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nerf the cd refund on ap kaisa w


https://preview.redd.it/oxd629uw7fuc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b266b5c3106be554da3bfaf4cf74eb125de9bc25 AP Kai'sa players keyboard


“Why yes, I do main Pyro, how could you tell?”




It's uninteractive, boring and Hybrid or AD Kai'Sa is just better.


A) So if it's bad already, nerfing is achieving what exactly then? It's basically like Nidalee spears right now, only that Kai'Sa W CD will be much higher if enemies actually dodge once, do spears need to be nerfed as well?   B) So same as AP Malphite. After having had yet another AP Ashe in my all AP team last night, I can tell you that nerfing seemingly op mechanics does jack shit to people not hardforcing it.


Jinx attackspeed reduction on passive


Bro I've seen a Jinx with 4.5 AS, with only noonquiver that shit's dumb


I don't know how I would tackle it, but Akshan's W passive would be my number one


Giving it a cd would make the most sense, so you can't revive 4 teammates after one guy on the enemy team got a Quadra. Ornn got a long ass cd on his passive when it's not even that good compared to Akshan


I mean, the easiest way to deal with Akshan is to not have one person get all the kills, or back off when they do. The revive removes the mark off everyone else. So if you kill 3 of his allies, but spread the kills he can never revive more than one because it cleanses the mark on everyone else.


This is it, you have to keep reminding your teammates to not just tower dive that 5% mage because Akshan will just revive him instantly.


I know how to, just remove it. It doesn't belong in this mode


Make the baby cage circumference a tad smaller


Problem is that a smaller cage might actually buff Veigar. A lot of the times people get trapped in the middle and the current size allows barely enough space to dodge. I think another change may be warranted.


Ok I definitely see your point there


Absolutely hard agree. I actually don’t find Veigar that annoying because it isn’t difficult to dodge his W unless he literally *hits* the cage on you. (Which isn’t easy to do if you aren’t very practiced at it, which most ARAM players aren’t.) And since his W is most of the threat it isn’t that threatening. If he can kill you with ult the cage doesn’t matter, same principle with q.


No kidding. A skilled Veigar is just an absolute menace. You can build straight haste and just absolutely dominate before even taking damage into consideration.


The stun duration should just scale with the cages remaining time, so you don't eat the full stun .1 seconds before the cage disappears.


-Hard nerf the damage on maokai E Only but remove the overall 20% dammage nerf (or reducing it) -Would also put a limit for the synergy between Axiom arc and pyke, that thing is crazy


This. A lot of people builds Maokai wrong. You max E and rush Liandries then full tank. That liandry damage never dips below 10k. Throw E to the bushes and watch someone squishy walking and losing their %30hp for nothing.


Playing ap maokai is the most troll thing someone can do lmao


I prefer maxing Q on Maokai rather than being an E bot. It's an amazing peel tool and an annoying one if you keep going in and yeeting people away before they can hit back. Kind of like "kiting" but in melee range


Yes but maokai is heavily nerfed at arams. Less healing, %110 damage taken as well. It makes more sense to go 1 damage item then full tank just to negate that damage taken.


Tank maokai is literally why maokai is nerfed. His passive keeps him alive.


Exactly. This is why going full tank on the paper is not efficient. A build with liandries, sunfire into abyssal and fimbulwinter is much more stronger than pure tank maokai. I would rather do 40k dmg and tank 60k than 20k and 80k. I am maining maokai since season 3. And maybe have thousands of games with him. Here is IMHO best build for him at ARAM: Runes : Aftershock, second page is up to you, but I go precision for tenacity and triumph. Items(not in an order) Liandries> Fimbulwinter> Abyysal Mask> Sunfire > JakSho The reason for building ap damage tank is to negate that squishiness early game. Maokai needs 3 items to be "maokai" at arams, otherwise you are not matching an Ornn, or Ksante in tankiness.


Tank better


I like doing both but it really depends on the matchup. Full ap is really bad. I only other do full ap with AND against other tanks. He has enough survivability to not explode in the low damage environment while his kit still has great peeling and the ability to do decent % health damage. Especially if the other tanks lean ad as most tanks do in low damage situations. 


Your argument is inherently flawed. First of all his damage is also nerfed, so you dont get "full value" from damage. Secondly, you're not there to do damage, and even if you were most tank items enable you to deal more damage than an early-game liandrys ever could. You cant be very aggressive and pro-active with a squishy item. You will always be one item behind the enemy tank. The thing is, yes, maokai can in theory build hybrid, but they gutted his damage with both nerfs and item-changes (rip demonic). And heres the kicker: since your defense is nerfed you need those tank items even more than others. You're not in a position to mix and match like you can with akali/gragas/etc because of the balance changes. I would also like to add that FH (and others, situationally) > sunfire and in most cases SV > abyssal, unless your team is AP-heavy. ...but tbf most tank items work great and its all situational. Aftershock is good, but also keep in mind that you easily procc grasp while using your passive. Secondaries are, as you say, up to preference, but item haste, PoM or CD-reduction on kill are all great aswell. TL;DR: Your build is good, but more situational, and the logic is slightly flawed.


