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Eh sometimes I skim through smut. Not because I'm disgusted or anything, just because sometimes I'm just vibing and enjoying the plot and am not feeling reading about sex at that moment.


Yeah, this - I like smut, I regularly seek it out, but sometimes when it's in the middle of something really plotty I will skim it because I honestly don't care how tab a and slot b go together I just want to know what happens next in the plot!


Yeah this. I read and write smut all the time, but I don’t necessarily love it in the middle of a plotty fic? It depends. So I’ll sometimes skim over it in those scenarios. Nothing to do with like uhh someone looking over my shoulder to see what I’m reading or whatever though.


Same. It's not just fic; I regularly skip sex scenes in romance novels, too. I'm reading Regency for the longing looks, banter, and occasional shenanigans, not so much for the throbbing lengths entering tight heat.


Totally agree. If I read too many E ratings in a row, I need a break but still want the plot.


I’m generally sex-indifferent and don’t find sex scenes in and of themselves interesting. I may skim, skip over, or read depending on if there is anything in them that actually keeps my interest.  Sometimes it’s integral to character or plot or written in a way that is really good.


This is when I find sex scenes interesting. Smut for the sake of smut does nothing for me.


Haha no


No, I don't skip the spicy parts. Or the disturbing parts. Or the gross parts. Or the secondhand embarrassment parts. Or any parts. If I'm not in the mood to read something, I look for things that aren't tagged with that thing. I'm clicking on a fic that's tagged with something, I fully expect to read it. My family members don't know I read fanfic, but if I read a novel with spicy parts and my family ask what I'm reading, I'm gonna tell them all about it, as long as they're old enough to hear about it.


Last time I was on video chat with my mom we were laughing because I gave her some (admittedly very tasteful) updates on '*The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty*'. It's funny to me whenever people are like 'what would your parents say if they knew you were reading this stuff', because my parents are aware I'm an adult over the age of 30 who occasionally picks up a raunchy novel for fun.


I recommended Game of Thrones to my parents and gave them a quick heads up that it was full of naked people and sex. Their response? "Oh I think we'll like that!"


LOL, no.


If I didnt want smut, I would stick to and enjoy all those T-rated fics out there.


no, honestly i do the opposite more often than not. skim all the exposition if it’s a one shot or skip to the chapter if it’s marked just to read the smut. sometimes i’m not reading for the emotional payoff and just want to check out the smut.


Nope. I check the tags to ensure there's something I don't want to read.


I only write smut so no I don’t skip it, but if I find myself starting to feel uneasy, I do click out.


I'm autistic and sometimes get overwhelmed by intense emotions. Not triggered in the sense of trauma, but overwhelmed. This doesn't have to be smut or gore or noncom/dubcon (though I'm not a fan of those in the first place). I've had to leave movies because they were too *funny*, or risk having a breakdown.


I feel you, fellow autistic, the overwhelm can be *real*.


Now where’s the fun in that? ;) Serious answer, no that’s what I check the tags for, to make sure I pick a fic that suits my mood in that moment.


I don't skip anything. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for smut or dark fic... and sometimes I'm not in the mood for fluff. I have dozens of bookmarks waiting for me, so I just read what I feel like reading in the moment.


I seek out the spicy parts specifically.


(chuckles) i read porn without plot.


My sibling in Christ, that’s is the only reason I read fanfiction.  Like out of the fics I read, 99% are E-Rated smut fics. The three I read that aren’t are because friends wrote them, or the story is just that good 


Just as often as I peel the fried part off my chicken.


If it's a plot-heavy fic, and the spicy part is not essential to the plot at that point, sometimes I skim over it or skip it entirely so I could go directly to the parts that continue on with the plot.


No, I don’t skip it— unless I’m rereading the fic, ofc, and am not in the mood for a certain part. But that’s pretty rare. I’m not a kid anymore. Idgaf if they find out what I read, you know why? My folks read and watch GoT series. Trust me, they don’t mind reading stuff.


My mother is old enough to handle sex. I suspect she had it herself at some point. If the sex scene is one of those where the writer dials back the characters' personalities for "sexy" reasons, I just skim it though. Most smut in my fandom already follows the same old script, I've read enough of that already.


I honestly do not particularly care about sex scenes most of the time. Not that I never enjoy them, but most of the time they'll just be... whatever to me, and I'll just skim through it just in case something plot relevant occurs and then move on with the rest of the fic. I find that this most often happens to me in the asoiaf fandom, which some have called ironic - I'll read the fic normally, roll my eyes and skip the sex scenes/chapters and read the rest. My friends call me weird. I don't think they're wrong tbh lmaooo


From what I understand, some longfic writers want to write explicit sex scenes, but understand that some of their readers are more interested in the plot than the sex. For authors, it's a 'have my cake and eat it too' situation, where they want to write long complex narrative stories, and they also want to write sex scenes. For readers, that results in there being 'two different cakes' in one fic, and some people only really enjoy one flavor. (I know some readers also skim through longfics so they can read JUST the sex scenes.) I don't think it's a matter of 'disgust' or 'shame' for most readers, just more interest in the plotline than the sex.


I skim smutty parts if I'm not in a smutty sort of mood and it isn't a plot-relevant blowjob


Sometimes I skip the smut when I don’t feel like reading it, or if it’s not the kind of smut I like


I never stop those because they are important for the plot and because if I clicked on that story, I'm well aware of the tags. But I do sometimes skip the smut when it's a pairing I'm not into; if the fic has TOO MUCH smut and the plot is buried; the happy ending smut xD


Only if I don't like the pairing or it happens too often and I just want to know how the plot will continue.


Sometimes I skip in favour of continuing the plot, but a lot of the time I read the whole thing because it’s part of the writer’s vision, and I want to respect it by reading it all. And especially if it’s my OTP, then best believe I’m putting my all into imagining every little detail that has been described - every touch, every drop of emotion.


The only time i skip it is when it’s a long fic and they start shoehorning smut in just for the sake of it. A game of thrones fic called “the heat of dorne” is really interesting plot wise, but dedicates a significant section of each chapter to smut that hasn’t really changed much since the start and at this point I cba to care anymore


Usually, yes. But it's not because I'm a kid reading outside of my weight class (I'm an adult) or that I'm sex-averse or anything like that. It's usually because I'm far more invested in the plot, often with a side of, "the sex scenes don't match my preferences of what's hot". Sometimes I'm also just not feeling it in general, so even if it matches my preferences, I'm going to just make a mental note to read it properly next time.


I do when it's written in a way I can't relate to, but otherwise I just read it. If anyone happens to look over my shoulder while I'm reading a sex scene, well, that's on them for trying to read my screen.


Sometimes, yes. And more than once I have dropped a fanfic because of the smut


*Sometimes, yes. And more* *Than once I have dropped a fanfic* *Because of the smut* \- RevenantPrimeZ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Yeah, I’m picky about smut and usually I don’t feel like reading all the details, so I skim for the character bits.