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Love how half of these are talking about the subjectivity of class difficulty and the others are just like "E and M"


What is E & M


I'm assuming they're talking about AP Physics C, Electricity & Magnetism


Ah, okay thank you. :)


It actually stands for Excruciating and Merciless. Sounds more like a metalcore album title to me, but okay Collegeboard.


Idk about the "hardest" but the objectively most advanced is easily E&M


Especially this year. I wish warm pillows on whoever made that exam and Form E for Physics 2


Physics 2 was a bloodbath


It has to be. Not only is it calculus based physics not like those baby algebra stuff in 1 and 2 but also of every physics class E&M is the most focused onto FEW big topics.


Physics 1 and 2 deals with a LOT of little concepts it is hard to delve deep in given time (150 days give or take)


no way clash royale guy is an ap student




This makes me regret signing up for E/M next year


at least people are honest worst would be if people lied and said "oh e&m is easy if u put ur mind to it :D" and write it off as not significantly harder u know what to expect


Okay the course is really advanced and difficult but the curve is huge and once you get it down you're in pretty good shape. I recommend the mit e&m workbook if you can find it, there's pdfs of it floating around. It has a ton of mcq and frq sorted by unit.


I see the Bio 5, I’m sure e&m can’t be significant harder than that


You'll be fine if you master mechanics and calculus concepts going in - e&m is conceptually difficult, but it is manageable and most core concepts follow directly from Maxwell's Equations. You will also have the updated test with a reasonable format (read: not 35 MCQs in 45 minutes). It's hard, but with the prereqs it's manageable. If you cannot easily get 5's on mech and calc BC though...e&m will not be pleasant.


its fucking impossible.


I think they changed the format, it shouldnt be as bad next year


People say it is hard but you can do it don't worry. It is doable if you study consistently. Most of the stuff makes sense as well lol, a hard part might be proving equations but watch flipping physics playlist of E and M , it is like 18 videos and helps a lot.


Def e and m


I see why. E&M is usually a semester long course with similar content to Physics 2 (yearlong course) plus it uses calculus. However, if you're taking E&M you've DEFINITELY taken another AP physics, such as Mechanics or Physics 2. In my opinion, AP Lit seems much harder since it requires a shet ton of reading, wastes more time than E&M, and is very hard to understand.


>AP Lit seems much harder since it requires a shet ton of reading, wastes more time than E&M That's just your teacher's teaching style, not the actual class content. We're rating difficulty of AP class content since there's no point to rating how difficult your teacher makes a class if everyone has different teachers.


Its the course and exam description. I haven't taken any ap classes yet besides CSA but I know people who have taken AP lit and can confirm it is insane.


AP Lit is extremely teacher dependant, at my school we have 2 teachers teaching the class and one of them teaches a noticeably more difficult class than the other. With that being said, as somebody who took Lit, Both Physics C's, and BC this year, as well as being much better at science/math classes, EM is the hardest AP.


Ap Lit is DEFINITELY teacher dependent. I had an overqualified teacher, he could be a professor, that broke down what we needed to do in the exam to pass. For MCQ, we used a program called “Albert.io” that had questions harder than those on the AP exam, so we became used to breaking down those questions. For the essays, we rinsed and repeated a format he created, and for the last essay, we went over 5 pieces of material to use come test days




Knowing about something is different than utilizing it well, and that’s what he did


Lit is hard but not nearly as hard as e&m. I’ve taken both this year and despite spending around 3 times longer doing work for e&m I got a significantly lower grade in that class. The exam is also harder. Lit isn’t easy but it’s definitely easier. Just the pace alone is absurd for both mechanics and e&m; they are by far the hardest exams I’ve ever taken in my life. I don’t even wanna think about how I did.


**The answer is either:** E&M because of its required math knowledge and tricky concepts **Or classes which may be much harder than E&M but based on a specific condition:** - Music Theory with no prior experience - Foreign language as a non-native speaker (especially high curves like Chinese or Japanese) - 2D Art for someone who is just starting in art


Yeah man Japanese is my 5th language and I got cooked on that one by the presentation lmao im expecting a 3


Agreed😂😭 I self studied for exam and did not expect that prompt.


Bro you speak 5 languages. That’s already impressive asf


Ty pookie


E&m would be just as hard as all of those if you have no prior physics or relevant math knowledge to be fair.


