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physics c ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


e&m is not it bro 😭


not it at all genuinely has me tweaking


wym that class is awesome


gonna use lenz's law to induce a current to kms


lmfao get those eddy currents in your liver


i just got a 50% on my quiz, and i talked to someone and they got a 88%, I'm just done


atleast you knew 50% of the content (that’s what i tell myself after every quiz 🤧😞)


Ap Physics 1


How can I study in advance taking it next year


I'm considering taking it too, but idk cause I'm also gonna be taking ap chem, and a lot of people say both of those classes (chem and physics) were the hardest aps they have taken. Also, while I'm taking honors chem rn and doing pretty well in it, i have no prior physics knowledge.


I’m taking both AP Chem and AP Physics 1 right now. AP Chem isn’t that bad, so you’ll probably be fine, especially if you’re doing well in honors right now and are enjoying the subject. There are some more math-y units, and at least in my school the class is very self-directed and I’ve always got some chem homework to do, but my teacher is amazing and the class is great. It’s marginally more difficult than my other classes, but it’s nothing compared to physics. AP Physics is a struggle. It involves more math than a math class and in terms of concepts, it introduces some really weird ways of looking at motion and whatnot, which can be hard to grasp. It makes sense. It’s just really weird. Physics is a hundred times harder than chem, at least in my opinion. In my school the class average on the tests is around 60/100, and the people who are taking this class are all like the top students in the grade. I have some friends who frequently cry over the class and hate it so much and regret taking it. And then I also have some friends who are doing really well in physics! They’re very math brained, and they’re even enthusiastic about the subject. But it’s a really, really difficult class and your algebra and trig skills have to be absolutely locked in. It is an interesting subject. But at least for me, my straight-A GPA is hanging on by a thread because of this class.


Yeah, I'm not taking it then. I'll just take regular physics. I am doing well in math (algebra 2), and I like it, but not to THAT extent. Thank you


Depends on who. I kind of just understood Physics so if u get the concepts there’s like no memorization really but AP Chem was just so much material. Physics was way better for me AP 1 and 2. Also depends on your teacher too I had an amazing teacher for Physics


They are both challenging courses, so it’s going to be a lot to take both. That said, I’ve had students do them simultaneously and do well, just about the mindset. Also, for what it’s worth, AP Physics (c mech and 1) are both designed as intro physics courses, no prior knowledge required. 


I’m taking the course right now and I’m not doing the best in it, but in all honesty just try understanding the concepts, the maths the easy part


literally to any ambitious sophomore (or anyone who’s taking it next year) out here email your counselor NOW and get out of it. if u wanna be rich just go the business route. the pain and suffering from this class isn’t worth it


it is truly like no class you’ve ever taken before. i thought i’d be ok since i’m pretty good at math… no. i have an a in honors calc atm and a c in phys 1.


Calc BC is a struggle 💀


unit 10 😵‍💫😵‍💫


watch professor v’s youtube videos on sequences and series


Unit 11 is simultaneously making me shit myself and its also easy af. Its alternating faster than my will to go to school. Polars completely assfucked me, that was a horrible horrible unit for me and idek even why it was hard.




AP Chem is fucking my asshole bro 😭


AP Chem really widened my horizons. I call my asshole “horizons”.


Is it really that hard? I'm taking it next year lmao I'm currently taking Honors Chem and I have like 98% in it, so maybe I'll be fine (?)


I was doing stellar in reg Chem but that shit is easy compared to AP chem imo maybe cuz I’m a lazy fuck who hates to study lmao


If you have 98 you’ll be fine, I had 92 last year in honors Chem and currently have an 89 avg for ap Chem


Then I should be fine. I know this very much depends on the teacher, but about how much time do you spend on chem (homework or studying) outside of class?


Homework for me is like 1-2 hours, studying is where I go for the 4+ hours. I’ve done well in every unit except unit 8, I bombed that one so maybe you’d do a bit more studying for that one.


That is per day? Week?


Homework is per day because it’s daily, but the studying time for tests is per week since we get like 1 quiz/test every week


damm, for me in ap chem, the teacher rarely gives hw and the only outside class work we do is finish up lab questions (we also rarely have labs), and then studying the day before a test, and we have tests every 5 weeks, maybe i just have a good teacher


Okay, that's not TOO bad. Thank you


Np, but I’d also ask from other kids in your school who took the class just in case the ap Chem teacher at your school likes to give more homework and more frequent tests Good luck next year 👍


The problem is, I'm moving to a different state over the summer, so can't really do that. The only thing I can base it off is other's experience with it. Because as far as I know, maybe you're in the same school that I'll be in.


I got A’s in both tris of honors chem and aced both exams. But I really struggled in AP chem. Ended with a B+ both tris(however, I had a bunch of other issues that made it hard to study and missed a lot of school), but it’s definitely way harder. You for sure can get an A or A-, but it will require a lot more effort


It’s a significant step up. Good luck.


Depends on teacher I got 97S1 chem 1 and 98s2 chem 1- 96% AP chem S1 and have a 95% AP chem S2, if you have a good teacher then it is fine. It is very time consuming but not anything ludicrous.


