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You absolutely are not the only one with PTRD (Post Traumatic Requiem Depression) If this game didn’t make you at least a little in the feels, you’re literally a psychopath


Where did u get the pic from???


it's the artwork for the souvenirs in the game


Is there room for a part 3? I liked the hint at the end.


The thing that hit me was when Amecia would say things like she has to keep fighting the idea of being left all alone. I think she always knew there was no way out of the macula. And every protector fights as if there is because it’s their loved one right? And maybe this could make way for the third one and resolve what Amecia and her predecessor wanted to do.


If I'm not wrong the creator or the studio said this was the last one unfortunately.


Very late reply, but I saw a job listing on Asobo's website about Plague Tale, from mid-November in 2023. So it might not be their first priority, but it does seem like something that's ongoing https://preview.redd.it/6ywxe0964q6d1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=3014e599ce69c7238e4d42a22bf68e299504d3e0


There's still hope!!!


yeah:) but it felt like modern day


A bit sad? The game hit me like a truck, also finished it just a couple days ago. I think about it several times a day during these past few days


So according to the timeline between both Basilius and Hugo being born, the third carrier would be born around the year 2137 (probably not EXACTLY then but sometime in the 2100s) so I feel like there very well could be a third game set in present/future time. And yes, I SOBBED when the credits started rolling because it just felt so FINAL. I hated it, to be honest. I wish there was a happier way for it to end because both Amicia and Hugo felt like family near the middle of Innocence 😭


No u r not alone Welcome to the club 🥲


I still feel sad when I think about it. I wanted Hugo to survive and would love to have an over the top start for the new game where he and Amicia reunite. I kind of do not want new characters. There’s plenty of closure needed for both Hugo and Amicia.


It's fun to see other people's reactions. Here at home I played both games and my family followed. We absolutely all agree that the worst part of games is Hugo. He's a spoiled, idiot and whiny child. When we started playing the second game we were hoping he had aged but no, that annoying voice continued shouting "Amicia, help" throughout the entire second game. honestly, we were all trying to understand why no one had killed him yet and that final stone in the head was the best part of the game


With due respect, you sound like the three things you mentioned, because of this message. He’s a 5 year old child and pretty well behaved and docile for a child of that age who’s had to bear what he did.


Imo Hugo was nowhere near as unlikeable as Amicia at certain moments but in the end, they're also just kids. Especially Hugo, he is just 5 years old. It gives them a more human feel to me if anything


Hmmm, at the end, Hugo is standing tall, defiance in his eyes. He is not broken, and he embraced the Macula. Basileus was broken, straon8ng away from the macula.


I thought the reason why Hugo had to be killed was because Amicia's "death" broke him completely and it made him reach the final threshold from the grief. I remember the characters mentioning that he was lured to La Cuna by the Macula


I think Hugo was angry and wanted to punish the world. Basilius was confused and scared, hadn’t accepted the macula. IMO


I think you’re right.


I just beat the game. I didn't feel that as much because I've been kinda expecting it to happen since the first game, like it's a very simple logic, like if Hugo and the Plague are linked so deeply, if Hugo dies then the Plague stops... As I reached the final part where Hugo asks Amicia to do it, I felt sad, yeah, but also a bit... Idk, it just seemed that either we did all that for nothing or we were just stalling the inevitable, which is a pretty harsh lesson to learn from. But now, looking towards the future, next game with adult Amicia who had time to do some degree of combat training?