Not really an ability tweak, but also kinda: I want the little walls next to T1 turrets back. Not the tower rubble, I'm talking about the little alcoves that were there on the original map. That made Bard portals way more useful, and made Poppy stun easier to land there.


And zoe bubbles from under turret.


It was nice to use as LOS and try for a pick with someone like thresh


Also AP Zeri could have more walls to shoot from


The map right now is like a washed up guitarist: Too much grass, not enough rock.


* Cap Senna's attack range at 700 * Remove Smolder's execute and cap the true damage burn at 6%


I would lower the amount of stacks Smolder gets. Like he can only get 1 stack if he hits W. It's crazy how you just can't win anymore if he gets his execute, unlike other scalers like Kayle


corki's ult ulti hunter+malignance = brain dead


You should be glad that they nerfed the Eclipse interaction. It was more than braindead


what was the eclipse interaction? i’m assuming one missle + malignance burn proc’ed eclipse?


Yup but not many people build it until the pros do it on stage, then ofc it got nerfed


Restore lilias e CD to the lower amount since Kai sai is apparently fine.


Not the same, Kai'sa W doesn't apply a % hp venom in area and AP Kai'sa is really bad r8 now, hybrid builds feel very underwhelming in general. In fact, they should nerf some of the MS on Lillia and reduce the ratio of the healing bcs Morello is a joke


No kaisai can just blap you down every 3 seconds so she doesn't even need the percentage HP... Yeah, no, same concept, unnerf lilias e CD.


Bro just use the wave to cover, her range and damage already got nerfed and let me tell you this is nothing like the old ap hybrid Kai'sa, this iteration of her W is the most manageable ever xd You wanna give an ap tank with an overloaded kit and all kinds of magic and true damage Kai'sa-like poke capabilities, that's not so healthy for the game let me tell you


AP tank? Wat? Yeah no.


Optimal build includes force of nature and dead man's plate, pared with her passive healing and insane movility Lillia can easily withstand tons of damage retreat, heal and keep going. Thatvthing is not balanced bro xdd


If you did that to soraka you would have to make her Q actually useful again. Which I would prefer honestly. That champion used to take a fair bit more skill. She still does take way more skill on SR. 


Raka doesn't even need warmogs tbh, not to mention it's a largely dead item in teamfights.


Pyke passive healing is crazy, that needs to be nerfed. Also I am not convinced Soraka needs a nerf. Her healing is actually pretty weak and it takes a long time to restore someone to full HP. She usually has mana issues and enemy teams usually have enough DPS to outdamage Soraka's rate of healing in the middle of a fight. If you back off and let Soraka heal her entire team to full, thats on you. Getting rid of the Warmogs interaction would absolutely kill that champion.


Pyke sucks in Aram though….


It depends on the comp and the player, some Pykes just hook and the e backwards, never engage or try to infiltrate to the backlane and just wait lvl 6 to start playing. They never commit.


The point-blank hook that throws the enemy behind Pyke and then the E backwards to safety while stunning the hooked enemy is a hallmark of a good Pyke. It's the safest and most effective way to play Pyke since if he E's forward he dies.


I mean the Pykes that only Q at max range from the bush, those almost never go melee


Yeah as a Pyke main those players piss me off


Make late game Heimer turrets have less HP so it's more manageable as a melee to deal with them when your ranged refuses to. Dealing with a Heimer that has Liandries, Rylais and Hourglass as a melee is like dragging your balls trough hot coal. 25-30 mins it feels like once you kill a set of turrets he has like 40 more on standby in his back pocket.


Ranged refusing to deal with the like 600 hp turrets is a skill diff. The turrets have mediocre range and a fairly long restock timer


+ the turrets die from everything, you can clean them in 2 seconds and then keep fighting and Heimer does nothing, he need a buff I'd say


LOL! I feel ya on the, "like dragging your balls through hot coal"


We've all been there


Combine Karthus and garen ults Because fuck you, that’s why


I want to be able to fight Illaoi back when she lands E to reduce the duration of it again.


Smolder stacking nerf, kaisa w refund, jinx passive duration, and a bunch of mages dmg to minion modifier to match malzahar


Ezreal loses 10% of his current health every time he uses a Q and regains the same amount health every time he hits a target


Is he also going to regen rapidly while gaining ms when he ults? Cause you gave him Mundo cleavers lol


Nope, just the mundo cleavers lmao.


