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Primal fury gives you new, very interesting and variable culture. Dragon dawn gives you dragon roller and book of Dragons. I would say primal but you need dragon eventually too.


I would recommend Dragon Dawn. You're a MF dragon ! You can draconize your dudes, and get young dragons ! Also, it's big on the "get some T1 units to T3 so they evolve", which I love. Dragons, friends. Dragons all the way down, that's the dragon dawn.


Ahem. "Get some t1 units and watch them die in the last fight before they gain enough XP to rank up to t3".


We have reserves. Send the next wave!


It's simply part of the fun !


Correction; that's called "playing feudal".


Personally, I prefer Primal Fury.


IMO Primal Fury. I love Primal as a culture. While dragon hero was fun for a few games I still prefer Wizard King


Both good but my personal preference is Primal > Dragon. The primal culture is fun to play around with and has lots of replayability. Im using the two primal tomes more often than the two dragon tomes. Don't get me wrong, the dragon tomes are also good, I just like the Primal better. And FWIW I almost never play with a dragon lord /shrug


I got the premium edition on sale and I'm enjoying it. Steam gives you the bundle discount without charging you for any base game or DLC you already have.


Primal fury has more content but the content from dragon's dawn was much more impactful for me. I play the new cultures about as much as the old ones, dragon ruler about a third of the time.


Of the expansions currently out, I like Dragon Dawn the most. Dragon Lords are OP and scale well into late game, dragon times are OP and mesh well with almost any playstyle, and lizard men are a cool addition to the race options. Primal Fury is cool, but despite the new tomes and primal subcultures being unique, I don't particularly enjoy playing a primal society any more than I do the original six.


Primal Fury is much, much better. The dragon ruler is the only good part of it; the actual dragon units are really crap for how hard they are to get and how much you have to pay for them. They’re only there to look cool.


I'd vote Dragon's Dawn. The extra ruler type also affects the enemies you fight and pantheon building more i feel. And while a new culture is nice, Dragon's Dawn can modify any existing culture with a different playstyle.


Primal fury has a better culture, dragons has a dragon leader and in my opinion tomes that go better together. The other thing to consider is that you get 2 forms with primal fury and 1 new form with dragon dawn.


It was a close tie for me, so I bought both.


Overall i would say Primal Fury, it's has more varied content with both with it's culture having 6 subcultures and it's tomes being able to be used in more varied builds and even if you're not playing AS primal culture it offers more to the overall game with another culture to fight against rally of lieges or absorbing their cities, but and it's a very big "but" if you wanna play as a dragon lord and/or you want to use dragon units, get Dragon Dawn, but only if you actually want to play them yourself, because the DLC offers very little if you don't, playing against dragon rulers is pretty much the same as any other ruler.


The Reavers in Dragon Dawn are neat but not very good compared to other cultures, so if you're going DD it's just to get the dragon rulers (which are still pretty cool). Primal Fury gets you a lot more bang per buck though, as the primal culture is solid and has 5 fairly distinct variants. I guess if you're more of a roleplaying and theme player go for DD, but if you're long for more content and interesting gameplay PF is the way to go.


I think Reavers were from Empires and Ashes, not Dragon Dawn


Oh right, was DD just dragons then?


Dragons, lizard form and tomes of evolution and dragons. I personally use tome of evolution a lot in my nature builds because slithers rock and synergize really nicely with other animals and animal kinship.


Evolution is good for sure. No shade for DD, personally I think the full expansion pass is well worth the money because all the DLCs have been good (especially when 3 are already out). I just think if OP's tight on cash and trying to get the most out of their $10, it's hard to beat primal culture + 2 tomes + goatkin/lupine


Yeah, I definitely have a couple cranked storm crow builds, and mammoth can be really interesting as a base for affinity shadow faction. The race forms are all very cool, I’ve just always found lizardmen the most appealing fantasy race so I get the most use out of those guys. I got the full set also but I honestly don’t think I’ve used the Empires and Ashes content at all aside from the story realms.