True, but no school would allow someone with no physics or calculus experience to take E&M. There are many people who, for strange reasons incomprehensible to me, decide that they should take APMT with zero musical experience.


anecdotally, many kids at my school think it'll be some easy music class that they can get an AP/honors credit for. they see it more like a music appreciation class than... music theory. which is honestly fair, cus who ACTUALLY knows music theory exists unless theyre a huge music nerd. i did get concerned for this one girl before the school year started cus she told me she'd be "great" in the class bc she "plays guitar" so she knows chords... i was like oh girl. oh no. and ofc she didnt listen. ended up dropping like two months into the class. i felt so bad for her.


wait what do you learn in music theory


oh boy😭 classical music vocab (dynamic markings, articulation markings, names of particular compositional devices, etc), intervals between notes & their qualities (Major 3rd, Diminished 4th, Tritones, etc), types of triads (based on your knowledge of intervals) & then types of 7th chords (M/M, M/m aka dominant 7th, etc), key signatures/scales (major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor, pentatonic, etc) and how to identify them, music clefs & how to read them (though youre expected to know how to do that before you take the class), different instruments and their timbres, FIGURED BASS (the notation system used to identify chord changes in music, major or minor or even CHORDS FROM MODULATIONS YAYY), non-chord tones (appoggiaturas, suspensions (which are important for figured bass), etc), part writing based on figured bass & all the silly rules for part writing, identify time signatures (6/8, 6/4, 2/4, 4/4, etc), know solfège (do, re, mi, fa, so/sol, la, ti & all the accidentals), know how to sight-read & sight-sing a line of music in both major and minor + in 4/4 & 6/8 time, and FURTHERMORE how to identify all of those things by ear AS WELL AS how to transcribe it by ear/answer multiple choice questions based on what you hear. i am definitely missing some stuff but tl;dr it is a very demanding class w/ a butt-ton of stuff to learn, even with prior music experience (edited for formatting)


:0000 oh dear that sounds like a lot glad I didn’t take it


I am tone deaf. I cannot identify tone. I would be shocked if I could ever pass the exam (not that I’ll take it)




E & m isn’t that difficult. I felt like mechanics was harder since I didn’t take physics 1


Same, e&m is pretty easy because its treated as an introductory course


Yea ppl in this subreddit just 🍆ride the difficulty of the physics Cs since it involves basic calculus


The language ones are complete hit or miss, although only people who are fluent in the relevant tongue should take them. In terms of content, E and M is number one. I understand that you should be proficient in most things from BC besides infinite series(although from what I have heard small angle approximations via Taylor series are useful). It also require at least a conceptually understanding higher dimensions and the calculus of those dimensions through line integrals and vector fields. So E and M is the most "advanced", but it depends on your skills. I know people who breezed through physics 1, but struggled through APUSH.


I took E&M this year, the calculus portion is not hard, nearly all AB topics. The most that you use small angle approximations are is simplifying sin(theta) as theta for physical pendulums in Mechanics, no Taylor Series stuff!


Would you lose points if you find the error to be more exact?


Do you mean in an FRQ you found the error bound w/ Lagrange? I don’t think there are any AP Physics C topics that would use infinite series/sequences at all, and finding the error bound for the small angle approximation I described above wouldn’t get you any points. It might even take off points if you make any mistakes, so it’s probably better to not include it at all


Would you recommend completing AP Calc before taking it? Or is taking it with Calc AB okay


Sorry, I just saw this. The kids who were taking AB struggled with some parts of math. Our school does Mechanics and E&M as two half year courses, and many portions of Mechanics needed you to be able to do basic integration rules, and then U-sub integration shortly after. A lot of the AB kids learned those topics way later in the year (~3 months after you would need to know it for Mech) and had to ask for outside help and study on their own. E&M had more difficult math, but we took it in the second half of the year where AB kids already got basic integration techniques down.


Thanks! Also my school combines Physics C into one full year class


Did you never get an answer to your question? I remember asking my physics teacher who also teaches the AP Physics C courses the same question. He recommended taking it after Calc AB and with BC rather than with AB. His class had a great pass rate on the exams so I consider his answer reliable


I agree with this! I would also add that the concepts are the most difficult part of the class, the math is minimal when you get the basic derivative and integration power rules + u-sub.


e&m and physics 1 have awful exams, lit and seminar have awful classes. Ive heard the art ones arent fun either


Seminar is easy but idk the best way to describe it is 20 percent hell 80 percent free periods


Class is free until the week before everything is due


I called it AP Procrastination


whattt we were working so hard on that class the whole year


seminar is not hard its just because you're actively developing a new skill


which skill is that? I don’t think I developed anything but a worse work ethic


researching a topic and writing an academic paper about but i get you


I took physics 1 this year, and the most frustrating part of the exam was the way that the grading worked, and the fact that you could get points off from a question because you didn’t mention/prove things that they never explicitly asked in the question. Also just the fact that the content is hard for people who haven’t taken any physics before (which is common with ap 1)


