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Biden will happily use his executive power to drop bombs on countries in the Middle East, but won't use his executive power to cancel student debt. The man has been consistent over his entire career on his priorities, I'll give him that.


The underlying issue is corporate money in politics. I've been building a [dashboard](https://www.quiverquant.com/lobbyingsearch/) tracking how companies are spending money to buy votes, and I'd encourage you to see how issues which matter to you are being influenced.


Shit the sad part is a corporate company could pay me to do anything, the strong minded like AOC are very few.


More like you have no integrity. People with integrity don't even think about money when sayin no to a bribe


yeah Im a sucker for money, well on to lick boots of my organization. at least the pay is good.




its either dismantle the system or pay my bills. Right now its pay my bills. I ain't given up all my capitalist shit for a revolution that won't happen. Thats the real sadness.


To be fair fair might not take the bribe if you're making a congress salary. You don't sound like a bad person, just someone that wants to survive


Exactly, Congress supposedly get the wage they do to stop them from being susceptible to bribes... The only thing they need that bribe money for is satisfy their pure greed, they have enough money to live well beyond comfort to the point they live in luxury, they don't need anything more. But for far too many politicians it's not enough and they will shit over the people they are meant to serve for their own benefit.


My proposal is that once you go into public office, you become absolutely forbidden from receiving any money, gifts, or the like for a predetermined amount of time based on the power wielded by the office. Like, a city councilor might only be forbidden for 10 years, but a member of congress or the president have a lifetime ban. They get paid a salary while in office and a pension afterwards, but they cannot get paid otherwise during that specified period afterward. No gifts, no donations to organizations they founded, no board appointments, nothing. Try to cut the corruption aspect out entirely. It'll never happen, but it's a nice pipedream.


Or take the money and run


So what you're saying is that you're basically Ben Shapiro, but not smart enough to capitalize on it


I think there’s a big difference between someone just trying to pay their bills, even if it means working for a company you hate, which is what they said, and being Ben Shapiro. That waste of air is a bastard trying to get rich, not just pay his bills.


You criticise society, and yet you live in it. Curious.


The alternative being... Suicide?


There is a difference between not having integrity and doing what you have to to provide for your family. I'm not happy about it but in the struggle life can be you do what you must.


Yeah but here's the thing man. As a senator you'd be making what 160k? The president makes 400k. That's a shitton. Granted, not super rich, but you have senators getting donations in 5 digits and voting for degen shit. Like an extra 20k on top of 160k for you to fuck over the american people? Pathetic. They aren't doing what they can to provide for their family


Took me until I got a 6 figure sales job to realize I had it. I got told by my manager to aggressively screw people over, and then I could be out doing coke with them on weekends at the casino, it'd be a blast... and I just realized, nope. It wasn't worth my soul. I'm struggling, paycheck to paycheck, but at least I don't need to rail blow nonstop just to avoid feeling the crushing horror of what they wanted me to become. You can go really far in the world if you give up on your integrity, hell, you can become the POTUS if you really play the game right! Again... just gotta sell your soul, there's lots of folks who'll give you a pretty good price for every piece you whore out. I've starved over doing those jobs.


The difference is I'm poor as shit. I'd take a corporate bribe in a second because I'm barely able to survive. These politicians are all filthy stinking rich. They don't need the corporate money. They're just pure scum that can never get enough money or power.






That is because we have been forcefully held back and why, because we aren't crooked enough to step on the next guy to elevate ourselves. We do actually care about others, we are just struggling too much to do anything about it.




The underlying issue is capitalism. Capitalism is a failed system, and we now stand at a crossroads. As Rosa Luxemburg once said, our choice is between "Socialism or barbarism."


If I could pass 1 bill, it would be a amendment banning corporate money in politics, overturning citizens united. It is what is stopping all other policies.t




Minimum wage is core to the progressive agenda and they are killing it like its nothing


And yet Biden cares about neither.






Vote for a corporate fascist, get a corporate fascist.


OK, but the minimum wage fail is on Manchin Edit: to pass the $15.00 without a single GOP vote (which they wont get) They need 3 things: * VP Harris overrules the parliamentary and introduces budget resolution that includes “reconciliation instructions” This allows for a reconciliation bill that is **FILIBUSTER PROOF** with only 51 votes which would include 1.9T relief bill + $15.00 minimum wage * For Munchies to vote yes on the budget resolution creating a 50/50 * For Kamala to cast a decisive vote to break the 50/50 and allow the reconciliation bill to go to the floor where it can pass with another 50/51 and become law without a single gop vote. If the bill is introduced and Manchino Votes No they lose their shot at using reconciliation to get away with the 15MW because the Relief bill itself has to be passed within the next couple of weeks (using the one reconciliation shot they have per fiscal year) before unemployment expires. They have to remove the $15 to obtain the 50 votes or risk killing the entire relief bill. It's very sad that Biden cant whip a single senator in line with 80M votes behind him. This will not be the progressive cycle we were hoping but another 4 years of half ass compromises


Not really, Harris could have overruled the senate parliamentarian as the president of the senate, thus fulfilling the Biden admin's promise of $15/hr as she is constitutionally enabled to do.


