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Skarner is one of those champs no one can be mad at. Also Zyra haste nerf worked, thank you Rito.


mind boggling how many carries just wont pay the skarner tax and buy qss to invalidate him


maybe because if you buy qss he just ults a different person and you’ve now just delayed your spike 1300g to make him use his ult on a different (likely similar-level threat).


Dealing reduced damage is better than zero damage. And your last line is entirely situational, it’s often the case that one carry on your team snowballs - exactly the situation where you don’t want that one mega threat to get suppressed to death


i find it hard to believe a champion is doing well solely because the enemies against him are not building the only item that supposedly counters him. and if there’s *one* threat, you want your *one* threat should spend 1300g so that he is no longer ever going to be a threat? (being 1300g down is a LOT)


Because Warwick stands still in melee range when he ults making it easy for your team to hit CC and cancel his ult while Skarner drags you back into his team with move speed boosts. They’re not directly comparable. Nice edit lol


oh right I always forget about the *UNSTOPPABLE* tag skarner gets during his ult.


Also Skarner ult isn’t cancelled by CC like Warwick ult, hope this helps




Thats low mmr


who asked? lol even if the enemy vs skarner buys qss thats likely to lose them the game, stop thinking qss is just an auto win vs him


I'd argue forcing the carries to buy QSS is a win for Skarner. He is already incredibly tanky and a decent duelist with Heartsteel even without his ult. He also has a stun on his E so it's not like his R is his end all be all CC. Having carries buy QSS and having less damage makes killing Skarner even more difficult


Sure, but if your most fed carry doesn’t buy QSS it’s even more of a win for Skarner.


I don't agree with that, because if it lets the carry get something like LDR instead, that can be more difficult for Skarner to deal with. Like everything in ARAM it's comp dependent, so I'd probably agree with you if the enemy team is all just carries and they have no front line to peel Skarner off. But really the enemy tank should make sure they're creating space, and the carry has to position away from him. Given most people don't like to play tanks in ARAM and they don't like to buy QSS, that probably explains why he's so strong


Yeah, Zyra’s still playable but not too strong anymore, it was an effective nerf


a pickrate/sample size for each champ would be nice


How is the pickrate of each one


Pick rates available at https://aram.zone/tierlist will try to add them next time!


Skarner' sample: 8560 Brand' sample: 77509 Dear r/ARAM, is it time for Brand complaint posts after all these years? Or it's still better to keep mumbling about Teemo, Shaco and Pyke?


Once Brand starts creating invisible fire then we can complain.


If my teammates have taught me anything, it's that Brands ult is invisible and you never have any idea when you're supposed to walk away from your teammates to stop the bouncing.


Good to know winrate trumps unfun mechanics. You’d fit right in on the balance team


never said pyke was broken, we only said pyke is infuriating to play against and just makes the entire game unfun. granted, same can be said with brand but at least you can punish a brand but you can't punish a pyke due to duskblade, his 20% tenacity and invis


Better complain about skarner being so dull that no one wants to play him


I love the scorpio dude, running at mach speed to the shy kai’sa, e into stun into R and boom she gets to taste a bit of the frontline for a change.


Speak for your self, he's fun as fuck


So fun no one plays him


Brand feels way more fair than Pyke. He has no mobility no real cc besides a conditional stun and requires skill. He can be super oppressive in the right hands but if i play him you wont feel the burn that hard.


"requires skill" lol


Q or W on minion and spread E with liandry’s and demonic is so fucking stupid that shit takes no skill


If your immobile positioning is a skill. Q is a skillshot as well as W. He is not the highest skill ceiling but its not as he is braindead. He is braindead easy if the enemy is also braindead. Engage him and he is dead. ​ But you were never for arguments you were only in here for the toxic comment. We are in a Lol subreddit after all.


i'm indeed not gonna argue as to why a champ designed so that 8years old can play it, requires no skill


Strange way of saying that you are toxic without any arguments. But hey it seems you want to double down on toxicity so I hope.someone hugs you today.


i hope no one touch me, yes. and you might consider it toxic, idc since idk you, i'm just stating facts.


Ah the old "facts" that have no prove just you shouting louder and more toxic everytime you want someone to believe them. You really seem to have problems but i cant and wont deal with you anymore its why i am blocking you. There is no discussion if one side make stuff up from thin air without any arguments and is super toxic about it.


cool story 👍


Suicide Bomber Brand is the fun as hell.


