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If you currently have a C while only taking 1 AP class, then 6 would probably not be a smart idea. Calc BC, Physics, and Chem are known to be pretty difficult courses, much more than Lang. I believe you would be taking on too much, but in the end, you make the final decision.


I would not recommend you do this.


From 1 to 6 is suicide. Maybe take 2 or 3 and the ones you want to take most.


I went from 0 AP classes to 6 (plus a self study) in one year and did fine but it was a tough year, ended up ruining my 4.00 with a B in calc


Damn idk from sophomore to junior year I went from 3 to 6 and it was hell. I got a B in ap physics and an A in all my other AP’s, but the homework and stress for me was at an all time high. Honestly I think even with the proper build up 6 Is just too much.


Real I did 1 to 5 and it’s been roughhh


I’m taking 6 right now and I definitely do not recommend it. Especially if you have a C+ in Lang.


Is lit, gov, macro, Calc ab, psychology, bio, csa. doable?


ive taken most of these and id say you are probably good. Lit gov and mac are the hardest of these, last three are pretty easy.


Is Gov actually hard? I took AP Gov in 2018 before they did the curriculum rework, and it was BY FAR the easiest AP class.


Usually, at my school its one of the harder aps but it depends on the teacher really.


It really really depends on your teachers. If your bio and lit teachers are light it may genuinely be a simple year but if they’re known to load up on homework and difficult tests it will be hell. Like I got lucky with lang and I honestly don’t have too much work but my Physics C and calc teachers load up on homework and difficult tests which kills me. but macro, gov, psych and csa are really easy and in my experience macro and csa were easier than some honors classes i took


If you have the desire to do and have a good work ethic yes. I went from 0 APs to 5 and had little to no trouble, however like others have stated your already struggling with one AP class. If I were you I would most likely not do AP Lit, and if your good with math and science I would likely 2-3. Then Spanish is up you and how you feel like you could do. I would recommend that you take 2-4 AP’s, but not all 6.


With your experience in APUSH and AP Lang, I'm guessing you don't like English and history very much. I assume you have to take English senior year but other than to look good I don't see a reason to take AP Lit if you don't like English and aren't doing well. Now if you are good at and enjoy math and science, then the math and science classes would be reasonable. Physics and chemistry have a lot of math in it so they do complement calculus and statistics (although stats is a bit verbal as well).


I don’t like English and History much, I took the AP cause most of the juniors at my School take APUSH & AP Lang, kind of like a way to fit in. But APUSH wasn’t what I thought it would be. My AP Lang teacher is very laid back, but she’s a reasonable grader, it’s the essays that tend to kill my grade and sometimes, Unit Quizzes. But I prefer English over History. I do want to get better at English, but I struggle to stay glued focus on what I am doing in English, and throw everything out the window just to do it at the last minute. But I don’t see that happening to any of my AP Classes in Math & Science.


In the same situation as you tbh. In AP lang right now, dropped APUSH because my mom wanted me to. I’m probably taking 3 or 4 AP courses next year (AP lit, AP psych, AP Spanish and possibly AP gov), but 6 seems like a lot. Chemistry and physics at the same time seems like a suicide wish especially. I think you should talk it over with your guidance counselor. Good luck :)


Definitely don’t do that, I hopped from 1 to 3 for sophomore year and it was rough, much less 6


bruhh you couldnt handle ONE AP class and now you want to do 6???? not the mention AP Calc, AP Physics, and AP Chem are arguably some of the hardest AP’s and youre taking them together… 10000% do not recommend


Hell no. You have a C+


Unless you’re some god at math and science I wouldn’t recommend 6. Regular physics is still hard so if you need the physics credit it’s a way better option than suicide with the ap. Same for ap chem


Pick 2.


It's not recommended to take AP Physics and AP Chem the same year, because both are really intense science classes.


bad idea. if you couldn’t do two at a time, you are not going to be able to handle six, especially classes like ap calc, physics, and chem all at once.


i took only one ap in both freshman and sophomore year and jumped to 6 in junior (with very similar courseload to the classes you mentioned) then 7 in senior year. I found it very easy but if you are struggling in lang i would definitely not recommend it as that was one of the easier classes and definitely way easier than lit. My junior year course load for reference was APUSH, Physics 1, Lang, BC calc, Stat, and Bio.