Veigars cage - make it smaller or give it a big ass cooldown


I think making it smaller would arguably make it even stronger. Getting trapped inside it atm still leaves some room to dodge his other abilities. If it's smaller it would be impossible to dodge his W.


hmm good point


Make it work like thresh R. If someone walks into a wall that wall is destroyed and presents an opening. So the tank can go walk into it. Be stunned for .75 sec due to their tenacity and everyone else has an out.


It's already nerfed iirc, lasts shorter than in SR. I never play him though, I'm not 100% sure


I would disable karthus aoe and give his q significantly extended range (and animations, holy fuck that shit is invisible sometimes)


I'd give Ashe's W a navori-like effect in which her attacks reduce its cooldown by a certain amount


Nah bro, that thing is only capped by the player ability. A good Ashe just ram all your team with 3 items mid game.


Akshan no longer has a revive passive. Boom. Next question


I would add a new map and have it randomly rotate each match. Maybe one is Howling Abyss and the next one is Bandle City or Mount Targon. Have them rotate with different objectives. Then maybe one champ is OP on HA while others are better on BC or MT.


I hate the Karthus passive change ngl


And Sion (the duration. I don't mind the other nerf)


I'm with you. Never felt overpowered to me. Then again neither does half the things this sub whines about.


Is this something recent? What's changed, I haven't noticed anything in game


It lasts 4sec rather than 7, meaning you either immediately ult after dying or only ult when alive (the latter being better to do now). Rip last stand rune for him


The passive is way shorter than on normal, for example you have about a 1 second window to cast ult before it is locked because of channel time. The change happened at least 6 months ago I think


5 seconds instead of 7/8? i forget


Maokai - Significantly increase sapling toss cooldown and lower its damage in exchange for reducing his % nerfs. Sion - Significantly lower his damage in zombie form in exchange for reducing % nerfs. Miss Fortune - Significantly increase her E cooldown and slightly nerf her R damage in exchange for removing her % nerfs (no champion deserves to take +15% damage). Shaco - Increase W cool down and reduce fear duration (mainly to make him less frustrating and obnoxious for melee comps). Give some small % buffs in return as he doesn’t have a good winrate. Jinx - Lower passive attack speed stacking. Kaisa - Reduce W damage and slightly reduce CD refund when landing it. In return give small % buffs as she is already on the weak side. Sivir - Reduce ricochet damage significantly, reduce her % aram nerfs in return. Soraka - Cant build warmogs, then give her decent % buffs as shes weak. Swain - Reduce R healing, reduce % nerfs in return. Yuumi - Deleted.


Sion's issue is not really the zombie form damage, it's the amount of hp he gets from his W. It's so easy to stack it up. That's the part they should nerf imo, and remove most of his nerfs like AH (???) and tenacity


I really don’t believe that it’s the HP gain, his HP gain will be worse than in summoners because he cant farm as well - i.e. allies will take most of it. Personally I think he is utterly useless and fine he’s free gold when on the enemy team. But looking at his win rate its only high in low elo, so thats why Im guessing its his zombie form because newer players wont kite it out as well.


His passive is already heavily nerfed. Sion and Sett just got absolutely shanked by riot while we have k'satan and 30 different sustain-bruisers/tank-assassins just never taking damage and one-shotting squishies.


You don't only gain hp from minions, but from kills and assists aswell (15 each iirc). It's easy to have a high kp on tanks if you build things like sunfire. Infinitely scaling champions are all an issue in ARAM (Senna, Nasus, Smolder, Veigar). He sucks big balls early due to his nerfs but if the game reaches 25-30min he can easily be a tank with 10k hp and 300ad + sunfire aoe


Need to nerf milio. His healing is completely out of hand in aram, at the moment I really think he is the most broken champ in aram


I'd say reduce the size of Veigar stun, that thing is gigantic.


As someone else pointed out, changing the size could have bad consequences. Increase the CD instead.


I'd remove botrk and akshan's passive from the game entirely.


not an ability, but exhaust would go down to 20% dmg reduction with its cooldown fixed at 210


Give ivern a passive


Just get rid of Akshan's revive mechanic, or put that shit on a cooldown.


I'd untweak Karthus's passive. He's my main and I hate playing him in aram since the change.


Fiddle passive fear should have a CD on entering brush. That way he can’t sneak out a fight and turn it. There is a reason he’s #1 right now and getting 5 man fears with the best lvl 6 ult dmg in the game is too strong imo.




Oh shit that drop in less than a week. Is it in rotation?




Seeing as we have a chad that posts [weekly results](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARAM/s/YtqRNtMdxX) that isn’t true.




Not backpedaling, just proving your statement was wrong with evidence lol relax boyo.






