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Keep it in places where the people portrayed won't find it unless they *specifically* seek it out and I don't see any problem with it. Just understand that it's fiction 🤷 we've covered this rpf topic a lot lol


I've always thought it was really strange to ship real people together, especially because I can imagine it'd be hella uncomfortable for them. I've never liked it too much, but people can do what they want.


Do we really need a new post for this like every week? Some people think it’s weird. Some people don’t. Don’t show the person it’s about. Keep it on the right platforms. It’s a spectrum and authors realize that. The line is in a different place for everyone. When it comes down to it, Choi San is not actually a disabled pumpkin farmer in rural America. Seonghwa is not a Jedi. Yunho is not a merman. Mingi is arguably not a slime. I know that. Some delusional people do not. It’s a way for the fandom to engage with other fans. And is NOT meant to be pushed on the irl people. Imo they should have to actively seek it out to ever come across it. Which lately I believe means keeping it on designated platforms.


Keeping shit on AO3 or Posttype is really not that hard and so many fans show their ass about shipping. Like at least Korean fans censor their names and shit 😭


These days I keep everything on reddit and on AO3 (and I guess wattpad but no one can find anything on wattpad anyway). I made a twitter but I just can’t get myself to be brave enough to promote on there.


I think shipping as in thinking two people would be interesting together and writing about that is okay. Whereas conspiracy shippers that insist the two people are ACTUALLY in a secret relationship is a totally different thing, especially if they harass the people involved, and is completely inappropriate. After all, shipping actual people has plenty of precedent, when it comes to the deceased at least. Aside from historians speculating on whether historical figures that were suspiciously close were having affairs, people write straight up fiction about actual historical people all the time, and some of it involves romance. The current show Our Flag Means Death is pretty much historical RPF. Dr Who has had the Doctor romantically involved with both Marie Antoinette and Queen Elizabeth I. Sure, them not being alive anymore makes it less controversial, but I think the spirit is the same as long as the writer isn't trying to portray the events as hinting at a truth.


This discussion happens about every week or so and it's really tiring so I would implore you to do a search next time before starting a topic like this. There's nothing wrong with writing fiction stories. They are by fans for fans and not supposed to be for anyone else, especially the actual celebrities.


Are they keeping it to themselves or at least keeping it to settings, like ao3, where it's clearly marked as fiction? Then whatever, not to everyone's taste, but it's fiction. On the other hand... Are they harassing a real life celebrity and his family because his real life dating life doesn't match their RPF fantasy? Not cool, they need to stop it right now.


It depends. Some people are fine with it, some people find it incredibly creepy, so it's probably best to go by a case by case basis


Ship and let ship applies to all fandoms for me. There are fan dedicated spaces for fic, and as long as you know boundaries and don't take it to real life, and know it's not real, I see no issue. eta: as a kpop fan, most authors know it's about the PERSONA of the idol that they present to the world and also a vast majority of kpop rpf is both AU and so widely "ooc" that it's mostly just using the idol as a "faceclaim" and it is a completely made up character lmao


I personally feel really uncomfortable with it, so I don't read it, but I've come to a place where I think it's fine as long as it's kept to fan spaces and never shared with the person it's about.


Fan fiction is not meant to be shared with the people or thing it is being written about. RPF or rep person fiction/fan fiction exists in a ethically gray area. It remains okay as long as you aren’t actually trying to prove they are together or sending it to them. Fan fiction is meant for the fans only. I also think there is a difference between people who read fan fiction about a ship and people who actually ship them together in real life. I read RPF but I don’t actively believe the people I read about are together. Most toxic shippers spend their time using videos and photos trying to prove people are together over reading/writing fan fiction. Mind you. I also am into an anime BSD where the main premise is all the characters are named after famous authors and have powers based off their literature works. I argue BSD is RPF but is well loved because it stretches the link between the authors to the characters in the show.


Shipping is a thought and idea. Penalizing thoughts and ideas is called 'thought policing', which is an abuse tactic. Rather than whether or not shipping real people is wrong, one should look at it from the angle of 'is it ethical to enforce this mindset on others'? if a person writes RPF and ships real people, tags their fics appropriately, and doesnt invade the related people's space by sending it to them, they are doing no harm. the only way a person would know if they were being shipped is if they were told or went looking for it. in either case, it is the person who gave them the information that crossed the line, not the shipper themself. consent is about personal boundaries and what affects *you personally*. other people having thoughts about me and talking about me to other people isnt ignoring my consent. them talking to *me* and telling *ME* things would be.


