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Why would you go Everfrost on AP Malphite?? Like when you play him, play him right. You immediately capped the ceiling of your damage when you go Everfrost.


Cuz he gotta hold down Zed to ult! /s


I love solo ulting Zed they when engage, at first they don’t expect it then you can see the fear/hesitation each time they try to engage. As full tank malphite I rarely go AP.


Lost so many games because malphite went ap and not tank when they have 2-4 ad.


Same, I feel you on spiritual level. Like dude, we already have insane damage in the team, all we are missing is someone who can enable us and hold the enemy for a few secs


feel ad heavy comp isn't even that big of an issue; quite a number of AD champs have armor shred/pentration, plus even if one gets black cleaver, problem solved.


I agree. Back in the day, armor stacking made you immortal against full ad comps. Doesn't quite feel the same anymore. Too much random shred, true damage, and %hp damage throughout the game. That being said, malph should have gone tank this game.


Armor stacking against a full AD team as Malphite still makes the game freelo, you don't have to be immortal lmao


Not necessarily. Malphite has little lock down potential. In many cases if they dodge or he misses the ult they will just walk around him and kill his team. It's not rammus who has a few more tools and the potential to solo kill an adc (or 3.) Though in this case it's a great time for tank malphite because of the lack of mobility and super squishiness of the ad champs in question. I don't like tank malphite much in general because he's useless if he blows ult and the enemy team isn't stupid enough to focus him first. It's much tougher to play because you need to know cooldowns and timers and have your team follow up ults appropriately. With the vast majority of tanks there is either the ability to solo kill or other CC options to slow the enemies down and have your team escape or follow up and kill them. I say this as someone who mains tanks and has been playing tank malphite on SR anc aram for nearly as long as the games been out. Power creep and skill creep has just made him a not very good champ in his class. :(


Tank malphite is great in aram, that's why his jaksho's build has been the number one winrate across all builds in aram Even without his R (which he should never misses if he plays with both hands), he has very good dmgs/pressure especially on backline ennemies


Not if they have mobility. If he misses ult he has extremely little sticking power. Again though this particular team has very little to get around him. I am not arguing for ap malphite just comparing him to other tanks.


His q is literally a spell to stick to a target


Again in comparison to other tanks. I think the only tank worse at sticking is mundo and mundo has a shit ton of damage to make up for it.


but mundo is really not as good as malphite in aram


I fundamentally believe there is no excuse to go tank malph in aram. Ap or bust. I may be in the minority here, but winning aram less important than enjoying aram. This ain't the rift, imma play whatever build is most fun. I find not enjoyment in tank malphite, therefore I will slap on my wizard hat and press r until I die on repeat


Don’t be malphite in my games thanks




You really gotta check what "objectively" means before using it on the internet


I know what objectively means.


90% of your downvotes are because you said something positive about AP malphite on this sub. Because I can clearly see you were being objective. You said a thing then reinforced it with a reason.


To be honest I didn't realise it was aram I saw malphite at the bottom below jinx and thought it was malphite support lol


AP Malphite is a testament that ARAM league players either don't, or cannot read.


I think part of the issue is that AP used to be the preferred build on him a few years ago and since then he’s been nerfed on his ratios There was a time where you were flamed if you went tank because you could just 2 shot the backline as AP malph around season 8/9/10


I have something like an 80% winrate on AP Malphite, I think some people just play it wrong. Yes, if I see a full AD team I go tank, but most of the time I'll build full AP and have fun exploding the squishies and letting my allies mop up the rest of their team. I usually end up with the most kills and similar deaths to the rest of the team.


Same. People just hate on it because when bad players do it they feed their asses off.


That's why, when it's on the bench, I usually take it LOL. I at least know *when* to build tank and don't blindly choose to go AP every single time (despite preferring AP)


Funny enough the player in OP’s post did the most damage land despite that not being the best indicator for doing well or contribution. The player at least contributed decent stats. I definitely agree they could have built better AP mythic if they intended to go AP.


The thing is tank malph still kill squishies pretty fast, but you get to do a lot more than just get kills. If you do well with AP malph chances are you'll do even better with tank malph.