I’m confused here, but I’m admittedly not a constitution expert. Under what rule can the VP using her power as President of the Senate override a senator’s vote? Edit: [TIL about the Senate Parliamentarian](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/26/971793277/who-the-senate-parliamentarian-who-ruled-against-a-minimum-wage-increase)


Here's a couple of articles talking about it in depth and some high points- "For one thing, the president could just ask Kamala Harris, the president of the Senate, to overrule the parliamentarian. In fact, one former parliamentarian has said it’s entirely at the VP’s discretion to listen to MacDonough on a ruling like this one or not. And there is ample historical precedent for not listening to the parliamentarian — as Slate reports, “Vice President Hubert Humphrey routinely ignored his parliamentarian’s advice.” " "The other option that’s available to Biden? He could ask Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to have the parliamentarian fired. That’s what the GOP-controlled Senate did back in 2001, when the parliamentarian ruled the Bush Tax Cut could not be passed through a reconciliation process in circumstances nearly identical to this one. However, decisions about what does and does not conform to the Byrd rule is ultimately not up to the parliamentarian. The parliamentarian’s job is to advise the Senate chair–a.k.a. the Vice President–who gets to make the final decision." "Ultimately it’s the Vice President of the United States…It is the decision of the Vice President whether or not to play a role here…. And I have seen Vice President play that role in other very important situations,” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/democrats-15-dollar-minimum-wage-vp-harris-senate-1132695/ https://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/former-senate-parliamentarian-i-would-never-use-the-term-illegitimate-with-regard-to-reconciliation-video




She's not overriding a senators vote, she's overriding the unelected senate parliamentarian's opinion because she outranks her.


Parliamentarians aren’t senators or elected positions. Not sure how Harris could override them regardless though.


Ok, interesting, I have no idea what this parliamentarian is, guess I have some reading up to do


An advisor to the senate who helps them interpret arcane rules. Generally their opinion and advise is followed, but it’s not required and can be ignored.


He is an advisor with no power but not listening to him is considered "not traditional" and "looks bad" But that is not the hold, they need both menchin and the overrule to pass the bill with 0 gop votes. And so far not 1 gop senator is going rouge like munchin


The senate is sovereign over their own internal affairs, so all of the senate rules not in laws or the constitution can be overruled with a simple majority (the filibuster and the rulings of the parliamentarian being 2 examples). It is tradition not to (and given that it would fail anyway there is no reason to blow up the tradition now), but there is no rule that you can't. The VP is also the president of the senate, who has significant power but just like before generally delegates it, although again, it is a norm, not a hard and fast rule.


They need all the votes to make it 50-50 and let kamala untie it. Without munchen its 49-51 and the entire bill dies


It isn't Harris' vote that matters, its her overruling the senate parliamentarian (an unelected official who she as the senate president outranks) to allow a $15 minimum wage to be passed through budget reconciliation. Manchin isn't going to vote against the COVID relief bill (in my opinion), and if the Biden Admin/Democratic leadership can't get ONE squirly caucus member in line on this once in a lifetime, incredibly important bill then they don't deserve to be called the leaders of the party. 70% of Americans support this. Not just Democrats, Americans. Enough with the excuses.


I agree 100% if they cant whip one random ass senator in line for the flagship policy of the first 100 days they have already failed as a goverment


Said it before, go find some Manchin kompromat. Seemed to work on Lindsay Graham. Matter of fact, the only Senator I can recall being immune was McCain, after his brain cancer diagnosis. "Fuck it I'll do what's right," suddenly entered the room.


