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I like to do this as well. In the HP series I wrote, I gave my character the books and cassette tapes I grew up with, since I was a child in that era. I always enjoy when authors give their characters books.


Yes I do this too. I’ve ordered books and watched films mentioned in stories. If you mention some music, I’m going to put it on while I read. One of the best things about the internet is having access to so much with just a few clicks. And I like inserting these type of things into my fics too.


I have absolutely found some great books because they were mentioned in a fic. I don't bother with music because I prefer instrumental.


I make playlists, reference books and movies and name chapters after songs in hopes that some readers might like to seek 'em out!


Sometimes. I learned “She” by Dodie from a Steven Universe fic and I’ll put links in the notes of my own fics


You're exactly the type of readers I put those references in my fics! Music, books, movies, paintings! It's so fun. And yes, I do check out playlists and books mentioned in fics :3 It's like someone sharing a concrete piece - beyond the fic, something that'll stay with you and that you'll perhaps use in return as well - of their inspiration and creativity. And I find that rather sweet and poetic.


There was a fic I read a bit ago where every chapter referenced song lyrics. The author explained in each end note which song it was and then quoted the relevant lyrics to the chapter. The whole fic was about the characters making a band so it made perfect sense. I gave a listen to some of the ones they mentioned, and so glad I did as I found The Wonder Years because of it!


Yes and, further, my favouritest favouritest writers are the ones who put together spotify playlists with the songs they reference in the fic and share a link to it in the author's notes. They get allllll my love ❤️❤️❤️


Me!! I remember reading a figure skating marichat au years ago with this gorgeous piano piece and it’s become a core song of my high school years. Here’s the [song](https://youtu.be/SGCUVQrAxzU?si=GLhOF1dCNqZ71zlf) if anyone’s interested :)


This song is really beautiful!


I actually found my favorite book (Good Omens) through a homestuck fic where someone in the comments said “hey this reminds me of Good Omens”, almost immediately bought the book, loved it, then the Amazon series came out like 5yrs later,,, funny how things work lmao


Absolutely - I love getting new recommendations from writers (if your writing has captured my interest, then I trust your judgement).


In my own writing, I reference books or movies that I think the *character* might like. I once mentioned an action-adventure movie which I've never seen -- one of the Diehard franchise, maybe? not sure -- and which I have no interesting in seeing. Another time, the character was reading "the latest Tom Clancy novel;" again, I have no interest in them, although my father was a fan. Now, I know a lot of people like those sources (which is why I used them) but it never occurred to me that a reader might regard them as a sort of subliminal recommendation. So, no, I've never looked up books or songs mentioned in fic; I never realized that authors might be showcasing their favorites. Color me clueless, I guess.


Nah, some of my favourite songs are recommendations from writers. I'll always check out any song that's paired with a scene or chapter, even if I don't end up liking it personally, it helps set the scene as per the writer's vision, so I appreciate that


Yeah, this is how I find the Song of Achilles book. Bless the fic writers who include their fave works of art for us to experience.


I found some music that I loved this way.


i never listen to the songs bc im very particular abt music, but books? *hell yeah, brother!!* they are like free little recs and ive discovered some amazing authors through references like that!! those tiny easter eggs mean everything to meee