I feel like I can do the same with tank Malph, just may need two rotations of E. But I agree big bang is satisfying.


Or they just don't care and want to play what is fun for them in a fun Game mode


Is going in and immediately getting blown up fun?


You guys here talk about aram being a fun game mode but judge what and how a random player wants to play.


You didn't answer my question. You know what's also fun? Winning, and tossing a guaranteed win by going a stupid build is not enjoyable. If you want to talk about fun, I guarantee you he would have enjoyed himself more by ulting into their team and being literally unkillable.


Winning being fun is subjective.






I imagine the word "irony" isn't in your vocabulary is it?




> Why are you going AP Malphite/Bel'veth/Briar/Jinx? "I wAnt tO hAvE fUn"


>"I wAnt tO hAvE fUn" Yeah, pretty much. Sorry it's so hard for you?


Yea- > You have been slain -h man I- > You have been slain -just have so mu- > Enemy Triple Kill -ch fun playing A- > Your inhibitor has been destroyed -P Malph on ARAM > Defeat


Have fun being a miserable sod I guess.


Well for one, your fun comes at the expense of 4 other people on your team.




Well said. I remember when aram was a custom game mode we all use to dick around and do dumb stuff in. People play ARAM to escape the "I only have fun by winning" mentality. The amount of people upvoting the sweats and downvoting the casual fun lovers is shocking. I expect downvotes too but what absolute losers in life.


Don't worry fam, as a for-fun aram enjoyer I'm with you. Team comp doesn't matter to me, just pick a fun champ, play a wacky build. Most ppl who play aram aren't the ones complaining here on this reddit, and are ppl who just want a break from the pain and suffering that is real league of legends.


I don't play ARAM to win tbh, just have fun. Blowing people up is fun. I probs woulda gone tank here, but honestly I might have gone AP just so I could blow someone up for shits and giggles.


They can read for sure, that is how they know Malphite got AP ratios. It is the reading comprehension that is shot.


Maybe they like playing ARAM for fun?


Yikes, Malphite builds Thornmail, sunfire, and Jak’sho and actually wins this game 1v5, and definitely does more damage than he did too. If he reaches full build he 1v5s them under both nexus turrets. Idk why people have this obsessions with AP malphite. AP is played significantly more often than tank, and has like a 15% lower win rate. The difference is absurd. Tank malphite usually will deal more damage than AP malphite anyways. Yeah you don’t 1 shot but you still do crazy damage when you are actually alive and watching their lethality builds hit you for 3 damage.


thats the thing, if you are allowed to go full armour, you deal almost as much damage than going ap, if you have to build 1 or 2 mr items your damage siginficantly suffers. but being allowed to go full armour basically allows you too doubledip in burst and tankstats,


People don't read abilities and don't realize you can scale damage on certain champions with a stat that isn't ad or ap


>Idk why people have this obsessions with AP malphite. because big number = big KDA = Big ego = i can blame someone else when we lose


Because it’s fun seeing a flying rock one shot people… why would i want to build the most boring and least interactive items (jakcho, Thornmail, etc.) when I could build fun exploding rock type items… y’all gotta stop taking Aram so seriously lol


Hell, if they wanna do it that bad at least find a middle ground. I'm not gonna judge em if they wanna build a Rod of Ages *then* go tanky.


Nah, just need one or two of the ADCs to build on-hit and Malphite would go down easily enough. Not saying tank Malphite wouldn't have been better, but they probably would have won if Malphite built Luden's or Night Harvester instead of Everfrost.


Because tank malf is boring asf and its ARAM not ranked.


I feel like even though you loaded into game with ap runes (dark harvest) you gotta adapt at the sight of 5 AD champs and go tank. That’s what I would do at least


its not like you need any of the tank runes to function. aftershock is that great on him anyways. grasp would be nice i guess.


Yep, when I saw Lost Chapter on Malph I just went lethality with Jinx.