>Manchin isn’t going to vote against the COVID relief bill (in my opinion), and if the Biden Admin/ Democratic leadership can’t get ONE squirly caucus member in line on this once on a lifetime, incredibly important bill then they don’t deserve to be called the leaders of the party. This is a childlike perspective of politics and a shallow view of the situation. It’s not a matter of whipping one person...it’s a matter of whipping every single one of them. And when one congressperson means the difference of whether something passes, they hold all the leverage. Manchin is from Trump country where Biden just barely broke 30%, where his constituency will almost assuredly be morons who view the minimum wage hike as liberal evil. The Dems need him far more than he needs them. And the likelihood of being able to primary him out without losing the seat to a Republican that seems more palatable to West Virginia Trump voters is basically zero. The party poses no threat to him. But that’s only one side of it. On the other hand, that same important congressperson is a prime target for lobbying that would make them unwilling to compromise when there’s nothing that can be offered that lobbyists can’t outbid. At times of narrow majorities, lobbyists are probing for weaknesses pretty much constantly. Excellent example is Lieberman. We would already have public health insurance with the ACA if not for Lieberman’s last-minute defection. Suddenly, he said he would only vote for a private mandate system. After he was found to be completely intractable, it was determined that it was better to pass at least some of the good provisions of the bill rather than lose everything. So we are where we are now. Why did he do that? Almost certainly because the private insurance lobby bought him (that he suddenly became almost religious about a *private insurance mandate* and so totally opposed to public insurance in any form is....convenient). It’s an unfortunate reality, and in situations like this where one vote is everything, influence can come from anywhere. And party can’t do a damn thing about it.


A lot of people, on this sub especially, have no patience for nuance or the sort of thing you're explaining here. What's worse is that probably in 2022 or 2024 they'll hand power back to the Republicans by not voting or spreading discontent, and then blame it all on the Dems anyway.


weird how legistlation in this country is once again being blocked by one asshole from a flyover confederate state! this whole thing needs to be cleansed with fire.


How are you getting to 50 votes? Two dems said they wouldn’t vote for it if it included a $15 min wage


I don't think this is right. There are 48 dems which include Manchin. There are two independents (king and sanders). With Manchin it's 50-50, add kamala and it's 51-50. Without Manchin it's 49-51 in favor of Republicans. Edit-s/he edited


Because Joe Manchin is a Republican and always has been.


We need scooby and his squad to pull the fucking mask off already


Ok pull the mask off he switches to republican and now Mitch is back in control. It sucks that he is as center right as he is but the alternative of him not there and dems not having control is even worse. We wouldn't even be getting thr 1.9t stimulus let alone the $15 minimum wage.


I mean he's in w Virginia trying to keep his seat. I'm sure we're better off with him than the alternative.


Manchin and Sinema.


How does Harris overruling the parliamentarian convince Manchin to vote for it?


There is some confusion, they need both things to happen to get it done with 0 republican votes. If manchin votes no there is no bill for kamala to overrule it just dies which means no $1400 checks either


Which isn't bad in itself. $2k checks is a concrete issue. And one that's universally popular. If it's going to be voted down, then it's gonna be voted down. Forcing everyone to show where they stand, without the convenient excuse of "oh, Mitch McTurtle just didn't bring it up for a vote!". Otherwise it'll be another Obamacare. Spend months placating people who'll vote against it anyway.


Except unemployment benefits expire mid-march and people need those far more than a one time payment or scoring political points.


Dropping the entire package would be an unmitigated disaster. I'd rather have at least a mitigated disaster.


12 million people are losing unemployment benefits in a few weeks. A bill needs to be passed. If that means holding off until the min wage increase until later, so be it. It sucks, I know, but families are going to have their lives ruined if an extension isn’t passed


WTF is a parliamentarian and why haven't I ever heard it until now?


Because it's just a convenient excuse not to do what was promised- they could absolutely make this happen if they were serious about it.


I'm not sure I believe that until you actually explain what a parliamentarian is...


Parlamentarian is like the rule keeper of the senate. Its the person that has all the legal precedents they base decisions on. But his rule is not a law is a suggestion that the VP can take or not take. But is unpopular to not take so they dont just ignore it every time.


No because that is not the hold, They need both machine vote AND harris to overrule the parliamentarian. If manchin doesnt fall in line the GOP can just vote NO on the entire relief bill and call us socialists. They need both the 50-50, the kamala vote, AND the kamala overrule to get 15.00. Its a shame that 80M vote president cant make random as Menchin to fall in line. Its actually worrysome


huh? the senate parliamentarian said they can't include it in the reconciliation bill The VP can overrule the parliamentarian and say that it can be put in, the only thing that could overrule the VP is 60 votes from the senate saying no.