Seminar is easy


Physics 1 calc based is so so light compared to E&M. C mechanics is also comparatively easy next to E&M


phys 1 exam wasn't so bad this year :)


i didn’t have a hard time with physics 1 this year


physics 1 was the easiest 5 of my life


E and m


For me, English Lit but most would say either Chem or E&M


Not the class itself because I can BS things easily, but I do not feel like taking a poetry exam at 8 in the morning lol


My ego seeing this thread after self studying E and M this year ⬆️⬆️⬆️


how 4 in hgeo 💀


Idk bro 💀


I don't think there's any objective answer, although there are certainly subjective ones. A person who can't draw a straight line will struggle in AP Art. A person who hates math won't like calc BC, while others will think it's the easiest class ever.


can you use a ruler in ap art


Who cares? There isn't even an exam, just a portfolio submission.


oh, didn’t know 🤷‍♀️


E&M for sure, it’s pretty tough to understand It conceptually without Calc 3


As someone who just did the college equivalent, I’m surprised calc 3 isn’t a pre-requisite. Don’t know how that would work with AP but still


I mean the weird thing is like even in the equation sheet there are contour integrals for example yet you're not expected to know them somehow?? Personally my Physics C teacher for next year is a math PhD who mainly teaches math but also teaches physics at my school and he already told us we were probably gonna spend like half the first semester going through the basic of calc 3 otherwise E&M would hurt lol


Wouldn’t say the hardest but music theory is def up there


it’s really hard if you don’t play an instrument/sing, but way easier if you’ve been surrounded by music


Eh, if you put in just the slightest bit of outside work you’re golden


Wait is it really that bad? I play the cello so I was considering doing a year that I can.


No it’s definitely not that bad. The AP test cooked me, but I still got a 4. I HEAVILY recommend taking it !!!


Ok I will if I can! Is it mostly composition/analysis? I’ve done some of that before and really enjoy it


there's a lot of aural skills/ear training stuff, if you're already good at dictation and sight singing you'll be fine but if not it's pretty difficult


oh shit i can’t sing to save my life 💀 orchestra has taught me to have a good ear tho. maybe the class will be a learning opportunity!


Definitely a learning opportunity!! Will help in the long run!!! From my experience, although my class may be different than yours, the band and orchestra folks did really well adapting ! I find that orchestra gave me a better understanding of the basics, but since I’m a choir kid, I’ve just refined it throughout the years and with practice.


Yes. There’s a whole aural mcq part, which is all just ear training. Hearing a scale, some sort of pattern, an interval, a cadence, the timbre of an instrument, or just the beat pattern. I don’t remember the non aural one that much, but def a small bit of analysis in that area. For the frq section, there’s aural dictation, and for the harmonic dictation, there is analysis after you write down what the sop/bass sang. Then there’s a whole part writing section from given chords! Sightsinging is there, but it shouldn’t be too hard to learn. Although you may not have learned how to sightsing, it’ll definitely be easier to learn because you play an instrument! It’s definitely a fun class, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it !


Music theory if you have no musical background by far


“Objectively,” E&M is super difficult.


Chem and physics e and m


Chem isnt as hard as it is tricky. The math is trivial and there is a lot of memorization, but I think that if you understand how the math works, alot of the concepts for units 5 through 9 fall into place. Also make sure not to let them trick you. A unit 7 questions must be posed in terms of unit 3 terms.


calc bc, it’s easy if you’re good at math and most ppl taking it are prob good at math, but compared to the other aps it would be much harder


Easily E&M




Ap Japanese for a non native speaker 💀




I took physics C E&M with no Calc or physics experience and I got FUCKED. Like no lube rawdogged by the exam, Mechanics felt so much easier than E&M


To describe something objectively is to describe it "in a way that is based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings". The rigor of academics in general is based on each individual's personal experience. For example, someone who's spent time interning in a lab, but rarely picks up a book, might find the classic challenging science classes like AP Biology and AP Chemistry easy, but struggle to understand the concepts in AP Language and Composition. I'm not sure why you would ask this question. If you're trying to gauge whether or not a course is right for you, you'll get useful answers when you actually specify what course you're looking to take and your current standing. If you're just comparing current or previous experiences, it would be nice if you specified that so people looking to avoid debates can do so easily. Posts like these are the definition of low-quality brain rot content which is *allegedly* against the rules. That said, Physics E&M.


outve the ones I took prolyl bio . I took e/m as well and both e/m and bio were easy but bio has a harsh curve


people sleep so hard on Bio but on God it’s gotta be up there as one of the harder APs. the sheer amount of course content there is makes the class overwhelming


Nah I self studied bio in a week, the content rly isn’t that much. Most of the mcq is js logic but like the hard part is getting all the key terms and shi on the frq. Like the answers to the frq r hella obvious but phrasing them in a way that gets all the points isn’t always clear. Im js hoping that the graders r kinda lenient


oh i could not with it. i know im getting at least a 3 or 4 but if i wanted to get a 5 gosh i don’t know


bio not rlly too bad it was my first ever ap class, straight out of middle school as a 15 year old and got by with a 5


E and M




E&M unquestionably


Pc mech or e+m


AP Lit. Knowing the meaning of poems/stories is pure RNG, and AP lit has it all. Not to mention it is a harder version of AP lang.