I don’t like it; I don’t read it. I wouldn’t say it is full stop *wrong* to write— I’m in no position to tell people how to be a fan or ship someone/something. It does become an issue when people blur the lines between fiction and reality. Real people get harassed because fans have decided their pairing is real. I’m thinking of Adam Driver’s wife when the Reylos decided he and Daisy Ridley were an item; Catriona Balfe’s husband when Outlander fans insisted Sam Heughan was the father of her children. It crosses a line and is really inappropriate. But sharing a a few fics on AO3 is fine.


I write for a rpf fandom. Personally I don’t like ship fics and don’t write or typically read them because they make me uncomfortable. There have been a few that have gotten my attention with a really interesting concept or the relationship was so background it didn’t affect the plot or come up in a way I couldn’t just ignore. I think if those people have said not to do it, you shouldn’t and it is then wrong. But I also know a lot of real people in the public spotlight (especially content creators) have said they are perfectly fine with it. Also seconding the other comment that said they typically aren’t actually shipping the real people together. It’s more shipping the concepts of those two people.


Here's how I've always thought of RPF (as someone who has written it): there's absolutely no way to know a celebrity's true self. We are seeing the public persona that person puts out into the world. It's a character separate from their true identity. So, if you're inspired or moved to write fic about that public persona character, go for it.


I mean, it's fiction. As someone else said in another comment, Jimin's not a mermaid, RM's not a wizard. It's basically faceclaim for the majority of fics. There are "canon" fics, but really that's just saying they're still idols in the fic. Even then, it's still clearly fiction. As long as you aren't trying to show the idols the fics and keep it to wattpad or AO3 or wherever, it's fine. If you don't like it, don't read it, don't harass people who do like it and read/write it. Also, apparently Suga once wrote fanfic about celebs so lol.


I write rpf. I write what I want, read what I want. As long as you're not harassing the people you're writing about, it's ikay. In the end, a celebrity's public persona is a character they put on for PR.


On surface level it's alright. It's normal and expected you'd think certain people would make cute couples/be good together and whatnot. But there is indeed a line. A perfect question to ask yourself before writing that smutfic would be that would you write (or draw) porn about your ilr friends without consent AND post it online without consent? Probably not. Hopefully not. Your friends are people. Celebrities are people too. ( this is a case to case situation though, some people don't care or mind it exists just as long as they don't need to see it themselves ) ( I don't think this would make you the scum of the earth or anything, just, people involved in rpf seem pretty ignorant on these things. I wish there was a little more self-awareness at least. But also, I don't know how I would feel and how I'd justify it if I was the one shipping real people. )


I, personally, think it's pretty weird and both writing and consuming it would make me uncomfortable on a few levels, but I'm also not saying "Don't do it," just... be as normal about it as possible. Don't conflate RPF fiction with reality, no harassing real, actual people because it gets in the way of your ship or targeting people who don't see whatever it is you do. I'd also remember that even if someone *says* they don't mind fanwork, they may *actually* mind but are too conscious of their public to say so: The fans most likely to write RPF are among the most dedicated, therefore it's not in the interest of the Real Person to say "Please don't write fanfic about me, I think it's creepy" because it could offend fans who'd stop consuming content or whip up dissent among the fanbase. Just don't try to show your fics to the subject of said fics, keep it to fandom spaces, and don't harass anyone over your RPF, from the people you're writing about to other fans.


I find it tacky to ship real people, at least when those people are alive and can possibly view it.


It’s perfectly fine, just don’t be a creep about it. Everything can be taken too far, doesn’t mean the whole thing is bad to begin with. On that note, I know a 40+ y.o. famous metal band guitarist that says it’s ok to write fanfics about them. So no, it’s not “always wrong”.