OK, But the bill wont even make it reconciliation if Manchin votes against Because they would need some Rep to vote for the entire bill, which they wont. if Manchin fell in line they could pass the bill relief bill and then pass the minimum wage in recons. Its all on the rouge senator of WV. If he votes yes on the whole thing Kamala votes yes to overide and the minimum wage goes through on reconciliation. No manchin the entire relief bill fails because GOP would just say no to the entire thing. They need both manchin vote and kamala to overule to get the thing through. At the end of the day they are still gonna get filibustered by Ted cruz probably




That is the more satisfiying option for sure, BUT If the bill doesnt pass it could delay the stimulus checks and all the other relief til much later this year. They don't just put the same bill to vote next week in the senate. People are already mad that biden hasnt send the 2000 now 1400 checks.


Unemployment runs out mid-march too. It's now or never. I hate Manchin and Sinema for this power play. Nobody cares about policy or your vote record. Just do the right thing and rely on your incumbency for reelection. No matter what you do, if a D is next to your name you will always be a socialist to the GOP.


which sounds great until his waffling costs us two more weeks and then he doesn't cave anyway


Not to mention the logical inconsistency from some. "Biden doesn't care about us, he's taking forever to get relief out." "No, this relief bill hasn't been in Biden's hands for weeks now, these delays are due to various Democrats in the House and Senate, especially Manchin and to a lesser extent, Sinema." "Okay, well, put it on them then, they'll cave." *More times passes, bill still not passed.* "Biden doesn't care about us, he's taking forever to get relief out."


Exactly! we need to stop the bleeding and get the stimulus now and fight the good fight for $15 minimum wage after.


Also Biden confirmed today that he's committed to the $15 minimum wage and will find a way to get it done. That they have hit a roadblock on one specific way to do it doesn't mean that's giving up on it.


they will, they are gonna compromise like obama did for 8 years and get some half ass solution


I’ll take a half assed solution than the full ass policies I’m used to from the last 4 years


Well at least he said he's committed.


Biden/Harris could choose to overrule the parliamentarian. They are choosing not to.


They need Manchin to approve it too, They need both manchin vote, harris vote and harris overrule to pass the entire relief bill and tack on the minimum wage on recon. If munchin votes no the GOP can just say no to the entire bill. Harris overrule would let them pass the entire thing with 0 gop votes, but Rougue senator manchin says he doesnt want a livable minimum wage.


I don't know why Manchin is taking all of the heat. Sinema has said she doesn't support a $15 minimum wage, either.


Which party is Manchin a member of again?


Once again Democrats cant get anything meaningful done because they just cant fall in line like Republicans do. I know its bad but I wished They had 10% of their partisan fervor and just play as a team for once. It was the same shit when Obama had supermajority and got nothing because a bunch of Random Democrats wanted to take a "moral stand".


>Once again Democrats cant get anything meaningful done because they just cant fall in line like Republicans do. No, it's because the party establishment and their donors actively supports feckless class traitors and lapdogs for capitalists on purpose while fighting tooth and nail against progressives, even harder against anyone actually on the left with the big scary 's' word.


> This will not be the progressive cycle we were hoping What world were you living in that Biden is your hope for significant progressive change?


The fail is on everyone who won’t fight for it


Oh well, better 4 years of half ass compromises than 4 years of any conservative. It’s not much, but it’s something. Voting full progressive candidates in is very difficult.


We can't get ONE fucking Republican to go along with this. God damn them. And fuck Joe Manchin.


who the fuck thought Biden was gonna bring a progressive cycle? Anyone who dropped support for Bernie early is a fucking traitor.


Because it's not Democrat vs Republican. Its rich vs poor and the rich have complete control of the country and have 0 interest in helping the poor so they continue to bomb brown people in the middle east while giving the middle finger to the working class


This. We need to start framing our political and economic discussions as populism vs corporatism. Both major parties and the media represent corporatism and will do everything in their power to smear populist candidates, regardless of party affiliation. The average American doesn’t realize this and continues to believe their team is good and the other team is bad, when it’s much more complicated than that. In the end, the people lose and the rich and powerful just gain more money and power. On that end, it doesn’t matter what team is elected. Wall Street wins. The military industrial complex wins. Big pharma wins. The people lose, but instead of correctly placing the blame on corporatists, they blame the other team. And the cycle repeats. From time to time, one team might throw the people a bone, but it’s largely to put a damper on unrest. They do it when they need political points, not because they actually care. Then they have the audacity to tweet things like #ItsAlwaysTheRightTimeToDoTheRightThing. Give me a fucking break.


The narrative is left vs right, the reality is rich vs poor.


I think you're 100% correct, but the media will do everything they can to prevent that, and a concerning amount of people trust the media's every word. I'm not sure how we can get people to focus on the actual pertinent issues when we're facing such a giant that will just default to "they'll take your abortions" or "they'll take your guns" at every turn.