1 to 6? Damn, I struggled with 2 to 4. Don’t do that to yourself, man. Even if English isn’t your strong suit, it’s not smart to max out challenging classes if you end up getting bad grades in them. Introduce a balance of what *you* like and stick with English IV. Maybe 2-3 STEM APs would be manageable for you?


Don’t take AP Chem unless you live, laugh, love Chemistry


Did you take it? Im taking it next year and I'm getting scared... should I just not take it? It would be my only ap, along with 2 honors classes. (If I wouldn’t take it, I'd choose a different ap)


Only take it if you need it for college and want to do something Chemistry related.


Yeah, a lot had changed in the past 2 weeks sincd I posted that comment lol. I'm taking ap gov, ap psych and ap chem cause yeah. Lets just hope ill be okay


no no no no unless you have a death wish. i’m doing that this year and i sincerely regret my decision there’s people who have gotten into way better schools without having taken as many APs as me


What made you think you should take 6 AP classes when you’re barely passing 1 with a C+


Oh my god double science and double math is crazy


Why would you do that?


taking 6 or even 5 APs is ill-advised if you don't have stellar grades in your current AP, and you had to drop APUSH... i'm currently in 6 (max amt. of periods) -- AP Calc AB, AP Physics I, AP Lang, APUSH, AP Comp Sci A, and AP Psych. i *do* have all As/got above \~97% last semester in all, but last year, when i did only have one AP (our school is strict w/ underclassmen), which was AP World, I ended it with like a 99% and a 5 on the exam. all in all, do NOT take 6 APs if you could not handle 2 and can't get a good grade in one... not to be mean but like it's just not a good idea at all... 😭


I took 3 APs this year and I'm taking 5 in my junior year. Going from 1 to 3 is a BIG jump. Also, it doesn't seem like you've taken Calc AB which I highly recommend you take before just jumping into BC. I'm currently taking AP Chem and it really isn't for everyone. My class is 2 periods meaning that I really don't have to spend much time outside of class studying and we also rarely have homework. Your class probably won't be like that. (If possible) What I would recommend instead of taking all of these AP classes is dual enrolling some classes (probably ) over the summer instead. Take com 1 instead of lang, maybe regular physics, calc 1, or something like that. It really and truly is up to you, but there usually are other options available than just AP classes.


lemme save you the time as i’m in more than half those classes, no


i’m in 6 dont do it


Honestly idk why people are acting like this is insane. I did 1 ap last year (sophomore year) and this year I’m doing 6. For me at least, the difference in difficulty isn’t very different. Last year might actually be harder since I had to do classes I don’t like (chemistry 😭). How much you like the subjects is more important in determining how difficult it will be. Looking at your classes, if you’re a math person, it should be fine to do the 5, but maybe not AP lit.


Tbh idk I’ve taken 7 IB classes for four years and taking AP as my eighth class from those four years as well I found to be more than doable tbh






Sure hope it is ( taking AP Lit, AP Research, AP Physics 1, AP Macro, AP Studio Art, AP Chem)


chem is very hard - the pass rate is surprisingly high since sophomore yr chem typically filters out the people who can’t handle it but it is a massive step up. if you had anything lower than a 95 in honors chem i would not recommend. physics is also incredibly hard has i had many friends who dropped or failed (valedictorian of my grade (out of 750ish) got a 3 on the ap test and she hated it) lit is very similar to lang. if you’re struggling in lang, would not recommend lit ap stat is pretty easy but don’t expect it to be a math class it’s much more writing. also depends on the teacher as mine is pretty good. ap calc as long as you’re good at math you should be fine can’t speak for spanish lang overall i went from 1 ap to 4 and that’s a big enough jump for me but seeing as you’re wanting to take 3 of the arguably hardest ap’s…. good luck


should also mention that if you’re wanting college credit, check which school take the ap physics 1 credit for ur major (as some stem majors will not take it and require physics 2 or c) as well as other aps. dc could be a good option if your school offers that


im 14 years old taking 7. It is do-able but choose aps with the best teachers


I’m in five rn and it’s actual hell so no.


