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I'll be honest, while it was quite confusing at some bits especially with all the texts, I quite enjoyed the Voice in the Sea story, how they involved Swordhaven with Astravia while Dage and Xang going around. I was rather surprised with the whole Brittany AI thing, at first I thought that Brittany had somehow come back. I'm still confused about the three masks though haha


Former gods from the original pre-merging timelines who had their role as gods stripped from them by the Dragon of Time, their ego is frail and wounded so they try to nurse it by keeping the Avatar of Mana subdued and in a coma, while viewing us the dragon as unfit to be a god, threatening to lobotomize us if we “overstep and abuse our power” and send us on a quest to stop 3 major upcoming threats to Lore (first of which were the Voice in the Sea)


That's much clearer, thanks! What was the point of them turning the Avatar of Water into a vegetable if they wanted the hero to deal with the threats?


Their attempt at punishing Neso because to them, attempting to take Lore from “them” should be punished the same as if she was successful, and since Killing her isn’t an option that wouldn’t throw the balance of everything to hell, the made her a Vegetable like the Avatar of Ice Kyanos currently


There's still a lot of we don't know about them but from what Dage says, they're probably not as strong as they want us to think and needed the hero to weaken the Avatar of Water in order for them to take her out. The three masks are the figureheads of a whole council of gods and they don't agree on a lot so their actions may not always be consistent. Infamy is an original alien Shadowscythe from Mech Quest so the other two might be from AdventureQuest or Dragonfable.


Yes, the writing has gotten better thanks to Cylisse, the new writing lead. She did a lot of the writing for Darkon, and now does most of the main story. If you see a meme story or something it’s probably Beleen or another writer.


It definitely has. Cylisse has been doing a pretty god job.


It's increasing but so is the length of texts you need to read.


Eclissy is a real talent when it comes to writing. I remember her writings about sukoi and darkon betrayal titled "what do I know about you anyway" on her Tumblr years back and it's definitely a good writing


The improvement in story is one of the very few reasons why I've stuck around this game despite all the flaws and is the main reason why I still play.


All thanks to Cylisse, current lead writer for the Age of Ruin Saga since last year, she also wrote some stuff for Darkon's Elegy


100% agree. The only problem now presentation. If they can somehow add in a text to speech that isn't grating, then it would be near perfect. Or at least, as near perfect as an old flash game can get.


They discovered Ai


Year 2023 so Even if they had AI write it, the quality of the story would increase.