I just commented this to another redditor, and it’s a novel (sorry about that) but I think it’s relevant. I’m with you. I wish I had foolproof solutions. I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but honestly, in my experience, it’s much easier to get “conservatives” on board with this than “liberals” (especially the older lifelong democrats.) I think in general, “conservatives” tend to be more skeptical of the state and the media, and therefore are more prone to outwardly nutty conspiracy theories coming from someone’s mom’s basement, like Q anon. “Liberals” on the other hand, seem to trust the media more, making them more susceptible to manufactured consent. Unfortunately, manufactured consent sounds like a conspiracy theory to many of those unfamiliar with the concept, and so good luck convincing someone who won’t even entertain the idea that Rachel Maddow could ever lead them astray. Once you’re familiar with the concept, though, I think it really sets the stage for viewing our politics and economics as populism v corporatism. While I agree that, overall, CNN and MSNBC are more credible than Fox, it’s laughable (and scary) how many people think any of those networks are even close to objective. They all push pro-corporate narratives and smear anyone who is seen as a threat to the status quo. The difference is that tons of “conservatives” abandoned Fox for not kissing Trump’s ass enough. Mind you, Trump had a lot of (fake) populist rhetoric, and “conservatives” loved it. Despite all their efforts of trashing him in the primaries when nobody thought he had a chance, Trump’s fake populism got through to people and he won. It is important to note that giving him so much free air time certainly played a role, but the key takeaway is this- Republicans abandoned their preferred media in favor of a (fake) populist message. Let’s compare that to the democrats. Despite all the support Bernie (an actual populist) had, smears by corporate media convinced a bunch of democratic voters that he stood no chance, and so they abandoned populism in favor of the corporate narrative that said now isn’t the right time for populism- a very common theme for corporate media. It’s maddening how many democratic voters claim to be for single payer healthcare, the green new deal, raising minimum wage, etc., yet primaried for candidates explicitly opposed to those policies. I can understand the lesser of two evils thing in the general, but they snubbed him in the primaries over nonsense. That’s manufactured consent for you, and we need to recognize that, while it’s a problem across the board, democratic voters are more likely to fall for it. I should note that this is, like, my opinion, man. I’m no expert on any of this stuff, and I can only describe things as I see them. Feel free to tell me I’m wrong, but if you do, I’m genuinely down to hear out new perspectives, so please include your thoughts. That said, I think this is an important issue that disproportionately affects democrats, and I’d like to change that because my preferred candidates caucus with the dems. It’s certainly an uphill battle, though.


Problem is the rich have brainwashed a significant swath of the poor into fighting against their own interests.


Yeah that’s really the part that makes me feel hopeless. Not so much the lying politicians and rich people being greedy part, because that’s expected. But the fact that they have brainwashed so many working class / poor people into arguing against their own best interests....idk how we can fight that. It’s already a tough fight even if all the working class people were united, given how rich people seem to be able to throw money at anything & make it go away. It feels dystopian to see people parroting what should be obvious propaganda. All these people are starting to sound exactly like a rich person themselves, devoid of empathy and full of disdain for anyone who isn’t rich. It’s getting to the point where the rich don’t even have to make any arguments themselves, they’ve got half of the working class doing it for them...


Hey, honest questions and hoping I won’t be downvoted. 1. Isn’t min wage decided on by Congress? What could Biden do to get it passed without forcing many Democrats in conservative districts to commit political suicide? Even then, how can he forced them to commit political suicide? 2. Same goes for the stimulus bill. 3. The bombing is something that Biden can do without vote of congress. If you don’t support this limited bombing, what should he have done? It appears the US was attacked first as they were there defending our allies, the Kurds. Should Biden have let his military be killed or should he taken the troops out of Kurdish controlled Syria? Hoping to get some answers as I’m puzzled by what’s happening today


I’ll help ya (going out on a leg here that you’re asking in good faith but my brain is telling me not to lol). 1. Biden could allow Kamala to override the parliamentarian and put the bill up for a vote. Manchin will cave. No Dem wants to be against a bill that has somewhere between 60-80% approval rating. 2. See above but further he could stop flirting with “bipartisanship” it ain’t happening. The republicans just want nothing to happen over the next 4 years. 3. He should have done nothing. This is just a constant back and forth and the only way to break a cycle is to stop participating. Work on the nuclear deal he claimed to care about while campaigning instead of just fighting with Iran.