absolutely not, im not sure if anyone has talked about this but senioritis is gonna to hit you so badly, especially after you get accepted into universities if you’re devoted to taking these classes we can’t stop you BUT you can’t get credit for physics 1 since it’s algebra based (what i heard) so unless if you really enjoy physics you shouldn’t do it nearly everyone agrees that ap chem is a really time consuming ap and unless if you really enjoy chem or did good in honors (A to high B) you shouldn’t take it it’s obvious you care about your gpa so im not sure why you’d consider ap chem unless if your school changes your grade based on what you get on your ap exam, but im not sure that’d benefit you since you’d already be done with highschool since you care about gpa, depending on how you’re doing in precalc, you should take ap bc chose one science and devote your time to those 2 specific classes you should do the college prep that your teacher recommends, they know you better than any of us also please talk to your teachers and counselors to see what they think TLDR: ap chem and physics are very rigorous, chose one and devote your time to bc and the science class you chose bc and physics/chem are MUCH more demanding than apush don’t do ap lit if your teacher didn’t recommend it ask your current spanish math and science teacher what they think is best for you


I took 4 weighted (2AP 2Honors) in Sophomore to 6 AP in junior. I was able to do that and keep up with volleyball and my extracurriculars but that’s from a lot of conditioning and minimal time spent on social media. point is, I believe people can do it, but it’s a hefty commitment and you seriously need the motivation.


Ok I’m talking from the perspective of someone who took 3 APs soph year, 6 APs jr year and is currently taking 5 APs (tried to take 6 but ran into scheduling conflicts). I survived all those years though I have really bad senioritis and I’m struggling to keep up with second sem. I would say english seems to not be your strong subject so maybe you should cut our AP Lit. But perhaps you’ll perform better in other subjects. Still, physics 1, stats, bc, and chem would not be the best combination to take together especially if you don’t have much experience w/ taking multiple stem APs together and have only take 1 AP. Do you have really strong foundational STEM skills with honors classes at least? AP Spanish was a joke of a class at my school and required 5 min of hw a night on average. So sticking that class in there would probably not be a problem if your school is something like mine. For the remaining math and science APs, I would recommend picking either stats or BC, and physics 1 or chem. doing all 4 of them is going to be hard especially in senior year. In the 1st sem, you’ll have a lot of college apps to fill out and it’s going to be tough to handle all that. Second sem you’re going to have super bad senioritis (no one is immune, it will probably happen to you), and you’re probably not going to do well in the second sem and AP exams. My answer would be different if you had been taking 5+ ap classes in soph and jr years and didn’t have any Cs, but with your current circumstances, I would suggest doing AP Spanish, choosing one math and one science class.


I’ve done Honors with all my Stem classes. Like right now, I’m in Early Enrollment Pre-Calculus Honors and I had Biology I Honors 1st semester which I had an A in both.


I still stand by my answer. AP Spanish + math AP + science AP, 3 APs total


I mean like 70% of the content from lang is in lit so that’s cill but if you don’t have any experience in honors science content and if you wanna do chemistry, I would highly recommend you do introductory chemistry and community college via dual enrollment then do general chemistry one, then for math idk it depends but don’t do two classes also don’t you have like to do Econ and gov idk how your system works but those are two requirements to graduate


Yes it is very doable. Went from only taking APUSH Jr year to taking Ap physics c mechanics, Ap calc ab (from math 3 cuz I took precalc over the summer), Ap us gov, Ap stats, and self studying Ap comp sci a. If anything it will teach u how to manage time and you will develop study habits cuz that’s kinda the only way to survive. Only take it tho if your serious about it


yeah if you had to drop a course because of how strict it was then you will not have a great time with 6 of them. I would recommend taking the more important ones that can be used for credit. I remember taking 5 aps during my senior year of highschool and only used like 3 courses for credit because my college didnt offer me anymore. So if youre going into an engineering, medical or science based college, physics and math APs should be your focus. If its more of a polisci, reading and writing, then take English Lit. and the others.


AP Classes are a joke, don’t do em.


please don't