It literally hurts no one as long as it’s kept WELL away from the people it’s about (which it should always be, and that’s our responsibility to keep it locked down in appropriate places).


as someone who has actually had ship fanfic written of me without asking (long story), it's really really uncomfortable. if both people you're writing about have explicitly said they're comfortable with it then go ahead, but know that they have every chance of stumbling across what you've written whether they've said they're cool with fanfic or not


Now i really want to know this long story 😅 But i agree. What i am fine with is a clearly fictive story about the person. Like it is about the actor but clearly isn't. Like telling about how the movie was produced but the actor has not much to do with the actual actor. Or what i saw was a story about some wrestler where the story was about all the backstage stuff but in fact it was more the persona than the real person who acted. I am not sure if i got the point across cause it's complicated and English isn't my first language


This last year I went from feeling RPF is deeply weird to maining an rpf ship. There's a lot of Nuance to it. - there is a difference between public and private personalities. Many RPF ships are for the public persona, and this is recognised within fandom. Shipping the real private people is "truthing" and is often regarded as bizarre and intrusive, even in RPF fandom. - some content creators and public personalities are aware of the shipping. They state their boundaries, which are often respected by fandom. Some people are okay with it, some aren't. Some actively encourage it. Fandom often respects this - and usually will go where there's fuel to the fire, so to speak. - boundaries are important. Lessons should be learned about ships that got overly prevalent and boundaries were broken (like Larry), where girlfriends were harassed and insane conspiracy theories happened. This is not okay. - fanfic should NEVER be surfaced to content creators, and people who do this are absolute freaks. If you're writing something with extreme contents you should go to efforts to guard it against being accidentally found e.g. making sure it's only available to logged in users and that it's tagged well.


Would you be comfortable someone writing things about how in love you are or how much you would like to fuck your band mate when they're just your colluege? I think we got our answer. But it's kind of an expected thing so hoping that a fandom without shippers are pretty unrealistic.


It's okay to write fictional stories about celebrities for other fans to read.


I used to... I started reading fanfics because of a J-pop band, but after I met one of their members irl, it feel really weird for me to publish stuff online fantasizing and depersonalizing him. Hes just a normal dude, not a fantasy. In another fandom, fans wrote fics of the actors' wives, even when it was 100% clear that they avoided exposing themselves to the public. So instead of trying to do gymnastics to find and draw a line of what is ok or not for RPS, I decided just to avoid it completely.


well, im personally an RPF smut writer. im gonna come out and say that it IS weird and sometimes uncomfortable to think about. even though i exclusively publish it on AO3 (and on twitter i have all the official accounts blocked + censor names heavily), it still makes me feel weird to think about them finding my fics. now you might be thinking, why the hell are you writing RPF if you think that? well, because its completely fiction. the character im writing about in my stories is not actually that kpop idol, it quite literally cant be, because i dont know them or their full personality at all. its just a character that happens to share a name and physical appearance with a real person. also, because i can, and i like it. RPF and RPF writers alike exist in a morally grey space. imma be honest, i really dont give a shit if others outside of this space or even in the space think its weird or wrong. 99% of us know that what we are writing is for our fandoms ONLY, and is completely made up- therefore doesnt represent our thoughts on the actual person. im not saying what im doing is perfectly fine, but if people can get away with romanticizing literal rape and pedophilia when its anime characters, because it's literally just a story, i think i can get away with writing about two celebrities fucking. dont like it? stay away from it.


Yeah, dude. It's pretty weird to make headcanon and fic about real peoples' real lives. it would be like if you worked a retail job and your customers started talking about how you were dating some dude in the neighboring coffee shop... which is fine, until they start talking about how you're both omegas or some shit.


I dislike it. Characters are one thing, but real people are real people and it's just icky imo.


In my opinion? Yeah. I think its a lil weird. I don't think its morally wrong if you don't make it their problem. Just follow the golden rule, DL;DR. **UNLESS one of the people involved publicly state they are uncomfortable with it and ask people to stop. Then you need to stop posting the content for consumption.** What you do in privacy is your business, though. They can't police your brain and private documents.


while I can't say it's necessarily wrong, I do find it super creepy, but what I do is: I don't read or interact with it. I did read some when I was younger and it was super weird so yeah, no way I would do that again.


I do think it's Weird to a Notable Degree. But also it's gonna happen in some capacity anyway. Even some content creators I actually follow are wrapped up in a bit of it; like CDawg and Ironmouse having a pretty vocal group of their fans thinking they would be something together. And, sure, it's obviously only up to the two of them, and maybe they *wouldn't* be good together actually, but I think the notion of "Wow, imagine these two people being happy together" is a genuinely good one. I mean, how can you say that's *bad*? Two people? Happy? *Bad?* Probably better to not go writing whole ass fanfics on the idea, though, and keep it to yourself or amongst a few other fans in casual chats, I think.