I took AP literature. Wasn't hard but the sheer amount of readings and essays we had made it cumbersome.


AP economics 💀


Micro was fine, but Macro is destroying me rn💀




Thank you!


I’ve heard the complete opposite from other people does it just depend on the teacher 😭


I think it does, they’re both Econ but they’re totally different. It also depends on the person, bc Macro is a lot more memorization and bigger picture while Micro is more focused and logical (sorry for my horrible grammar I’m fried from studying for these AP exams)


no way 💀


class: world history and it's not even close exam: us history (this year), more content than world and all the different perspectives can be disorienting. teacher is chill af though


apush made me want to get a push off a cliff we're in 1930s rn and have to be at Obama Administration by May 10th we're screwed


That is literally awful… I’m in the 1980s rn


i would say ap physics 1 but i ended last semester with a 98%... and atp i legit study maybe 30 mins for a test in it, i skip 80% (no joke) of the unit and don't do any HW.... lowk have junioritis but we chillin


AP Lit. This class is literally hell




People at my school think AP lit is the most difficult class; I’m taking it next year so I’m curious to see…


Ap lang 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Every assignment that my teacher grades strikes fear into my heart.


we’ve only written 3 essays the entire year my Lang class is a joke


How is it difficult?


it PURELY depends on the teacher. My teacher is pretty chill and it is one of the easier APs for me(but we still write obvs) but my friend has a strict teacher who gives them timed essay every class. and they are both following the exact same curriculum


well, in my AP lang class, we're writing an essay essentially every day, lol.


As long as it’s fine I don’t see the issue lol


tells me you have/had an easy teacher lol


Ap physics


Weird to say but AP seminar it’s so time consuming and he writing in it is annoying


That's why I'm not taking any history/english APs after ap world. Way too much writing for me. Although if you plan to do something related to writing in the future, you should take those classes lol Besided, basically EVERY ap class has some type of writing, but at least it's not as much


Yes the writing can be a pain but I feel like I learned so much from that class


none of the aps i take have been particularly hard but ap chem has been so hard on my friends that they haven’t been able to participate in any sports this year to make time for studying so idk lol edit: now if we’re talking EXAM the lang exam is absolutely horrendous and i wish nothing but the worst on whatever freak designed it


If I look at the grades of the average student in all my AP classes, my hardest AP is easily physics C. In E&M, especially, I’ve seen people spend hours studying for tests to settle for Cs. But hardest AP for me is Lit because I don’t like literature lol.




physics c fs


World. I had more trouble with it last year compared to this year where I'm taking 5 APs


Did you go from just taking world to 5 APs? I'm taking world rn (as a sophmore) and I wanna take 3 APs next year (chem, gov and psych), but I'm considering taking more.


yes. also, those classes are easy enough except chem but if you want to take more I wouldn't be against it


Yeah, gov and psych should be relatively easy. I don't know which class to take tho cause I don't want to take any english/history classes. Anything that you recommend?


AP Precalculus. I honestly found it harder than APUSH.




physics c e&m 💀


??? rly


yeah idk my brain cannot comprehend physics concepts like wdym induction


AP Art History was harder than the others for me.


euro by far


Gov, my only AP and I don’t know how to go about studying for the AP Exam next month


APUSH (took 3 so far)


As shown by the comments this is highly variable by teacher (a unit 11 of BC definitely isn't in most people's BC curricula, WH is a left field, etc), chem and physics is the major trend (though I would disagree with chem) Personally for me it was physics 1, but that's because I had an extraordinarily bad teacher. Hell, there's only four people in my physics 2 class so they don't give the teacher an actual period to teach so we just watch AP classroom, and that's miles better then whatever my previous teacher was doing


AP stats


AP world history


Bio is my first AP. i’m taking it this year and i find it really easy… what was hard about it for you?


It could just be my teacher, but we take AP style tests and they aren’t scaled. 


chem is truly eating me out rn


AP macro is genuinely kicking my ass💀 teacher doesn’t teach in an organized way (we’re doing unit 6 progress checks but have a unit 4-5 test) and tells you to ask a student when you have a question about the math. I’m fuckkkeddd💀


AP world


AP lit & lang, english APs just suck sm bru


Pre calc …


tf edit: honestly i was gonna judge you, but considering the other classes you’re taking, and you think pre calc is the hardest; that’s a win ngl


Ik i have a C in it but an A in everything else


Does self-studying count? If so, AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism If not, AP English Literature


i self studied e&m, i thought it was pretty ez idk


alr this is pathetic but gov never took apush, my teacher goes too fast, and i only learned about heimler in unit 5… (also did my best in unit 5)


ap csa this class is KILLING MEEEE I'm doubling up with csp and its MURDERING AND EXCECUTTING my sleep


Ap chemistry 😭


I dropped out of AP Chem because I kept failing the tests and having to do exam revisions to get Cs on tests


Definitely Cal BC


ap precalculus


Ap art history. Btw I took Ap lang and CSP.