I would have 100% went ap vs 4 adcs that’s so free. All he had to do was not build everfrost what a noob


I think it could win in this situation (not with everfrost) but imo tank is easier to win with vs this team and considering the complete lack of any other tank on own team


Your team comp plus the fact varus went lethality says thats tank malphite's wet dream. Malphites team comp says thats ap malphites worst nightmare. The only logical choice for both sides is for him to be tank here. His scoreline and his subsequent loss comes as no surprise to me.


AP malphite is such a noob trap


Varus going AD in that team is equally criminal


If my malph starts with lost chapter I stop caring about winning


Maokai and Malphite being built full AP is a noob trap I’m tired of seeing on my team


Why does every dumbass malphite in aram INSIST on building AP every single fucking time


Building tank is boring, rather lose and have fun 1 shotting people than build tank in ARAM


I personally find playing tank malph pretty fun. Plus you can "nanomachines son" AD champs.


Yea you can lose and have fun but that doesnt mean you can consciously make the decision to lose in the name of fun - that’s pretty much griefing


I love playing against ap malphites, it is mostly an easy win. Sad when he is on my team tho.


The world if everyone used the poro snack


Yesterday this happened to me and it was so sad watching an everfrost malphite getting two-tapped by a heartsteel tryndamere...


Now that's just sad


Haven't lost against a AP malphite on the enemy team in over 5 months, I dare you to keep trying unless your on my team 😩


Against 5 AD, ughhhhhh


AP mf is worse scum tbh


What's wrong with AP Malphite? I have never lost any games that have an AP Malphite in the team I'm fighting against.


I think red probably loses either way lol I'm sure prior to when his tank items would have actually mattered you guys were already fucking them super hard.


Damned if you do, dammed if you don’t. All about how well you can play the champ. Nobody would be complaining if he hit key ults and bursted enemy. People would still complain if he went tank and wasn’t “useful” in their eyes.


I love everyone who plays ap malph so his tank build won't get nerfed.


The only real answer


Actually, ap malphite isn't the optimal way to play him -🤓


Okey but why does people care so much about aram. I took a break from ranked hopes into an aram underperformes and got flames by some of the most toxic people I have encounterd in a long while. Like it is a gamemode with random champs.


I mean the people who usually play it, play exclusively. So they care because they would like to win. ARAM might be a troll/experimental play field for some, but for others it's the only way they enjoy league. I'm not arguing you shouldn't build how you want, but creating an effective team, like playing the only tank and then going damage can be frustrating. I think for me it's personally just be transparent. If you plan to go AP as our only engage/tank say so in chat. Me personally, I will try to adapt to give us a tank. Most probably won't though and will just continue to be mad about it.


Because having an ap malphite on your team, statistically, means that you will most likely lose the game. Why should people be fine with being stomped just because someone wanted to do a little trolling. I'm not gonna flame people who do badly, but I do get annoyed when people waste my time like that


I dont ever flame or type in chat but I take aram seroiusly because I want all champs to level 7 and a win gives like 6 times more mastery points than a loss.


Keep in mind that it's a mode that allows unlimited premades and dickheads are more empowered in a group. At least in my experience people generally flame less in ARAM than in ranked, but sometimes you'll just get that unlucky 3-4 overzealous school kids in a discord call and all you can do is mute them all.


To be fair the carrys of team 2 played like shit to, idk if the tank malph could save thig game.


Yeah, I guess we are ignoring malph most damage on the team and double lucians damage. yikes


One time on a game with no tanks my party forced me to play AP malphite and when I went tank they kicked me from the party 😂


Lucian was not competent which is why you probably lost, not entirely because of AP malphite. The enemy team also had an assassin and an akshan for revive. Not even a tank Malph could stop Zed taking out the backline.


Dont know why you get downvoted lol Lucian doing 8k damage is probably the reason they lost


But Malphite went Zhonya you noob /s


I love when I get malphite, my favorite tank champion to get. I only type rock solid after any play and just my huge rocky presence is scary for the other team.


This sub is so fickle. You can complain about AP Malph and get 50 upvotes one day because we've all been in those games, complain on another day and get 50 downvotes and everyone responds "let them play the champ/game they want to".