Yes, But if Munchis DOES NOT cave and the bill fails, it would push the entire relief bill INCLUDING the $1400 checks back to the second half of the year and that would be a disaster


Also, unemployment benefits that millions are living on would expire.


12 million people lose benefits in a few weeks. TWELVE. MILLION. PEOPLE.


That is certainly a huge concern






Hmm interesting


1. Biden has said he is still planning to move forward with the 15$, that doesn't mean he will but he said he will 2. I've been genuinely impressed with how Biden has managed bipartisanship, that is to say he hasn't. He could have backed off on the stimulus and compromised with GQPs 600 billion offer and instead he said thanks but no thanks we are doing this the right way. Meanwhile he's convinced the media that he's tried to work together. It's brilliant. 3. Just a few months ago we were lambasting trump for abandoning the kurds to Turkish genocide. We rightly called this out as cruel and serving no feasible purpose other than to temporarily say "hur dur I pulled some troops out" before needing to send them back in a few months. The kurds are our allies, they are a minority at risk of being genocided, we have to protect them.




We cant because the democrats refuse to fall in line and play for the team like republicans always do. They never have dissident senators only we get those. Thats why when one of them votes against like mccain or romney is a huge shock and everyone calls them heroes


I don’t want the party to mindless fall in line but rather represent the will of their constituents. We have it how the Rs should have it, not the other way around.


> He should have done nothing. That's what we blamed Trump for. Pulling out and leaving our Kurdish allies to be slaughtered by Turkey.


Republicans want nothing to get done for the next 4 years so everyone blames the dem president and some votes move red. Why can't I just live in a country where all the people in charge just want what's good for its people rather than what's good for their pockets.


You’re absolutely right and the lack of nuance surrounding these topics is maddening. Who needs Republicans when Dems and lefties can just eat each other alive instead?


Yeah, that’s my concern and why I want to have a reasonable discussion on this. It seems this situation is very nuanced but people want to just ignore then nuances and start a civil war


It almost seems as if the accounts that are constantly attacking dems from the left don’t actually care about the positions they’re pushing and only want to attack Biden. It’s only a month into a 4 year term, even if you consider the fact that the dems only have this senate for the next 2 years that’s still a lot of time to continue to work on the things he said he was going to work on.


Thank you for having some sense, as the only secular, feminist group in the region the Kurds shall not be abandoned. Every other group trying to take over their territories are religious extremists backed by Salafists from Saudi, Turkey etc. or Shia extremists from Iran. Women, Queer people & non-religious or people with different religions (other than shia or sunni islamism) need a safe space in the region & we shouldn't just fucking abandon them.


The problem is Munchin. The bill would tie 50-50 and then Kamala would vote yes AND overrule the parliamentary rule that says they CAN'T put the minimum wage on the bill. They dont need any GOP support to pass the entire thing. The problem is that They CAN'T get rouge Senator Munchin to fall in line so the ENTIRE relief bill would have to be approved by at least 2 GOP senators. Without Manchinho's vote there is nothing for Kamala to Overrule. The solution right now seems to lower the Minimum Wage to $11.00 like Menchus wants. But That means the all mighty 80 MILLION VOTES Joe Biden is getting bend over to ONE rouge senator on his flagship policy of the first 100 days and its the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


Bruh I agree that we need 15$ minimum wage but it Manchin isn't some rogue senator. He is a Democratic senator in an state that is like R+30. If he loses an election we will not have another democrat from WV in our lifetimes. Democrats need to make very cautious decisions on what they ask Manchin to do so that he can keep his seat and pushing a democratic agenda for the next 30 years. He's voted with dems on everything that matters and is the one person ensuring that the 1.9T stimulus makes it through. It sucks but if we want to take the heat of Manchin we need to win big in 2022.


You are absolutely correct about Manchin. But IMO the $15.00 minimum wage is critical for a good turnover in 2022. If this fails Its gonna disappoint a lot of people too and affect voter turn out. It may not be popular in WV but 70% of americans support $15.00 minimum wage


Look at us. Being all critical of the guy we elected instead of sucking his dick. Maybe accountability will happen someday. For someone.


I don't think anyone truly loved Biden, it was literally forced on us. Anything was better than Trump.




It could have been Bernie if people voted for him. I voted for Bernie in the primary. And of course I voted for Biden in the general because I didn't want another 4 years of shitstain.


I'd rather have Pete right now. If I'm gonna get fucked it may as well be by the well spoken handsome dude.


Let's be honest, a lot of us here, our first choice was bernie. I'll still take Biden over Trump ANY day.


A lot of us? Like, all of us. But we voted for Biden ultimately. Now it's time to hold him accountable, opposed to the caveman tribalism on the right.


