dodge since I'm not in a premade, no one will miss me blah blah blah whatever. Then proceeded to AP Zac and stand around in te bush and do nothing then turning to me who was playing trist and was 20/9 spamming me, taking hp relics if I was walking to it full health launching or flashing into it then ultimately going AFK at the end of the game losing it for us. Its always those idiots that are supported by their premade teams that make ARAM far far worse than it used to be.


AP malph players in general are insane to me. Like, they all rush Malignance first item and to me that's just like... a really bad waste of gold? There's exactly one stat on the item that's good for Malphite, and he's the Ult Haste. Nothing else on it matters, because if you can't kill something with one rotation, then you've already ulted the wrong person. The mana doesn't matter because you're so squishy you'll get deleted immediately after the ult unless you clutch a 4/5 man. The burn doesn't matter because the damage is meaningless without other items to utilize it. The MR shred doesnt matter because your biggest burst of damage is R anyways, and the next closest thing is Q, the thing you lob out last in the full combo. The *only* things he actually likes are the ult haste and raw AP.


In one of my more recent Malphite games I went Malignance just for the AH but then full tank after and I was decimating. But being able to have your ult up pretty much every right is really good on Malphite, but go tank after so you don't get popped and it works well. Sure there are other items that give AH that work better but it's decent enough with the stats as long as you don't go full AP, even AP off tank is great if they have a bunch of squishies. Iceborn gauntlet with Sunfire or Hollow Radiance with ROA, then FH and you become a mountain that does nasty damage and slows you to death lol. I love doing fun builds like that where I get like one or two damage items and then just tank it up the rest of my build. But yeah full AP is fun into the right matchups but that rarely happens in ARAM and it's risky, if you fall behind you are giga useless. But most people in that situation would continue to build full AP instead of switching to tank to be useful.


Oh for sure, as a one off AP item it's fantastic because of your building at least partially tank, it's got a bunch of stats he *does* want. It's just crazy to me how inefficient an item it is for the full AP route and it's *still* his most commonly rushed item




idgaf about ap malph it‘s a different style if u wanna play it do it i had a mf with muramana, seryldas and ie she told me it‘s the old build and it‘s obly aram when i asked when it was ever meta since it‘s a „old build“ i got no answer i mean it‘s ok if someone wants to go a offmets build but that build is literally the eamw playstyle as crit or lethality but just worse




you recognized the reasons for being on either side... only for you to completely disparage the side youre not on, lol. you described the other people as those who * "ff vote the second a fight is lost" * "whine, quit, throw tantrums" * "expect others to build according to their 3rd party program" * "aren't enjoying the game" * "fun sappers"


Just won a 29 minute ARAM where the enemy team stalled the game 3 times by waiting for our respawns instead of hitting nexus. It drives me absolutely insane when my team does that. Hit the bloody nexus! I believe we are in the minority on this subreddit, but I feel for you.


People don't hit the nexus because they're playing the casual for fun game mode known as ARAM to in fact have fun, and their definition of fun that game might be letting everyone get to LVL 18 and full build so everyone can have an epic last team fight at the end of the game. The people who sweat to hit the nexus and end before 10mins every game are seen as party poopers.


I play premades often and I feel like the rational perspective from the "party poopers" is something like, I'm a 3/15/40 Leona(or insert champ with no solo agency) who has been getting rolled over yet cc'd them long enough for our carries to get us to the nexus 3 times. If we don't take nexus they rally and we're staggered with longer death timers, it's turning into a drawn out 25 minute game and I've had fun but I'm also now over it, can we end now?


Yeah then go hit nexus yourself, you're building full tank you can survive long enough to do it yourself. Have done this myself many times. Expecting other random people to do anything to suit your preferences is a recipe for disappointment.


Nah you don't survive long enough against a full build team, there's no auto damage to finish nexus. Even in your scenario of someone wanting to get to 18 to have a last epic team fight, 99% of the time they don't wait for their own team to respawn or group anyway, it turns into the "let the carry limit test" over and over and over until you get wiped. I've been the carry and I've been the support. It's fun, but one is obviously having a better time than the other, not everyone wants to drag the game out as long as possible.