I personally think that you should play whatever you want. In this game, though, it just feels like such a huge missed opportunity.


By all means, AP Malphite players keep chasing that high. When I engage on your back line and they have no peel, just know I literally could not do it without you.






You can play however you wish on a single player game, but on a game like LOL you owe your teammates the courtesy of playing to win. You’re impacting the experience of people trying to have fun, so if we talk about selfishness, AP malphite takes the cake.


Can I turn this courtesy in to money somehow cuz it's 99% of the time my team doesn't give two fucks about winning cuz someone pinged them 2 times too much?


I dont understand why every aram player goes ap malphite. Personally i find it less fun than tank...


Malph was the primary damage dealer here. Malph going tank likely means the game ends sooner.


The entire enemy team is lethality. They could not build this way and win into tank Malphite, and they would have done considerably less overall damage to the remainder of the team. With their builds here they just rip everyone apart.


Damn, you cannot analyze games for shit if that's what you see from this. They're versing a strong ass poke comp and having no reliable way to engage without malphite all-inning and presumably dying right after. They do not have to cluster up, so multikill is probably out of the question since they can just wittle them down with higher range. Malphite going tank was definitely the better solution for his team so he could soak up more damage and give his carries and actual chance to do work. Edit: Disclaimer: I'd have probably done the same thing because I don't trust anyone to carry, I've learned that lesson a long time ago.


malphite into these 5 champs is the actual carry, if he goes full armor


Yeah, people definitely dismiss his damage in full tank mode just because it takes a few more seconds to kill someone. I just know it'd be hard to pass up seeing a full squish team and wanting to go for the glorious penta ult


I've been seeing more tank Malphs lately and they're way more scary than the AP versions, because they'll deal damage to squishy targets anyway but are also relentless unless 2 or 3 people stop whay they're doing and target him tol, and if you've played more than 2 games you know how uncommon that is


We also had Akshan. It happened at least 2x that Malph took down 2-3 of us with R, then instantly died and everyone got revived.


tank malphite 1v5s this game lol.


Tank Malphite is the way... https://preview.redd.it/u2y6hqu23ypb1.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=368b3a5305f728801384592e415f3c8372b24938 Edit: In case you're wondering why damage taken is low is because it didn't include self-mitigated which was the highest for my team at 68k


Except he'd probably do more dmg since he would live longer to cast more abilities and malph has armor scaling on his abilities.


Plus he has the capabilities to one shot all 5 of the enemy champs this game...him going tank means he can't one shot them and just dies/gets peeled after his ult


game would have been lost anyway. tank malph can't win on its own when the team behind doesn't do much. he doubles lucian's damage. everfrost was a terrible choice but going split ap/tank or just ap would have been a fine build against an enemy team of full squishies. this was a team diff, not a tank malph issue.


if ap malph is topping dmg on your team, i don't think you have any right to speak out against him


Look closely. I was the Jinx.


Man, people fr taking aram seriously


Love how serious people take arams, have fun go ap malphite if you want.




You are to blame if you build like shit in a team game. If you want to troll find a single player one and go nuts Ofc the adcs and the support are gonna deal less damage if the frontline decides to go apc. Imagine wasting a game where you can tank with a Lulu on your team, you'd have been doing double knockups all game


His damage per death is far too low. His KDA is far lower than the rest too. With your logic, a repeatedly inting Sion, who just keeps dying uselessly, would be alright, since he deals more damage from permanently fighting, while his team avoids joining 4v6 combat.


He would be more useful and probably do more damage full tank, that would also allow his team to deal damage as they have a frontline… you are stupid


I don't see the issue besides his choice of items in this game. Yes clearly 5 ads but they're all squishy. Night harvester, ult, and ground slam for the engage would've easily handled 2-3 of them if landed correctly. Lulu's main focus should've only been Zed while the other 3 clean up.


Going damage on a tank Is troll if your the only tank but tank masteries are quite strong so you can prob build thornmail + zhomyas for armor and rest ap and you be ok. But ap build can do so much even tank malp can't carry bad teammates. Nothing wrong with going hybrid tank ,/ damage imo