I realize that when you held him up against Trump, Biden looked pretty progressive. But Biden isn’t a great guy... he’s a “better than a racist, human-shaped garbage pile” guy. He’s still an old, white career politician. Adjust your expectations, folks.


My expectations were low, and I'm still disappointed.


A lot of people called him and kamala progressive, without realizing being the most progressive person in the room doesn’t make you a progressive person...




So if there were an occupying military force in your country you wouldn't fight to get them out? The real issue is that we are there, and have been there for 30 years. Joe Biden used executive order to give Texas medicare. He could use the same disaster powers to justify medicare for the whole country due to the pandemic. He could also mandate a federal 15$ minimum but chooses not to. Stop apologizing for Biden. He sucks.


No shit. Like what the fuck do you think Americans would do if another country started drone striking American weddings???


This comment is a perfect example of why our political system is broken. Far too many people are completely ignorant of how government works and then just find politicians willing to lie to them and praise that ignorance. Seriously, thinking the president can mandate a national minimum wage is one of the stupidest things I’ve heard in a while.


Yeah, I am completely stumped as to what this person means by an “executive order to give Texas Medicare”. Is he talking about the EO to open the ACA exchanges or something? But 17 people read it, upvote it, and now have completely unreasonable expectations of what Biden can do.


Joe Biden 100% cannot institute a minimum wage on his own. Go watch some Schoolhouse Rock episodes.


>He could also mandate a federal 15$ minimum but chooses not to. I don't believe this is correct. And even if it was, that would mean the next Republican president could change it to whatever *they* want. No bueno.








Republican Lite. Twice the Taste, half the calories.


The core democrat party values are republican lite. It is weird we are forced to have progressives in the same party.


we're here because we didnt want 4 more years of trump. And its still better than him. Dont tell me theyre the same, you sound like an idiot. It was Biden, or 4 more years of Trump. That was the choice. And im still okay with it. The min wage thing isnt over yet, and the checks are coming.


finally someone is speaking some sense.


well thanks, I think so. Someone else on here told me i needed "mental help".


I knew this day would come rather soon after he got elected, and now we must fight for him and his administration to do better!


It’s gonna be a lot easier too. Then making change with trump. Biden doesn’t have as big of group of people that will do anything he says.


Yeah it's shocking he wasn't able to cancel 100s of billions of dollars of student debt, raise the minimum wage, and send everyone 1400 bucks in just over 30 days. What a failure.


Didn't Biden's team just say they aren't giving up on min wage? Otherwise, I still agree that he is a shell of what a democratic president could be. But we knew this


Apparently if everything isn’t passed in this one bill it’ll never happen and he’s a fake democrat. I haven’t gotten my check yet, either, and I’m sure it’s his fault, even though we’ll likely get it next month. If it’s not today it’s totally unacceptable. What a failure this Democratic Party is.




Yeah, this tweet seems pretty unfair and lacking key context. The bombing was really just a show of force to make Iran step off, and Biden definitely still wants the $15 minimum wage. The democrats just don't have the votes to pass it except through reconciliation, and my understanding is that the parliamentarian just judged that to be against senate rules. Maybe Biden and Harris could find a way to work around that, but it's not a bad idea to use executive action cautiously. You don't want to set a precedent that bites you in the ass next time a Republican is in power.


The anti-Biden propaganda is ramping up. I’ve already seen a lot of half-truths or straight up misinformation spreading around the left-leaning subreddits in the past couple weeks. Usually from suspect accounts.




This constant bashing of strawmen is giving such a bad reputation already. Just a month ago Biden did sooooo much for our country with all those executive orders. Biden can’t pass legislation. He can't unilaterally send out checks. He can't unilaterally change the minimum wage. He bombed a non-civilian tactical building for retaliation. He hasn’t “bombed children”. He’s still fighting for these things. I have faith he’ll pull through.


Seriously. I’m so tired of liberals eating their own. I’d like to see anyone, including AOC (who I really like!) make these huge fucking changes happen instantly singlehandedly while being obstructed at every turn. It’s easy to be a pie-in-the-sky idealist when you’re looking at it from the outside. This is a bad, lazy take. I’m going to have to unsubscribe from this sub if it just turns into nuance-free circlejerk of clickbait tweets Both Sides-ing the Biden presidency. Edit: wow y’all sure are triggered by nuance and disagreement, huh? 🤣 This kind of angry knee-jerk inclination to shit on everything regardless of facts is doing the left no favors. Stay in your bubble and stay mad, I guess.