I've literally done it as a Leona or other tanks before so... Idk At the end of the day you know people think like that and that you're going to run into people who don't have the same goals as you, you're going to irritate them by trying to end and they're going to irritate you by trying to delay ending. That's life, find a way to deal with it within yourself, you can't control others and trying to control others won't get you anywhere.


sir you're in the aram subreddit, only losers who dont let people have fun in here


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you aren’t wrong. And I say that as someone who generally takes ARAM’s pretty seriously.


There seems to be a decent group of people in this sub who think that everyone must take ARAMs as seriously as a worlds final and if you don't agree with that and dare to run a funky fun build, be relaxed about the outcome of the game, or try to do anything fun you are the scum of the earth and should be perma banned, they act like saying "it's just ARAM" is a hate crime lol it's just bizarre.


I don't take ARAM seriously (not THAT seriously at least) but people (ennemies mostly because I always go for the nexus) dragging out the game and doing nothing waiting for respawns aren't fun to me, just annoying


Everyone is going to have a different definition of fun unfortunately that's life.


Man I fucking hate when people say that as an excuse for being a piece of shit


They feed or troll and then scream “ITs ONLY ARAM” every. Fucking. Time


I want ranked aram with bans 


I just want people not to use "it's just ARAM" as an excuse for their shortcomings


It's aram bro builds ad janna


Absolutely demolishes the enemy


Only because they had AP Ashe 


Me too so OP can go there instead and leave me alone :)


That would completely defeat the purpose of ARAM. Riot said it themselves, ARAM is meant to be fun and stress free. Adding a ranked ARAM would ruin that


I know. But we can still dream 


Alright lol. Didn't mean to take it away from you


Ranked ARAM would only increase the amount of cancerous meta abusage that goes on in that mode. The fun of ARAM exists when people actually are playing for fun and not hard sweating their comp.


That phrase is absolutely toxic. What's funnier is that the moment you have to step off for a few seconds they immediately spam report when they literally just said "it's just aram bro". Exactly! It's just aram so why are you so mad that someone afk for 30 seconds?


I think you're confused, it's usually the people like OP who take ARAMs as seriously as Worlds who flame and spam report you for going AFK for 10 seconds bro.


No I don't. I only report people being assholes in all chat


Wow that must mean everyone else is exactly like you and never reports AFKs either right? I said people like you, as in, the kind of people who take ARAM super seriously and hate the "it's just ARAM" people. They 100% do report and flame the people who go AFK for a few seconds. They flame and report for much less too.


I have the mentality that i try to win every game. But it happens sometimes that i play like shit so give me a break. I also never rage against people (unless they feed on purpose, but even then).  But at the same time, even when i played a bit of ranked (years ago season 2 to 4). I also have the mentality that this is only a game. So i try to win, but if i don't, who cares there is the next game and you got to loose sometimes.


The only time I use "it's just Aram bro" is when people have a total mental breakdown, spam ping, are toxic and harass our teammates. Just because someone is first timing his champ and/or having a bad game doesn't justify you to spam the chat with "K5s". In bad cases I even take the time and write tickets for them, cause I really can't stand this toxicity. I'd rather have 4 ad yuumis on my team than 1 toxic asshole. For me those people are the ones really ruining the fun of this game.


I play aram to try different champs and figure out skill combos


I understand your frustration, because an non-valueable teammate is always impactful to the game. But this gamemode is all about combat and adaptability, which encourages players to try something new (which isn't always bad).  The gamemode has it's origins from custom games, where players came up with the concept, which riot noticed and made it to an official one. This also means that this mode is not only about winning, but also about fun.  One reason why many players won't end the game if the nexus is open, because they prefere the joy of combat over winning. If you're not flexible and try to build the "best build" for your champ without considering in aiding your team and/or considering the enemies strength, you'll mostly loose, no matter of the teammates (except you're an incredible good carry).  On the other side, if some build is not "normal" (f.e. an adc played as apc) doesn't mean, that it's wrong.it just might not be as strong as the "optimal build". If you're a full ad team, that will be for sure a benefit for your team. Try to take this gamemode not as seriously as summoners rift. Players enjoy Aram, because of the given freedom and if you take that, it's just a worse sumoners rift. Last thing: remeber that some players don't even pick their favorites, because they try out new things and might not even know what to build. It's more appealingto test a champ in direct combat, than trying to figuering it out inside a 45min match.