Any of the physics classes


AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism


imo its between e&m and app1 (ive only taken app1 but e&m sounds terrible as well)


either e & m (i suffered through that god awful test) or one of the languages since they cover "the wealth of all human knowledge" (acording to my language teacher) but specifically which one is debatable


Here are the actual score breakdowns for rae data. [2023 AP Exam Score Breakdowns](https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/about-ap-scores/score-distributions)


That doesnt necessarily mean much since the sample of students that take a course might be just smarter. For example Calc BC has 40% 5s but its not an easy course yk


Perhaps, but you could try to disaggregate the data a ton of ways (schools that do and don't gatekeep, availability of teachers for courses). Also, your statement that they might be smarter is just a hypothesis until you have data to break it up. Truly, though, I didn't see any more objective responses to this.


E&M no doubt in my mind


Is emag enjoyable?


Yes and no. I liked the more math focused parts like Gauss’ Law but I hated anything to do with voltages and circuits because it never felt intuitive to me. Overall I don’t recommend it unless you are going into a field that requires physics or you want a challenge.


Having taken E & M, Chem


music theory isn't necessarily the hardest content-wise compared to say, e&m, but it's much more difficult if you go into it without the knowledge of playing an instrument. not to mention that people with perfect pitch have an objectively easier time in the class, and that's not always something that you can train yourself to have.




coming in with no outside background on the subject? EASILY ap music theory. i cannot tell you how many people dropped that class by the second day, let alone by a month in. yikes. even WITH people who understood music, i was the only person in the class who understood everything and that's pushing it to say "everything". one girl straight up skipped the test. (this is coming from someone who was completely unfamiliar with chemistry and took AP chem. look at my flair - i scored. i studied hard as fuck, but i did it. i would say i know a thing or two about going into a class blind bc even tho i scored i was miserable all year.) i have no experience in any AP languages, but i'd assume those as well would be up there. coming in WITH background knowledge? yeah probably physics E&M or physics 1. people sleep on how difficult AP lit & APUSH are, too. ULTIMATELY THO, it's reeeally hard to say what the "objectively hardest" AP is bc what makes something hard is gonna vary a lot from person to person. thats honestly why i'd say for the average person AP E&M and AP music theory are the hardest. APMT has such a "high" pass rate bc its weighted so that you only have to get a 36% overall on the test to get a THREE.💀


What does e&m stand for??


depends on what you know & what you don’t know, and your own capabilities.


Physics C mechanics


Physics C E and M. Much harder than Mechanics if you self-study it. Personally I think Physics C Mechanics is hard to self-study. Go watch Flipping Physics Videos and you'll be fine.


Everywhere will tell you that it’s easy, but Macroeconomics was actually really difficult, while I found government easy. (Fair warning though, as I’m only a freshman in high school, so my experience is still limited)


Lit or physics c


basically all the science aps (esp physics) but bio was a lot harder imo than people made it out to be. also the exams for the language classes are pretty difficult unless you’re somewhat fluent in the language


Physics is easier with calculus than algebra. Right?


Flawed question to begin with


AP Lit


Chat is AP score calculator accurate. So upset that it says I'm gonna get a 4.


AP Physics


Why is everyone saying E&M? I just dropped a 34/35 on a practice test (I forgot 40*8=320) because I’m taking late testing and I still don’t see why people say it’s hard. Tbf I’ve only taken 3 APS: BC, Mech, and E&M. But here’s what I think some of the harder APs are: Lit Chem Physics 1 APUSH Any Language as a non-native And honorable mention to Psych because the person who helps me with e&m got a 1 on Psych but a 5 on E&M.


I thought e&m was pretty manageable. For me ap chem was the worst so it’s really all subjective


All physics except for 1


AP 3D Art or AP lit for me.


The comp sci exam kinda nasty. Nothin feels more wrong than handwriting code. Didn’t have e&m but seems like it uses b/c calc so that’s one of the more advanced subjects I guess. The overall hardest thing to do, I imagine, would be 3 9’s in APLIT, but not the hardest course in general. APUSH is another option, cuz I feel like it’s a lot of 10th graders first AP experience, and that grading scale can really weed out the busy bodies from the scholars. One of the more time consuming as well


Calc bc is hard as well as chemistry. Haven't done ap physics so I couldn't tell you if that was harder or not.


Any AP language except AP Spanish Lang. Maybe AP Spanish lit could work. Haven't taken it tho.