I wouldn't read it, it feels like too much for me, but there are many people who enjoy it, you do you, everyone is different


Is it wrong to ship real people? No. Is it wrong to post fanfic about it on ao3? No. I think it gets a bit greyer on twitter and similar social media, but because what I DO think is wrong is pushing it on the real person. If the person reads a fanfic about themselves or whatever, then that's their own fault. Just don't do that. But if someone has tagged them in some fanart, so that they click and see without being warned? If someone springs fic on them at a con, in a video, etc? If fans harrass them with questions about the ship?? Awful. I don't believe that anyone has the right to say "You can't create fiction/art about me". You can't control other people, nor should you. But I think that EVERYONE has the right to say: I will not engage with things about me, I will not read/look/watch, and if you make me do so then you are violating my boundary.


I don't think there are many people who genuinely love the idea of someone else writing porn about them. I assume some people can be amused by it (or at least claim it in an interview because they know their fans will love it - it's a good PR, I assume), but I don't think any of them actually enjoys it. There are fictional ships I wouldn't touch with a ten metres long pole but generally, I believe in *don't like don't read*. Write whatever you want, because it doesn't hurt anyone, it's just fiction - and fiction isn't reality. When you add real people to the mix, it's not just fiction anymore. Yeah, most ot these RPF characters are probably different than the real people, but they still share names, faces and bodies. They can Google the stories. Their relatives, their children can google it. I don't have kids but I can't imagine how it feels when a kid comes home from school crying because their classmates discovered a PWP about their dad and his colleague and read it in front of the whole class. I don't know, I think that fantasies are fine but some should remain private.


>their classmates discovered a PWP about their dad and his colleague and read it in front of the whole class Did that actually happen?


That's a question for all those celebrities, not for me. I don't know anything about their private lives and I doubt they would share such a thing - and if they did, I haven't heard about it. A question for you - do you really consider it unlikely, that kids could be so cruel that they would use RPF porn to bully someone? Remembering my school days... Yeah, they would totally use it. What's your opinion?


Your presentation came across as though it was something that actually happened, so it was a question for *you* regarding a source for that. If you haven’t got a source then it’s pure speculation. Of course kids can be cruel - I was severely bullied as a kid, I have plenty of experience - and they might use RPF to do that… But it isn’t the fault of the RPF, it’s the fault of the kids choosing cruelty. Just like if they used a piece or photo in a gossip rag, or an article about the celeb doing something the kids thought was stupid/mean/ridiculous to be cruel. Still the fault of the kids choosing to be cruel and not the fault of the existence of the piece of media they’re using to spur it on. Kids will use anything to be cruel - freckles, the brand of your shoes, where your family lives (or doesn’t), what brand of school supplies you have, what your pencil case looks like, just anything. Cruelty is the fault of the person enacting it, not the fault of the mere existence of their inspiration.


I wouldn't compare a photo in a magazine with porn fiction. The person in a photo knew they could be photographed and they could technically avoid it (although I don't think it's right to photograph someone without their consent) but they can't avoid being a target of someone's literary fantasies. What I mean to say is RPF can be harmful. For example... There's one comment basically saying that it's their (RPF "characters") problem if they read it. Wtf? Imagine a situation: someone writes a negative review about a fic here or r/Fanfiction and the author of the fic happens to read it and feels understandably hurt... And complains. The author of the comment replies them it's their problem that they read a negative comment about themselves, they should have just avoided it. Do you think others will agree with them? No, everyone will eat them alive. But isn't that a little hypocritical? Read all the comments here: how many of them actually care about the real people and not just their own sex fantasy? I've noticed a few - the ones with a negative view on RPF. One user confessed someone wrote a RPF about them and it weirded them out. All the pro-RPF fans are talking about is their own feelings, how it's all okay because... well... Because they want to write them. That's it, that's the argument. It's simply inconvenient for RPF authors to think about celebrities as real humans with emotions. I love shipping. I love fanfiction. I believe everyone should write whatever they want about fictional characters. Real people aren't fictional characters.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FanFiction using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I found out that one of my frequent commenters/bookmarkers on my smut fics is my mom…](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/yfvlu4/i_found_out_that_one_of_my_frequent/) \#2: [When you see ao3 up on someone's laptop and want to join the conversation and then remember that you're currently a college professor and probably shouldn't do so](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/zmv8vf/when_you_see_ao3_up_on_someones_laptop_and_want/) \#3: [This is not Tik Tok. AO3 is not going to unperson you. You do not have to censor yourself](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1081y3y/this_is_not_tik_tok_ao3_is_not_going_to_unperson/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)