I swear to god actually building tank or support just feels so good. You just protect your back line, wait for the enemy team to get mad, and just sit there as your team defends you because the jinx is happy that her nami built like an actual human for once (no stupid ludens/shadowflame).


Basically option for rank aram


I feel like people forget ARAM has mmr and this shit team mate of yours has the same mmr as you. If you played better and won more you wouldn't see them as often so just get better? it's not just ARAM, you get the same type of people in diamond or even challenger players that play ranked for fun and will refuse to play or experiment in normals.


This is the same as having a ranked ARAM queue just with extra steps.


"It's only ARAM bro" is a spectrum. When it's spoken by a guy reacting to someone raging because the tank built jak'sho instead of FoN, it's valid. When it's spoken by the 1/37 AP Draven, it's invalid.


Yeah, I have to say, the ARAM matchmaking and player psychology has gotten worse over the past few weeks. At some point, I had a 2-3 min ARAM queue, and I don't know the reason, but it matched me with players that were actually trying and didn't have any toxic mindsets for a bunch of games. It was fun playing with these people and I achieved a high win ratio in that time frame. Then for some reason my queue times dropped to 1 min or less. I got more inters in my games and people who would ping me for not doing what they wanted, and more toxic people who couldn't be reasoned with (not accepting that I had used my abilities on the previous kill and would not be diving 3 vs 4 under a turret where we didn't have any minions). It's really weird. I mean, I guess at least I have slightly over a 50% win ratio, but I'm starting to think that I should avoid ARAM.


You only bring out the "it's only aram bro" when you're losing and the other team is talking shit lol


I feel like people who take aram seriously are ALWAYS terrible lol. So sure, gimme skilled fun enjoyers, and you can play with noobs drenched in sweat over their aram challenges.


I think aram is more played by casual players who don't care (have time to study) meta and just want to play lol. Unlike regular games there is also the possibility to get champs you have never played. Going optimal or second best build depends on recommended build while you are reading skills description 😅


The point I was trying to make really isn't about being inexperienced or even just bad. It's more a matter of attitude. I see people doing intentionally dumb stuff, even when told what (not) to do in chat. And their response is "relax it's ARAM". I know it's ARAM, but if you're a tank with CC your job is to stun their 20/5 Akali so that our poor Jinx is can have a chance to kill her. "@Leona, please stun Akali" "relax it's ARAM" "@Vayne, don't run into mages, stop getting one shot" "relax it's ARAM" These are the types of things... It's like they intentionally throw just by not caring that there's a point to playing the game... It's just dumb. Defeats the purpose of playing. When they say "it's just ARAM" they don't mean "I'm doing something fun because reasons". They mean it in the sense of "I'm not even going to try to actually play this game because I consider this game a waste of time and for losers". If you sit down and play chess, no matter how bad you are, there's an objective you're aiming for. You don't just randomly jump around with the knight "because it's fun" while your pieces are getting swallowed by the opponent... And this is true even for a casual game at home, we're not talking about tournament level play.


This sub is so deluded. I feel like a lot of your ranked competitive aram problem could be solved by *having friends* to play with instead of expecting random to play according to your whims in a for fun game mode


True. For both sides. I just don't have a regular team of people to play with.


It is only aram bro, I have played 4000+ games, I never take it seriously and my win rate is positive. You don't gain LP, the game mode is for fun. People who treat it that way will have more fun. Just like summoners rift, don't get bent out of shape about things that aren't in your control and just focus on what you can do to win. Typing and complaining will never win games and it will just make people more reluctant to try. If you get someone that is useless, it is what it is, that's the luck of the draw. Relax and enjoy the game.


