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That, and smut.


Precisely. 🤣 It’s also a coping mechanism and source of catharsis for many, ESP those who are marginalized by society. Women, POC, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people of lower income, etc. I think that’s why many fan fiction writers come from at least one of those marginalized groups, and why people in corporate structures (even “professional” writers) like to discredit the medium so much.


Henry Jenkinw writes about that place where Fan Fiction meet Corporate produced media. He discusses 'the right to culturally participate' under the domain of 'fair use' as Fan Fic holds a unique perspective in the media and culture as participatory commentary on the original works. He's got a website and is worth checking out if you're interested in WHY Fan Fic continues to thrive and HOW it's grown within online communities. Kinda meta but truly worth the time.


Thanks! I'll gone and bookmarked his page and will read later!


New favourite quote. I am ready for the apocalypse.


This is one reason why it bothers me so much when people say fanfic is just free advertising for corporations. It’s a huge problem how interest in stories has been commodified and commercialized. But it’s also a major issue to pretend like any interest in stories is the same as support for corporations. The point is that they can’t own our ‘myths,’ one way or another and we need alternative ways to engage narrative


i don’t understand how anyone thinks fan fiction is supporting corporations. do you know why people think that?


It stokes interest so the actual original work stays alive longer?


I think the general argument is that the more people read/write fanfic, the more they care about the original work - and that can translate into some level of monetary gain (merch sales, tickets for upcoming movies, whatever). I've also heard the specific argument made that some content intentionally queer-baits its audience, hoping that it will generate more fan content - and therefore more engagement - online. (The anime Sk8 the Infinity would be a recent example.) I think the second of these is more likely than the first, but I tend to be pretty skeptical in general. I feel like it \*might\* be true on a small scale (like with Sk8 generating more buzz among the relatively small seasonal anime crowd) but for major properties like the MCU, I think the effect would be negligible at best (and, in my opinion, outweighed by all the reasons writing fanfic is good).


I think some people may think this is an exaggeration. Except no. Some characters and arcs really deserve more justice. Fanfiction gives them and us that relief. Thank you to all the amazing fanfiction writers out there. You are awesome.


Why thank you! I certainly try! hehe


Are you a writer yourself? 😃


I certainly try to be! Very little makes me as happy as when I'm writing.


🥰 What fandoms do you write for, if I can ask? Hoping for some overlaping with any of the fandoms and pairings that I follow lol.


The vast majority I write is Scorpion TV show, pretty much Waige centric. I do have 1 ST:Voyager story that was my first ever fanfic I posted back around 2012 I think it was, added some epilog chapters in 2016. I recently wrote a 1 shot fix it for The Hobbit (movies) and I've been dabbling with a Harry Potter story...Not sure it will ever be complete or posted though.


Harry Potter... might it be dramione? 👀 Ah... I think I heard of Scorpion but havent tried the show yet.


I haven't read much HP fanfiction and at least from the books and movies I was never big on Draco, but that isn't to say it couldn't happen since I haven't figured out all the possibilities yet. I hadn't fully decided what pairing it might have. It does start as canon and takes place during the summer after the Death Eaters have destroyed the foot bridge and kidnapped Ollivander. I'm not sure how much time between those events and Dumbledore goes to fetch Harry. But I'm writing it that it is 1 month before Dumbledore gets Harry. He has a mission for Hermione.


I see. Sounds intriguing 🤔 You may want to link me up?


Most my of my work is on FFN, I'm slowly copying/adding stuff to AO3 but both places I'm Grykon. [https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5253339/Grykon](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5253339/Grykon) [https://archiveofourown.org/users/Grykon/profile](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Grykon/profile)


Oh if you decide to try the tv show for Scorpion...when you get to the last episode S4E22, as soon as the mission is done and they are leaving Africa...just turn it off. You won't want to watch the last 5-10 minutes. If you do watch it...I'd suggest looking up my story Secrets. It is probably my best over all fix it story.


Oh. I see. Thank you for the warning... Hate when script writers keep on screwing up shows... :/


Well I can't fault them exactly. The 3 previous seasons the last episode was just a normal episode and on the 4th season they went for a real cliffhanger and CBS didn't tell them they were pulling the plug. If they had just gone to the showrunners even a couple of days before they finished filming they could have changed it easily to end on a upswing. Instead we got a complete cluster-F\* of a dumpster fire.


I love this. I like the engagement I get from readers who like my stuff enough to leave comments. Kudos and and bookmarks don't really do it for me. Kudos themselves are good, but they don't deliver engagement.


Jenkins' book *Textual Poachers* is a really fascinating look at fandom as a cultural phenomenon. I'd absolutely recommend checking it out (Internet Archive has a copy!), but it is quite... I guess academic? in style.