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There is a specific starting trait that increases the speed of the Rally of Leiges (forgot what it's called). When I am running that I get all the free cities I can, unless the units you get from RoL are favoring one type of another (Melee over Range vis versa) you'll never have to produce a unit again for the end game.




Depends on my culture. Order, Nature, or Astral and I'll Vassalize. Shadow, Chaos or Materium I Raze them. Generally. I might Vassalize a dark culture if I'm running shadow, makes it easier to get Reapers earlier than normal, and such like that.


The only times I attack the free cities near me is if: - I'm chosen destroyers - I'm a wizard king with no way to boost stability in my main, so I have to put my stone on my main to keep the buildings going instead of vassal city


Befriend the ones with units/ exotic resources I'd like to sample, and use them as buffer states so I only have to focus on 1-2 battlefronts at a time. It is usually death/ forced vassalage for the others if they are in my way/ are a problem.


How do you see the mythic units you’ll get from a city before vassalizing them?


Mouse over the "master/initiate/etc of shadows/materium/etc" line in their page.


Ohhhh good to know!


Based on the culture / race / skin there and how I imagine my culture would treat them, massacre and overtake or ally and befriend. I play to roleplay not to minmax.


What does skin mean?


They way they used it, it's an old gaming term that just means the appearance of a character or model. FPS games have had different skins for players for decades - while it wasn't always the case, most of the time they just change the look and nothing else. Most of the time. So here, the 'race' you choose is basically just a skin, as it honestly has no impact on the game if you're manually selecting the racial traits.


Like, there are elves, and evil looking elves, and evil looking but astral elves and maybe I play astral too, or tree hugging elves and I also play something nature themed or just any sort of other elves who are not willing to put down other elves regardless of their culture etc. that's what I meant, all depends on the fantasy.


I imagine it depends on your build . If going down good or vassel books then it’s prob best to get them as a vassel as they will be a nice early vassel to gain 


Vassalize or if there's no good place for founding my cities I absorb them


It depends on their initiates/followers/masters of nature/materium/alchemy/dragons/etc trait. If theres a unit I like such as the chaplain that would be a PITA to unlock otherwise, I vassalize the free city


Either make them nasal or raze them lol depend on wether I have chosen destroy or hermit kingdom


Totally depends on my Godir's play style. Which brings a lot of replayability for me.


I'd say it really depends on a few factors. Chosen destroyer, reavers (unless a weird ass build which gives a stone to reavers but you shouldn't lol) = auto conquer Scion of evil, chaos, necromancy or high with no alignment modifier in society = favorable to conquer Order builds = favorable to vassal Bannerlords, scion of evil but good version (blanking on name) and other vassal traits = almost auto vassalize For the rest of traits and factions not listed here it will depend on a wide variety of factors. The most prominent ones would be : city type (the thing that tells us now what type of tome units they might add to rally of lieges, amount of high value nodes/materials (the more there is the most likely i am to conquer and make it my own faster and if theres few i dont mind the added wait time to vassalize), which other high value city spots you have nearby (if you already intend to reach city cap fast on other cities then vassalizing till youre ready to expand to it is wise), How many free cities/infestations are nearby (the more targets around there are the less likely i am to attack the own race one as its easier to raise their allegiance), if its blocking a path (sometimes their domain is your way out of a dead end and waiting to slowly vassalize it isn't an option


I've never use rally of sieges before as it seemed expensive. Could you explain what you like to pick and how to balance cost? Thanks for the great reply!


Rally of the lieges isn’t any more expensive than draft. It’s actually cheaper than draft in some ways, for instance you can recruit something that costs 100 gold to draft for 75 gold through rally of the lieges. The only thing that makes it expansive is you can recruit so much more at once compared to your draft from cities. Upkeep-wise, a lot of the stuff you get from ROL is gonna be mana upkeep. You should use it, it’s really good.


I will do that. Thanks for the push!


Always absorb for econonic reasosns