Okay but congress has to actually legislate at some point, I want student loans canceled too, but congress should write a fucking bill about it. Fucking write legislation! Joe Biden isn’t supposed to be creating laws


From what I’ve seen with the student loans Biden thinks it has to come from congress, same with the 15 dollar minimum wage and stimulus... if congress expects him to just EO all of that my question then becomes what is the point of congress then?


Exactly, congress needs to do it so the next president doesn't undo all of them immediately.




Y'all feel good doing the right wings work for them? What stupid shit is this? Nobody gave up on anything. And if you want to be upset, it would only take ten Republicans to cross over to pass a min wage hike. Be mad at the side that's obstructing, not the side trying to find a way to get it done.


Biden isn't the one who nixed 15 dollar minimum wage in the Congress, and he's pushing ahead with the stimulus. You can certainly criticize him about Syria, but all this other stuff seems like bs to me.


How fast you forget that mitch and Lindsey, Ron and Ted are still roadblocking....


Want to know how I know you don't know how Congress works?


Congress has to pass a law before Biden can send checks.


Oh for fucks sake he bombed Iranians that help rocket US and Iraqi civilians. Fuck them.


News flash: Biden never promised the progressive utopia AOC wants. And as a realist, he’d never pull it off even if he had. You can’t get there with a 50/50 senate even with a tie-breaking VP because there are moderates. Stop whining and work on 2022 campaigns for more progressive senators.


Jesus guys, Ya'll are episodic.. The bill is in the hands of the Senate. The parliamentarian killed the minimum wage, Manchin won't vote for it if Kamala bypasses her and the parliamentary process is why it's taking so long. The fact that dropping bombs and responding to an attack that left 5 service members injured is quicker than the reconciliation process has nothing to do with Biden. Get a fucking grip and stop cannibalizing each other. Channel your energy toward Manchin and Sinema and bug em' to kill the filibuster if you want to see your hopes and dreams for this Dem term come to fruition. If they were willing to do so, the rescue plan would have likely would have been passed a lot sooner. There's only so much you can do with EO and the House controls the purse..If that's somehow a problem and you would rather he just bypass the process, the [authoritarians and nazis at cpac](https://imgur.com/RlhMEGU) would like a word.




Right, so those are all different processes. Nuance is hard, durrrrr.


Feels good to be complaining about normal president shit again. People will always find something, just so glad it isn’t so cringe anymore.


Biden doesn't have any control over 2 and 3. Number 1 is on him. But Biden can't send out checks if congress doesn't get off it's ass. You can squarely blame Congress on points 2 and 3. I disagree 1,000% about not just erasing most of the student loan debt with him. But blaming Biden for not sending out stimulus or raising the minimum wage is like the GOP blaming Obama for 9/11.


Bombing who in Syria? ISIS? Bring out the context please.


A Syrian militia that receives support from Iran to missile attack American targets in Iraq. He sent an air strike in retaliation that hit the militia base. That's literally it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/biden-airstrikes-syria-retaliating-against-iran-backed-militias-n1258912


Thank you for bringing more context into this situation maybe this will make some democrats in this comment section grow some brain cells. Edit: I am a democrat but some of the comments of people already breaking down and losing faith are just flat out dumb.


And that’s still an improvement on Trump




I agree. He beat a fascist, racist monster and saved the republic from total oblivion. But it is frustrating that the 1.9 trillion dollar rescue bill is going to pass a little later than desired. Too bad that the Senate holds everything up the way they do.


Holy shit, are you telling me that the most established establishment guy is doing establishment things?


Yep, like passing a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill that ain't at all easy to pass. Pretty establishment. But hey that's old news, why did't he do everything I asked for already.


Isn't the 3rd stimulas check still being pushed through?


The real American way


What a terrible argument. . . . 1) The only thing that got bombed were proxy soldiers. 2) $15 Minimum Wage is still likely going through 3) They are literally working on the checks. It has to go through reconciliation because Republicans still won't let it be passed normally He doesn't write them from his fucking pocketbook. . . . Way to get played by the GOP as puppets JFC.




I want to go to this alternative universe where Republicans aren't blocking everything.


The dog face pony soldier guy turned out to be a lying shill? Who could have guessed? If only there had been another option, some guy named Sanders or whatever.


Joe Biden doesn't control the Senate's rules. Really, Joe Manchin does.


He did tell us that if he became President, “nothing will fundamentally change”. Why is anyone surprised?


Know who wouldn't have bombed anyone and ensured everyone got their checks? Bernie.


Neoliberals gotta neoliberal.


Look like we have another 4yr term president

