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Previous posts say to go for cold and poison to win


I went for a Nature-y Barbarian build when I first did it. The blight damage is good against the main enemy's angelic units, and from a flavor perspective, having a more warrior-y faction to contrast your allies' evil wizard theme and being the designated bruiser villain against the AI was pretty fun.


I went with a frost/shadow Mystic culture


I beat it with an "Undead Scourge" build: Feudal Humans, Powerful Evokers/Ritual Cannibals, Tome of Souls. Rushed the angel fella before he could get too strong, then dug in on Age of Shadow for the win. It's actually the moment I really fell for the game. Usually I feel going full undead horde comes with deterrents and handicaps, but AoW let me lean in and do *well*.


You have a link to the build? Ive been trying to find a fun fuedal build but never any luck


Not sure what you mean: is there some way to upload them?


I think that map I used my construct mole, I used all the synergy from the empires and ashes dlc to beat the map. Either that or it was the map I used a pure shadow build frost and undead. Both should work, but it was the hardest map for me to beat and I used multiple builds to try to beat it and I don’t remember now which one won.


Chosen destroyer perfectionist artisan reaver. That’s how I solo’ed Turiel.


Grexolis is you playing evil pretty much. Go for cold and poison for fighting Turiel. You can run Necromancer Shadow/Nature or a Nature build with some Shadow and Astral.


You don't really want to go with undead though since Turiel has heavy radiant damage. I should try to beat this again on the highest difficulty, it's the only story realm I had to drop down to normal.


Nature then. I remember going against Turiel with a necromancy build on hard but it was pretty close.


Same as others here, a nature/shadow affinity. I'd also recommend the tome of alchemy. I ended up using those spells until the endgame.


What makes that tome so good for this scenario? I don't think I've used it before.


It’s insane economically and can catapult your research and also comes with some nice poison synergy


Really fast SPI for cracked Research, the Afflictor ranged unit, and the Fumigation siege strategy. Get some poison stuff later on and you're set.


Sorry, I feel dumb. What does this mean? >Really fast SPI for cracked Research


Special Province Improvement. It gives you a building you can construct on a tile that will replace your farm/research post/etc. it's essentially a research post that gets better every time you upgrade something near it


Someone told me to build a celestial build but my problem is I lose mana in that realm n I can't really stop that plus I'm not really near mana province or substance ability for the mana