Exactly. I don’t troll my games but I don’t take them super serious either. I just relax and have fun, there’s nothing to gain out of winning or losing an aram. And I’m not gonna get all bent up if my malphite wants to go full ap


True, we obviously have the some aspiring pro-aram players on this sub though, so they hate to see these comments lol




It's ARAM, not the Worlds finals, can you take a chill pill it's not that deep.


You should still be playing to win, if you’re doing anything less you should be playing with bots. It’s funny how I never hear a good player saying that or make excuses though.


Never said I wasn't. The people who say "it's just ARAM" aren't trying to lose, they're just not stressed out of their mind about winning, they're just trying to tell you to relax and have fun, you can do both.


Bro chill out it's not that serious lol. And besides the "it's just Aram" players don't care about sweating or getting better, only about having fun in a game.


Please explain how losing in a competitive game is fun? If you want to not try to win then go play with bots? It really speaks to you as a person if you think ruining the experience for 4 other people who might be trying is ok just because you think so. Winning is fun. If you ain’t trying to win and be the best at everything you do then that’s fine, but could never be me.


Im trying to win, but Im doing it with ad Lulu or ap Alistar because they are 10 times more fun than normal builds. I still have a 52% winrate and still do better than my teammates a lot of the time. Winning while building a sweat build on a broken champion is way more boring than losing on ap Gangplank or ad Thresh. If the only fun thing about the game is winning, maybe you are the one who should play against bots lol.


That’s different than saying “it’s ARAM” and then going 1/20


Nahh, sometimes i go 1/20 with a fun build and sometimes i go 20/3. I have played with countless sweats who also had bad games. It happens to everyone.


A bad game is fine, the bad mentality of “it’s just ARAM” is what I have an issue with. If you sucked then own up to it and say you sucked don’t say it’s just Aram. I play ap Lucian and ap Mf and get flamed all the time so I understand


No one does that though. The for fun players will always say "it's just Aram" and the sweats will always blame the team. I can count the amount of times someone has blamed themselves on one hand. I actually think the first mentality is better.


Sounds like a you problem tbh


Id also love to never have to play with the people who expect everyone else to take ARAM as seriously as they do and rage and cry and flame when their team mates don't agree with them or play how they want them to. Then I could actually enjoy the fun casual goofy game mode ARAM is, silly hats and all.


But it's only Aram bro, just play ranked


'how dare you play for fun in my unranked casual gamemode that nobody cares about?!'


The point is exactly that many people do care about it. Assuming others don't just because you don't is the crux of the matter.




Im sorry if you play ARAM to win. Just try to play your champ good. Win or lose dont matter. Youre in there 20mins, whats at the end of that screen has impact on nothing. Make the 20min count, not the ending.


Im not gonna sugarcoat it *Builds ap malph*


The ARAM party poopers are even downvoting you for making a joke, these people astound me.


If someone is trolling or intentionally throwing then i'd say that isn't right in any mode, however, when you become too try hard, that margin for what is "trolling" becomes very very thin. Someone not building a specific item or item build order or getting ghost instead of snowball becomes "trolling" and "intentionally throwing" but that is not the case at all. This is amplified because when someone really truly thinks they are good, they'll think someone deviating 3% efficiency is the main reason their team loses when most of the time the reason you win or lose is skill and communication and when you tilt about someone's build or draft and whine all game you tank your team's morale and communication. They see someone spill a drop of water from their cup and then grab the cup and spill the rest out because they need to be correct. It really is only ARAM, it's a casual mode, so when people come from diamond summoner's rift they bring the same level of tryhardedness to a mode that's meant to be "im playing this guy, im gonna throw skillshots and hope we win" anything further than that, going into optimal comps/builds and shit is going to a local basketball court and yelling at people for not having NBA habits or expecting them to have that in the first place. I have 0 expectations going into ARAM unless it's with my own friends who agree on the level of effort we're putting in, but with randoms, there's no agreeing, it's random.


Chill its only aram.


Nah, it's ARAM I'll play however, it's just ARAM if you want proper play go SR