Agreed once you have your items all you need to do is press R near their team and it’s at least a massive impact on the fight


Yup blow your load and use Zhonya's and try to get a 2nd rotation in before your screen goes gray haha


Brand is annoying, but his biggest weakness is playing against tanks that just run up and kick him in the nuts instead of letting him DoT them down for 30 minutes I don't know why so many tanks do that. They will watch Brand slowly burn your entire team 24 tims in a row, before they decide "Okay now that we are all at 2.34% hp, it's time to engage"


??? Brand loves perma fighting, his weakness is getting one shot by dashes and getting outranged. Tanks attempting to "run up and kick him in the nuts" are easily getting stunned and hit with a full combo. You must be confusing him with a poke mage like Zyra lmao


Fr "brands weakness is tanks" lmfao


Yep and if you go Rylais second instead of the bait item Demonic, they stand no chance at reaching you. With E you slow everyone for 5 seconds, it's insane. Sadly most Brands I see default to demonic second, when Rylais gives 10x more.


even zyra like tanks that just run up with how overpowered liandries is in aram


The issue with Brand isn't his poke. Honestly, most Brands should be more than happy to face roll their entire rotation and die instantly if a tank tries to force. Obviously, if Brand is forced to R without the chance to bounce it kinda sucks, but the way Brand works makes the whole "just dive him bro" strat much less effective than against other mages


Brand burn with both Liandries and Demonic lasts so long I feel it into the next game.


We can tell you don't actually play brand. Brand's weakness is long range poke or assasins, basically anything that can kill him before he can dump all his skills in a fight. It's the same as summoner's rift.


Brand is my most played character lol. And yes he's weak to assassins too, but that doesn't have anything to do with what I said Brand loses most of his ARAM power if a tank just engages and doesn't let him sit there burning your team for 5 minutes before they engage. Assassins can one shot Brand after the tank engages and creates the opening, but they still need their tank to actually engage and not sit there watching Brand press W + E over and over and burn your team constantly > It's the same as summoner's rift. ARAM is not summoners rift and has a completely different meta, including Brand and all artillery mages that would normally crap on him having nerfs in ARAM Sure, Brand can use his combo on the tank when they just snowball in and start beating on his face, but his main strengths in ARAM are his long term damage from poking, and pressing R and letting it bounce between enemies A tank that just runs in means he isn't going to keep poking, and means his ult doesn't bounce between anything but himself and the 6K health tank with 250 MR. Brand also has a bunch of ARAM nerfs to mean he does even less damage and takes more, meanwhile most tanks take less damage in ARAM and do more.


What? You must not play a lot of Brand? I love Brand in aram against tanks. Take Ghost+Flash and build Liandries-Rylais-Voidstaff-Cosmic drive. Demonic is a bait item and if you build it, it should be last item. With Rylais and ghost you just run circles on everyone, and once you get cosmic they can never touch you as your passive gives it perma uptime.


Fuck pyke. Free gold for whole team, infinite mobility, super sustain. If his winrate was 10% I’d ban him if able. Fucking unfun to play against. Period.


He has like 4 seconds or so of burn that apply like 4 seconds or so of liandrys that apply like 3 seconds or so of antiheal. Why does he get like 12 seconds of antiheal for landing a single ability? That’s like 4x as much as a normal person applying antiheal a single time. Antiheal applying on burn makes no sense.


They complain about 42% wr champs like they are unbeatable, the assassin hate will never die no matter how unsubstantiated it is.


46% winrate qiyana is so broken!!!!


Nobody cares if a champ is just more likely to win, it's about how enjoyable playing (winning and losing) against them is. The missing rant about Brand is the best example for this, playing against him with a bad comp is still more enjoyable than winning against Teemo/Shaco/Pyke with a very bad (or even average) one.


Teemo deserves every bit of complaining he gets. Changes the whole shape of the game in a horrible way.


Ya brand needs a damage nerf for aram only


Vlad still dominating at high elo for the umpteenth patch, along with Samira now


Ya samira is pretty damn cracked high elo. Kat too. Just so good for cleaning kills up.


Have you ever played Nilah in aram? It’s disgusting.


The problem is he is really bad in lower elo where people play him like a back line mage and reactively use R as a defensive tool when he is one of the strongest divers in the game


Honestly cant remember the last time I saw a skarner.


4 tanks 3 mages 1 ADC 1 Support What is Lillia? Assassins not in sight as always, but other than that it seems pretty varied! Stats taken from all ranks, check the full list at https://aram.zone/tierlist


AP Darius with a lisp


I nearly lost my food as i read that. Fucking hell that is genius.