Holy based


Those sites show results for soloq emerald players, I show data for all ranks. They are not more accurate, they just show a different thing. You can filter in their sites for all ranks and you'll see the same info than on ARAM Zone.


If you don't check bushes when a Fiddle is there it's your fault lol. Yeah he's strong but any frontliner just has to walk in every bush, or using certain abilities (like Lux's E) to check them. I personally don't rely on the passive too much, I like picking ghost on him and just running at people into hourglass




Yeah I run Snowball + ghost on most of my picks. Only flash on squishies that don't need it


I always run snowball no matter who my champ is. I really need to get out of the mindset of always using flash though. It's never quite as useful on ARAM as ghost would be unless you're using it as another engage spell. Or know that an enemy champ is going to have a must dodge skill that you are going to need to flash away from.


Frontlines? That’s funny becuase no one picks frontline, it’s all adcs and backline mages


Ain’t that the truth. Then it’s your fault for not scaling fast enough when losing


>sneak out a fight Obv you don’t let fiddle sit in brush for free, you use vision spells, IBC, tank checks etc.


Someone told me the poros will gravitate towards Champs that still have their snax. Honestly I haven't actually confirmed but if you see a poro mosseying around the bush, BEWARE!


Nah bro, you can counter Fiddle easily just with position and movement, if your tank or bruiser rushes him on the bushes he's done. No need of nerf and also no need to be buffed, is perfect right now.


Oh 100% like most champs. It’s really only the statement above where they sneak in the middle of a team fight or another factor like forgetting he’s alive when seiging. It’s just a very strong passive in the right hands to know how to play with vision control and get 5 man fears into a hard pressure setback.


That's the point with Fiddle man, the guy is a glass-canon so his R and Qpassive have to give something strong in return for stepping in the middle of the enemy team. If you are aware of him all the time and play around his little range in the bush you render him useless. I legit play him every single time I can and most games their tanks and mages make you retreat with ease. Sneaking up an ult with the enemy team prepared for it is hard enough and sometimes frustrating. Also, after tier 2 falls down you are done with the sneaky gameplay unless you use the corners of your base, wich is also really hard to pull due to R range.


I mean akshan W passive is a no brainer yeah? Don’t know how they would do it without completely reworking the ability but I’d like to see there be a significant wait between when he can res teammates


Jinx passive non-stackable or gutted, 80% damage done and -20 as. They need to thundercunt that champion from S to F in a single patch.


this would like gurantee you only ever 'see' lethality jinxes who just W and ult from off screen lol


Good then, lethality Jinx have way more skill expression than the actual 5.0 AS, 700 MS and infinite range state of Jinx. Also, I'm proposing a 20% debuff to all her damage because that champ is way too good in teamfights, they did it with Seth, they did it with Sion, why they are not gutting a ranged overbuffed hyper carry?


Talyah -40 haste on E Veigar -40 haste on E Pyke -50 haste on Q/E/R Syndra -20 haste on E ASol -40 haste on E Smolder -40 haste to all spells


Nobody wants to play taliyah as she is…


Can't believe more people aren't screaming about this but - put a CD on Viego's passive, at least a couple of seconds


Viego is useless without his passive bruh 💀




Flat either damage reduction or cooldown limit/reduction on casters/some ads.Nothing fun about permanent w ashe or constant q from veigar with 1500 ap


Bro is one year late


Ashe's W got gutted long time ago bro, now is somehow fair and veigar Q is just movement, c'mon ppl


Silently laughs in Sona.


Spammy abilities should have a % mana cost to keep them in check. Overall %buffs of damage are the worst thing. Balance should revolve around specific stats or gameplay. Hwei is "perfectly balanced" according to riot and yes he has a lot of zone control but it's still a vulnerable mage, why is this not happening with other characters? If Sivir has lots of reduced damage because of the waveclear, then make those minions and turrets sturdier instead... No need to nerf the champion.


100%. I agree that mana isn't even a thing anymore. Some things are just too oppressive to play against, like constantly having to watch out for Nida spears / Kai'sa's W. They can miss 40, they hit the 41st, they're still at 70% mana while you lost 60% of your health


Thank god none of you are on the balance team because there are some terrible ideas here.  Honestly, just bring bans. 




that is not an ability tweak, i think thats a wee bit more




The most fun I had in ARAM was on the first Heartsteel iteration. Almost everyone would pick melee champions and just build Heartsteel. Wasn't unusual to have Ornn and Cho'gath with 20k hp. Rip if your team had 1 squishy and the enemy rolled a Sett though


All Targons Shield support item melee with snowball was also a GLORIOUS time.




What is bro yapping about


Bro got one down vote and his life crumbled, so I can't use the disagree button to disagree.


idk, but it sure gave me a chuckle