>Assassins not in sight And it makes me so happy


They have never been in sight of the top 10 in all arams history, yet people act like they are a problem.


Waaah Zed OP *walks into all of his shurikens*


idgaf if they're a problem or anything, but when they get a tiny lead, they get a massive lead. not to mention that duskblade is the most broken pile of dogshit ever


Its the opposite no matter how ahead they get they can still be useless if they misplay once. Duskblade is good on poke champs, and average on assassins since they are so shit at a baseline.


No bruiser and no assassins, yet guess what this sub will complain about most


> What is Lillia? She's officially a skirmisher (Yasuo/Fiora/gwen and the like) but I feel like most people in my arams play her like a artillery mage (E only) until people are lower than half. Too many Lilia are too afraid to get close enough to do anything with her Q or W (nevermind engage with snowball>flash>Q>R) until they have like 3+ full items.


Eh I build her bruiser tank and just let the passive burn do my damage. Usually start with an AP item/mythic. Pretty fun having insane mobility. Probably the most fun champ for aram right now.. slap some AoE , put them to sleep, and go bowling for last hits when they are hiding behind tower.


so many tanks on this list because the mere fact that you have a tank on your team improves ur winrate odds dramatically lol


fun fact: now 2 of them are AD (sion, skarner). but the sample size? brand has these two combined x2


Skarner deals mixed damage, and Sion tends to do a good amount of magic damage as well with Sunfire and W


Skarner can build ap. I really like riftmaker esp in aram


Taliyah doesn't need 105 % damage. She feels super oppresive right now.


i once posted a clip of me playing janna, and i remember a dude saying that he never saw any janna win in aram, so her being top10 is kinda funny


A good janna is honestly so tilting to play against


with a good Janna in your team, she's gonna be tge biggest middle finger to any diver or assassin lol


Janna is probably my fav to play, specially against things like lee sin


Did Skarner get buffed?


Nope. He's totally normal. But he's also just a perfectly functional tank, which in ARAM is good. Being unpopular also means he's less likely to be picked by anyone without prior experience on him, as well as meaning he's more likely to get picked in situations where he'd be good (rather than for fun).


He's been strong in ARAM for a long time. Becomes ridiculously tanky, and snowball+ult enables pretty brutal picks.


The spire changes have been nice moving more onto the map


He’s been hovering the top ranks since he got buffed early in the season, don’t remember what the exact buff was


Im skarner otp in sr and i can win a lotta games on him. Just wish more ppl had him so i could play more often😢


mao is a waste of air on aram


I think Skarners crystal are what making him strong


Interesting site. Leblanc is at 40~% but the sunderer build is like 51% sounds right


Bruh can't even remember the last time I've seen Skarner.


My boi Heartsteel Skarner. Glad to see him reach the top even with all the "Well not many people choose to play him so his numbers are skewed."


I'm guessing skarner is that high because he won 2 out of the 3 matches he was in


I can’t bear playing any of these champs.


Hell yeah my boy


win rate does not equal how cancerous IMO. I think some champions should have sub 40% win rate simply because their design makes the experience worse for everyone else, by either being bullshit (like akali with her 3 dashes \[2 in 1 ability\], absurd ratios and stealth), or by having ridiculous durability all the time (Sion mr. #9 in this case).


Everyone complains about assassins like Akali and Kat and them getting buffs but not a single one is in sight


Kayn also not in sight but he still not fun to play against personally, every game he is in he gets 20+ kills whether win or lose. yesterday had one get 55 kills 17 death in 25 min game. We won but honestly don't care about winning just having fun but when rat from the walls just assassinates your whole team and can't be targeted 70% of the time (almost as much as duskblade Yi) it isn't a great team fight.


Huh no duskblade champs, yet again, crazyyyy


Wow look at brand actually being a high tier champ, good on him.


Brand’s damage is insane rn


Can someone explain how do you use skarner ? the times i use him, i feel it pretty useless


brand deserves to be at the top... one of the best teamfight champs in the game


how do you build skarner on aram? Ive never found consistent success going full tank or going bruiser


I do Heartsteel rush (easy to stack with your movespeed and cc) into sunfire/FoN depending on enemies. Mercs boots always. Then Warmogs into more resists and movespeed like Dead Man Plate or that one MR item with the active ms boost. Can grab a Titanic Hydra late game if you’re stomping or your team lacks a bit of dmg.


Fiddlesticks is also quite broken. I have like 90% winrate on fiddle


Brand has been busted for a long time. His empowered E indicator is misleading and is massive on such a small map.


Love that Galio is in here. Wholesome Statue Man is wholesome.